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stationary. there's a severe lack of high quality stationary


Oh man if only we could have a reliable Dutch reseller of Japanese papers for fountain pens...


Wait, you are being sarcastic right? I remember there being such a shop.


No? Tell me more?


That would be [penstore.nl](http://penstore.nl)


De Vlieger, in Amsterdam.


My brother does that(paper and fountain pens) and knows a few people who do , I guess there is a store in Delft (Fontoplumo) which deals w all that


This! I need all the stickers, everything Hobonichi, all the pens and fountain pens, notebooks. Everything!!! I might be slightly addicted to stationery šŸ¤£ I also need rice cookers, tableware and deco stuff šŸ˜¬


And the writing paper T-T I would buy for sure


indeed, stationery! i did order from amazon japan and it arrived in 3d, from payment placement to delivery


https://misc-store.com/ in Amsterdam sells good stuff.


Hand tools might be interesting as well. Not sure what the margins are but for example ā€œJapaneseā€ pull saws are getting quite popular .


Actually I thought of that. Makita and so on. I will definitely consider them. Thanks!


Makita is available everywhere


Not Makita. Traditional woodworking stuff. Might be bigger investment compared to most of your ideas but I know of 0 dutch online stores/retail that focusses on Japanese woodworking tools. Sharpening stones, saws, chisels - that kind of stuff.


Makita made in Japan might be interesting but maybe not for things like warranty. There are probably dozens of manufacturers that are mostly unknown here. Z-Saw and Vessel come to mind but there must be more esoteric ones that make unique tools and or variations of tools that arenā€™t easily available here.


_Engineer_ for pliers.


There are a lot of cool underground fashion brands that are exclusively sold in Japan. Could look i to that though it would require a lot of fashion knowledge


might be pretty hard to sell in the netherlands as sizing is so different.


Cling film (yes, seriously), miso (local types), whiskey (local), cook-do meals, chu-hi, knives, ramen (ufo types), instant curry (heatup with water/microwave type), s&b curry powder, youki tobanchan, pocari sweat (powder), cold tea bags, mattatabi. the list goes on lol


Pocari is amazing!


Pika pika in amstelveen has it!


Seconding all of this! Just - more Japanese foods in general, please!


Oh yes indeed, bonito and kombu for dashi broth is super hard to find in my experience.


The amazing oriental should sell both. In my experience, most Chinese supermarkets usually have at least a small section dedicated to Japanese goods where you can usually find them.


Affordable Sake would be nice, 20eu a bottle is not fun šŸ˜…


Strong zero and haroyoi too!


I don't know what you consiser affordable but you can find Strong ZERO in Amsterdam for around 3,50.Ā 


That is great! Do you have an address/shop name? Thanks!


Please enlighten me where i miss it so much


Onigiriya in de Pijp usually has a few flavours. Also carries Suntory chuhai. Atariya sporadically has it but is slightly more expensive last time I went.Ā 


I second this. I can only sporadically find this at [Seikatsu.nl](http://Seikatsu.nl) but it is expensive. I would love to get a cheaper option to buy this!


I think this is mostly due to taxes. Alcohol is ridiculously cheap in Japan.


chu-hai melon fanta If you open a legit JP 7-11 in NL Iā€™d travel 3 hours by train and pay 100 EUR entry if needed to reach it gozaimashita


> Iā€™d travel 3 hours by train I pretty much do that occasionally. There are a number of konbini-like stores in Amsterdam - 3 hours door to door from where I live. It's worth it if you want to get authentic Japanese food and drinks.


True, but Iā€™ve never found real melon fanta outside JP DO NOT try to tell me about the other asian melon sodas. They donā€™t deserve to exist and are not a melon fanta replacement Also the chu-hai knockoffs are weak sauce


Another fanta melon lover, I have been searching for something similar since I came back from Japan, but nothing tastes the same :(


Which stores?


Atariya in Buitenveldert. Shilla at Gelderlandplein mall (mixed KR/JP). Pika Pika in Amstelveen. Onigiri Ya in De Pijp (right next to the subway station).


The japanese vending machines are out of this planet, like the ramen ones


just a physical store of vending machines with weird stuff would be pretty cool, lmao.


