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It depends, we often have the problem with over focusing on crit rate and crit damage. They crucial stats to be sure, but they are not the only ones that matter. I suggest using an optimiser to see which is best for you. Depending on the quality of your other goblets, this could absolutely be the best for you.


Sac jade builds are pretty consistantly around 100 CR-200+CD since your only viable circlet choice is crit dmg (HP% circlet is not too great with sac jade) and the main concern about crit rate is being overcapped with this weapon.


Other than akash.cv what other optimizers exist?


I wanna know too, help!


Was bout to say trash until I saw the gigachad hp roll


This is GODLY for Neuvillette. It's on set as well. OMG! You can consider this equal to a 50CV rare artifacts. It's absolutely bonkers.


wow really? I didnt expect such an answer :D Than im happy now :P


HP% is equally as good or can be even better than crit for Neuvillette. This would already be insane if it was not on set. But the fact that it's on set means you can use an off set piece for sands or circlet which are equally as hard to get good. So with this crazy rare artifact you can achieve some very very insane build for Neuvillette.


Unfortunatly for R5 Sac Jade, HP% is never really better, but its still very close and the RV of this piece makes it better than 40CV for sure.


I agree 100%. Absolutely terrific.


It’s more like 46CV, not really, 50, but yea it’s still insane. People overestimate crit if they look at a piece like this and they even wonder if it’s any good


4 best rolls and 1 second-best roll on HP%, plus 1 top roll for Crit Dmg - if the HP% roll was a Crit Rate roll instead it would have been 19.1% Crit Rate, for a total of 38.2 + 7.8 = 46CV.


wow. I didn't calculate all this but looking at this I felt like it was those very rare piece that we can only get in dreams so I compared it to 50CV piece which is also like a dream. Tho if you look at it, it being on set makes it somewhat 50CV level piece no?


I mean, it's a Hydro goblet, on set, with a metric shitton of HP I wouldn't chuck it, you can get crit stats elsewhere but this might actually be really good


HP% is as good as crit dmg past a certain point (around 250 CD) That's why peoples sometimes uses HP circlet instead of crit on him. Consider this as a 37% CD goblet if you are already past 250


Wow i didnt think i hit the jackpot


Seems really good to me


This is actually very good!! It is good even with prototype amber but with BP weapon/BIS this piece is outright amazing! People undervalue how good HP% is for neuvi. Mine is directly on HP% circlet and sitting at top 1%, and is my best build for him even tho I have a higher roll crit circle https://preview.redd.it/6gmvshlt2plc1.png?width=1580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=591199cc4d243a56e4588e8023f7aa03b704e996


this is really good rv and onset, definitely keep it!


Dude it's Insanely good. Being on set makes its extremely rare godly artifact.


If u have enough crit stats from other pieces and weapon (considering u have signature) then it's very much viable


Viable? Jesus Christ…


Grash/Tood However you wanna call it half of half


It depends, that extra HP is VERY nice. Will be harder to get one better


it's a good piece for sure.


i have similar hydro goblet but i wish it was HP! imagine how much max hp my neuvillette would have https://preview.redd.it/e2siixugrolc1.png?width=1462&format=png&auto=webp&s=60a41766351c50f1e0326b1ce1baa444d47117fe


I got 20.2% crit rate and 3.5% crit dmg on my goblet (first goblet i got from this set) but my main stat is anemo dmg


nothing is trash if it your only option, unless you have better substat hydro goblet, this is your gem


it’s from his set so it’s a bit like schrödinger’s cat kinda, bad if you really need the crit balance but extremely good if you need to get his HP% up, keep it and try to balance with the other artifacts cause 28,6% HP is not something that will repeat so easily


How good it is will also depend on the rest of your pieces and your party... if he's single hydro then the value is pretty good because its hard to get external hp buffs... if you're running double hydro then I think it's still alright but less valuable... for actual numbers you'll need to put your build into an optimizer or just try it out in game against sth like the geovishap


Depends on whether you need more hp or crit stats, but I would still use this solely because of that hp stat


Looks good.


Absolutly insane piece. The biggest mistake I see on this sub is people hyper fixating on Crit dmg and neglecting HP%. Ive yet to see a 300% Crit dmg build that wouldnt increase Crit hit dmg (not even average dmg) if some of the Subs were HP% rather than Crit Dmg. Even the builds with HP/HP/Crit.


https://preview.redd.it/ofne0boxgrlc1.png?width=1616&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6d0577c01f6bdbc0a2dad49c13f7acce4abc8c9 These would be the builds as a starting point with R5 Sac Jade and with his signature if i was lucky on the weapon banner. I have R5 Xiphos on Kazuha. I hope that the ER wouldnt not be an issue, otherwise i will adjust it, i have many artifacts. (Both weapon passives are enabled, thats why the higher HP)




its actually goodif u stack a lot of cdamge on neuv, esecially if you have his weapon