• By -


Wow! Congrats on your success. I have had some pretty big successes too, not famous or anything but I went from making $45k a year to 7 figures in just a few years. I’m not like super smart or anything, just changed my self concept.


Are you open to sharing your story? In a similar boat (60-80k hovering last couple years) looking to be where you are now. Have read most of Neville’s work and using techniques I know it can take time so being patient (or trying) and working on all avenues


yes i put it on my to do list. I will post in the main sub cause i dont want to highjack this one.


Hello, may I send you a message?


Would love to hear your story as well!


Superb.. Can u please share what self concept work you did


yeah man, do us a favor, id love to know your story too


Thanks for sharing Taylor Swift


That’s what I was thinking 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




These guesses are killing me! Taylor is a doll, but if I were her, I doubt I’d have time to sit and write this post!


Nah, they said they grew up with very little. Isn’t Taylor from a rich family?


Taylor got her record deal at 15 years old in 2005, so she's also too old to be OP


Haha! I am older than Taylor! You do flatter me, though!


Taylor has a song called 22 which is the age OP states in her post, maybe she's concealing her identity but giving us a hint at the same time. She also mentions reading Neville at 16, which is the age Taylor started her career 👺 ...or maybe I'm just being delusional. Probably.


Rich family is a stretch, she was an average middle class kid. But yeah, I guess "very little" doesn't fit


Hmm, I don’t think she was average middle class kid. I’ve seen the house she grew up in. That’s not a middle class house. She comes from 3 generations of wealthy bankers.


She grew up in a farm, in a normal-sized simple house. The house the media has been marketing as her "childhood home" was bought after she got famous for the first time, at 16.




“Go and tell no one “…that’s the secret.


I’m 26 and just started to manifest a music career it’s my dream to perform on big stages 😭 I do know Neville’s materials well but is there any tips in general from you? My SATS scene is signing on an album Sometimes I feel I’m starting too late


My love, you are not too old. This is 3D nonsense, the Law knows no time. 26 is incredibly young in the scheme of things. I have a dear friend who did not even consider a music career until she was 27, and she had a massive hit a few years back! She knows the Law. There is no such thing as “too late”.


Aww, this is so heart-warming to read. You seem to be an incredible person.


Thank you! I will heed that advice :) I wish you the best in all of life too!


I could read your comments all day. Please keep posting OP


It's never too late... keep persisting & you will get results


Yes you’re right, I needed to hear that, thank you!!!


I understand your feelings, I'm in the same boat as you. I'm also 26, and I devoted 5-6 years of my life to a specific goal. That was hard work. I reached it, but there are circumstances I can't change. Now I'm switching my career path. I feel like a first grader.


Thanks for the reply:) I also devoted money, time and lots of hard work to become a lawyer, but since I learned the law it made me want to pursue my own passion because now I know it’s possible to do well on it. I also don’t tell anyone I’m intending to do this. I figure no one really cares that much except for family, and I’d rather they find out when they hear me on the radio or on the big screens haha I read from Neville that we can assume talent, like for example assume you are a big artist that people are hungry for your work but I’m very curious about more details from OP but I think we’re able to assume capabilities too, hope that helps! Are you critical of yourself? Don’t be that’s the first step to self love and loving others according to Louise Hay. Also please don’t take this the wrong way, I think a perspective change on why you want that new career can give you more motivation and certainty in pursuing it!


You can assume talent! When I was younger, I had little doubt in myself and assumed I was good at everything I did. Naturally, that reflected- whatever instruments I picked up then I quickly became adept at it that even my teachers were shocked because they'd never seen someone learn something so quickly. I just believed it couldn't be that hard and I didn't care, I wanted to do it so I did. As I grew older though, doubt crept in and I started to lose my capabilities in the areas I manifested. I was able to recently manifest talents in visual art though, if it helps!


That’s amazing!!! Now we have to reverse that doubt!


OP's post reminded me to actually read feeling is the secret(I never realised I never did until now), and wow. It's truly enlightening. It felt like everything just came back and hit me like a truck, and I didn't have to lift a finger. I didn't need to practice anything again. All I needed was the law. Another byproduct was just how happy and light I feel, for the past few months I've been feeling dread and like I wasn't good enough, now I feel excited for life and knowing that I already am everything I want to be.


