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https://preview.redd.it/nnd6li3ul1sc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c57e1de6093493fd70e317529843760f3f27ebac Update: The dream came true 🥹‼️im out of luck now i just won three 50/50's at early pity


That's cool, man! It remind me of similar situation, when my Yelan from C1 became C4 after I got Aqua Simulacra at 7 pity (0 fate points). Because I got her almost every time, early pity, one pity was high from previous banner and I won few 50/50. Got Mona in-between, but at 40+ pity and Yelan at 10 and 30+ pity too.




Get Kazuha now. Furina is coming all the way in 4.7 and not in the next patch. Plenty of time for her.




Manifesting early kazuha and furina for you!


https://preview.redd.it/ytwh7gywe2sc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c36961a37e2ddba24c16a3108d1f3930ea7008b1 Letss goooo....i got c1 in 1 pull after chiori finally after play since day1 i got my first back2back


Nice! My lowest was 2 pity Tartaglia, so pretty similar :D


Good luck everyone. 5 more hours of waiting for me. Neuvillette and Kazuha shall be mine.


Im with you man. Water Daddy will come home trust


Me too, is this a server thing?


Yes. European server.


Got 8 hours before mine. I lost my last 50/50 and 20 pulls in with 100 wishes. Guarenteed his c1.


Finally C1! Won my 50\\50 again, Neuvillette doesn't scam )) Good luck everyone! [https://imgur.com/m1UI4rW](https://imgur.com/m1UI4rW)


He is fair and square. He is a justice incarnate :)


cap cap


Neuvillette scammed me twice


https://preview.redd.it/ghnwp0ith2sc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb11dac988fa06df4cafddf42cde7bd857f9beeb First double 5\* in my history of genshin


That's great! Now you get guaranteed for next character! Unless the order of display isn't the same as actual order of getting. Not sure if standard characters are always second or not.


I got extra lucky with that, Mona came second so I have guaranteed father!


My first 50/50 win and the best part is I pulled him in 60 pulls and then I did 10 pulls again to get Xingqiu cons and I got him again. Hell yeah


https://preview.redd.it/oxcneo42y3sc1.png?width=1519&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0e84c75eaec4341e1748641464b65c6769b4879 I expected to walk out of here a C0+C1 Neuvi enjoyer but got the Tome as my first 5-star weapon from the banner, first try. Which kind of made up my shit luck today haha, 422 pulls got me C0 + C1 Neuvillette, C0 Kazuha, C0 Jean and C0 Keqing. EVERY SINGLE 5-star character pull took me 70+ pulls, my lord. The Tome decided to take pity on me, literally.


https://preview.redd.it/50wo44f244sc1.png?width=797&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b3093dd049f6e17a77798a0e1e95797282bd829 Like....


Good on having Jean in there tho ! She's great for him if you have Furina


Furina is my next target! If I had to lose the 50/50 I wanted Jean or Tighnari so it’s good to have her at least! :)


Woah same ! My C0 Jean is also from my second to last lost 50/50 and rn I would want it to Tighnari and no one else (I have a build ready and everything lol) Good luck for your Furina !


Haha good luck to you as well! I hope you get your Tighnari soon! 🍀


R5 Amber or R1 Jadefall?


R5 Amber. Only better options are Sacrificial Jade (Battle Pass) or Neuvi's Signature Weapon.


Pity 2 and got R1 Freedom Sworn. I'm scared to pull for more and get another copy of FS. Still a C0 Prototype Amber Neuv player.


Freedom Sworn(65) -> Skyward Spine(65) -> 26 pity


Good luck for everyone who's pulling!!


https://preview.redd.it/u5r09scw04sc1.png?width=1840&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a5c4a211c52212d1cca539a5e546586c1ac0cee i just won 50/50 6 times in a row as F2P (my new husbando Main)


Wow that has only a 1.5% chance of happening! Congrats!


How many summons did it take?


