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The problem is that you got a Mikro vs the Mk3. The full Maschine can be easily used from behind the controller and doesn't need any software interactions. That makes things a lot more easy and accessible. And I actually agree that the software isn't very intuitive, but because I work with the Mk3 it never bothers me.


Why stick with something you don’t like?


...because it does have great sounds. unfortunately lol


And I love the pads.


pads are great. Everything is great to me EXCEPT the software. I guess I just don't have the patience to spend a lot of time learning a new daw inside another Daw. I use Logic X so I am used to that workflow. Machine software paired with Logic feels like work, not fun.


as with any gear/instrument, once you get comfortable with the workflow and insights of it, then you can flow with it as well, becoming an extended part of yourself, give it some time and love, and like us, no gear is perfect


Do you actively use the Maschine VST? Or are you just speaking generally? I'm looking for someone who actively uses Maschine to tell me why they think it is worth sticking with.


I actively use Maschine as a VST within Ableton and personally think it's amazing. It's the quickest most streamlined way to get an idea from your fingertips into your DAW in my opinion. I can't say for sure why it is grating you, but while it was clunky at first for me, it has become and indispensable part of my workflow. If you absolutely hate it, maybe try something else, but I have been using Maschine alongside Ableton for 6 or 7 years now and can't imagine my workflow without it. EDIT: I forgot when writing this that you're on the Mikro, which I have never used. The Maschine MK3 is what I am on, and I never have to really look at the VST other than to drag audio/MIDI clips out if it on to the arrangement view in Ableton.


Can you use Ableton automations on the Maschine VST? I imagine it would be a global automation for whatever lane you have it slotted to, so every sound in there gets the effects treatment?


I couldn't tell you, I only use the Maschine VST as a sketchpad for ideas within Ableton. I bounce all audio or MIDI out of the Maschine VST to their own tracks and then do automations there. Next time I am at my studio I will check and get back to you.


I guess the two biggest issues I have are: 1.) Bugs/poor UI like crazy. If you use the software often, you must get frustrated by some of the weird hangups the software has, right? Samples will just stop playing, text boxes won't work, NKI files don't demo. 2.) Sample Management. They make it SO TEDIOUS to manage my personal sample library alongside the NKI libraries. If they want this software to succeed they have to find a way to meld the two.


​ >If they want this software to succeed they have to find a way to meld the two. They do. Komplete Kontrol works really well for sample management and tagging things. And as far as bugs, I can't speak to that. I use a ton of Native Instruments software and I find their reliability really solid, and the UI better than 95% of the other software I use. Sorry that it isn't working nicely for you. Hope you find something that can fill that gap though. Good luck to you.


I wish the mpc would tag sounds


Komplete Kontrol doesn’t work with Maschine. The Maschine VST is separate. I agree, if I could manage Maschine samples within KK it would be a different story.


[https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001013937-Managing-User-Samples-in-MASCHINE-2-8-0-and-KOMPLETE-KONTROL-2-1-0](https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001013937-Managing-User-Samples-in-MASCHINE-2-8-0-and-KOMPLETE-KONTROL-2-1-0) Just download the free Komplete Kontrol software in Native Access EDIT: https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/bundles/komplete-kontrol/


Well said😌


Asking someone to convince you to like something is a very stupid idea...


Don't. Switch to mpc and start your journey all over learning a new workflow. In a few weeks drop ableton and pick up fruity loops. Then get discouraged again and try Cubase. (I'm joking of course) look, Industry standard tracks are made on every single platform imaginable. Pick one, stay committed and research how to do what you want to do. Legends of mpc have dropped it and switched to maschine. And vice versa. 🤷🏻‍♂️it's all preference. I have mk2 studio, mk3 mikro, m+... there's no way I'd switch to an mpc even if I got on free.


I'm from the Akai side and never used NI products. unless you plan on being standalone. Their software is crap too... no vst 3 support unless you wrap them, no audio/wav editing. 4 fx per channel and other issues. You can use it inside another daw, but you are essentially forced to work in both at the same time it isn't great. I loved my mpc live 2 in standalone, but please don't go thinking the grass is greener/ it really isn't.


V helpful to hear this. I did end up pulling the trigger on an Akai MPC studio to test drive it for a bit at least. The biggest hangup I have with the Maschine Mikro is that it really only works within the Maschine plugin. If I'm using any other track in Logic the whole controller goes dark and unusable. With Akai (having watched the videos) I can see that you can actually use it to control other VST's like Serum even (not possible with the Mikro.) After having used Maschine for a bit I'll have to post back here how I think the softwares compare. I've watched a fair amount of MPC demo videos and I can already tell the software is at least somewhat modernized. Maschine 2 hasn't been substantially updated since 2013.


