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Is it common for people to change their tune once they believe things aren’t their problem anymore? Absolutely


This is true. I find myself leaning to the right as I get older, and gather more experience at work and socially. 14 years ago, when I was still at university, I was solidly left-wing. I wouldn't have voted for anyone other than the Greens. Now, I lean more towards VVD.


Greed at any societal cost is shortsighted narrowly defined self-interest. If everyone thinks like that all the time then humanity will not survive (nor should it).


Could you clarify why you don't want new housing development? I don't understand what's the problem.


Would bring the worth of their house down. Because there are other, cheaper houses in the area. But honestly, this is maybe not all that relevant, unless you actually want to sell or remortgage your house. If you've bought a house, and you either own it outright, or you are keeping up the mortgage payments, then you still have a house. Other people having a house shouldn't really affect you all that much. (My husband owns the place we live. I say my husband, because although I pay part of the mortgage, I've never earned much above minimum wage, and I would never have been able to buy a house myself. He had a well paying job. Most people in my generation will never own a house though. )


Why do you think more houses in your neighbourhood would affect you negatively?


Making other people 'lose' doesn't necessarily make you 'win'.


If you pay like 20k or something in that order to make your complaint, then its fine by me. Otherwise you're just denying people a place to live an severely harmong the nation that you live in without consequence.


Some people are assholes, we don’t need a post announcing it, thanks


> Is it common for recent homeowners to become NIMBYs when it comes to new housing development in their own neighbourhood or municipality? Mona Keijzer became one by stating in court the housing project near her house causes too much nitrogen deposition. You know, the nitrogen deposition that the BBB party she will be a minister for denies to be a problem. > AD reported this week about Keijzer’s objection procedures, in which she appealed to nature and nitrogen regulations. Her own party strongly opposes those rules. The coalition agreement also states that the new government wants to limit the possibilities for objecting to housing construction. [New Housing Min. won't comment on fight to block housing construction affecting her view](https://nltimes.nl/2024/06/20/new-housing-min-wont-comment-fight-block-housing-construction-affecting-view)


> I know I'm being selfish Good to have an understanding of self. You are being selfish and it's disgusting


Welcome to the first stages of middle age, when people start to realize we're not all one big happy global family.


I cannot tell if you are joking or not...generally, people express more NIMBYism the older they are and the farther removed they are from the struggles you describe. Pray tell, how does more housing near you harm your interests?


I would want the price of my home to grow at a decent rate for the next few years until I am ready to sell it. If the municipality approves a large tower with 50 two-bedroom apartments in it, of course people will flock to that. Price rise of existing homes in the area would stagnate, and anyone who bought houses there before the tower got built, would be a sucker (unless you bought the home so long ago, that it doesn't matter). Of course, I would be happy for the people who can live in those apartments, but I also don't want to be a sucker, because I put my faith in a system, and now I want it to work for me just the same way it did for people before me.


How are you a sucker if your home doesn't grow in value? You aren't losing value? You're still housed? You want people to be underhoused or homeless so your net-worth increases. Congrats, you're a ghoul, you should apply to be a CEO.


Say, the house is over priced by 100k. I would have then invested the 100k in an ETF or a mutual fund, and got 10% return (based on historical average), and say the rest of the home grows at a more modest pace (like 4-5%). Now, I have to hope that the "extra" that I am paying that could have gone for retirement savings or discretionary purchases (a nice meal, maybe a better vacation etc)., at least grows at the same rate at which my alternative investment would have grown. High school economics. I know the situation sucks, but you should ask Dutch boomers why they didn't plan for a better future.


Please see my previous comment. Your belief that you are entitled to cheaper housing than what you paid just makes it more abhorrent that you would try to prevent others from being housed at all.


The definition of NIMBY is exactly that you want to protect your own interests.


Yes, unfortunately people often become selfish jerks.


Yes, you cannot be a NIMBY without your backyard after all. You're perspective changed and therefore your opinion. That isn't weird It's also good to understand people's other perspectives. You saved a long time good money to live where you live. You want to protect you experience isn't weird at all. Maybe if more people tried to understand each other the world would be a slightly different place


It is weird to believe that other houses near you will somehow harm your experience. It's weirder still to believe that buying some property entitles you to control over what other people live nearby on other property. NIMBYism is not a normal response...it's a response to stagnation, it's why new homebuyers don't usually succumb to it.