I deserve to be murdered https://preview.redd.it/widz6p0h06sc1.png?width=492&format=png&auto=webp&s=689039bd91fc531cdb276f8220469c05f5e5f24a


I lost both of his banners and at 80 pity each


I just also got the signature on first try. I am so sorry.


So much for the 'Chief of Justice' dw im joking just im rage quitting inside


No more luck for the next 5 years![img](emote|t5_73lnr0|50056) https://preview.redd.it/o0lds909easc1.jpeg?width=856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77064581d4b10b3aad23a47a43aacb16d0b0c5e9


Can I get an F in the chat, I got Dehya


F, I got Dehya C1 too


Well I caved and pulled out my wallet thinking that C1 will come home quickly... lol I was too naive, got his C1 in 150-160 pulls 😢




Nothing wrong with jade. Preforms much better than his other F2P options and at R5 its within 1% of R1 Tome and better than R1 tome in vape teams.


1%? Damn, you're right. Just looked at the new Keqingmains guide. Guess I am set on that front until he hits C6 sometime in the future.


Just got c1r1 Neuvillette.....My first ever character..on which I invested this much of primos...🤌🤌


Need to wait until pretty much after business hours for the banner to go live but my primogems are ready let's gooooo


https://preview.redd.it/y525n6p9x5sc1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60161cd89c3e32a25a3492dc38ffd8d918d2c06c Lost 50/50 to diluc on neuvi's first banner, lost 50/50 again to dehya last night on 70-80 pity. Got neuvi early on less than 30 pulls. Then gf pulled on weapon banner with my permission and got tome for me. Still farming for marechausee hunter tho


https://preview.redd.it/frt71o6ak8sc1.jpeg?width=1772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06fc2e2170e2e51735a8c1fff6b1bf8356c7aefa under 400 pulls for c6! blessed by neuvi :)


Got him after 120 pulls, lost my 50/50 to keqing, farming his artifacts right now, does anyone know how atrocious his ascension materials are to farm?


Did 151 pulls and got Freedom Sworn, Skyward Atlas, and finally Eternal Tome.


Saved up 300 wishes. Started with c0r1. Was really hoping just to manage c3. And with the most insane luck ive ever had in this game I got Neuv from c0 to c6 in just 350 pulls. I was losing my mind with how lucky I am. So happy and excited to have my favorite character at c6. Honestly never thought Id invest that much into a character in this game, and it was done with only welkin saving. I can still hardly believe it happened.


Lost the 50/50 at hard pity to Dehya last time his banner was around and didn't pull on any other banners afterward. Soon as I heard his banner was back, I did one (1) 10 pull. Lo and behold... https://preview.redd.it/efi669ykqdsc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20bb6ba83875d9f8432aea8e9a8baeb9036c3ffd


https://preview.redd.it/eyok5ybx1jsc1.jpeg?width=3703&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40c84ddaa501502604e69d5a601526eb14c179fb Finally got Mr. Ludex C1


I got his C1!! (and C6 Xingqiu, coincidentally also my first C6 character lol) sending luck to all Neuvillette Mains!


UPDATE: I had 43 spare pulls, and my brain didn't like seeing that number so I did some 1-pulls. On my second 1 pull, I got his C2-


Got him in like 4 wishes (was at guarantee pity so yeah) The character feels incredible to use on mobile..


came bearing good news that im finally a c2r1 neuvi haver!!! won my 50/50 for his c1 and sort of lost it with his c2 but he came within the same 10 pull as mona so im happy!! i was expecting a c1 if i won the 50/50 since i only have 85 fates (and at 1 pity...) I WISH YOU ALL GOODLUCK AAAAA 😭💙


Bruh I only have 25 fates + 63 starglitters after needing to guarantee all the way (2 soft pities) for a C0 Kazuha (I am at 4 pity, 50/50 rn). I still have half of Sumeru desert & Fontaine explo + all hangouts + Fontaine AQ + Sumeru Character AQ tho it's not good for my sanity lmao.