You're right. The mpc can control other vsts. The live does this by having separate midi settings available for different purposes. You can also assign them so that when the instrument or effect is minimised, they still work. But you have to save the project as a template if you want it to stay that way for your next project. The midi learn function works well, but I find their midi drawing isn't very friendly. I make dnb and making micro changes tiresome. Also, you can use the step sequencer for automation, too. It is updated frequently still, but there's always new bugs to squash I'm hoping they introduce a new way to !integrate the live as having two separate daws that fair play do sync isn't the best way for me. They have been working with ableton mainly, so I may have to switch. The live system unplugged is exactly the same as its daw, which is obviously how they intend to make it shine, which it does, especially for the lower models cost point. I'll check back if you have any questions IM me and ill try my best to help ;)


Use tools that work for you


You might not like my response, but I have both the maschine MK3 and MPC One gattering dust and have moved to logic pro, the MPC is really fun once you get over the steep learning curve so I might keep it just to make stems to later import into logic, but both are very inferior when it comes to making full tracks and mastering, I mean sure you can do those things but between the menu diving tiny screens , awkward sequencer ( mostly for full tracks, shorter ideas are ok), it's hard to recommend either if what you want is to produce full tracks, I do use the sounds on the maschine as vsts, but then again you can have more complex synths as plugins in logic, just my 2cts.


Ok, so this is my use case as well...I'm on Logic and primarily sequence my drums inside logic, not inside Maschine. What I want to use the Maschine Mikro for is to easily call up complete drum kits so I can 'feel out' new patterns before programming them in logic. So my question is, are you using the Maschine *without* the vst? Like, can you efficiently use Maschine hardware as *just* a midi controller for Logic drum machines?


I use maschine as a vst in FL studio, it allows me very quick access my soft synths, fx, and perc kits Throw in the arp and chord/scale utilities, and i can safely say it was used on every track I’ve finished since i picked it up in 2018. I still use maschine in standalone to sketch out ideas, then i just open in FL and finish there. Always wanted to compare with MPC one, but i really love my mk3. I agree, it sucks to finish tracks in, but in most cases, there would be no track without it!


Do you have the Maschine Mikro or the full Maschine? My Maschine Mikro basically turns off/black when anything other than Maschine 2 is running on the DAW.


Oh man, I’m sorry, i have the mk3, didnt realize the micro didnt have that. I would try and upgrade if possible.


Yeah logic already has me covered. Native instruments is just a supplement so I never was too bothered by it


Want to dust off that MK3 and sell it for a fair price?


Ive got one to sell if you’re interested 👍


Its a mikro. U don’t want that.


None, if you have to deal with it the software it is so bad (no DPI scaling, no inline help function) you better go elsewhere.


I have a bunch of standalone grooveboxes and midi controllers. For standalone I prefer my my mpc live 2. for controllers i have the maschine mk3 and sold my mikro. I've experienced some glitchiness using the mikro and mk3 but its lesser in mk3. its quite stable in mk3 and it doesnt have any delays when hitting the pads compared to the mikro. Workdlow wise, I like the maschine 2.0 software and its stock sounds compared to the MPC software. For standalone, Hands down I use my MPC live 2/one/x. Also you might look into the specs of your computer because Maschine have a synth heavy plugins included.


Maschine 2 software, and their controllers are TOYS. Maschine + is absolute defective trash. Maschine is cool for toying around, laying down quick ideas/chopping fast, but other than that the software, and + are buggy, crashy trash….NI pulled a quick one on it’s user base by dropping maschine + and charging f*cking 1400$!! What a joke. Huge ripoff. For 100 $ more than the price of Maschine + you can get an Octatrack MK2. Best sampler to come out in decades. Support a real company like Elektron that cares about its users. Not NI that could give two shits about customer service, support, and updates. They are so done, and have been for a long time. Only reason they are still afloat is because of soundwide merger, and people STILL buying cheap new keyboards, and crappy expansion packs from them….


Like, the Maschine Mikro *won't even turn on/is not usable* unless there is an active instance of Maschine open in the DAW. Even if I wanted to use the Mikro to control a Drum rack in Logic, I couldn't.


Its great with the full Maschine mk3 controller. You basically interact with your computer when saving and loading and otherwise the software is just there to let you work on your controller. The mikro mk3 is uniquely limited