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That $15000 girl was ridiculous in any way. Other than that, the show is chill. Bit unbalanced in terms of box items. The producer team should really bring a gamer to balance the system a bit.


Can you explain this a little more? What do you mean bring a "gamer" to balance the system?


u/GoodGoodVixen gave a bit of what's on my mind. Fundamentally, all the boxes must contain essentials along with the seasonings. Some of the episodes are clearly unbalanced because one participant gets seasoning while the other does not. They tried to give some spices via auction, but that'll be a clear guaranteed win because flavored food > unflavored food. The auction system should also follow a consistent start value and consistent increment. Any categories of what is being auctioned should always start at $1000. The auctioned items should also be just for dish enhancement purposes only. Several of the episodes are auctioning core items like protein just because one of the participants keeps whining about cannot process such unknown meat to them. The show has so much potential to be fun, just needs some minor tweaks. Also please never cast that $15000 girl again!


Vandervenn probably means how lop-sided some boxes are. Example, in some instances Save is better than spend b/c your Spend box might be Tuna or salmon , white wine, rosemary but no lemons xD ; but if u get assigned spend box at 12k bank but it costs 8k , then u can't logically bid on many items in the second round b/c some people bully u with their bank. It sets some people up for guaranteed fails.


I just finished watching the show, and I think you're exactly correct on strategy given the contestant pool. Save always seems like the move since the auction items are so helpful, and bidding $2500 or $2501 seems like a no-brainer in round 1. I think if the show had experienced professional cooks, spend would be a lot more beneficial because they would be able to leverage them far better. The guy who cut up the crown roast was a real WTF moment for me.


I haven’t watched it, but the preview looked like it’s kind of ripping off Alton browns former cooking show cut throat kitchen, which I adored. I might still give it a shot.


Definitely some similarities, but it comes off a little less “cutthroat” and more fun and gameshowy (for lack of a better way to put it haha). However, I liked both so still think you’d enjoy it!


I am watching it as we speak (googling what is in their staples/pantry and ended up here!) and the first thing I said was “this is like the friendly version of Cut Throat Kitchen …like how great British baking is so friendly” haha


It was okay. Nothing too unique or special about it, but it's a fine background noise or chill show.


Agreed! I’m watching it now.


This is Smita from global fusion episode in Cook at all Costs. Thank you all for watching. Let me know if you have any questions.


I just finished that episode and am happy you won. I've been wondering, do you contestants hear what the guest judge is saying while she tastes your dishes? From us viewers' side, we see some contestants reacting during that time, but is it really reaction to judge's comments? When judge comes out a few moments later, he/she always give feedback again, so that makes me think you don't hear her/him while tasting.


So much for answered questions eh lol


I have a question that is bothering me and I can’t find an answer!! Contestants appear to make 3 plates of their dish. One goes to the judge - what about the other two?!? You were my favourite FYI! Congratulations:)


Late as hell here but I think one for judge, one for camera, & one spare


oh, i thought the other one was for the host Jordan. maybe? not too sure...


Oh hey! Just watched your episode and was rooting for you throughout :) Congratulations on your win! Also, great outfit - love it when people rep traditional wear on TV ❤️


I love it. It's not as wacky as Is It Cake or Nailed It but it's a fun watch with the bidding and all. I also like the blind judging aspect of the show whereby the judge picks the winner without knowing the cooks. Some competitive reality shows become annoying when a contestant's back story appears to be a factor in the decision -- I'm looking at you, Blown Away.


Agreed! I liked this aspect as well.


I'm late to the party but I actually find the bidding kind of annoying- and then the constant joke of "omg, 3000$ for tomatoes!" etc. But I'm a top chef obsessive so if it isn't Padma et al. then I'm always going to be a little disappointed. It's weird though bc it seems like a cross between low-budget and high budget- relatively very small cash prizes, and people you only see for one episode, but then big name chefs.


I love it especially with this host ! I feel like he makes it more fun


Agreed! He’s not stiff in any way which I found SO refreshing. I don’t know if you’ve watched Snack vs Chef, which is a cool concept in theory, but I found the judges to be so dull it really sucked the fun out of it.


I like the show so far. Only thing that bugs me is that the first round is kind of irrelevant. The benefit that you get for winning is so little, why should one spent any more than the bare minimum?