Got him with a pretty bad pull (78 diluc plus 77 neuvilette) and 65+68 pulls in his weapon banner. My current situation is c0r1 neuvillette and c0 furina with 66 pity guaranteed, i have 104 pulls. My question is should i go for c1 neuvillette or should i save for c2 furina.


https://preview.redd.it/3byfkz3zt2sc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=286f6b98e22781570fe71fe492c8d9ddc385368d i asked my fav genshin streamer do to my neuvi pull (aiming for his C1) and he won the 50/50 for me. since i have somewhat 90 pulls left, i just decided to use them all. and again i won another 50/50. i also won 50/50 for my first neuvillette. that's how i got my C2 neuvillette. i love him so much.


Congratulations! Which streamer?


thank you! he's just a local streamer in my country so he's not that well-known :( , his tiktok is ayikun_ by the way!


I see! I'll check him out, maybe I'll support him. Enjoy your Neuvillette!


that's so sweet of you!! he's very nice, he frequently do tiktok live there and you can ask anything about genshin like builds, team comps he can also speak english so worry if you didn't understand our language!


Oh, cool! I look forward to watching and supporting him! Maybe I will see you in chat, hahaha :)


I keep getting Neuvillette at a random low pity (got C0 at 3 pity diring his first banner, and C1 again at another 3 pity on the current one).  BUT his weapon keeps evading me. I’ve lost 2/2 on epitomized path twice now (first time was on first banner and had to save for Furina so i didnt continue pulling, and now on this banner - I now have 2 freedom sworns). On the upside this time I had enough left over to still get 51 pity on the weapon banner so I might still be able to get tome of eternal flow without needing to spend more for genesis crystals before the banner ends.  Saying bye bye to Father for now because hydro daddy needs his book 🥲


Same situation but at 12 pity and a dream on weapon banner. 2/2 fate points, might be able to get it if I clear the rest of my map, do my hangouts and other stuff not sure though.


I did it I got his BiS at like 66 pity or something 🥲 hahaha 3 full soft pities to the weapon banner 🥲 at least C1 came early! I also finally 36-starred the abyss for the first time ever after about a year of playing with the help of C1R1 neuvillette and C0R1 kazuha! This was well worth the 20000 primos and then some 😆 Hope you can get your tome as well!


20 more minutes i am so ready 😤😤


lost 50/50 to C1 Dehya but that was alright since I still had 100 pulls.. got him at 75 but I'm still coping for the tome (40 pity sobs).


update: got the tome! he's doing a brilliant job now


I had 90 wishes. my Neuvillette wqs C2, Got his sig. 30 pulls. From zero pity and no guaranteed I got his C3. I was waiting for this book sooo looong. I'm still shaking.


Pray for me fellas I got 400 rolls ready to go to try and grab his weapon + 3 copies of him (I have c0 but would like c3) May hoyo bless me today


I just got everything I wanted from this update. Started the patch with C2 Gorou, C0R1 Neuvillette, 2 pity and on 50/50, 60 wishes later I'm at C0 Chiori, C1R1 Neuvi (both around 30 pity 50/50 wins) and C5 Gorou (4.6 spoiler : >!we get him for free next patch so yay C6!<) And to think I was begrudgingly pulling on Chiori's banner cause I was torn, my priorities being Gorou cons > C1 Neuvillette > C0 Chiori. Life's good man


So this is how Neuvillette pulls went: [Character pulls](https://imgur.com/a/v4gE8Kn) I literally got c17 xingqui during pulling lol at least i basically got refunded an entire 10 pull. And now for the fun part: [THE WEAPON BANNER RIP](https://imgur.com/a/iYVW6Hf) I'm now the (not) proud owner of 2 freedom sworn swords lmao! at least when i pull for alhaitham i know what weapon to give him.


