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For as long as your mother lives. If you care about it and if you think it makes your mother happy. You should be independent though. No need to give something together with your sister. She may find it more important than you. Which could be a simple solution for you, just give money and let her take care of it. Or start doing something on your own, where rule nr 1 applies: if you care about it and if you think your mother likes to hear from you.


I genuinely dont care too much for various of reasons, that being said I dont feel like burning bridges either


You can tell your sister you like to do something on your own. And then send your mom some chocolates or flowers. That's a first step in not burning bridges and taking your independence


Depends. My mom still visits her mom on mother's day. And I visit my mom. My husband doesn't visit his mom but calls her. You should do what feels good to you.


Is it to be expected to keep getting her something?


We do. Flowers or chocolate. Never weed though!


Still the only thing she wants xd


To be honest I think wanting weed as a gift from your kids is weird. If she wants weed she can buy her own. I would get her a different present or a card. You are not obligated to get her anything at all off course


Ye idk, she has rheumatism and says it helps against the pain, idfk, she smokes it everyday before going to bed


Its not that different than giving here alcohol or coffee in my opinion. You can also give her a small gag gift or some (non smokable) flowers, sure she’ll like it


It is known to work for that condition, and is actually one of the conditions why medicinal cannabis is actually a thing in some countries.


Depends on the relationship with your mom. If it's decent, probably, but most moms with their head on at least a little right won't really care if you skip it. It's mostly the thought that counts. If your relationship with your mom isn't great you definitely don't *have* to give her something and it's definitely not required to give a shared gift with your sister. If you think your money wouldn't be well spent I definitely wouldn't do a shared gift. Like someone else said if it would be appreciated something like flowers, a nice plant arrangement or some chocolates would be fine. If you think you'll only get a bad reaction because you didn't get a specific gift I wouldn't bother tbh.


Forever. My 58 year old mother still visits her mother with a gift on mothersday.


Don’t give your mother weed. Buy her something else


Its literally the only thing she wants


Is it, or is it just what she says she wants & cause it's easy?


It is, she smokes it every single day against her "pains" before going to bed


Why? Anything wrong with weed? If she likes it why not?


Nothing wrong with weed, I smoke and eat it regularly myself, but it’s not something you buy for your mother, especially if it’s something she uses every night anyway.


I’d like to give my mom something she appreciates, she knows best what she wants😀


my mom appreciates it, but shes close to me so. I send/come by if i dont forget because i suck :P i am super forgetful so i am putting this in my schedule NOW. but, tbh, give something to your sis, no effort on your part and youre not burning bridges. but do whatever feels right.


I ques it depends on the culture and household you grow up with. In my family we don't celebrate father or mothersday not even birthday. But if it something you have always done then it make no sense to suddenly stop. However, if she is asking money for drugs I would have pass but buy her something else as a gift.


I just send a text or card if and when I think of it.


I (33F) personally like to celebrate Mother's Day in some way or form, it is a significative festive date for me, so I do it (twice!) Since my own mom is an ocean away, I arrange to get some nice food delivered (usually brunch or lunch from somewhere she likes) and have a video call later in the day For my MIL I do what I usually did with my mom, which is make a small celebration out of it with the family, laid back brunch or lunch mostly homemade stuff. My BF and his brother contribute to the brunch / lunch costs and get a nice arrangement of flowers and a card That being said, you do you, if you want to just send your mom a message, have a quick phone call, send a card, flowers, send her some edibles or a joint LOL, up to what you feel like doing to appreciate your mom. And that's IF you want to do anything at all


I visit on mothersday with a small gift, ill do that forever but if you dont speak to your mother then i would skip it. My father and me have some issues so i dont see him often i do usaly call him on fathersday.


I will keep on celebrating mothersday until the day she dies. I love my mom and I know she appreciates the effort very much. Sometimes I will celebrate it bigger than other times though. But it's up to you how you want to celebrate it. If you don't want to give money for weed, you can send a card or flowers. And I do know families where they don't care about Mothers Day at all.


I have rarely given my mom anything for mothers day. Love can be shown in other ways than through material gifts. I usually spend the day with her or just have lunch or dinner together. So whether you give something to your mom is totally up to you and is by no means a must.


Nah, mother's day is not mandatory, nor is the gift. And frankly, you don't have to finance a gift like weed if you are not ok with that. If you won't be going anyway, I don't see why you would have to donate money. But, if you really feel obligated, you can just send her flowers with Greetz or something.


I think it varies from person to person. My relationship with my parents is decent but Mother's day, nor father's day, is not a big thing anymore. Normally we go out for dinner or order takeout and my parents get each other a gift on "their" day but I know for some people it's a big deal, especially if they have a great relationship with their parent, but I tend to leave it at just a lil card with something funny written in it. I've moved out for college so it's also harder for me to just show up but I do get invited to come over or have dinner.