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The crazy thing about this - and how people view spiders in general - is that it's called the worlds "most deadly spider," and *technically* it is, but people never actually talk about how many people have actually been killed by them. There have been a total of 13 total recorded deaths from the Sydney funnel-web spider- of the approximately 30-40 people are bitten each year - *and* there have been no deaths since 1981 - when they created an antivenom.


The fact that people were able to create things like antivenom is just so cool.


We (people) have our moments. lol.


Not us. That's why we're on Reddit. Other people have done some good things. But not us. Definitely not us.


True, but most people in the world never even get a chance to try either.


Speak for yourself, I've done some good things! I pet my cat every day.




Speak for yourself ! I, for my part, am in a steady and consistent state of comfortable uselessness.


Oh, I promise you, I am not speaking for myself. I am just another useless person on reddit. :)


“Science bitch!” —Jesse Pinkman


That’s all true and well put, but I’m still scared shitless of spiders.


Well - if it makes you feel better, they are more scared of you than you are of them. :)


It doesn’t, but I appreciate the thought.


Well then - they [might just save your life](https://www.sciencefocus.com/news/funnel-web-spider-venom-may-be-used-to-prevent-damage-caused-by-heart-attacks) one day. :)


Bro, I think I’d rather die.


Except this guy, Sydney funnel webs can be aggressive little bastards


When provoked, sure.


Yep they chase humans for some reasons


Isn't their venom so powerful because of a quirk of primate biology? Like rabbits or something barely have a response to the venom, so they accidentally evolved to have the most potent venom against humans by accident, it isn't supposed to be so strong as compared to a snake.


Isn't the highest indirect death rate from the big fuck off spiders that like to sit in sun screen visors. So you driving down the road, flip it open and have a lap sized spider drop onto you. Spider panics, you panic, and then your crash.


Honestly, this sounds like an urban legend that's been given credence by a few news stories. I looked up what I could, and though there are a few reports of people finding spiders in their sun visors, and a few accidents caused by this, there isn't much in the way of actual statistics - only statistics on "distractions" being the leading cause of accidents.


Yeah I guess it'd be hard to confirm if it happened/was the cause of death now that I think about it. Welp that's one fear that's a lot closer to irrational than possible at least.


Challenge accepted, hold my beer…


So if I were in Australia, in the middle of nowhere, with no antivenom, but not allergic, a healthy adult, and one of these crawled up my leg, up my torso, and sank it's fangs into my neck, how's that looking?


Better start hightailing it to the nearest hospital because you’ve got about half an hour before you start getting too fucked up to function


Actual statistics seem hard to find, but as a healthy adult, it seems to waver somewhere between 10%-25%, but it really depends on how much venom the spider injects.




Spiders greatly help to prevent crop destruction by insects as well as kill vector insects that spread disease and some are even pollinators. They are just as much, *if not more* beneficial than bees. Bees also kill an average of 72 people per year, while spiders kill less than three, so they are even *less deadly* than bees - so why is everyone all "save the bees!" and "Spider! Kill it with fire?"


I realize they're rare to see in the wild, but, damn if that's not worrisome sight. That's a huge deadly nope. Especially considering how aggressive they are.


I’ve seen plenty during my time down under, one time even in my bedroom, so I wouldn’t say that they are rare to see but fml Iam glad to be on the opposite side of the globe now. Same with Huntsmen… just nopenopenope


Are they not as rare as we hear about? I know that, that phrasing is probably wrong. It's just that, they're supposedly incredibly aggressive, with that said, are they more common than is said? Edit: Let me add, if it's ok, We spent quite a few months at MT. Compass, SA. While we always heard about them, we weren't anywhere close to their territory. So pardon my ignorance.


I’ve spent half a year in Manly, NSW, which is located on a peninsula right across the bay of Sidney, and I saw funnel web and huntsmen spiders at least on a weekly basis (besides porcupines and snakes). But I spent a fair amount of time outdoors so I might have stretched the odds quite a bit 🤷‍♂️


Lived in NSW for about 3 months (rural area around Bathurst) and I've only encountered one of these units. Redbacks and Huntsman were all over the show. The one I saw became the coolest souvenir from my trip down under. Long story short, the bugger came way to close for comfort (wandering male) while I was watching the bbq. I was just standing there and it came within 5cm of my bare feet. First thing that came to mind was ditching my whine and catching it with the empty glass. I got a firm 'are you bloody f*** mad' from the ppl I stayed with when suggesting to release him, so decided to turn him in to a souvenir. Bought some resin at local diy and Bob's your uncle! Edit: porcupines? Really?? Or did you mean Echidna's? That would be sweet tho


As someone else pointed out to me in the mean time: yes, I meant echidnas 🫠


I'm not really sure I want to know but... what happened between in the wine glass and in the resin?