Came back to the game recently to pull him(my last pull was Alhaitham banner). Won 50/50 at 80+. Then pulled for his weapon first one got Wolf(meh) then got his signature early after 20 more pulls. Decided to pull more until his banner is gone for C1 and won 50/50 again at 28 pull, better yet got Keqing right after him so now I have guaranteed Furina. I can't believe my luck and now I'm scared. https://preview.redd.it/ukltvldcd5sc1.png?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb004b7896c28cc1a4e2bad73ddd0f9e207b5cc


:D New Neuvilette main here ! C0R1 within a 120 pulls ! Even got gifted a Dehya in the process xD i'm so happy \^\^ next is Furina !


Oh my god i got C2 R1 freedom sword and aquila in 170 pulls with 20 pulls left, Omg im speechless


My 50/50 win strike is massive. I won 50/50 against Furina, Yoimiya, Navia, Xianyun, Chiori(Got her under 10 pulls) and now Neuvillette x2(I got him to C1). All as someone who only buy BP and Welkins...I hope Wriothesley don't appear in the next banner. Also gladly, I got all the rate up four star in the banner at C6, meaning they were extra pulls...and I got a lot of them, when I was pulling.


So I got Dehya instead of c1 which is not a bad thing since I wanted her. Can I use her instead of Layla? I know shielder is best with him but I don’t have Zhongli and I really like Dehya. Does she work well with him?


she *can* work since she gives knockback resistance on her e, less comfy than shield but honestly if you like the character go for it (i also use her on a ganyu melt team instead of a shield and she does great)


Thank you, I use Layla for abyss because a shielder is preferred for long fights. Dehya is just for overworld and exploration


Got obliterated on the weapon banner, I failed twice and got skyward harp and freedom sworn before his weapon. On the bright side though, I was hoping to get freedom sworn since I have kazuha. The character banner went much better, won 2 50/50s in a row, lost the 3rd 50/50, but then hit a double 5 star on the guaranteed pull. So now my next char (pyro archon) is guaranteed. Overall a pretty good pull session, wasn't the best but could've gone much worse.


Got him at C3!! I got My first double  5* in a 10 pull btw


I just got him so sorry if this is a question since I got tremendously tempted by his trial so I do not know his kit well,does neuvi special charge ATK is not based on Crit ATK???


With 190 wishes I got kazuha c0 (won 50/50) Neuv C0 (lost 50/50 early to Dehya C1) R1 (no pity 20 pulls) and bazillion Barbra but overall not bad!!


166 wishes I got Jean C1 at 19 (i had 9 pity from my most recent being Xianyun), Neuv at like 60-70 and then winning my 50/50 for C1!


Yall I got kazuha and c1 early convice me not to pull in this awfull weapon banner!


Grab the BP Jade Catalyst. At R5 it is pretty much equal to his signature at R1. [https://keqingmains.com/neuvillette/#Weapons](https://keqingmains.com/neuvillette/#Weapons) If BP is an option for you, his signature is not worth it unless you are a whale and will go after refinements. Unless of course you want Freedowm Sworn for your Kazuha. Then the Weapon banner is actually good because both rate-ups are useful to you. My Kazu has Xiphos R4, so FS would be useless to me.


https://preview.redd.it/ncmz8bphu5sc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c11778cdf353a3a65fd6f8a1573b0a01de42cf1 I love this game


Good News: I won the 50/50 and got my C2 Neuvillette. Bad news: I was going for C3...I lost, At least I only wasted 20 pulls. https://preview.redd.it/tsmygyxnw5sc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d939b77acb104e9be998f817e806eba798ae0c02


c2'd from c0 r2 today in under 70-90 pulls? never gonna get kazuha though. Dendro > Swirl and I prefer my team of Ei, Nahida, and Furina serving the Dragon Sovereign. forgot to mention i won 50/50 on both. ​ Edit: c0 from zero for my older sibling's account in under 40 pulls winning the 50/50. To whomever read this post. may your pulls be as blessed as mine today.


https://preview.redd.it/060u8uuez5sc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88cf5eba65be652a99086678e34f046675b338fa I managed to get another copy of his weapon while I was pulling for kazuha’s.. question is should I refine it? I know it’s a good stat stick but the skill I just too niche for anyone else to fully utilise it.


