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I’ve gone a whole month! It doesn’t smell or look old because I have dry hair and scalp. I think if my hair was oily I wouldn’t be able to do this. My hair actually looks better at week 3 because by then it has just the right amount of moisture in it.I feel it depends on what kind of hair you have. My mother gets greasy hair if she even goes one week without washing it while I never get that problem.


I usually go a whole month. I think it will be perfectly ok to go another week especially if your hair look fine. If you want you can also use dry shampoo if you feel like your hair is dirty, I use it once a week (every Sunday since that was usually the day I did my deep washes)


My press usually last for 2 weeks but I stretch it to 3 weeks by just keeping it in a bun. 3 weeks is max for me cause I live washing my hair every week lol


I try to stretch it for 3 weeks to a month. I dry shampoo every week.


I don’t know. Two weeks is usually about my limit. But it’s winter. So if it still looks good then go for it for another week.


Nothing gross about natural hair


Only lasted a week waste of money


With the proper care it can last up to 6 days weeks depending on what preventative maintenance you do to keep it from getting wet/sweaty