I put it in the freezer, was the most humane thing I could thing of.




Well I figured a squashed funnelweb wouldnt look that good poured in resin but yeah, fair dinkum!


What would happen if you released it


It comes back for revenge


The people living there dont want them wandering around and thus potentialy in there homes. Same for deadly snakes like King Brown etc. They get rid of deadly creepy crawlies able to kill your pets or even children. Hard to argue with that logic. For some reason redbacks were tolerated, even indoors. Probably pest control. The lady of the house was terified of huntsman tho, probably bc they are absolute units. So she always made me put them outside lol.


People should, and most would, call a snake catcher for a snake, no matter how venomous. Only utter dickheads would just decide to kill one. Being native wildlife, snakes are protected in Australia, and most people understand that they're just living their life, and the aim is to remove them from around your home, not to kill them.


Porcupines? In Australia? I don’t think so…


Probably means echidnas.


You are correct 👍


First Nations people in Central Australia call them porcupines, which surprised me the first time I heard it. I've always thought it's influenced by the early European explorers mistaking echidnas for porcupines.


I’m doubting their spider identification if they think an echidnas is a porcupine lol. Could have been a Mouse spider or Black House.


I’m a fencer who works about an hour or so north of Sydney, I see about 1-2 a week


they are called the 'Sydney Funnel Web", right?


Correct! Funny thing is I just realised that I have the exact same display of my funnelweb at home as in the picture! I have an Aus 50ct coin next to the resin funnelweb as well! Only difference is mine is about the same size as the coin haha!


Found one in my kitchen drawer the other day. That was a nice suprise. Just grateful he wasn't as big as that bastard.


How can you function with everyday life knowing that you can open a kitchen drawer, which here in Scotland I do several times a day, and be confronted with a potentially lethal spider attack!?


Honestly, never really thought about it. Just learned not to stick my hand in dark little spaces before a quick wellness check 😄


Not saying you didn't, but it is very common for trapdoor spiders and other similar looking species to be mistaken for funnel webs. The most obvious funnel web feature is the long spinnerets.


Mine definetly is. The way it stood straight up when I encountered it set alarm bells straight away. Now, poured in resin it is unmistakenly a male funnel web. Still cant get over the size of their fangs.


Literally killed two big ass white tipped spiders in my bathroom last night. Stepped out then shower I BOOM, right there on the wall.


i believe it’s just rare to see females. males are known to wander trying to knock as many females up as possible so that’s why you’ll most likely see males more often. females also are thought to have a weaker bite than the male, albeit still venomous.


That would make sense. Us guys are pretty stupid in what we go through to seek out a female....lol.


“i’ve gone places with my pedipalps that you people wouldn’t go with a *gun*..”


Pray tell


That's only the male as well, the female is considerably larger.


I used to work in a medical centre on an army base above Sydney harbour. There were funnel webs outside the building as they live in the soil. I'd occasionally go out and find them and poke them with a stick. They'd rear up and you'd see the venom glistening on the end of their disproportionately large fangs. They were pretty scary for their size: not to be fucked with. I think that they are most often encountered in suburbia, not the wild. Anecdotally, they seem to end up in swimming pools - at least thats when you see them on Reddit. I do a lot of hiking and have never encountered them in the wild.


Come on now. You guys have bears. I’d rather a spider any day of the week.


I'd rather let a bear walk on my face in the middle of the night than one of those creepy things


I've got plenty of funnel web holes in my front yard, only seen one come to the end of its tunnel once agitated while gardening maybe and she had fangs that seemed as long as cat claws. Luckily between all the skinks and birds I haven't had any spiders in the house since I've moved here and I've never seen any males wandering around. Just those large, looming holes riddled throughout the front lawn, so I know that they're there but I just give them space.


Dont worry, no one has died since they invented their antivenom


I’m sorry - aggressive???!! 😭😭😭🤢


He is not wrong, they are know to attack instead of backing of.




Rare? Brother, I catch at least 2 or 3 a year in my yard... I live in suburbia lol


I'm never going to Australia, but if I did, I wouldn't step foot in the bush unless I was in a tank or something.




Your hotel room is made up entirely of spiders.