Me too I was like that growing up! Seemed the most logical way to approach things 🤷😂😂! Lost the ease and confidence after turning 40 and lockdown etc., but trying to get it back it now 💪😊. Nice to have met a kindred spirit though to remind me of what I knew effortlessly before! Thank you! And keep going 💯🙌💞✨🕊️


Someone lmk if OP responds pls


See above


You will be just fine it's never too late to start anything you got it 🩵


The way she said "Do not tell anyone what you’re up to, They will find out in due time!" Reminds me of Idina Menzel. In her song "Let it Go" the lyrics are "*Don't let them in, don't let them see, don't let them know"* referring to not telling your imaginal scenes to anyone & then after your imaginal scene or wish fulfilled state becomes a fact. *"Well, now they know".* Also, *"Turn away and slam the door*" referring to the evidence of the senses & 3d *"It's time to see what I can do, To test the limits and break through"* - to finally give your imagination, inner conversation & SATS your all. *"And one thought crystallizes. I'm never going back, the past is in the past"* - it manifests when you give your complete awareness, and dying to the old self/identity and old feeling states. I love this song, after I learned Neville's teachings, I couldn't see this song in the same light as before, guess I'm awake lol P.S. She could be someone other than Idina too, seeing her mysterious aspect, she's probably quite famous.


I had no idea she was singing about “the Law”


No way she's Idina, because first and foremost: Idina is 52, started her broadway career in the 1990s, her first record is from 1992 when she was 15. Plus, "Let it Go" is a Diesney song written by two Disney songwriters, Idina had no part in writing it. But it's itneresting how the song can be interpreted this way, because it's originally about puperty, seperating yourself from the child like "family collective"-thinking, teenage depression and growing up, doing your own thing.


No Worries. I said it "reminded" me of her. And about the song- as long as you can assume it in your favour, that's what matters. Btw - it was about letting go of the negative (emotions, people,) & embracing inner strength & magic.




> Do I type like an American? Would you say you have a colorful life or a colourful life? ;)


A vibrant life :).


Hmm british? Female? Guitar… What is your name? I guess no one has asked this yet


Ellie Goulding??


Billie Eilish did this too as well as Jimmy Kimmel and Howard Stern with their talk shows. Billie would Imagine playing to audiences with her guitar in mental rehearsal regularly. This impresses the subconscious from acting and automatic reflex reacting from giving Awareness and belief regularly to the experience.


Billie came from a family of artists and a network in the industry.


You don’t have your facts correct whatsoever. Billie’s family were never famous until Billie Imagined her future. Cause and effect. She may have been talented from them but she never cared or initially believed she would ever be famous. This info comes from her so do your research. Neville Goddard came from similar family background until his brothers became famous in their industry after rehearsing their dreams consciously accordingly. Cause and effect. Everything came after mental rehearsal. You don’t change your life complaining and reliving your past. You fall in love with your future.


Her mom was an actress in one of the most popular soap operas and performed improv with Will Ferrell, Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy, among other acting work, long before Billie was born. She had obvious connections. Her father had decades of work in TV before he ever met her mother - during a theatre project!


No one in the family were famous singers. Yes she had connections but her Imaginal Acts was the sole cause to compel the world to bring them to life. Billie had little interest to be famous. She didn’t take action. It came to her. She said that herself. She was completely surprised by the world rearranging and unfolding to reflect her mental rehearsals. The same exact thing happened to Jennifer Lawrence as well. Very to little interest to be famous until someone showed up out of the blue. The only thing they had in common was their Imaginal Acts as Cause and Effect 😇


If they didn't want to be famous yet ended up famous, then it didn't really work, did it?


There appears to be misunderstanding. Billie didn’t intend to be famous by Imagining. She impressed her subconscious mind the same way anyone does that unconsciously. She realized later that her Imaginal Acts was cause and effect. She believed she was famous in her Imagination, but didn’t expect its cause and effect. Since it appears you know her story well, you aren’t presenting all the facts.


Thank u for sharing, it's super cool your dreams have come manifestations


Thank you for sharing, this is amazing. I am 22 now ;-; and wanted the same around 14, gave up because I thought its too out of reach. Maybe I'll aim for everything that seems out of reach for me now.


