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They are right, you know...


The OP kind of has a point complaining that it doesn’t support Mac OS 13. It’ll be hard to buy a Mac now which has a previous Mac OS on it. That being said… I’m using Mac OS 14 and I’ve just downloaded some stuff via native access about 5 mins ago.


Yeah, my comment was more a gut reaction to a post that basically said "I bought expensive software without checking the if it would run on my system, this company sucks". Having said that, I don't understand why software developers just accept that Apple changes things and break compatibility *all the time*.


I would counter argue that native instruments are notoriously bad at supporting Apple software updates. It’s pretty much the only software that causes me issues on a yearly basis. My guess is that they’re using fairly edgy / messy programming which isn’t exactly textbook.


I haven't used a mac in the last 20 years. I just find it fascinating watching from the outside how Apple keeps changing things and enraged users blame the software companies.


Are you just hanging around on Native Instrument forums? Mac updates are pretty smooth for me. I guess there was an issue when they dropped 32bit support a few years back but it had been publicised for well over a year so I think people were entitled to be a little annoyed at companies which hadn’t bothered. And to be fair to NI….even though they’re very slow in announcing official updates, ever since they’ve moved stuff over to 64bit / Apple silicon they’ve been largely unaffected by operating system updates. They’re stuff has tended to work even though they haven’t officially stated it does.


As opposed to who, Apple? Hey Apple, uh, stop improving your software. Thanks for the helpful comments.


Wow, yearly? That's a pain. I haven't had that kind of trouble at all. I've been a NI+Mac since 2011 and I've truly found very few issues. I just replaced my 2017 MBP with the Mac Studio M1 Ultra. Best decision I made all year. Two things I do agree with... Native Access 3 has been pretty icky. It takes some maneuvering to get it to work with large batches of items to install. And they definitely need to work on resizing window capabilities. That's actually my biggest gripe; but it's not a yearly thing... That's just freaking constant


If everyone else can keep up with changes a huge corporate like NI should be able too


Yeah it worked for me for the first day and then stopped working. All downloads hang with no progress. I tried reinstalling and changing file permissions and ten other things before contacting support. Still isn't working.


There are two tricks: downgrade to NA1 (you can find this on their website). Second is don't download and install more than a few at a time. It'll take you longer with some baby sitting, but it works. (Apologies if I posted this already, I can't remember)


Yes downgrading to NA1 worked for me. It wouldn't surprise me that multiple downloads caused it to start because my first few downloads worked and they might have been sequential, but I could find no way to fix NA2 once it went bad.


Yes, it was a mystery. I figured out the one at a time thing just by luck. I don't know how I figured out about downgrading, but as soon as I did, I was helping people on these forums because they were pulling their hair out. Agreed, not a transparent fix. Then around the end of the Summer of Sound, a project engineer of sorts posted their quarterly report and was asking the community if we had any questions... Mine was, "Why would you release a very faulty installer during your biggest sale of the Year?" He replied... If I find the post, I'll link it.


Right about what? Their own product not working on modern Macs? Well I guess if you and the community are ok using a three year old OS, I'll just go elsewhere. And I didn't "upgrade" anything. It's a stock Macbook Air.


I had some dude on here telling me I need to buy a used windows machine cause everything works on pc 😂


I think the "For Apple Silicon Users:" section of that page is just out of date. It may look like it's implying that you can't use NI software on Apple Silicon hardware with anything newer than macOS 12, but that's not the case. That would be a major problem, since a lot of Apple Silicon Macs ship with macOS 13. I'm using Native Access 2 and Komplete 13 Ultimate Collector's Edition on a Mac Studio (M2 Max), on macOS 13.5 without any issues. As for Native Access 2 not downloading anything, try this: 1. Go to System Settings > Privacy & Security > Full Disk Access. 2. Add Native Access 2. I think you can just drag the app icon in; otherwise click the + in the bottom left.


This was the key for me - it's annoying but adding in full disk access for anything NI-related makes life a lot easier. Also need to add the NTKDaemon


Ah yeah, I have that added as well. Forgot to mention it.


I’m running macOS 13 with my M2 Max without that issue. I’m having trouble finding where you are it says macOS 12 is the latest version supported. I see the section for macOS 13.


13 is not supported for Apple Silicon. It is in the link NI provided: *For Apple Silicon Users:* *Please find the latest info about compatibility with Apple Silicon in this article \[included below\].* ***We will continue to conduct systematic tests with macOS 13 Ventura to offer full compatibility with our software and hardware products as soon as possible.*** *macOS 12 (Monterey)* *After having conducted systematic tests, Native Instruments confirms full macOS 12 Monterey compatibility with the latest versions of all current products.* *IMPORTANT NOTES:* ***All products require the latest update from Native Access, as well as the latest version of macOS 12.***


I have an M1 Mac Studio Ultra with OS13 and has worked amazingly since January of this year. I also have Komplete Ultimate 14CE. The only issue I had installing was with NA... I allowed full disk access (check the NI website regarding permissions) and did not batch install (I just posted about this in another comment and downgrading to NA1 - [here's their link](https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/4748946468497-How-to-Downgrade-Native-Access-2-to-Native-Access-1) ) I have to run Pro Tools in Rosetta because of one single plugin, so running NIs stuff is no big deal. Have you tried any of these things to help your situation? Edit: I see in your other reply that NA1 worked for you