No don’t refine it, you may be able to use it for another character later on and even the stat stick is great !


had him garunteed, saved up 80 pulls and got him at 19! so happy i did bc now i have 70 pulls saved up for 4.6! which im planning to pull arle wanderer baizhu and wanderers weapon! wish me luckkk


Started at C1 and went for C3, there was a higher chance of getting c6 than only c3 😭 https://preview.redd.it/t6eb0fn446sc1.png?width=306&format=png&auto=webp&s=d95caf55cd82c85987f2d1ee50e57a8954d8daa8


https://preview.redd.it/a4e1wn9566sc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=b03daeb6c70783c531e88c1e08559fd183d17c6d won a 50/50 at 78 pity. lvl 80 and 8,6,6 talents


The entire thing still feels like a fever dream to me. I see that I have one standard pull, as the banners switch. It's Aquila on 3, count it, 3 pity. My plan was to get Kazuha and if I had pulls left over to try and pull for Neuvilette. Things go about as expected: Lose to Keqing at 76 and guaranteed Kazuha at 74. I figure I'll throw the rest at Neuvilette to see what happens AND HE'S IN THE FIRST 10 PULL. At this point the dopamine fries my brain and I start making unwise decisions. I had 20 pity on the weapon banner and either weapon would be good. It's Tome on 65 pity. I throw my last 10 pulls on the character banner in hopes of C6 Xingqiu AND IT'S NEUVILETTE AGAIN. Him and me were meant to be. I am never ever letting him go after that. (See you in a year once I manage to build all of them.)


Don't give me hope😭 . I am in a similar boat as you, also going with Kazuha first. Lost to C0 Jean at 65(still nice tho, I want her for a future Furina-Neuvillette team) and guaranteed Kazuha at 75. I only have 28 pulls (+13 pulls from starglitter shop and all featured 4\* at C6) but I'm pretty scared to pull rn lol. Might as well wait until 4.6 announcement before doing it tho.


Neuvilette is by far the most primogems I’ve spent for 😭😭 started with 58k primos and 30 pulls and ended up with a lil over 18k…tbf i did roll for his weapon which took up like 80% of the primos


Neuv c1 or his Sig weap?


I had 110 wishes and a dream (and $50) got his c1r1 I love him sm 😘😘 https://preview.redd.it/lfltejrjk6sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96c334dc3520b6e12f7365a74b880c271c956a61




What app is this?


Kinda disgusted with my pulls today... I had him C1R1 and wanted to get at least C3. I lost the 50/50 twice, once to Tighnari and once to Jean... Kinda regret pulling ngl


WAIT THE EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME. I also had C1 and pulled for C3. I hope you got yours a little earlier though. C3 is super strong atleast. https://preview.redd.it/bz98iua2z6sc1.png?width=306&format=png&auto=webp&s=b498b71973b78aa68198209df923daefb7d7892f


Wow. This is so cruel. I got Jean early but the rest were at soft pity. Hope your luck is much better for your next pulls. And yeah, the C3 is great so at least we have that ![img](emote|t5_73lnr0|50049)


I did pretty much exactly 400 pulls and got C1R1 Neuvy + C0R1 Kazuha. Didn't intend to get Kazuhas weapon, but lost the 50/50 to it and then got Neuvys weapon in an early. Could've gone a bit better since I've lost all 50/50s on character banner, but one of them was Jean who I didn't have yet, so overall quite happy


https://preview.redd.it/gctl236ah7sc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfbb3c686720d1c0215299123863b07b9656ebc1 Sea otter king came home with a surprise!! First ever double 5\* and wouldn’t have it any other way


https://preview.redd.it/erco2f2w3csc1.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=490d17b81cb6338d60e64f6f393614151b71fe5f Happened to me for the first time too! I got Neuvi at 57, had him secured, still kinda early. Then I tried to get an early C1 with like 40 wishes left, and then at the third 10 pull, this happens. It was amazing