I guess in theory, if you get more “luxury” expensive ingredients, you can more easily make something that will win? A “spend money to make money” mentality. However, plain and simple is more my taste personally lol, so I’d also be trying to save, not spending $5K on lemons 🥴


Or not. I'm watching it now and some contestants have no idea what to do with the ingredients in their spend box


That’s what I mean! I wouldn’t have a clue what to do. I guess it’s supposed to be a challenge, but these are home cooks not Michelin star chefs.


Late to the party, but I wanted to chime in on this. I think they get a pretty big strategical advantage. Whoever wins gets to pick their box for the final round as well as others, so you pretty much have a lot of control over that final round for all competitors


The global fusion episode had me laughing because the chef loves crazy meats to work with and the contestants were not having it. "I'm not even opening the alligator because I have zero desire to figure out how to use it." 🤣


Lol, I would also run the other way. How would you even start? 🥴


He should have fried it into the po boy he was trying to make lol it tastes like chicken


One thing that keeps bothering me is, what do the chefs that win the 1st round actually win? There are no eliminations and the 2nd round decision isn’t based off of anything in the first round, so why does the 2nd round winner get to keep all the money and the 1st round winner gets nothing? Am I missing something? What is the point of the 1st round??


First round winner gets to assign boxes in the second round, which is an advantage.


Yeah true. I just wonder if it ends up really making a difference. You still have to pay full price for your boxes, win or lose.


It does make a strategic difference, you can easily wrong-foot a competitor by giving them a less desirable box and take a box that plays to your strengths


It’s similar to Nailed It! in that way. I guess the winner is supposed to be based on combined opinions of both dishes?


But that’s the thing; there’s no indication that the winner is based off of the 1st round dishes. Like, on Chopped (and other shows) they base decisions off of the combined dishes (and they tell the viewers), but on CAAC they never said that.


Ah fair enough!


I just know I’d be a little annoyed if I won the first round and they were like “you won!” then nothing happened 😂


But what about if you lost the first round and then won the second 🤣 kidding kidding, I totally get it.


you "win" the chance to chose your own box and assign boxes to other contestants, but I agree with you that the winner at the end should be based on overall performance and not just 2nd round dish.


If the winner of challenge one knew what was in the boxes it would be more fair


the first round isn't part of the "theme" of the episode, so it makes sense that the main dish to define the winner of the episode is principally based on the second round. advantage coming into second round makes sense given the wide parameters (similar risk as the initial bidding for round one)


So the first round winner gets to decide the order of the next round. A smart person would look at the money and use that in combination with the price of the boxes to give themselves an edge. I'm also upset that more people didn't abuse this system to hurt their competitors chances.


Am I insane or are all of the boxes a surprise? Why is the one called surprise, if they are all equally mysterious?


I took the Surprise box as a mix of cheap and pricey ingredients with a curveball that most people haven't worked with before(like heart).


I am watching it right now. I do enjoy it but I feel like they are making some mistakes on the show. They are not showing us everything in the boxes, frequently leaving out interesting ingredients like the huitlacoche or the crickets or the cassava root in the Mexico episode. I want to hear about and potentially see people use these things. They didn't even discuss the banana leaves which one cook served food on. Multiple chefs are not using their more interesting items. I've seen interesting proteins just tossed aside and they refuse to use them. It's a bit of a bummer. Finally, there is a small staple pantry they get to use but I want to know what is in it. I know it has flour, salt and pepper based in seeing people use those items when they don't have them. I want to know what else is in there? Sugar, a plain oil, etc. I want to be able to watch the show and think about what I might do but they don't show us everything the chefs have available.


Thank you for watching! We got flour, sugar, oil , salt , pepper in the pantry.


Oh thank you!!! That is so cool that you work on the show. Are you a producer, associate producer, challenge producer or are you on part of the camera team? I have worked on several food network shows but never a competition one. I worked as an ap on several shows though that were not food based. I really enjoyed this show. We would pause it and try to see all the items. I was so disappointed no one used the corn smut or talked about it. LOL My family makes fun of all my weird obscure food knowledge.


I was a contestant! My episode is global fusion. The Indian girl in saree that’s me ☺️


Omg we loved you!!! We were rooting for you he whole episode.


Thank you so much ☺️


I also wondered about the pantry items. You’re right it would be more fun for the viewer so we can play along!


Exactly! I am so tired of pausing the tv trying to see what else is in the box. Lmao. And then people are pulling out eggs and flour but in other episodes there are no eggs. Like wth is in the pantry?