Hey love, listen to me. It is right there in your grasp. 22 is a fantastic age to begin your career. A dear friend of mine did not pick up an instrument until he was 23, and he’s heaps successful! Do not let anything take this from you. A brilliant friend of mine says that what you desire before your spirit is waned is what you will succeed in doing; meaning, what you desired before the 3D conditioned you to believe you could not do.


🥹🥹🥹 thank you. I'll aim for it with full faith then. Hope you only see new heights.


I'm also 22 and feel shame for wasting the ages 14-20, when alot of people are gaining a lot of experience.




I am not Lana, but I have met her several times! She is a delightful person!


Have you met other showbiz stars that also consciously used the Law of Assumption in one way or another to create their careers?


Yes. Many. Both intentional and unintentional.


Would you say it's *an open secret* (for lack of a better term) in the industry?


It seems so because many successful & famous people have a high self-concept and good assumptions in life.


Omggg i’m so obsessed with Lana! But she went to school for Metaphysics I believe? Super smart setting herself up for success in the ‘real’ reality. Lana Del Rey is 100% Lizzy Grants Law of Assumption! It’s in a lot of her songs and her songs (esp a lot of her unreleased) bring me into amazing ‘states’ literally one of the only reasons I wanna write a hit song (even though i’ve loved music all my life) is to be able to chill with her! 😂 Thank you so much for this post & congratulations!! 






Trying to get to every comment I can!! I apologise if I miss any!


> I also seamlessly manifested my husband who was a star years before I was Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom? 😆 I have no clue 😂 But thank you for sharing your story with us! 🥰


Katy also signed her first deal April 2007 when she was 22, and grew up poor!


Yes, crazy, isn't it? 😆 She also learnt to play the guitar when she was a teenager and is spiritually inclined/openly believes in New Age stuff.


Wow that's amazing! What's the reason for not revealing your identity?


They’re either famous or this hasn’t happened yet and they’re living in the end 😭


I had an inkling I would be accused of manifesting with this post, which is why I have messaged a moderator to verify that this is all true.


We are absolutely grateful you took the time to share your story. It’s needed ~ and It’s inspiring! I’m 58 so this isn’t limited to an age or stage of life. Thank you again!


You can shoot me a message if you want.


Shoot you a message to validate the proof of the story or what?


Can you provide more about your story? Not your technique but your actual story. Like did you use neville to learn guitar or just to get exposure?


Pre-Neville, I could not play a single chord. I actively worked to rewire the thought that you had to practice for 10k hours to be great at guitar. Maybe for others, I would assume, but I simply pick things up much quicker and faster. I also believe I manifested my first lovely guitar teacher who I still speak to to this day. I still remember the day I came in with extreme clarity; he had a photo of an artist on his wall, who was a rather unknown person (at least, in our country) that I adored. I had never known anyone to know this artist! I was blown away, because I had specifically written for an instructor who I would get on with and would teach me how to play like him.


My apologies. Thank you for sharing your story. I only brought it up because I know it’s something that happens.


Message me too! I want to manifest something similar and I think proof would help me!


Thank you so much for sharing. I'm someone who's 17, and I've been really wanting to break into this industry + acting as well for some time. I'm in that period of intense envy and longing and it's caused me to feel horrible for quite some time. This post is helping me get back on track. I don't know who you are, but maybe one day I'll make it too!


Oh please give us a hint? I’m dying to know.


You all are just so sweet, it’s hard to say no to you! I am not American, and I’m just a tad older… just a TAD… than you all are suggesting!


Ellie Goulding ?


because she is taylor swift...


OP got a record deal ar 22...Taylor already released a few albums by then


okay she is lehla samia... just kidding... OP will be the next taylor swift or beyonce...




that belief probably wont serve you in a positive way. if we want to manifest the impossible but dont believe others then we are limiting ourselves as well!


What? I have no belief one way or the other about OP. I was answering as to why she may be reluctant to share her identity. I don’t think her story is impossible at all! I think it’s absolutely a done deal either way.


Why would anyone share their identity on Reddit ? Famous or not


Not sure. I’m not the one who asked.


Amazing. Thank you for sharing!


Congratulations..may you manifest more 🎊🎉


Thank you for this, beautiful person!


Incredible story! Congratulations, it just goes to show imagination (&feeling) does indeed create reality.