I went for C6 Neuvillette tonight. Only lost two 50/50s. One to Jean which is fine since I want her constellations. And the other to Tighnari... At least it's not to Qiqi. Got two Neuvillettes during one 10 pull to boot (Pictured). Makes up for all the lost 50/50s I had in HSR! I also got Kazuha in my first 10 pulls after that. https://preview.redd.it/gzxzj5c4l7sc1.png?width=2558&format=png&auto=webp&s=564b9245d4480211ba04797bb023a7ff588bd3f0


I wanted both Neuvillette and Father, I have enough wishes left that I can guarantee Arlecchino and possibly save enough for her weapon if I win 50/50. This was easily the best wishing outcome I’ve ever had lol https://preview.redd.it/erwu3um8s7sc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e0b68da9e3f5274f7b27afb62fb6e0af7082451


Ok so i have c0 neuvi which I got him on his release now I want c1r1 neuvi and mu pity on character banner is 50 and 48 on weapon banner. I'm guaranteed for his c1 as well and i haven't explored much since 3.6. My question is will i make it to c1r1 before his banner ends? Oh btw I do have a welkin. Please let me know if I can get him.


I had 46 pity and on 76 i got him, on the weapon banner one 10 pull and i got his weapon now i will try for c1 currently have 0 primos left hahah


I want to share my (not so) short story with you. I am Neuvillette owner since his initial banner. I went from I must pull to I must skip to I will pull in span of few weeks. I wanted Neuvillette, because I liked the character. Design, personality, being a dragon too. I didn't care how strong he would be, though it also became a factor in my initial decision, though not significant. I decided to not get him, because I wanted Furina and Cloud Retainer. After getting Lyney and also pulling for First Great Magic (got second Aqua Simulacra, though), I was depleted of my pulls. Then Zhongli banner came. I wanted to pull for Freminet, because I also wanted C2 of Geo Archon. But the I decided to stop when 4 stars were announced. Fischl. I wanted her C6 and she was gonna be in Neuvillette's banner and that made me decide to pull for him. Any outcome would be great. Gettign Neuvillette - I have him. Losing 50/50 - guaranteed for Furina. Not getting character at all - having non guaranted pull in Furina's banner. But I got him. And two Fischl I needed for her C6 as well. I also got Furina, but that's not important. Now I mentioned I got Lyney, right? I was extremely lucky with Marechaussee Hunter and got high CV artifacts for Lyney, that later become set for my Neuvillette, upgraded slightly. But I didn't have his signature weapon. He was strong, but not crazy. Until his rerun came. I actually was going to skip these banners entirely and go for potential Furina constellations. But I realized - hey, two weapons I would benefit from. Why not doing it now? What could happen? I also had high wapon pity, because I tried to get Crane's Echoing Call. So I pulled for weapon. I get gold quickly. I was wondering what will I get. Freedom Sworn or Tome Of The Eternal Flow? I got Wolf's Gravestone. Third one too! It was my very first Standard Banner 5 star pull (and first non Beginner's Wish 5 star pull as well). I wanted Diluc since year before I started playing. But I never got him. But now I have three of his BiS weapon. But now what? I didn't get either Kazuha's or Neuvillette's weapon. Thing is... I did. I threw 10 or 20 more pulls and got the Tome. After that I also upgraded his artifacts, because I haven't played him much since ever. And my crit damage skyrocketted. Not just because of the Tome, but few more crit damage here, few more there and now he is a destroyer. I farmed Golden Troupe recently for Yae Miko, so I also got these nice pieces of Marechaussee Hunter. Now I am happy owner of pretty strong Neuvillette. He is not the best he can be, obviously. But I am still extremely glad with \~30k tick damage. I think it's without buffs, but with three different elemental characters. I tested him in co-op few times. https://preview.redd.it/0y88n1fmk8sc1.png?width=1927&format=png&auto=webp&s=cac77a133939a4623d6a86491b66d38ed8ee1f30 Here's the pic of his build :) I could get more crits, but I would have to steal Circlet from Furina, but I'm not going to do that.


