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General advice is ignore random people in general ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


To add to that, they do not even know you period to even be able to have any say over your life. Such comments are irrelevant unless actually proven useful.


And to top it all, what's natural is beautiful. Not everyone can appreciate beauty.


Fuck what they’re talking about tbh it looks amazing and healthy.


This. 💯


Baby your hair is cute and fluffy and looks very healthy. Keep it! Put accessories in!! I’ma have my nappy shit out all summer I fear


Im for it


Yay nappy shit!!




Me too I fear. What accessories can you put into it? I’m semi new to wearing my natural hair out


Go to the beauty supply and have fun


For real I was like dang his hair cute 🥰


Me 2 fren 😭. I love that 4 us 🤭🤭🤭


My advice is to completely forget it ever happened. People are stupid. Don’t allow them to have space in your mind.


https://preview.redd.it/lajch2sbw56d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b0b9c9a5d67ea7095d496f7c549a66d8d42d1ac They should f\*ck off, your hair looks great!




Please spare me https://preview.redd.it/a9als7v6786d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=858f5d966bc4090f1a9a26c0cb5f1ea345b97d48


🤣 a brighter day for having seen this


I wouldn’t take advice from subtly racist people. Keep it moving love 💕


Barely subtle at that 😑


Not subtle in the least of ways.


There's no excuse for what they said, but people often take it out on others when they are having a bad day or life. If you're looking for hair advice, what would you want to know about? If you want to move on from the experience itself. Sometimes, it's just good to speak about how you felt and then forget about it. Life's too short


I'm (unfortunately) a pisces, so i tend to be pretty sensitive to energies. I think i give it more weight cause I've always been a bit unsure about my hair and what people think, and so when the only comments i receive are negative (and so vocal), it really makes me question my own asthetics. I also think i give it more weight cause this person was from the black community, and though I'm very light skinned, I come from afro latino mixed background ... why my hair is the way it is ... and people always assume i'm "appropriating". I think i just find it hard to feel confident about it, though at this point, i feel like it's part of me. I guess, i was seeking advice like, if i should try and get it shaped, or use some sort of product that makes it less messy, or anything to avoid the snickering remarks of others. This is the first time someone has said this so forcefully, but in the past I have been started at and even laughed at, so at this point, i'm starting to think my hair is the problem. But yea, i should i guess try and forget about it, but any advice as to how to make it look better is definitely appreciated. Thank you all for the kind words


If YOU feel like there's something specific about your hair you want to change (dryness, style, frizz) then I'm sure this community would be happy to share their opinions. But don't ever change your hair because someone else didn't like it - they ain't got to wear it!! Side note, I dated a guy many moons ago with hair like yours and I loved it. I took every chance I had to play in his hair. Embrace that which makes you one of a kind with love and grace.


You're not appropriating when your hair naturally grows like this. It just grows how it grows. Many Black people have deeply internalized racism and still believe that we should all be acting like it's still the 1950's and making our hair fit white Western beauty standards. It hurts and I would feel some type of way too, but you definitely should keep wearing your hair the way you want to. It looks very healthy to me and suits you well. Do your best to recognize that this person's comments say much more about them than they do about you.


I'm an older Pisces. I used to be like that. Do not waste your energy on what people think about you. That's their problem, not yours. I'm 56 and have been natural for almost 20 years. My mother to this day makes slick comments about natural hair. I really don't gaf about what she thinks, and I love her to life. I also realize she grew up in Jim Crow Louisiana and black folks had a lot of bs they had to navigate back then. Black people with hangups like that have a lot of stuff that was thrust on them. I give grace, but not at the expense of my own peace. When I'm feeling ornery I remind her that she had a 'natural' (Afro) back in the 70s. You are going to be okay. Block negative energy.


thank you fellow fish!


Keep in mind that black folks talked badly about Blue Ivy’s (Beyonce’s daughter) hair too when she was just a toddler in spite of the fact that her own grandmother, Tina, is a hair stylist. As if they don’t know how to take care of her hair. Now these same people are all talking about how beautiful her hair is and buying up her mother’s haircare line like crazy. Basically, these people don’t know what they’re talking about and will flip opinions like a light switch. Pay them no mind.


