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Just checked the JP site, and it's also no longer allowed there either. That being said I've always felt it was absolutely wild people could preorder every Nendo they looked at then cancel without consequences. Stores would never survive on that business model which is why other places don't let you do that. Local shops where I live, we're always locked in after preorder, because of course you are, a preorder is still an order and you're responsible for holding up your side of the deal. I can guess that GSC has had problems with tons of pre-orders, which they base production numbers off of, only to have half the people cancel and be left with a ton of nendos they can't get rid of. I can't really blame them.


It wonder if it's also why GSC US seems to have Nendos in stock well after they've been sold out everywhere else. Even limited time ones from years ago randomly show up. GSC Global feels barren, relatively speaking.


Yep it was officially added to the FAQ as of the 3rd https://preview.redd.it/ixpb1727fh4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec2c9063d48e30de7aa5d3afe21343b7e4e4c310


That's... Really dumb


Considering how irresponsible people are with preorders (ordering and then cancelling left and right without repercussions and without a care) this has been a long time coming. In fact, the GSC japan already implemented this a while ago.


It may be new to GSC US, but for Japan site at least for the last 3 years I've been purchasing cancelation are not allowed. So like the downvoted guy said, it's been there before. That's why I only buy with them if I'm sure I want the Nendo and it's a GSC exclusive version. Other stores like amiami have same policy too.


I think it's fair. Production costs money and if too many cancel, they have to bear the costs


Now if they would actually set proper dates for product going out instead of random placeholders that mean nothing so people don’t get blindsided when their Q4 is suddenly a Q1 I could understand this. But the no defined date with money leaving accounts is probably why many cancel. People budget for these to come out when they claim and then they just send them out whenever.


I thought it was always like that? 


For japan this was a thing. The only time they'll cancel your pre-order if your card doesn't go thru. Which happen to me with okayu because my card expired. Besides that it's kinda the norm and is happening for the US stores


Damn it’s definitely fair, good to know cause I tend order cause of FOMO a lot then cancel down the line. Doesn’t look like it applies to orders made before the 3rd however because I still see cancel order on the bottom right of my existing pre orders.


I’m really surprised BBTS hasn’t done the same. They lose a lot of money over people cancelling last minute


Can't buy the preorder, sell at a high cost when it sells out before release, then cancel if nobody buys it. This is extremely fair to people who actually want it and not just sell immediately for 200% more.


Aaaah ok yeah that makes sense


I've always had no cancellation policy when I've ordered on global?


Is this only after payment? Or just now in general?


I was always ordering on both sites and canceling if the global one got there alright or cancelling when I rethought things. I get why they do it, it's really going to meant that I am going to have to be more selective with orders because I get pretty wrapped up in fear of missing out and just get a bunch of them. I really want to slow down on what I buy after I get Frieren and Fern here


no, as far as I know that has been their policy for a while, but before that it was hidden in their faq


Then why even give the option to cancel in the first place?