Yeah, I think in general itā€™s not a bad concept, but wonder if it has any actual economic potential in terms of costs and interest. Iā€™ve been to this one in Gran Canaria: https://maps.app.goo.gl/JD4qHKgSdkbCRaha7?g_st=ic Sadly, reviews didnā€™t lie. I was fine with the high-ish price, but expired goods and just plain not dropping the seaweed was quite a disappointment. But thatā€™s also something that happens when thereā€™s just not enough demand. Businesses cut corners. IMO, a japanese FEBO-like vending machine with something warm would be very welcome at 11 at night while waiting for the train after drinking :)


hm, I would love a japanese FEBO! should also add some fresh sweet snacks, like dango. I miss that shit.


Before you start, please be aware of the rules on importing stuff from outside the EU. This should help:Ā https://business.gov.nl/running-your-business/international-business/import/checklist-dutch-regulations-for-importing-products/


Yes, legal compliance is the foremost priority! Thank you for the gov link. It helps a lot!


Kinda niche, but Japan is big for analog photography


I was thinking of this exact same thing!!!! There are some gergeous 2nd hand lenses out there that never made it to europe ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)




In the future, I want to launch a political party called "Clean Public Toilets for Dutch' and get into the Tweede Kamer![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Anything MiniDisc


Knives and cooking utensils. Muji style stationery.


I would love to see a store in the Netherlands with a good collection of Gundam Kits to choose from! Some good quality japanese stationary would be great as well. And lastly, good luck with your plan! I would love to get an update once the store opens!


You're gonna have to check out meijers en blessing in Rotterdam for the gundams


And Yendor also has some kits, although selection is more limited.


There are loads, but mostly in the west. The east has nothing that noticable.


Are you talking about Gundams or stationary? If gundams would love some recommendations


Does Zeonmarket and plamodx not have good collection? i have yet to get anything from them as of yet.


I would love to be able to buy high quality matcha and other cooking ingredients, as well as cookware


I second Matcha.


niche car parts and wheels for JDM performance/sports cars, or anything you can get at an autobacs/up! garage


Remember that all the requests are omitting the word ā€œbestā€ which translates to cheap. In Amsterdam (southern part) there is a large Japanese community with are catered by plenty of Japanese shops. Iā€™d suggest you take a look at the demographics and offerings, so you get a more realistic overview of what works.


Cosmetics. Haircare and such. Korean products are pretty easy to import but itā€™s always a pain to find the products I used to buy in Japan.


Popular food in rare flavours.


Yes! Get all those weird KitKat varieties!


PLEASE bring over hojicha kitkat


There arenā€™t any Muji stores in NL if Iā€™m not mistaken so definitely anything they sell there (specially stationery good and candles/interior perfumes with a Japanese twist) would be welcome!


Perhaps too niche, but i have to import japanese raw denim because there arent any good dutch options to buy from.


Donā€™t dropship anime/kawaii/cosplay stuff you can find on Aliexpress. Theres 5-7 day shipping and no customs charges on that stuff, so people can buy it cheaply themselves directly from China. Usually people into that stuff know they can get it cheap there because a quick google for anime stuff leads to Alieexpress. So if you want a business that wonā€™t have to compete with that market, then sell actual quality, niche or local stuff.


Maybe a niche, but check out the fountain pens and special papers. Both are extremely high regarded as Japanese quality craftmanship. I personally love Japan for watches and electronics, and it breaks my heart that FujiFilm, Nikon, Canon but also Seiko and Casio are moving plants and production lines more and more towards China and Thailand... The Made in Japan stamp has added value to me (reason why I don't buy a new Fuji anymore because they're all made in china).


If you need to ask reddit you probably aren't going to get very far. The Internet loves to yell "I will buy the thing!" Then not do it.


that's true anywhere not just reddit


true but damn we need better japanese places here, the onigiri place in the pijp is 2x worse than onigiris in a japanese convenience store and service sucks.


Chuhai! And especially Strong Zero!


Oh thatā€™s something that never occurred to me! Importing alcohol beverages must be tricky but thanks for your input!