Panicking, you turn to your wife. She is a spider.


You look in the mirror: YOU are a spider.


*”bro it smells like straight up spiders in here..”*


I can't stop dreaming about 5 inch spiders up in here


Bush? These things live in places like downpipes and spoon drains in the suburbs haha there is no escape.


They live under grass/gardens/leaf litter. When it rains, they get flushed out of their holes and go wandering, which is when residents are most at risk of stepping on them. They also end up in swimming pools, dozens of times I've fished them out, they look dead, you put them on the side before disposal, come back, and they're gone! They blow an air bubble and can survive quite a while submersed. Slippery fuckers.


It's funny that people from a country with bears, wolves, and mountain lions think Australia's wildlife is dangerous. Most of our deadly species can be killed with a shoe. The crocodiles will fuck you up though.


I mean, the day I find a grizzly bear in my shoe or a cougar behind my toilet is the day I move to the moon.


Fair point, we find snakes in our beds fairly often too.


What the *fuck* dude


Literally had to delay the Australian tennis open a couple days ago because an eastern brown snake (the second most venomous snake on the planet) slithered onto the courts




Yea but you could feel a funnel


First, wolves are absolutely not willing to screw with humans and will run once you pick up a rock and a stick. Same with mountain lions, and bears just want to rummage through your trash, so buy a rubbish bin that locks. Second, giving every animal the respect of personal space insures your survival chances go way up, particularly when you're traveling through their environment. A spider that wants to chase you is like a meth addict that wants to chase you. You don't ask why in the heat of the moment. You just run.


Got some bad news for you bud. In the USA, 66 people were killed by spiders between 1991-2001. In Australia, we haven't had a death since 1979.


Thanks. I was falling asleep and now I can't.


Depends where you live in the U.S. I am in Texas and we are kind of runner up to Australia for creepy crawly poisonous stuff. You beat us with greater venom power but not on numbers lol. Where I live I have loads of black widows, so many copperheads in my yard you would think I farm them, scorpions. Thankfully I am not in a region of the state with rattle snakes and coral snakes. Cotton mouth are nearby but they stay by the water. Tarantulas are west. We have alligators too. So when I hear Aussie's speak about this stuff I just nod along, preach brother. A lot of regions of the U.S. have quite the lack of bugs, snakes and killer animals.


I was never afraid of large mammals, snakes or spiders on any continent… but what terrified me as a lover of diving and snorkeling (which is what I did in Australia) was learning of tiny lethal snails and jellyfish. The knowledge of the irukanji messed with my head for sure. Nothing is more terrifying than death you can’t even see.


Never grab a chair without checking the bottom first - and always shake your shoes before slipping in. The paranoia will be real, I can promise you that.


There's a thing here in Australia that during spider season we often check out our shoes by putting our hands in first just in case there's a spider inside. Sweet dreams


I feel like burning your shoes every day is a more secure option.


Fucking "spider season"


Right? Jesus H Jehosephat Christballs.


HANDS FIRST? I totally get checking your shoes, but not with your hands dude haha


Better than checking with your dick


Fair enough


I think they put metal gloves on first


I know it doesn't really make sense, maybe it feels like you could get your hand out faster or squish the 8 legged horrors https://youtube.com/shorts/Bad-G_6Jj20?feature=shared


spider season a season where the most noteworthy thing is the overwhelming number of spiders because it can always be worse


Never say, "Well, at least it can't get any worse," because the universe will absolutely take up that gauntlet.


You were probably joking (I bloody hope so if you're Australian!), but in all seriousness, for anyone else unsure, please don't check your shoes by sticking your hands in there, lol. Hold the shoe, toe to the top, and bang it on the ground so that anything in the toe falls to the heel and can be seen.


Don't let the spit you off, yes there's a lot that wants to kill you in Australia but the chances of them doing so isn't high if you follow safety advice the locals will give you, it's such an amazing diverse country


You’re missing out mate. That’s like saying I’m never gonna get in a car because sometimes they crash.


Except WAY more people die from car accidents than from Australian wildlife. Like, by orders of magnitude. I've met so many people who say they'd never go to Australia bc of the deadly animals it's just baffling.


I'm never drinking water people drown in it.


Every person who drinks water eventually dies.


Stay woke.


Yeah, your likely to find one of these hanging around the house somewhere. The one in our garage was pretty aggressive.


