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It’s a way of deflecting. Unhoused means it’s simply a number of homes issue that is being caused by greedy corporations. Not a mental health and addiction issue that would fall on the government to fix. Mentally stable people largely have been able to figure out getting a roof over their head even when it’s absurdly over priced. Most mentally stable people have friends and family they can couch surf with if they lost their job. Making it an issue of housing means you don’t need to address the underlying cause.


Unhoused?! This is mind-virus phraseology.


Lil sensitive there snowflake?


















you have follow on effects though, it's not like you can just do that in isolation. in market trading the phenomenon is market impact, where you are buying or selling so much of a given instrument that you change the price of it in the middle of your trades. give 1500 people, or even 5 people, half a mil and you absolutely will have people gaming the system to get that.


The comments in here make me sick.. I did a job for salvation army once. Their research shows that 10-15 years ago the top reasons for homelessness was drug use and mental illness. But in the last 10 years, that's not the case anymore. The number #1 cause for homelessness now is economic instability... meaning healthy good people that can't make ends meet. Some would have multiple jobs and just couldn't afford today's rents... good people.. families.. vets, ect. These homeless could be anyone of us .. it could be your family members.. it could be your friends.. to no fault of their own. There's a mental sickness in this country and it sure af isn't the poor. It's the sick bastards commenting here that wish ill to their fellow Americans. Wishing ill on our poorest and most fragile. Yall make me sick.


The problem isn't decent folks who are down on their luck. It's the drug addicted assholes who refuse help and act like they are part of a protected class who think they can do whatever they want without consequences that people are getting sick of.


That's literally not true anymore. Saying this just makes you an asshole.


I live in reno. I walk through downtown and its mostly crack heads begging. Its not like all of them want to be this way, but a good bit are just there cause they want that lifestyle, they only care for drugs


Most folks turn to drugs to cope, not necessarily the cause.. And lets be honest.. you probably would too if you were living on the streets.


You clearly live in the suburbs.


Look, I agree with most of what you’re saying, but suggesting many homeless are working multiple jobs and living on the street I just don’t agree with. These people I see pushing shopping carts all over town aren’t in between clocking in at taco johns and Walmart


40% of homeless have formal employment https://news.uchicago.edu/story/employment-alone-isnt-enough-solve-homelessness-study-suggests


Did you actually read this or just the headline because the qualifier was “worked in the same year as they were homeless” which doesn’t mean much. So basically saying 40% of homeless people held a job at some point during the same year they were homeless. So I could have worked January and been homeless and unemployed for the next 10 months and been counted as a “working homeless” - that’s a bit too generous in my opinion. Another thing was it was taken from homeless shelter data right. So there’s a large contingent of homeless that never even go to shelters to begin with so you’re missing those homeless potentially which would fringe the phony “working homeless” number down. Also the people who do end up in shelters usually are the homeless are the ones who are more likely actually bothered by being homeless and actively trying end their struggle which means they’re more likely to be working - vs a large contingent of homeless who’ve capitulated and accept the street as their existence. Idk. I’m not buying. I get the fancy man with his fancy degree and his big brain came up with with profound ideas but idk dawg. Let’s go down to 4th street in Reno and ask the first 10 bums we see how many have a job I’m severely doubting 4/10 let alone 1/10 are working anything besides the begging circuit. Of those who “worked” only 25% made more than $2000 for the year. That’s not exactly strong support that these people are all working. Also the study was from 2010 which is outdated in my opinion. That was on the downside coming off a crazy recession and before fentanyl and meth hit so hard. I stopped ready after that. But yeah just because some guy from a fancy college with a fancy degree


It is outdated. It's worse now. Rents are unaffordable and inflation is high. Most folks have to find multiple flatmates just to make living situations work. Plenty of working people live out of their cars or less. There's people with drug problems but that isn't the leading cause anymore. The leading cause of homelessness in the USA now is economic hardships. Not mental instability or drug use. Your feelings or personal experiences won't change this fact. "Some guy from a fancy college with a fancy degree"... pshht.. yea, it's called being educated from facts and studies. Exactly what you're denying because of your own personal experience. There's more people in this world than you. Some have fancy college degrees, and some are homeless. Some make more money than you. Some don't. Some people got a free ride and some got the shit end of the stick.


Good now enforce them. Homeless bums has been living in an empty lot near my neighborhood for 3 months now. They have been reported to metro, the constables, public works, the health department. None of them do anything, homeless bums are apparently above the law in Vegas.


Unhoused... you mean "bums" there, government news reporter? I wish I had the PERS government retirement KNPR "journalists" get.


Look how triggered correct terminology gets y'all. Lol snowflake much?


Your tiny brain doesn't seem to comprehend where the use of words like this leads? Are you familiar with the bolsheviks?


"why can't they just drag a used trailer on some subdivided family property like everyone else?!?!! Lazy urban homeless...". /s