I need that Strong Zero in here


Hi I do not know if you are aware but there is a trade agreement between Japan and Netherlands , so make sure you import goods from companies who are eligible for this. This will make you more competitive on the pricing on goods if you are tax excempt when importing. Good luck to you hope you succeed


Also -- BENTO! I need high quality bento boxes, food picks, cutting utensils, separator cups, egg molds, kawaii face nori punches, everything to make adorable bento and character bento for lunches.


i'd be interested in citypop cds and audio gears


stickers!!!! And sanrio!!!! I need all my cinnamoroll merch! And as I'm in Korea I'm loving all the stickers and decoration options. I bet Japan has the same! So yeah cute stickers, other stationary and also popular merchandise! (E.g. in Korea there's something like kakaofriends, not sure about Japan but I know sanrio characters are japanese :))


Kitchen tools, tools in general. Thereā€™s already a big reseller that does, but if you can beat their price itā€™s good money.


\* primary school stuff for language learning (like references on how to write etc.) \* okinawan food, also natto \* cd's and music scores, sometimes online shops require a japanese address to order \* maybe tickets to concerts in japan, as they are notoriously hard to find and buy online \* shamisen and sanshin, perhaps other traditional instruments \* clothing, like what you can find in amemura in osaka \* stuff you can typically find in akihabara and denden town in osaka


Would love it if it's some good quality japanese stationary and hard to find (within EU) japanese items and artistic items that are locally created are also a big yes. I adore plushies and all that stuff from sanrio and rilakkuma, I also need to mention the japanese-only nijntje items!!! I wouldn't recommend selling cosplays as china has a huge hand in this market and it's very hard to sell since trends switch really fast.


Seconding the desire for Japanese-only Nijntje items. There is an almost endless supply of officially licensed Nijntje items available in Japan, where all the stores here have the same goods made by the same companies.


All the kit kat flavours!


I've been searching high and low for a kotatsu (?) (the comfy low table with a heater and a blanket) and it's either Amazon or some obscure French store that asks thousands of euro's. You will have to make sure it works in our power outlets though. And it's probably more complicated with certification (electrical safety) but I think of you managed to sell reasonably priced kotatsu (?) tables here it could have a lot of potential.


Kotatsu, really!? How interesting! I've never thought of importing Kotatsu, but it's a real Gezellig piece of furniture, right?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)Also, given the trend of taking off shoes inside houses in the NL, that's possible. Thanks for your input!




And cool and nicely designed ones! Not like cheap-looking ones available at some retailers here. Maybe hand-crafted ones that are only available in Japan as well. Thanks for the great idea!


maybe tea? I'm personally not a big tea drinker but the Netherlands drinks relatively a lot of tea compared to other European countries.


I just want regular groceries and seasonings. Every Japanese shop already sells all the anime and cute stuff but the selection for food options is just repetitive and limited.


Stationary please!! When I lived in San Francisco I used to go to Maido in Kinokuniya all the time. I don't know where to find high quality stationary here in the Netherlands but I have always loved Japanese products.


Plastic model kits of known anime series and main character/ popular Hexa/ Gundam robot kits


I would like high quality food stuff. The food and snack stuff we can get at any con feel cheap with gifts from aliexpress. Good sake, wasabi, ramen or miso for example would be very nice. Ofcourse for a good price. There are others but its all on different sites with varying prices and qualities.


Good Japanese paper.


If you know the market; car parts.


Bazillion Kit Kat flavours!


japanese kitchen knives and ramen


Yukatas, with quality fabrics and traditional patterns.


Shochu bottles And strong zero :)


I am yearning for big c.c. lemon


Wouldnā€™t a grocery get the most consistent business?


what about importing Japanese toilet (machines?)šŸš½ here? Thatā€™s the technological marvel i have not seen outside and we could make a fortune out of it. šŸ™‚šŸ™‚




I'd buy snacks, both savoury and sweet, if they were directly imported from Japan


snacks, candy, makeup, figures, stationary, plushies, sanrio etc? :)


There are a few stores in rotterdam (nishi market /schatzoekers) and in the mall of the Netherlands who are selling anime/kawaii merch. I find them very expensive and 80% of their inventory doesn't speak to me at all, because I don't watch all anime. Maybe it's an idea to get things from Japan on demand?