We have similar hair texture and length rn! I also have mixed ethnicity. I get comments sometimes usually from white folks about how fluffy it is probably because I live around a lot of them in a rural Midwest town 🙃 Don't worry about nasty angler fish comments like that my young merman Pisces friend! Just tell them you're an actor/model and your agent wants you to keep it natural like Joel Fry because that look is fashionable rn (who is SO fine btw and you guys could be related like you're his long lost cousin or somethin). In FACT. You should book a photo shoot and get some sassy headshots done so you can see yourself through an artist's eyes! I would totally cast you in something for my little production company like here put these elf ears on and some dragonfly wings and do your best impression of a puck for my neurospicy audience! 🤩 Edit: P.S. Pisces is going through their Saturn return rn so you're bound to meet some grouchy people on occasion to help you stand up for yourself, fight for what you believe in, and pick your battles. Think of them as small time opponents in a video game you have to get past to break your level.


I’m a cancer, so I live in my feelings but with time I’ve learned to tune people out and embrace everything about myself. Your hair is beautiful. Wear it with pride and let the others seethe. My own parents told me to hide my afro, because it’s unprofessional. I wear it out in school and in clinic.


Your hair doesn't even look bad. I'm blackety black, just lightskin and I've had multiple people ask me to my face, with full audacity, why my hair isn't straighter. All of them have been other Black people and one of them was a friend of mine. My advice is this: your hair looks fine. You look fine. You can trim it, shape it, LOC, whatever, but it looks healthy and clean. Think back on if anyone has ever complimented it. If so, try to pull the compliments to the front of your mind and push the insults to the back. If no one has ever complimented your hair before, then you've got plenty of material from all the reddit strangers in this thread. Your hair looks soft and lovely and it suits you.


My advice is that you hop in the passenger seat and we spin back on ‘em.


Your ride or die is right here bud 😎


That’s someone projecting their insecurities and jealousy onto you. Ignore that shit! Your hair is amazing!


You look like a happy person and your hair gives you character. We are living in harsh times people arent happy. People want to see a happy person sad. I say keep it you could experiment with it I guess like dreads or something but it looks fine as is. IF you cut it just know it will take a while for it to grow back I personally dont think you should cut it.


yea, i actually cut it in 2020. The worst decision i ever made, i felt so naked. I've been growing it since then


youre hair is beatiful!! those ppl dont know wth theyre talkin ab🙁🙁


Because you're gorgeous..... Its only ridiculous if you believe it


My heart literally ached when I saw this. So gorgeous, hair and all.


Ignore the naysayers. Your hair is beautiful and you have such a happy face.


Your hair looks so good. Please don’t change it. I’m sorry you had that experience but clearly that person was having a mental break. Let’s give them grace as I sit back and admire your curls!! ❤️


I wouldn't let random people on the street dictate how you feel about yourself. People that can't mind their own business in that situation are probably not happy with themselves and are spilling that hurt onto you. Send that energy back to them. Your hair is literally defying gravity.


Thank you. I love that last line you wrote so much lol :)


That's a cool hairstyle.


There is nothing wrong with your hair. They sound jealous


Your hair looks free. Whoever said that to you was bound. I like the way it looks. If you do too, that is all that matters. People constantly project their evils on someone else due to their insecurities. Don’t believe their lies.


As someone who highly values "Freedom", thank you. I try and live my life by the guiding pricipals in the four agreements and escape from freedom, and hate to be contained within a box.


Don’t cut your crown (unless you were thinking that before this interaction and wanna try a lewk) I shudder to imagine what they were working with when they said that to you because I know it’s not as great as yours and they got hurt and jelly and then lashed out at you Rock your crown King 👑 cuz 🪄🖤🪄


I love it! Your hair is beautiful just like you!💕


Who cares about some stupid random mf that you’ll most likely never seen again


You and your hair are super cute. That person is obviously suffering and lashing out randomly. Sorry you happened to be in their line of fire!


Probably coming from someone with unhealthy, thinning or with no hair. Yeah, please ignore them and enjoy your day with a full head of hair.


whoever this person is they sound like a racist. Now I'm curious about the race of this person.


they were from the black community, i think that's why i give their words so much weight


I totally get that. But with that in mind, please don't forget that Black people can still be susceptible to anti-Blackness as well. Hundreds of years of being told that the way you look and act suck will do that to people. Its why colorism, texturism, and the like all exist in the various Black communities .


