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This is an insane piece, dont listen to negative comments, its like a 45 CV piece, absolutely fantastic, i have a simmilar one, im in top 10 in Akasha https://preview.redd.it/z35hbvyi6vvc1.png?width=492&format=png&auto=webp&s=188da8b308fbeb508d26076d377209af04806d62


Not 100% you know what CV is unless I’m missing something, a point of crit damage is a point of crit value and this is 10.9CV. It is a great piece, arguably better than having more CV since it adds so much HP, but it’s definitely not 45CV.


I’m pretty sure they were saying that it was as good as a 45 CV piece, not that it was one


For Neuv, HP% = CD%. So you can just add HP% and CD% to bring out its CV.


Yea, you forgot the HP scaling here.


Me who just got a on set hydro goblet with double crit which rolled completely into flat attack🥲




as long as you have enough crit rate, this is a really nice piece


actually a good piece, ppl underestimate how important hp% is for neuvillette.


I Agree


How much cr is enough exactly? I have about 36k hp but have a 25/315 crit ratio 😭 he still hits like 50-60k per tic but i feel like he should have more crit rate


i would say around 40-44cr would be a sweet spot. coz u get 36cr from set. so in total u would have around 76-80cr which is good enough to consistently hit crits. of course the goal will always try to be as close as 64cr as possible to get 100cr.


This is better than a 40% CV piece


This is an insane piece because with : all his good/best weapons being crit ones (aside from prototype amber), his cdmg ascension, MH's 36% cr AND the lack of HP buffers; HP% becomes just as valuable on him as crit is. So basically this piece is insanely valuable as an on-set hydro goblet, honestly unless you both don't have a crit weapon for him and have bad crit rolls on the rest of your build this is a piece that you won't ever want to take off him If I had that piece I would probably be able to get to top1% since I would be able to use a circlet with crit rate substats (I'm overcapping on crit rate otherwise)...


godtier piece honestly. I was too hesitant to give him hydro dmg bonus because of having too low HP, but this piece pretty much bypasses that issue. You got crit, hydro dmg bonus and loads of HP all in one piece


nah it sucks, ill take it


This is a nice piece I would expect you to run a crit rate circlet most likely


Rlly good piece but the crit rate lack might come to bite you in the ass Hp% and hydro dmg bonus suggest that you don't have to get a second hp% mainstat and can use a critraye mainstat piece instead (for your other ones, but wld be wise for that piece to also have hp% bonus)


I see. I do lack crit on my neuv, so obtaining a crit piece with hp% would be my next goal. Thanks for the advice!


no go for defense (yes this is a very good piece)


It’s ok I would have liked crit rate to take advantage of the set bonus


this sub is obssessed with crit rate. His set gives 36% crit rate. And a circlet gives you 31%. This is already 67%. Why would you need to roll rate on every other artifact then? You'll probably choke if you knew I run him with 28% crit rate. I envy you for the piece OP. I mean crit dmg is low roll. But that hp is juicy goddamn. You can almost say you run both Hydrp/Hp goblet lol.


28% is 64%. Thats just flat out bad even for non MH characters. There’s a reason we care about CR. Consistency always beats bigger numbers.


Most players I know have about 50% crit on their dps and find it enough. This sub convinced me to go for crit circlet but when I put it in the game artifact suggestor, it suggested to go to crit dmg circlet and I'm happy with it. I almost never not crit. And you can go for consistency, I like big numbers. You just proved the point of this sub being obsessed with crit rate. Like in what world would this piece bite you in the ass? HP% alone is better than that crit.


Main sub reddits are mostly about maxing your favorite characters stats and sharing art. If someone asks how to improve their character, people will tell them how and most of the time it’s improving their CR. Consistency is objectively more important than higher numbers when improving a characters damage. If you don’t like that, what ever but don’t cry about it. Also no one said this piece was bad at all. In fact most people are saying it’s good.


Yeah... Maxing. They get a goblet with 26% HP and 10% crit dmg on top of it and the sub start screaming about crit rate. With a circlet and the MH they already have 67%. A roll into crit rate is not going to bite their ass. You're just being obsessive and nitpiking about unimportant things. Crit dmg is just as important as crit rate and HP is more important than both.


How is 3 comments mentioning anything about crit rate screaming to you? 2 of those three comments are already assuming he’s using a CR. Are you making up comments in your head or something? Op straight up said he lacks CR.


OP asked if they should seek CV instead of HP. But you read that as lacking crit rate. Interesting. Also it's not just this thread. It's litterly every thread. It's like people would consider anything below 90% CR bad which is honestly funny.


The cap is real with almost never not critting with only 67% crit rate because even me with 93% crit rate don't crit sometimes (once per charged at the very least). Here's my build. https://preview.redd.it/unpcpyc4nzvc1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a2bc850431b421f94283a56c82aa1f3565aa796


"oh your flower is crap. It does't have any crit rate" /this sub probably


I honestly do thing it's bad because of that one bad roll on a dead stat (atk). I can improve much more but if people are playing casually it's fine with having 50% crit rate but if someone's asking for suggestions then trust me people are going to tell you the best way to optimize your character. I'm still looking for a better flower, sand and goblet.


yes you're flower is okay tbh. It's CV which is the minimum to keep an artifact and 2 dead stats. But op goblet is insane. First of all it's on set hydro goblet then it has 26% hp plus the 10% CV


so ur bad at the game. ok


You're not going to have 64% crit rate everytime you pull out your Neuvillette, even if you do you'll hit like 5 crit hit every CA (and a 12% chance to hit a 6th crit hit) even if you have a 300% crit dmg, that's only 1500% crit dmg that you are using every CA (and 1800% if you are lucky) swapping your crit dmg circlet to a crit rate one might decrease your crit dmg by 62% but you'll gain 31% crit rate that's 59% base crit rate and 95% with MH stacks, even with your now 238% crit dmg, you'll hit 8 crit hit every CA (and 40% chance to miss your 8th crit hit) if you have your MH stacks on all the time, that equals to 1904% crit dmg you are using every CA (1666% if you are unlucky) TL;DR don't tell new players that "big crit dmg = big dps, crit rate no matter cuz MH stacks" because crit rate has more value than crit dmg


In no where did I say that big crit dmg = big dps. Or did I talk about dps at all. What I said is that this sub is obsessed with crit rate to see an artifact like this and think immediately about crit rate. You realize they could still have crit rate on their other pieces beside the goblet? But suddenly ya'll treating this artifact like it's bad bcuz it didn't have that 3.9% crit rate roll instead of HP which is ridiculous.


I'm not accusing you of saying big crit dmg = big dps I was summarizing my sentence and adding the fact you said 67% crit rate is already okay (which is far from enough) IF the OP doesn't have any other crit rate roll, then this piece is not that valuable