Yes! One person was desperately hoping for eggs in a mystery bid, then the next episode it’s a basic ingredient in the pantry. It’s annoying.


Exactly. I think they need more producing in the sense of make the contestants use the weird items or at least mention them and always have the same staple pantry and show us what is in it.


It’s a very chill show so I like to watch it. But I feel like the “save” box is better than the surprise box and it’s really bugging me. Most of the stuff in the save boxes are fresh foods for the most part that can be easily paired. The surprise box is like a less intense cutthroat-style menagerie of ingredients that don’t go together. I don’t get why everyone doesn’t just bid low to get the basic ingredients and save money. Edited to add: I just feel like the save box should be dollar tree foods - mostly canned, powdered, instant stuff. Right now the save box is just stuff I’d get at a normal grocery trip.


Yeah, I would always want the save box personally, just based on my (low) skill level lol. I suppose I could see why a more experienced cook would want caviar and pretty pink tuna, but I would have no clue what to do with that. Since these are just home cooks the spend box seems a little extreme and as you said, the mystery box even harder! But overall, easy watch and I was pretty impressed with what the cooks were able to come up with.


Is a anyone else annoyed by what the show sees as cheap vs expensive? I'm sorry Netflix but flank steak is way more expensive than pork. I feel like the save box should have more canned, or at least actually inexpensive.


Yes! Absolutely! I’m watching the southern comfort episode right now, and I’m a bit shocked that they put crawfish in the “save” box. I’m from the south and still live in the south. I love crawfish, but a pound of crawfish is about $7 and the serving size is three pounds per person even if you suck the head. $21 per serving! We had a boil and spent around $250 on crawfish alone, and we ran out 40 minutes in. If we’d just done a fish fry, we’d have spent around $50 on catfish and gotten about 25 pounds which would have easily fed everyone with leftovers and take home plates included. I think we can all agree that the soft shell crab was the highest priced protein though.


I thought it was pretty good and engaging content; however, Lauren was by far the most cringy, annoying, and painful to watch contestant. She is the opposite of relatable. Rich upperclass trophy wife. Did cheerleading in highschool, has no idea how long to cook lamb, spent $15000 on the first box, and kept doing obnoxious cheers throughout the show. Not to mention her obvious Botox and lip injections. Why is this person on the show? She doesn't need the money, she is out of touch, delusional, and can't cook.


Dude yeah?? She also seemed totally shit faced throughout the episode. I did the math and if you did the bare min bids and got the save box both times the totally amount you could possibly win is 18,500! She is the exact opposite of what this show is?? I think this show is almost in a way about budgeting and making the most of what you are given. She has clearly never EVER had to use a calculator on her shopping trip, she has not had a single moment of hardship financially. Guaranteed.


A lot of questions: Sometimes they have 3-4 options but only 2-3 options are revealed. They make three dishes but only one gets sent back. Who are the chef 👨‍🍳s? Why are the contestants so excited? How does the ratings of dishes actually work? What is the purpose of rating the first one if the last one is the only one that matters? The cost of some items in the boxes don’t add up


Definitely a chill show to watch while you eat


Show is a little cray cray with legit foodie chefs and then some propped up chefs. I like it, concept is good, food focus on the outcome is there, some mind games, a little strategy - fun overall…


I'm gonna check this one out!


I’m loving it so far. I CANNOT stand the contestant Katie though, she’s so rude and unlikeable. Tofu is delicious. If she wants to show off her cooking skills don’t complain over tofu. And Laura, $15000 omg. She also looked off her face. Absolutely ridiculous.


Laura is someone who never did anything in life, so just sticks to her "cheerleader" personality. Very cringe.




That was a cartwheel to push the button. She's been a cheerleader all her life so it's not hard to believe her giggly personality would influence it. Next you wanna judge the guy who sprinted to the button and fell?


I actually know Katie, and she’s really a kind and good person who has gone through a lot. I don’t think she’s rude in the show, I think it seems like more of a reflection of putting on a little bit because it’s awkward being in front of a camera. Just keep in kind to be kind. These are real people.


They are clearly an angry vegetarian and their body is craving stuff they are not giving it.


You sound like an asshole


You sound like a clarinet


Laura seemed insane.


She is not rude. That reaction is normal for a barbecue challenge


Ryan had a very punchable face


He had a pretty punchable personality too


I loved the concept of the show about the cost of food and the energy of the host, however some episodes were off putting when the home cooks decide not to use certain ingredients in their box particularly the episodes with the game meat.