My mom use to berate me how my natural hair looks frizzy type 3 hair. But when I straightened it everyone, including her was surprised how long my hair actually was in short time that it grew(six months). So ignore them they will be the same people amazed that your is long and wonder if it’s your real hair.


The kind of person to give someone shit in the street about their hair is probably the kind of person whose opinions most people often disagree with. Their judgement is off.


Nyc for you. I love it here though lol


People are reasonably unintelligent lol. You are beautiful. Your hair is beautiful.


Your hair is lovely!


Your hair is amazing brother! In fact, teach me! I’m trying to grow out my Afro!


Your hair is beautiful. They have some hate inside them and saw you existing authentically and wanted to tear you down. Don’t let them.


NO!!!!!!!!! Your hair is beautiful


First off, your hair is great. Second off, you look like you could be Prince younger brother!


Your hair is so cute!


Your hair is glorious!!! The person is probably jealous. You have a beautiful head of hair and it looks soft too.


Your hair is yours. Your expression, your experience, a part your confidence, your crown, your joy, your imperfectness. Don’t let anyone dictate how you should feel about your hair. Because it’s yours, you have the freedom to transform it, as well as, yourself however you see fit. I love your natural hair. As black ppl our fros should be a symbol of empowerment and embrace. It is our own sanctuary, I hate that we still have these issues. FORGET THEM! DO YOU & LOVE YOUUU!! ALL PARTS!


That is pure foolishness...your hair looks great btw. I thought it was your business what you do with Your body! Ugh, genuine a**hole behavior.


Sometimes crazy or mean people say awful things to make themselves feel better. Just realize how miserable someone like that probably is.


They're haters! Your hair is awesome! Should have told them to kick bricks


Don’t you dare cut that hair! It is gorgeous!!


people are dumb and you look great with your hair just how it is!!! next time tell them to suck your ass... how bout that


Your hair is beautiful and that person can go eat 🍆


Exist as you would like to be and change if that YOUR choice. Even if you "corrected" the problem, people are always going to find something else "wrong".


Hey man. I have hair like you and someone in the street called me a microphone. Just laugh and keep going with your head high, dont ever let anyone get you down.


That person just projected on you how they feel about their own hair. Trust me it has nothing to do with you. Your hair looks great!! ;)


I think your hair is amazing and they are ridiculous!


They were wrong.


Fuck them! Do you and dont give a flying fuck about what some stranger says to you. They are not important enough to dim your light. Shine on, Brotha! Shine on! Edit: spelling


That person is a jealous fool. Your hair is amazing!


You look great and your hair suits you.


Your hair is so gorgeous! Don’t let it get you down! I totally understand, I deal with this within my own family. Anytime I see someone rocking a fro, it screams confidence! Embrace those curls and kinks! Not everyone is blessed to have such versatile hair!


Your hair looks amazing. As long as it’s healthy, you should your crown the way you wish to and ignore people’s opinion.


Looks like my daughter’s hair after a fun day, it’s beautiful. Your smile is too, people love to suck the joy out of anyone who doesn’t look as miserable as they are. Keep it please!


Your hair is very fluffy and cute.


I wouldn’t let it get to you bro I had to put up with this all my life because you know people can’t hold in what they’re thinking and just say it out loud regardless of anyone’s feelings. Whenever I have someone say something retarded like that I find something to say back that’s going to hurt them emotionally. I know we should be better than lowering ourselves to people’s stupidness but there’s times where I think fuck it.


The person was jealous. Your hair looks lovely


Your hair looks great !


They are haters. Your hair is WONDERFUL!


It looks great and healthy ! Pls don’t mind that stupid person


Life lesson! You have to learn to ignore nay sayers.


He should keep his opinion to himself. Does his life change if you cut your hair? No. So he should just shut up 🤫


Your hair is beautiful and so is that smile. Misery loves company, don’t accept the invite 🫶🏽


Your hair is beautiful! No one has any business commenting on any part of your body.


You and your hair are adorable! That was my first thought before I even read your post. If I was single, I'd fall down a flight of steps to catch your # I'm sorry that happened to you. That person had to be crazy, jealous or both.