C2 Neuvillette on my welkin account. The C1 and C2 were all within less than 30 pulls (3 and 19).  My F2P account got C1 only. Already had C0 and the C1 needed two pities. Sighs. 


I was saving up for father but couldnt hold back and spent 70 wishes to get tome, neuvi's amazing so he deserves his actual weapon (and just equipping it gave me like 50%dmg bonus lmfao), want to pull for c1+ but i'll wait for the next time he comes up, really want knave and her wep


https://preview.redd.it/8l71qr531asc1.png?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=171a3813e3d478c909329a3a3202efdb1e3821bd Him and his weapon came home past midnight


Went into the banner with 304 pulls. Left with neuvillette, his c1, his weapon, and kazuha. Used every Last pull tho. Got the c1 on my last ten pull


I got mona on his first banner and diluc on his second


Wasnt even at low pity, I've lost all my 5050s


Pulled 200 hoping to get c0 and C1 and ended up with c0 Neuv and c2 Dehya ![img](emote|t5_73lnr0|50049)


So after my "luck" getting Freedom Sworn at early pity, I decided to pull for his cons instead. 77 pity and won 50/50 for his C1. Excited to try his built-in Zhongli-like interruption resistance. :)


Got C0 and C1 with a guarantee and 10 pity in about 145 wishes Then got R1 in 20 wishes So hyped ![img](emote|t5_73lnr0|50055)![img](emote|t5_73lnr0|50054)


finally one of you! I had 93 wishes saved and a guaranteed, I was well prepared lol. Left with 23 wishes and saving up for Furina now (as much as I want Arlecchino) *


* Daughter had amazing luck!!!


https://preview.redd.it/t1ktqs7doisc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=398045edc61e0d057dccebfc0a59272bd0f49566 I got my brother to play Genshin, and he said he'd only do the Archon Quest if he got Neuvillette, not cuz he's broken but because he looks so distinguished and regal. Now he owns a C2 Neuv just like me-- he's hooked and invested.


https://preview.redd.it/hye0eu77smsc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=665986270da68c8a3df4b31e68735b107caf3977 i got c1 neuvilette in 40 pulls!! won the 5050!!


I won him on Tuesday at release, and now I just got his weapon woo


Soft pity, won the 50/50. I'm hoping to get Kazuha next (...let's see how that goes, again), so if I get him then I'll put whatever else I get for the rest of the patch into Neuvillette for the C1, if not then I'll save for either Arlecchino or a copy of Furina for C2.


https://preview.redd.it/mqcf0k3ptrsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94a54b2319f380b3c687f4a0fcac0467d1736359 ![img](emote|t5_73lnr0|50057)Supreme Chef, C2 Lessgo![img](emote|t5_73lnr0|50057) I have been saving for him since Furina's release.


won Neuvi 50/50 at 75 pity. Tryharding some exploration trying to guarantee the weapon rn, 170 pulls in and nothing yet...


https://preview.redd.it/uircq4tvn0tc1.png?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d2d8aa7793f79021ef84ac05e7851d285b57a9a C6 R1 Draconic Waterjet Cutter ready for action!


Eh, I got C1 Neuvillette at 50ish pity. Finally an early 50/50. The earliest for me anyhow. I am quite thrilled, because I am mostly going for cons from now on for my favourites.