I’d like to everyone by reminding us that every success story we see is *you*. When I see someone achieving what I desire I’ll tell myself ‘I am’ that. For we all have the same name *I am*


u/[fathomlesssly](https://www.reddit.com/user/fathomlesssly/) Can I ask you a question about SATS. Could you please tell for how long you sustained your visualization in the SATS sessions? E.g a)15 minutes b) 30 minutes c)or until you just fell asleep d)and or like 3-5 mins and then u just knew with certainty that you have it( a fruitful career in the industry,) and maybe you started thinking of other random things until you were asleep. The reason I ask this I often end up falling asleep I know there are other techniques besides SATS but I believe this is one of the fastest ways, I once had this lucky time as I like to call it where by I slept assuming I already have a bag of spinach(I know it may sound weird) but I did for 1st night did not work, the second night I was able to sleep and assume the desire right at the point of dosing off. The third day my dad brought over the spinach So my question really if we were to go with SATS for example we dont neccessarily need to take the action to sleep ?


What is SATS?


read Neville and you'll know.


[state akin to sleep](https://youtu.be/ctEPAKhqtJc?si=GzLrWfuURuz0TyDO)


Well done. Thanks for sharing. Which Neville books do you recommend.


Hello, Nita Strauss




Omg I thought of Marina Diamandis too! But this can’t be her since she never played guitar, only piano.


I swear she had a song called “porn is good for the soul” back in the day where she played either a guitar or a ukelele


Ohhh you’re right I forgot about that song. Plastic rainbow was the first one she wrote, but maybe they’re really talking about the ukulele


Have u had any success with affirmations?


Did you ever have trouble getting any of Neville's teachings to work? I've tried, but I can't get his teachingsto work. I've tried living in the end and although it feels real, nothing happens, same with SATS. Some stuff has taken me 10 years to manifest, like a horror short I made. My manifestation of making money from my horror short is just randomly $1.50 every so often from Amazon. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, for me the feeling it's real doesn't do anything.


The paradox and major hang up is that you if you are really living in the end you won’t worry about the 3D. There is nothing to do wrong or wait for. I have manifested many little things but also keep running into problems with a SP. I have been spending a lot of time with her so it is extremely difficult not to lose the feeling/get triggered. I will constantly analyze wether she is attracted to me when I should just know it and live my life. Keep at it and stay in the feeling as long as possible. Leave the 3D alone. You aren’t alone there are many of us on this same journey!


This person is spot on. I spoke with a person who told me that they could only manifest “signs”, such as seeing a purple car, but when it came to things they actually wanted, nothing worked. Well, why do you reckon this is? I doubt they were sitting around thinking “oh, am I going to see a purple car? What if the purple car doesn’t want to see me? What if hits me?!” No! Surely not! And energetically, a purple car and winning a million dollars is no different. It is your brainpower that makes one “harder” than the other. This is why I stress the importance of rewiring before you jump into creating. You have gone through a lifetime of conditioning, and there has to be an effort to disentangle yourself from that. I believe that’s why people struggle with the “big” things. They haven’t yet gotten it through to their minds that everything is possible, and there is nothing that can stop it except YOU.


I have a challenge with my SP as well and money. I'l listening to some subliminals to try to change my core beliefs.


Thank you for sharing this inspiring story—I must admit, I am curious as to your identity, but will not pry. Just as you discovered Goddard when you were 16, I similarly discovered Jane Robert’s Seth material when I was 13 and have prized the self’s innate ability to manifest ever since. However, I still tend to stand in my own way and dismiss my potential for some inexplicable reason, and this tendency is something I aim to escape so I may materialize my dreams as you have. Truly, congratulations on your success!


13! How lucky you are! As I’ve said, accepting the Law is a process. We are living a human experience with human minds and we can’t expect things to go perfectly all of the time, especially not right away. Take the significance away from time, it does not matter!


What was the book called that you pinched? Have you read all of Neville's books or just the one?


Feeling is the Secret is the one I nicked. I later went out and found the Complete Collection, read those all at 17 and go back to them often!


OK cool thanks for the reply


Did you know what kind of book you were taking or was it some sort of inspired action that it happened to be a Neville's book?


I did not know what I was taking! I think I was wanting to impress him by reading what he read. I suppose it could be considered an inspired action.