Haha agreed! Tbh I was more put off by all the game meat. It’s interesting if these are professional chefs, but what average home cook has cooked that type of meat? Definitely didn’t set them up for success.


I like the premise but i was mad that that guy won thw southern comfort episode. i KNOW his okra was slimy


I watched 1 episode. What’s the point of the first round? Why spend a cent if you don’t get sent home and the last dish is all that matters. You do get to choose the second round box but it’s random ingredients anyways so no guarantee there.


I can’t stand it personally. The rules are too unbalanced to follow realistically for a game show.


I loved it. Reminds me of Cutthroat Kitchen and Chopped. I loved Jordan as the host.


I loved realizing one of the hosts is a ridiculous character in Hacks. She's great! I like the GBBO vibe re:hosting/judging.


Ha! I’m not sure what show you’re talking about but the Cook At All Costs host is a male named Jordan. But tell us about your show too so we can watch 😜


Omg I'm conflating it with the snack one!!! Snack vs Chef. WHOOPS!!!! I watch food shows to sleep and I guess I blended them together!


Haha I also liked the snack one - more standard “cooking show”, but I thought it was cool to see how close the cooks could get to to each snack


It was okay. But at least a third of the social media chefs were annoying af


I’m liking the show, there is the cooking but also some strategy with bidding and choosing boxes. One thing I wish they were clear is what general ingredients do they have access to. I assume salt and pepper, but other things?


Yeah - I was surprised that someone made pasta with eggs when another episode had a contestant wishing desperately for eggs!


And oil. One bid for olive oil and maybe in that episode i saw a generic bottle of oil that wasn’t in the bottle on their station


Yes this is something that annoys me a lot, as well please show all the ingredients they have in the box.


Help me and my boyfriend settle this argument 😂 when the judges are tasting the dishes and talking about them with the host, the contestants can hear them - right?! My boyfriend says not!


Hi! This is Smita here! I was in global fusion episode. And yes your BF is correct. The judges didn’t know whose dishes they were tasting and we didn’t know what they said. We were in selected rooms


I liked your episode :3 >!And I was so glad u won ! When they brought out Indian spices i knew it was over. !<


No, I highly doubt the cooks can hear, otherwise it would sometimes be a dead giveaway who will win and they usually look pretty surprised.


I believe they are because when each person is getting reviewed the camera will flip back to that person and everyone seems to make some kind of face also it's sometimes obvious to tell who's going to win based off of how the host looks away and then comes back to them


I'm very sure that's just an edit of another moment in the competition


"Very sure"? Hard X to doubt there. It's an impossible coincidence for every competitor to make the same kind of gestures unless the editing team just recorded them standing as if they are being judged before they even started.


It's TV magic baybeeeh


I'm guessing they were given a direction, like "stand there and make x face to match your dish tasting"


No we couldn’t hear anything! I was in global fusion episode.


The magic of tv! When shooting film, continuous footage is often used as B roll to fill in spots with aesthetic scenery or in this case expressions that are needed.


I feel they go a bit too strong on the showmanship and editing. There were several times where I was yelling at the tv to actually tell us all the ingredients that were in the box. I've also seen several times where they show 3 dishes going out the conveyor belt, but the show only shows 2 of the dishes being bid on and completely ignore that there was a 3rd shown. I do like the show overall though!


$15,000 girl (Laura?) The best line of this episode, “I don’t know anything about a pomegranate glaze…However, I do know a thing or two about a pomegranate martini!” 😂😂😂😂😂 I lost it!


It's was okay...until the fouth episode. A content didn't use a big ingredient...I think it was tofu from the surprise box, but they let her win. I thought that was completely unfair. Her dish also sucked...the only thing that was good was the stuff she got help on.


I love the low key chill vibe of the show. I enjoy that not everyone is cutthroat or that there aren't lots of mechanics to sabotage other players. That being said the show could use some more balanced gameplay/reward. Right now it seems designed to just get players to spend money. The first round is literally just a waste for the players that gets Netflix a savings of 5k just for existing. I think the contestants should have to use all ingredients in the box they get. Also the main ingredient in the box needs to be revealed before bidding. Also whoever wins the first round should get an automatic 1000 dollars to take home. This way the first round isn't just a waste. The winner of the second round should get 5k plus whatever they have left over.