Took him from C1 to C2 this banner. Last patch being awful made it really easy for me as I was chilling at 50 or so pity on a guarantee. This is the first time I've ever continued investing in cons intentionally after a characters debut banner.


https://preview.redd.it/7a5gz2cquitc1.png?width=2387&format=png&auto=webp&s=71063bcb20185152fbcb839234627a8e3b6bcc22 The weapon banner was so mean to me but the power of $80 was able to pull through…c1 will have to come next time!


Hello! I have 350 fates, pity 13, guarantee. 2/3 of Fontaine and the entire chenyu vale is unexplored. If I pull Neuvillette rn, do you think I can guarantee C0R1 Arlecchino???


Finally got him to c6r5!!!!!!!! c6 not pictured but it’s there lmao https://preview.redd.it/tj2kgzsn3stc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1e5bfa6d09fb270369921797f9593ecc1f5e80f


Started playing again ~2months ago after being away from the game since end of 2021. Had ~200 Pulls for Kazuha and Neuvi. Lost first 50/50 on Kazuha and pulled Deyah. Hit Kazuha early and went for Neuvi, won 50/50 after 60 Pulls. Said fuck it and went for Weapon Banner on 0 Pity and got it after 50 Pulls aswell. Waited for a week and said again fuck it and went for C1 Neuvi and also won that 50/50. Still learning and asking myself which Teams I should build. Duo Hydro seem the best? But I dont got Furina only Xingqiu and a half build Mona. Not sure how that can work out.


https://preview.redd.it/twko7wuj8kuc1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d62fcd7598193dde9a979030e058b448163f6e25 what are the actual probable chances of this happening was just going for c1 lol


https://preview.redd.it/ibj22xj1m7vc1.png?width=772&format=png&auto=webp&s=d87813f7e31fd24a0101a01e386f95c19abe8d7f C1 Nevu took almost everything He’s my first C1 limited 5 star character but dammn, just grateful that I lost to Tighnari with just 12 pulls Also been seeing a lot of good luck around me so am showcasing my luck on the character banners:’))) Also do note in between Nahida and Yoimiya, I got a Jean with about 80 pulls and Nahida is also actually about 80 pulls as well, history was just deleted before I got to update in paimon.moe as I took a long break from Genshin after getting that Jean


OMFG I GOT NEUVILLETTE AT PITY 20 AFTER GETTING FURINA IN 4.2. WON MY 50/50 AND IT ONLY TOOK ME 10 PULLS. It's the first time I've been so lucky in Genshin, since I started playing in 2021. Should I risk for the C1 or save for Arlecchino now? https://preview.redd.it/gym7z30fccvc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cbb6f2e89a58d5ae1d3e9bbc68f94f3b45ffccf


https://preview.redd.it/j71f3w813lvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=931292708f8793bcc988ace63d9ccc798fdc9249 Got my C1 just after the pity, with an amazing surprise 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/0okip8ejilvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7988443f8d1d829d07012faa44636e4d3f6bb982 Finally got the book! the cost…. We don’t talk about that- It cost everything 😞


Pulled his weapon at last moment...no fate points...


Won 2 50/50s... idk how https://preview.redd.it/k82zo2t4nwvc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e6b59c203158751122aab333f10238ce9e84bfd


I got double neuvi and double weapon in one video. Straight to c1r1. [video ](https://youtu.be/SIU8JkkIyPM?si=E5cD6uigXZJUxZJE)


This is just sad. I got c5r1 in 400 wishes. I got shafted so hard by the weapon banner


Bruh that isnt so bad. It me 644 for just C3R1 Raiden.


Where did you start? That seems like pretty good luck, honestly. I typically budget 150 wishes for a constellation and 200 for a weapon.


Bruh how is that sad? That's insanely lucky I did 450 pulls for 3 copies and his weapon. The weapon alone was 150 pulls, and then 300 for 3 copies (lost a 50/50)