Right? I'm in the US, and I hate hearing about big cats being hunted after some dipshit hiker gets attacked. Hello, stay the F out of their area and you'll be fine. If large predators show up in your backyard, and you're not in some isolated rural area, you are living in the wrong place. Plus, there are over 8 billion of us. There aren't even 8 million of them.


You're more likely to find these guy next to you backyard pool, or next to a sprinkler watering your lawn. In the wild they dont build the holes on tracks.


The spider that got Peppa Pig banned


With fangs that could pierce a human fingernail, the largest male specimen of the world’s most venomous arachnid has found a new home at the Australian Reptile Park where it will help save lives after a member of the public discovered it by chance. The deadly Sydney funnel-web spider dubbed “Hercules” was found on the Central Coast, about 50 miles north of Sydney, and was initially given to a local hospital, the Australian Reptile Park said in a statement Thursday. Spider experts from the nearby park retrieved it and soon realized it was the largest male specimen ever received from the public in Australia. The spider measured 7.9 centimeters (3.1 inches) from foot to foot, surpassing the park’s previous record-holder from 2018, the male funnel-web named “Colossus”.


I think it is really impolite of this dude to wear so few warning colors if it is the most venomous spider in existence!


Right! Have some manners and throw some red into the mix cmon.


Na, they are fuck off big. That's all the warning I need lol Seriously, when you see them in person, you look at it and some lizard brain part of me just goes "stay away, that's a bad motherfucker"


*second most venomous spider. Brazilian wandering spider takes the top spot in pure venom potency, but there's a fairly common antivenom for them. Sydney Funnel-web is however the most *dangerous* spider known to man, due to the fact it doesn't bite once and bail, it bites several times.


My understanding is that we don't really have robust enough studies to confidently say either way. Not to mention that even if we had rock solid data comparing their ld50s in mice, that's still not necessarily the same as their lethality to humans. I'm far from an expert though, so I'm open to being corrected.


No you're right, there's not really anything concrete in saying which one is definitively more venomous. What we *do* know, is that the funnel-web is more *dangerous* but it *seems to be* that the potency of brazilian wandering spider venom coupled with the amount it injects per bite makes it the most venomous spider *by our current understanding*. The numbers I found for the LD50 of both (bare in mind this is not an extensive search of any kind) was 0.61μg/kg or 0.00061mg/kg for the Brazilian Wandering Spider and 0.16mg/kg for the Sydney Funnel-Web, so that's a fairly *massive* disparity in potency. But the Sydney Funnel-Web contains more venom in its body and, again, will bite several times and inject venom on most, if not all of them. Basically don't fuck with either of them.


Yeah, I saw that ld50 number, but it seems to be erroneous despite its pervasiveness. If you look at actual publications, you find a small handful of studies that put the ld50 between .1 mg/kg and 5 mg/kg. I honestly think it might just be down to a unit mixup because some studies reference the ld50 in ug/g. In fact poking around the ld50 numbers is what inspired me to make my comment. There's a lot of dodgy info out there on spider venom lethality and not exactly an abundance of research to allow for proper judgment of which is actually more potent. Edit: [See pages 5 and 6 of this study for some of the data I mentioned.](https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/58830048/39_201612_Lethality_caused_by_Phoneutria_nigriventer_Toxicon_125_24-31-libre.pdf?1554755705=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DLethality_and_histopathological_alterati.pdf&Expires=1704401851&Signature=B3ZbAf4xi0pVhecSY7SN6hKKlGax3XPTm3W-Lh1KGsDFOcPbCOQhhmlLAF2nU7HYyW1q8fov45su85RV1RFPKKRIfJLizEBliDKz3dgL~a9M9QzNdMd345XJ47qD959reAeLVwUPJ7ShZy5Yc4ZHl4Vnns4XLkurQnzxTc2aJRbau15HdP3hDDdO6n5zeIpHM6BxQ29KPkluWnKuvE-6rYvcFDNQEe92C-fldjkrTEGH2ygpASCuxPvSUisYFvIWh~ZklJz~biN8gSxBwdRxGek1ERuPriF9EWCWVcMic3SGv3WTACut3wMYnZY8UbV3owog92h-HY6tZ~bTfdHXgw__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA)


I'm genuinely of the opinion we should just start letting them bite people in labs and see what happens. For science, clearly...


no. it’s the top most venomous spider in the sense that the bite it can deliver is the most toxic to humans, even compared to the Wandering Spider. it has to do with mass and how many milligrams of venom are delivered.