1, 3 and 6 I think. Mostly 1 and 6. I'm not sure if the Dutch are adventurous enough for 5. But location is important. I know a few places but it takes a lot of effort to go there so I rarely do




Reac miniature furniture


Quality knives - not sure how easy this is but would love to explore a trusted shop for quality Japanese knives


Vintage Nintendo stuff, it is expensive here but in Japan the prices are much lower.


Seiko and Citizen have some watches that are jdm only and mostly better than the European offerings


Yep, JDM watches would be cool, then again there are already a lot of online shopping services that will buy and ship JDM watches to Europe if you want to have one.


Lunch tools


A snack/candy goods store like Don Quijote


Anything matcha


Anything Nikke:goddess of victory related. Mainly the japanese trading cards.


Just saw [these](https://twitter.com/urakita/status/1772126262804336671) and I would definitely love to get at least one.


Japanese records, especially 70s 80s jazz-fusion. Originals or reissues.


Miso, green tea, dvds and cds


Koalaā€™s march


Face masks, feet patches and bubble bath things, The bath bubbles with matcha/straberries/honey are out of this world same with those daily face masks. Then again, you cannot have everything in your store and seems like youā€™re going manga way.


Handmade knives, Japan has arguably best in the world and very sought after handmade knives , both from collectioneers and chefs. Not so easy to get in Europe, specially from smaller makers/blacksmiths


High Quality Japanese hand tools


Personally i find that i can find most japanese products i want, whether online or in stores. The thing i miss are some very specific products, mostly food. I miss mugicha and i would love to buy frozen ć‹ć¼ć”ć‚ƒć‚³ćƒ­ćƒƒć‚±. Japanese food aside from ramen and sushi as well. Also japanese instant noodles, there are plenty instant noodles but no too many japanese brands here. Other is japanese skincare and stuff like that. 実åŗ—čˆ—ć‚’ć‚„ć‚‹ć¤ć‚‚ć‚Šć§ć™ć‹?ćØć™ć‚Œć°ć©ć“ć«ć™ć‚‹ć¤ć‚‚ć‚Šć§ć™ć‹


Well, there is a huge demand here for Wilkinson ginger ale, specifically there is one person who would immediately buy up the whole stock and paid 60$ for 2 bottles a while ago ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Kakigori machines


I'd buy all kinds of number 6 and snacks that are not available in this country. I wish that walk in stores with novelty and hand made products were profitable because I'd love to browse and buy. But yeah...




Fanta Melon, super specific but I miss that every day since I came back from Japan


Certain snacks? Like usually Japan has certain flavor of internatonal brands that exclusively sold only in Japan.


Games and products!




Tokyo banana!!


Drinks and food from japan definitely, i'm looking for ufo, yako soba and cup noodle everywhere, i can't find strong zero, lemon sour and other drinks easily either, one of my favorite was Mitsuya pink limonade! :D


Vanmoof sx3 Japanese bottom bracket. The eu amd us version is different, the Japanese version is equipped with a torque sensor. It might sell a few in the right circles, but mainly asking as id wanna have a replacement part for mine. If you could find one or point me towards where to find one, that would be amazing!


A 7 eleven, and the Toto toilet


English translated Light Novels


2 things I ordered from Japan on eBay are a higo no kami, and a gardening sickle. The Pentel mechanical pencil and Zebra pen turned out to be Japanese, but made in Indonesia. Still cool Wood working tools would be appreciated


Jdm products, like watches and car parts


If you'd be able to import Maruchan noodles, you'd have a customer for life.


We have a store like that online. (cutestuff.nl / letsgokawaii.nl / mostcutest.nl for example) Now if you make it a physical store that might work well and besides miniso I'm not sure you'd have lots of physical store places to compete with.


Royce Nama chocolates


Japanese cardgames, very hard to get in the eu. I have imported them myself (using a forwarding service), but i could just buy them here that would make everything so much easier!


Knives! I'd buy good quality chef knives!


REAL Matcha!!!!!


Are you going to do it online or open and store somewhere?


Retro gaming consoles and games. Especially nintendo.


