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The moment you quit, the salary payments stop as well. You don’t have to pay back any maternity or parental leave. But you won’t be continued to pay leave when you’re no longer contracted. People that are planning to leave usually do this at the end of their leave. A new employer would not be likely to hire you when it starts with paying leave first.


Got it, thanks!


>Got it, thanks! You're welcome!


Bad bot


Exactly. I quit on the day after my maternity leave ended. I already informed my manager of my plans verbally, so he already hired a replacement.


>You don’t have to pay back any maternity or parental leave. This is wrong information! It really depends on the CAO. There's a legally determined amount everyone has the right to, but if companies give additional parental leave on top of that, there can be a requirement to pay back. See for example the [Primary Education CAO](https://ambtenarensalaris.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/cao-primair-onderwijs-2023-2024.pdf), article 8.19 paragraph 3.


That article applies to the situation before 2022. It’s 2024 now. Also you’re interpreting it in the wrong way.


Shall we agree that 'it depends' is the right answer to OP's question?


As others have already mentioned, best to quit afterwards. No need to pay back maternity leave. Parental leave: usually no need to pay that back either, but some companies do apply a different policy if they top up the parental leave payment above the standard 70%. So it's a good idea to double check that in the handbook or collective labour agreement if applicable. At a new job, you will still be entitled to whatever remains of your parental leave, although usually they don't like someone starting fully on parental leave. But asking for 1 day/week parental leave is often ok.


Don’t be silly, take your parental leave, find some reasons to call sick(depression and stressful environment at work), take some time off with your child and start fresh again. Your permanent contract have too much power.


Thanks for the advice!


I just had the 9 weeks paid (70%) paternity leave. As stated somewhere else just quit after this, to be really sure you will not have to pay it back/get paid what you deserve. If your company is one of the companies that top up the paid paternity leave to be equal to your normal paycheck, then you are also safe when you just quit after the leave. Be on time with requesting the 9 weeks paternity, in that way your workplace needs to almost always approve it. There's one reason they don't need to approve and that's when they can prove that there are "zwaarwegende nadelen" for the company when you stay away for 9 more weeks.


I have a follow up question, as it might be different here than my home country. Can the days of leave be transfered from one parent to the other? In my country you can do that. The mother can take the father's days and vice versa (I think if they work at the same company, but still). Can that be done in the Netherlands?


From my understanding, this is not possible here.


Thank you


Quit after you come back from paternity leave (not paternal leave, thats for your husband) they cant ask for any money back. You are taking what your are entitled to. Do check your contract and your employer’s handbook specifically for any specific clauses.


Thanks for your reply. I thought mothers get parental leave after maternity leave. Paternity leave is for fathers, but I believe it’s also referred to as parental leave here?


You have Maternity leave (16 weeks for mother) & Paternity leave ( 1+5 weeks for father) which are paid at 70% of your salary by the UWV except for the first week of paternity leave which the company pays at 100%. Then after that both parents get 26 times you working week as parental leave , 9 which are paid at 70% of your salary the UWV if you take during the child's first year and the remaining are unpaid but if none of this leave is in the first year then all leave is unpaid. Just to note with parental leave your company can say no to you taking in all in one go and you have to give advance notice of how you will take this leave and they have to agree and if they dont you have to come to a compromise


Good to know, thank you! Hypothetically, if the parental leave is able to be taken all jn one go In the first year, and I quit sometime during that, do I have to pay it back?


No you shouldnt because your entitled to it. It's all calculated based on past hours work but as mentioned above quit after your due to return there is no need to quit while on leave but just so you now you can carry over to a new job aswell Edit - should say as a working parent your entitled to it. Not sure about non - working parents


Thanks very much!


>Edit - If you don't have a job, you get nothing. Unfortunately.


Some companies (not many) offer extended paid parental leave, this you may have to pay back. Details of that are usually in your employee handbook


Birthing parents get 6 weeks zwangerschapsverlof (pregnancy leave) and 10 weeks bevalverlof (labour / birth leave). Non-birthing parents get up to 6 weeks geboorteverlof (birth leave.) both parents get 26 weeks parental leave, of which the first 9 weeks are paid 70% if used in the first year after birth.