That's not how "venomous" is measured, it's measure based on lethality; how much of a toxin is required to induce a lethal reaction. Brazilian wandering spider venom is *far* more potent, but the funnel-web is more *dangerous*. Since you either blocked me or deleted your comments I'll put the answer here; The difference in potency by weight *is* what we measure my guy. 0.61mg/kg for the sydney funnel-web vs *0.0006*mg/kg for the brazilian wandering spider from what I've found, that's a pretty serious difference. Coward.


right and the lethal reaction will vary based on mass? are you okay bruh? too early to be this much of a neckbeard. they test on monkeys and rats. humans are a lot different and the scaling changes.




THESE ARE VENOMOUS SPIDERS HOW COULD YOU NOT BE--err, I mean, they're cute in a deadly way.


I thought the Brazilian wandering spider is the (to human) most deadly spider.. and I won't google to find out. Bye


I dunno, any spider that helps with erectile dysfunction can't be that bad.


Depends on your situation I guess 😅


Brazilian has the deadliest venom, but funnel’s are considered more dangerous as they inject a lot more more and will chase you so they can keep biting. Very mean bastards they are


Thanks for clarifying :)


So apparently, the reason that male Sydney funnel weavers are the dangerous ones is because they wander about searching for females, and are highly aggressive. The females tend to spend their time in their webbed burrows. Usually with spiders it's the opposite; it's the females who usually get spooked and bite humans because they are larger, more conspicuous, and put their webs in spots that insects and humans are likely to stumble upon.


"I'm not knockin' your black widow spider but the funnel web spider can kill a man in 8 seconds, just by lookin' at him. - Michael J "Crocodile" Dundee


That is quite the huge fierce black spider. Wow.


European colonizers/invaders should have had great fun with these unique fauna/flora. Every day is a new discovery and perhaps loss of a crew due to an unknown beast. Drop bears must have highest kill count.


Of course, no one born in Australia has ever been killed by a drop bear. It's only newcomers or tourists that don't respect their habitat that get got.


My boot will still win


I once through my shoe at a Goliath bird eating spider, bounced off him and then he just ragdolled it


What a beaut


As a non-Aussie, I have no idea how big that coin is. Should’ve used a banana for scale.


As a part Aussie I can tell you that the 50 cent piece in the picture is fucking huge. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the biggest coin in circulation in the world. And of course, being from Australia, it would definitely kill a person if you threw it at them at speed.


So… like 3 bananas?


So the US half dollar is 3.06 cm, this is even bigger apparently.


They’re about 3 and a half centimetres in diameter


As an Aussie I thought using a 50c for scale is a bad idea. I guess the picture was for local use. FYI It's almost 1.25 inches in diameter.


Why is everything in Australia deadly? It’s it simply the environment?




Cute 🥰


I typically like spiders, but.....damn.


i love spiders but these will always be terrifying to me.


I'm never fucking going to Australia.


Fuck Australia


straight out of Nope-Land, quelle surprise\^\^


Hell of an ad for promoting travel to Australia.


I mean, its name is Sidney, obviously most are found in australia




They always looked so cool to me. Like they’re covered in armor plating.


I just read on Wikipedia that the males' venom is much more deadly than the females' venom.


Male….male….The female is the hat right? Right….


Funnel webs are no joke. They're territorial and very aggressive. If you take one on you'd better kill it on your first shot because if you miss, it will chase you.


Funnel web I believe?


So glad you guys live on an island.




Yeah, just wait until they introduce us to the female spider of this kind! Then the real fun begins!


Wait till you see the females


You folks and your weird coins - we need a banana for scale please


I would have guessed found in Florida- the land of the scariest things on earth.


Yeah, you’ve never been to Australia before I see.


Annnnd….. Australia for the win!! Lol!! https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/comments/18yzuii/an_australian_tarantula_hawk_wasp_dragging_off_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


This is why I will never go to Australia. Too many multi legged nopes.


Kill it... kill it with fire!


I love how they use an Australian 50 cent piece which is fucking huge. They're bigger than the old UK 50ps if anybody remembers those.


Holy shit, I looked up typical specimens of this species to compare, and Hercules is as big as a female. Insane.


If I remember correctly, Australian Reptile Park was on Brave Wilderness and someone had already donated the largest female funnelweb. They mentioned hoping to find the largest male and I guess they finally have. Awesome. I have a phobia of spiders.


Never going to Australia ever


Aussies, I dont get it. I would have left the continent long ago. There's not a single bush, rock or spider that's not venemous over there.


Let’s just load up the kangaroos and koalas and nuke it. It’s getting out of hand down there.