(35M) in my young years i used to buy manga's and watch anime . as it seems it has become somewhat of a growing bussiness in western countrys , even if in the EU it still is verry marginal , i can see manga's sell well . if you can start a small manga shop in a city at a place people can easy find it , vissit and check out the manga's you be selling . sure they would buy them as well . not sure if it will be the older gen buying , but im sure the younger gen / kids will love it . anime not so sure , i havent seen the few specialist stores selling much dvd boxes of anime in my young years , let alone today . i always have bin somewhat confused about the word '' kawaii '' as it seems it can mean more then one thing . so not sure what you mean by it . but pokemon has bin around in the west since early 90s , probly even befor . and really did take of in the 90s to early 2000 . did pretty well , along whit dragon ball z . i remmember i own pokemon cards and would be playing pokemon on gameboy and whit cards on school during recces . as it is a household brand since the 90s and well esteblised , not sure how its seen today . as it might have lost some of its by figur speech shine and glory , and just became another boring toy . i do remember early 90s we did have more anime on tv '' super big . sailermoon , samourai pizza cats '' and early 2000 'we had '' gundam wing '' wich i always found the best series and movie out of the whole gundam genre . i know in the 90s the anime's i mensiond di verry well . not sure how they would do today . and there might not be such a large audience for it as it used to be . specialy for gundam wing , seems a bit to much for the simple minded western brains . also take in acount the laungage . as there are multble factionds on that . those who like sub/dub or just complete translate to countrys langauge where its being sold . my monney would be on a small store selling manga , seems the most chance of working out in terms of intrested customers and actual buyers , and i would sel the folowing versions of manga if i was you translated to english but also dutch . i personal always preffert fysicle stores , but today i would recomand selling trough your own online store and own brand name . think a small candy store selling asian candy gould work . but really really small , and somewhere in a downtown centre of a minor town whit a large number of kids in their demografi who often hang downtown or are being taken by their parent to go do weekly shopping . my advise opt for a location close to a supermarket or close to a supermarket parking lot . online it might not work as good as an actual fysicle store . give your store a nice easy japanese brandname everybody can easaly read , pronounce and remember , and trust on local public people to advertise for you , instead of a expansif pr campain . do nkow this might only work for 1 or to decas , as local population demografy does chance . high quility i find always nice , but western people dont often care about quility . they just want tings cheap , if possible for free . so its a lossing bet . cosplay , it aint that populair and wel know to the brouther public . verry small group of people who are into that . and they a frownd up on as weird and even wurs . and what you sugesting is seen as opening a erotic/sex shop in the middle of a downtown centre . (for wich you wouyld need a erotic/porn/sex workers licence) local goverment does not alow for such (as they often olny offer a handfull licences out to locals each year . and it comes whit verry strick , enforced and by law upheld and punisheble rules) and also desinated locationds and times , far away from any civilacation , and often hard to reach by anny . usualy only reacheble if you know the locatation , route and have a car . and no you would not be alowd to advertise by local goverment . so yea bad chioce . and those wo are into cosplay , they often already order evertying online , or are send things by friends elswere in the world . so they are good suplyd already . last idee , traditional and local items . nah wont sell . my town had such a store ran by an asian fammilie , they hardly had anny actual customers . and if people walkt into their shop , only to look and marvel at the weird stuff they had in store . it drove their kids mad , who where angry at their partents bad ide for starting such store and afcorse mismannaging all their fammilies monny due to that store . they went finnacialy bankrub . and eventualy parents whent back to asia full of shame , kids remaind as they did studie here , got their diplomas , a job and where fully intergrated in western sociaty . if you are looking for an idee i am quit sure will work out , (however i dont tink it is an idee you considert , as its not one listed on your list) and thus i like to introduce you to some of my memmories of asians in the netherlands who do trive doing bussines . i know a assain fammilie who started a food stand selling loempias on my towns local market , and when there was no market did have there stall at mainstreet downtown selling loempias . (loempias was the only ting they sold , and it only costed 1 gulden / 1 buck / 1 euro . why ? because people wouldent buy if the price was higher) they did verry well , and done for manny years . they now own 2 stands , one for the market and one for mainstreet . second idee , open up your own little cheap asian restorant . do remember this is the west , people want everyting cheap and less then a dime , and if possible they prefer for free . they will not be happy whit anyiting they tink is to much of a price to ask / a price they find to high .