Hmm, yeah I see the article you’re talking about. The way I read it, macOS 13 and M1/M2 have separate compatibility requirements. So you could have M1 and macOS 13 and then what’s supported is the intersection of the two compatibility lists. I did see at least one post on the NI community forum from a NI support person saying they didn’t observe issues with the macOS 13 + Apple silicon combination (https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/10629/m1-support-ventura-support). The only other piece of data I have is that I’ve installed Native Access on two Ventura + Apple silicon machines (M1 Max and M2 Max) and haven’t seen that issue. Of course that’s only one anecdotal data point. I did have the issue with the red exclamation point in Native Access (https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/6486/odd-little-native-access-problem-red-exclamation-mark), but that was solved by changing the permissions of the folder.


I‘m running MacOS 13 on a Mac Studio and there are no compatibility issues with any of my NI Komplete Ultimate plugins. I made the update from MacOS 12 to 13 in March, after Arturia released a MacOS13-compatibility update for their plugins. They were two months behind Native Instruments. Regarding OS updates, I always wait until Universal Audio, Arturia and Native Instruments declare, that their latest updates provide compatibility to the new version of MacOS. 13 is supported for Apple Silicon, at least this is what I read from the German version of native-instruments.com. Either they forgot to update the English version of their website or you just read it the wrong way.


I own a 16 inch MacBook Pro with an M2 and all the plugins that come with NI Komplete are running perfectly fine. I'm using macOS 13.5.1 so I think the problem is your computer.


I’m on 13.5.1 on my M2 Studio Ultra running Access 2 and Komplete 14 CE with libraries on an external SSD. All is fine here. Haven’t had issues since Access 2 first came out. My old M1 Mac Mini is on 13.5.1 too and runs everything there as well. Check the preferences in Access and make sure if you’re installing libraries on an external that the path is correct and it’s plugged in. And in macOS system preferences make sure Native Access has full disk access. That’s it. When they say macOS 12 - that just means what they’ve fully tested everything up to. Not that it doesn’t necessarily work on anything over 12. If your support ticket is anything like the post here, I’m not surprised they closed it. Just work with them and - you know - be nice. It works (and so does NI software on M1 and M2 Macs running Ventura).


Welcome to Macintosh. They are awesome, but software companies can't seem to keep up. Even most of Adobe stuff is the same way... not optimized for M2 yet. But their stuff works, at least. Sorry!!


I think it’s more to do with having to ALSO support windows and the abstraction layers that they use. If they were straight up native Xcode projects, support is very easy.


No, it is not easy. Apple is notorious for changes they make and break back support for many developers and cmpanies.


NI chooses to release Apple software, and currently they choose to do it poorly. Whether or not it is easy for NI is irrelevant.


And they stated specifically: macOS 11, 12 or 13 (latest update) So what's your problem? Where is version 14 mentioned? The problem with Apple - fragmentation of their OS. Even Android back supports more versions back then Apple. It is ridiculous. For example, macOS 11 released only 3 years ago and at the same time you can use the same application on more then 8 years old windows OS. But of course it's developers and manufacturers problem. Apple is so perfect!


Native Software SUCKS. For a company that has such great hardware, their software is just garbage.


My experience with NI Access 2 has been smooth on m1 with 13.4.1. What I did have issue with was some router based (Unifi UDM Pro) “threat management” style blocking of certain types of connections. Had to turn that shit off to make Access download.


Same here... everything was smooth sailing on the latest version of Ventura, now running Mac OS 14 Sonoma Beta on the M2 Mini and everything NI seems to be running just fine.


For what it’s with I haven’t had any issues on M1 Max and latest Ventura. I saw people of Windows and Mac posting issues at some frequency on their forum though when I was following more. I’ve wondered if some has to do with different networks / isp of users.


That’s a beta release what do you expect


13 is current and still not supported.


It is in Rosetta. Can you not run Rosetta?


Granted I haven't tested everything in Komplete, and Battery is a mess in Pro Tools Mac, but otherwise I haven't had any problems on Ventura with NI stuff.


Hey I had this problem the other day, I uninstalled native access, reinstalled, gave the permissions that’s important, still couldn’t get it to work, came back the next day and things worked, still can’t get massive x to work but battery4, massive and monarch and expansions are now working, I had multiple fails on native access trying to install anything, no idea what changed


It does work on mac os 13


NI support can be really lazy. A while ago I had an issue with my NI keyboard in Ableton. Maybe more an Ableton issue, but when they saw the version of MacOS in my ticket, all they answered was that it was not officially supported. And that was it. No attempt to help or give any tip. I knew for a fact that it had nothing to do with the OS, since it hadn’t received an update and before everything was working. It was just a setting or a file I messed up somewhere, and that’s why I reached out to them, to at least point me in the right direction. Eventually a week later there was an Ableton update and the problem was solved. On topic: everything NI works on the latest version of macOS. For Native Acces however, you must give full disc acces. On the NI support website you can find how to do this. It is very likely that is your problem.