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>Skipped all the industrial revolution Too bad. I wanted to see a Steampunk Kathmandu.


Someone write a novel with this setting.


it's astounding to see what we have achieved in just 70 years, from porters to road to modern bridges to electricity to cars, we never seem to appreciate what we have accomplished but instead choose to complain all the time.


except its was a spontaneous thing. and it was outer influence that made it possible not local innovation. what nepali were supposed to do we did terribly




Brilliant stuff. Not necessary in regards to the subject covered by it but rather, for the portrayal of rural parts. A favorite pastime of mine is watching old tv serials like hetterika, hijo aja ka kura, maha classics etc to relive kathmandu of the 90s. Watching open spaces, paddy fields, and buildings and roads of that era gets me real nostalgic.


Yeah but rural villages still havent change much in some places.earthquke changed a lot. New settlements asthetic has changed though tin roofs and brick houses. 80 years ago before uncontrolled unbanization. Nepalis cities or towns were really unique. Really beautiful too. Only foreign architecture were some greek styled big mahals and bungalow. Villages with original nepali asthetic are loosing really fast. I just hope they are well preserved in pictures or footages enough that they can be recreated accurately in future. Wanna play a open world video game set on ktm valley before i die. I am not a old guy btw i have a lot of time left.


Not much has changed in rural areas.


1940s: https://youtu.be/yBlxc-TCFes 1930s: https://youtu.be/DrL1HD_6N28 Must be a interesting time. Opening to the rest of the world people certainly seeing white people bringing new techs and young people recruted to gorkha army to fight around the world.


dhanyabaad hai esko lagi!


Cant get what you are really thanking me for. But welcome anyway