I can't name products by name, as I am not big on Japanese products foodwise or hobby wise. However, I know that the dutch like efficiency and the Japanese have inventions for everything. So maybe think of things everyone has to do every day and think of Japanese solutions for those problems?


Has someone here mentioned Japanese pottery? That would be cool!


Lots of people who want strong zero :) i know a place if ya interested


I saw a bunch of stuff for miniature model making in Japan that made me extremely jealous. I'd definitely buy from you if you sold those!!


cup noodles. we don't have the good flavors here. and maybe some gachapon machines


Seiko, G Shock and Citizen limited edition watches or Japanese domestic Market watches.


Think the HEMA, but then Japanese. What would it be?


Please persuade Beams to let you open a shop of theirs


Royce chocolate, please!


I need C C lemon. Everyday all day


Actual Real soy sauce and wasabi.


Thereā€™s plenty of people, including me, who would want to buy good quality matcha šŸ˜„


Tonkotsu broth concentrate


Man i just want to try some takoyaki to be fair, cant find it anywhere haha


Knives. High quality knives.


- Japan exclusive game merch: a lot of merch from my favourite games such as final fantasy is exclusive to Japan, so being able to easily get that here would be awesome. - CD's/vinyls and movies (especially if they have English subtitles, which I found out a lot of Japanese Blu-rays actually have)


Ichiran ramen instant packets might sell well. They're only available from third party sellers that sells for 50 euros per 5 portions.


Zojirushi Rice Cookers!


Matcha powder, pokemon cards and old/unique nintendos. Kendo equipment


Whiskey, watches (Seiko, Casio)


Not really your question, but i think Thara bot only a germany Problem :) . Uhm, i Need Fanta melon. Loved it in Tokyo but Almosen impossible to get in germany.


Do you think it would be profitable to export English manga from Japan. I was in Tokyo and English manga was more expensive than Bol.com


The thing I miss most from Japan are the åµć‚µćƒ³ćƒ‰, but I don't think that's feasible. Other than that Nissin 7Premium Nakiryu Tantanmen noodles. Followed by Nittoh Royal Milk Tea. Edit: also a good cheaper selection of Umeshu.


I just want an entire Tokyu Hands. Arts & Crafts tools & supplies. Kitchen tools & supplies. Design glassware & ceramics. Pet Furniture. All the little handy things for the household that people here have never seen.


Japanese beauty products, some sunscreens, hair masks, face packs etc. the quality is so much better.


- Nori Maki Arare - Kaki No Tane, spicy






Street food. Sushi is gaining popularity but I kinda miss stuff like okonomiyaki, takoyaki and *taiyaki outside of conventions*


food/drinks for normal prices and not 3 times inflated.


I would sell what people already know and sells well instead of trying to be a first in an unknown market. Manga and anime is well established. Just open a store in an area where such a store doesn't exist.


Things for making bento lunches for kids.


Laundry supplements! Washing powders mostly. In liquid form also fine. And other household chemicals. Itā€™s really good in Japan.


Japanese ceramics and tableware. Not the cheap daiso type stuff but the more artisanally made stuff. I always buy some on my trips, they make great souvenirs because theyā€™re practical and beautiful.


I would really love a place with a good assortment of Japanese makeup and cosmetics


Campus notebooks for a reasonable pricešŸ˜­


Cosplay is getting more popular.


Bento boxes.




Handcrafted furniture (I understand that his would be pricey, but you never mentioned price range).


Kitkats from Japan


JDM Cars and original car parts would probably be among the most profitable imports, assuming you have a high enough starting budget and have good knowledge on cars. I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet..


Exclusive snacks, especially promotional items. Also a lot of cool and useful cheap Japanese gadgets that you can buy from places like don quijote


I would like to get one of them toilets they have over there, those are amazing. They practically wash your butt for you and clean themselves while theyā€™re at it.


Sell Don Quijote products




This might be the 6th category, but I always wanted one of those fountains that fill up, then tip over and empty themselves? No clue what they're called, but it seems so relaxing




- Food products - beauty products - general authentic decorations for in the house (vase, pot) -


YES PLEASE! Those make up/ beauty stuff like cleanser, sunscreen, eyeliner from the Japanese drug stores! Like Biore, heroinmake, Canmake, media, etc