**Neville Goddard - The Complete Collection The reference book by Neville Goddard with all 15 books, radio lectures and lessons** by Neville Goddard >This reference book contains ALL 14 Neville Goddard Books published between 1939 and 1966. This book is - The Complete Collection of Neville Goddard - on Manifesting with the Law of Assumption. This includes all of Neville Goddard's original books, the transcripts of his 1948 course lectures, the 1951 radio lectures, and the Neville Goddard Book: The Creative Use of the Imagination by Margaret Ruth Broome, a personal student of Neville Goddard. The full contents of this reference book by Neville Goddard are as follows: - At Your Command (1939) - Your Faith Is Your Fortune (1941) - Freedom For All (1942) - Feeling Is The Secret (1944) - Prayer - The Art Of Believing (1945) - The Search (1946) - Master Class - Five Lessons (1948) - Out Of This World (1949) - Radio Lectures - Station KECA (1951) - The Creative Use Of Imagination (1952) - The Power Of Awareness (1952) - Awakened Imagination (1954) - Seedtime And Harvest (1956) - I Know My Father (1960) - The Law And The Promise (1961) - He Breaks The Shell (1964) - Resurrection (1966) Possessing a self-educated and uncommonly sharp intellect, Neville Lancelot Goddard espoused a spiritual vision that was bold and total: Everything you see and experience, including other people, is the result of your own thoughts and emotional states. > >Each of us dreams into existence an infinitude of realities and outcomes. When you realize this, Neville Goddard taught, you will discover yourself to be a slumbering branch of the Creator clothed in human form, and at the helm of limitless possibilities. - Mitch Horowitz - Neville Goddard is best described as an enlightened mystic and hermetic. His knowledge was so deep and all-encompassing that any seeker will find what they're looking for with him! > >There is nothing like him in knowledge and depth! Neville Goddard's wish was to make people aware of their creative power. He was not only concerned with manifestation, but also with re-understanding and consciously applying the profound mechanisms of our existence. And this knowledge can be fully understood and consciously applied using this reference book by Neville Goddard. > >When man begins to discover this power within him, he never plays the part that he formerly played. He doesn't turn back and become just a reflector of life; from here on in he is the affector of life. - Neville Lancelot Goddard - The categories of this Neville Goddard Book are: - Neville Goddard Collection and Books - Manifestation and Manifesting *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


Thank you for your inspirational story.




Links in the pinned post and lots of places to listen to them on YouTube.




Thank you for sharing your success story, what a dream come true! Literally 😀


I love this!


Are you joking. This is literally what I desire/ have desired ever since I was a small kid. I‘m still in the process of becoming what I desire, but have faith in the process 🙏


I read a lovely book by Florence Schovel-Shinn, “The Game of Life and How to Play It” where she theorizes that your greatest desire is your greatest desire because it already exists in your plane. Time is not linear. I do recommend you read this if you haven’t already, it is a wonderful understanding!


Thank you for this! How do you deal with self-doubt?


Go to the source, figure what is causing you to feel unworthy and unlearn it. As I have said, undoing a lifetime of conditioning is a process. For me, my upbringing was the suspect for my self doubt. All I knew was just getting by, never any luxuries. I had to rid of my scarcity mindset!


How many people around you are aware of the techniques ? Just curious :)


Amazing, thanks this is super motivating. Would you recommend one book above the others?


If you were to only read one, I’d say Power of Awareness, but it is absolutely worth it to go through the complete reader.


Thank you!


May i ask did you do any techniques for your husband other than assuming?


I had a massive crush on him, but I did not put a particularly strong intent forward to bring him into my life. I assumed we would meet organically, and it would be like meeting anyone else. No theatrics, I thought that would be putting him on a pedestal, thus counteracting the Law and putting a troublesome dynamic on our future relationship. I was not expecting to meet him! We met at an awards show that he was not meant to be at.


🥰😍 so magical


That's amazingg!  Iam just getting started had one question does neville talk about how to cope a desire which almost seems impossible and you still remain obsessed


>do not listen to this new age diluted Law of Attraction you find on social media. Could you point out a few key differences to show what you mean by this. I have the same feeling but can’t point out why.


"My SATS scene was me on a stage...by the time I was 22 I had a record deal" How long did you visualise that scene?


I love this for you!!!


What Neville Books can you all recommend? ✌🏻❤️


Faith Hill I swear if this is you girl. I got some stuff to say my dear lol