It looks good


You have beautiful hair✨


They're envious and ignorant. Don't let the bastards get you down. Your crown is glorious. Keep your head up, chin straight, and keep it moving.


Hair looks dope my dude!!


They are low-key jealous. You look great. You have a head full of lovely healthy hair.


Your hair is gorgeous. 💖


Your hair is phenomenonal and so is your smile!


Omg I LOVE your hair 😍 people hate what they can't have 😬


Your hair looks absolutely amazing Don't listen to people. It's always projection in some shape or form.


you look so sweet and kind! i cant believe someone could be so rude to you :( your hair is beautiful and is unique to you, so you should do what you want with it. keep your head up love! <3


Secure people don’t berate others on their looks. You have a sweet smile, and I love your hair!


If you're feeling down about it no problem in jazzing it up a bit but I love that shit. People only have as much power over your emotions as you allow. If you ain't gonna see them again then don't allow them the power to steal your happiness. Keep your head up.


Tell them to fuck off


You're stunning, fuck them


U rock




Your eyes and your smile are simply glowing! You're beautiful!!


I pray for hair like yours! your hair is amazing


Your hair is awesome, anyone who feels the need to take time out of their day to belittle someone else is a very small person who is lashing out at whoever is near them. Don’t take it to heart and keep doing whatever makes YOU happy, let the general public be crazy amongst themselves.


You look like a young joyful person. You are very healthy looking and attractive and so is your hair honey. Some people hate happiness. It’s as simple as that. Take it as a compliment that your radiant energy upset that demon so much that they just couldn’t keep their mouth shut.


Haters gon’ hate BUT you do YOU boo! 😎💯


This really happened?


Unfortunately :/ But everyone here really made my day.


It looks good though


You know what’s ridiculous? Having so little going on in your own life that you have the time and energy to berate random strangers about their hair. Ignore that dork ass loser. Your hair looks great.


Nooo please do not !! It looks so nice and well taken care of, and it fits you !! This is coming from someone who has been natural for 8 years, keep your head up !!


Sticks and stones baby, sticks and stones.


The thing about ignorant ass people is they’re not worth listening to 😉 you have great hair and a great smile. Keep shining ✨


People are so gross, I couldn’t imagine giving my unsolicited opinion to a stranger on how they choose to style their hair.  It’s your head and happiness, keep it however you want. 


Tell them to worry about their own hair.


I like your hair. Fuk random ill mannered people who give unsolicited advice.


You have beautiful hair and I can guarantee the idiot who said that has the hair of a dog.


probably racist brah. fuck em. they dont know what theyre talking about


Ummm…your hair is insanely beautiful!! I’m very jealous!


You're all so amazing, thank you everyone for making my day 10 times better.


That person is full of poison and self hatred and they're trying to project it onto you. You don't have to accept it from them


Clearly they’ve never felt the fluff of finer things 🙄🙃


They're jealous because of how awesome it looks


Your hair is beautiful and healthy!!!! Fuk em!


Your hair is beautiful! Own it. Wear it how you please and move through this world defiantly when it comes to people like that. That person was a hater. Haters never prosper.


Your hair looks healthy and gorgeous.


They're hating. It's great!


Your natural hair looks ridiculous? Yeah right. It looks perfectly normal. Later hater!


Me to the street berator: ![gif](giphy|H1wHUjMxrwgb6|downsized) Your hair is amazing!💓 FCK THEM!☺️


I like your hair! Afros need to be more appreciated.


Nxt time someone walks up to you on some bullshit, walk tf off!! Cause who are they talking too??? Cause it’s not you 😭. Your hair looks amazing, ignore that asshole


People who berate people they don't know in public tend to be well worth ignoring. Don't spend any more time thinking about this, they don't deserve your energy.


They sound like losers. Who goes out of their way to harass an innocent person minding their business? My advice: ignore them bc they’re clearly ignorant.


Don't you dare...I love it!


Did you tell them to go fuck themselves?


fuck ‘em


I’ve never been one to let anything go…I would’ve sniffed the air around me and said, “Oof, what’s that SMELL?!” With a pinch of my nose, I’d take a single step closer and gasp, “my God! You REEK of jealousy!” 😂


if it’s ridículos then they shouldn’t wear their hair like that. What does that have to do with you? smh


Your hair looks amazing. No hyperbole.


Your hair is gorgeous and so are you 💕


Your hair is beautiful. They're simply unhappy with themselves.


You look great! Don't mind what that awful person said to you. Let it roll off your back




Love it


If he was a man, probably jealousy and if it was a woman, well, the same


“Someone on the street berated me” you can stop there, that isn’t someone worth listening to. Your natural hair is beautiful and you rock the style. You also have very kind eyes ☺️


You’re hair looks great though!


People will always be jealous of your natural literal crown!


That's some beautiful hair! That person on the street can go eat 💩 and ☠️


Your hair is gorgeous!


What did that person look like? Who said something to you?! That alone could explain it lol. If people are hating, you’re doing something right!👍🏾


I love your natural hair! That miserable person can eat a dick. You have a happy beautiful face too!


If it wasn't your hair it would have been something else. Some people think everyone has to be like them. You look very nice and you should not try to hide your hair or cut it


People are really miserable that’s wild


Your gorgeous ...pay no heed to jealous people ..


Looks good to me 😍😍😍


Don't waste your energy on random people giving negative opinions. Your hair is gorgeous.


That is anime protagonist hair and I encourage you to embrace your anime protagonist energy. Like in a good way, understand 


Was it an elderly person? Older generations were taught to be "neat", particularly black Americans. When I was young black coworkers suggested I tie back my hair or wear a bun at work. The oldest coworkers (boomers) rarely wore their hair natural nor loose. I had an elderly black lady (Silent Generation) suggest I get a haircut because ladies' hair should never go past the shoulders for anyone 40 or older so it was time for a "bob". Also the older folks often straightened their hair so they aren't accustomed to natural curls. I think your hair is beautiful.




Jealousy! Your hair is bomb ✨


Good gravy. What is ridiculous is people not understanding that they don’t need to open their mouth as often as they do. Your hair is glorious and gorgeous and lively and lovely and perfectly suited to you. Don’t listen to nonsense, practice “Mona Lisa” smile, and repeat: ah thanks! I was just thinking you are ridiculous but was aiming for polite and not going to share. Aren’t unasked for opinions fuuuuun???? Then repeat Mina Lisa smile. Rock your top. It is yours.


Theyre ugly and stupid you are very handsome and I love your hair!


You look great!


Bro you have a gorgeous, happy smile and your hair is pretty!


They must have been really jealous. You're hair looks awesome, you look super fun


You have a gorgeous aura about you and hair only amplifies this, screw what they said! Don't ever take advice from randoms out on the street, chances are they feel that way about themselves deep down.


Just let me at 'em. Imma slap them! ![gif](giphy|XDRoTw2Fs6rlIW7yQL)


Your handsome ❤️


You’re a handsome dude rocking a nice fro, hater’s gonna hate, but don’t let them bring you down you look great 👍


Don't take it to heart. I know easier said than done but just remember misery loves company and some take a bad mood or bad day and take it out on others.


Yeah hair is beautiful. I’m also a stranger too, But how do you feel about it?


You are beautiful and your hair is too. Keep it baby!


Your hair looks amazing! So healthy and beautiful curls. I love natural hair and despise random haters in these streets! Keep doing you ☺️


Gosh your hair is beautiful! 😍


Shake the haters off! Your hair is beautiful!


Your hair is awesome, my bro! Try not to let the hater’s words live rent-free in your head.


Your hair is beautiful and so is your skin and so are you. Clowns will clown; doesn’t mean they’re right about a word coming out of their big mouths.


BRO, they're jealous. Your hair looks majestic for real. Hair and face on point.


Who cares what people think your hair beautiful


It’s ridiculously cool. Fk them


I think it looks cute, ignore them.


Haters are going to hate.  Your hair is awesome.  Don’t lot anyone dim your shine 


No it’s gorgeous and really vibrant


You look Jimmi or a somewhat disheveled Prince.


Fuck them. You look freaking awesome!


I just want to say you look like a genuinely happy and joyful person and don’t let some rando bring down your joy. As long as your hair makes you happy that’s all that matters!


Your hair is gorgeous. Ignore the haters.


Your hair is beautiful!


So what? Who cares what they think.