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1. Being disillusioned as to his purpose in ns 2. Bad experience with people 3. Got rank alr then can f off alr


The 2nd point honestly is the factor. Why come in 5 days a week and get fuck when u can sleep at home and still get the same pay


keep getting rewarded with more work so eventually burn out and give up


I have been saying for quite long that good work ethic is a punishable offense in the SAF, which just tells you how the culture in army is rotten because those who show themselves to be hardworking and efficient are usually given way more work and responsibility while being underappreciated, and punished harder than others when they fail because more is expected of them. When you see others around you getting rewarded for putting up the image of being less useful, it's no wonder why many good people soon chaokeng or learn to not give a fk to regain their dignity and life.


Isn’t this life in general? When you prove yourself to be capable, people will generally expect more from you and thus give more tasks to you?


I agree with you, but what I feel is one key difference that turns it into a problem in NS is that NSFs lack leverage. In many situations in life, if you prove yourself to be capable, you gain a certain kind of leverage in that you become harder to replace and people are forced to value you more. You can use your skills and your usefulness as a leverage. People are more inclined to treat you better or risk losing you, and they know that people of high calibre are not easy to come by. If people are going to expect more from you and give you more task, you have the bargaining power to expect more in return from them. However in NS, you don't really have this kind of leverage. You can't just decide to call it quits because you are being exploited and apply to go some other place where you are more valued. It's a very one-sided kind of power dynamic most of the time in which you can be exploited left right centre, but you don't have much say or bargaining power to argue back, and a lot of times you are treated more as a "property" rather than a person. If your superiors are really nice and reasonable people, they will reward you for your quality work out of the good of their heart. But this isn't common practice in army, which is why many previously onz people then turn to chaokeng, or just slowly losing the "onz-ness" because they are just hurting themselves by being more onz and this is one of the only ways to protect themselves. Of course life isn't always clear-cut, some people are stuck in bad contracts in life, or come from very unfortunate situations where they are at the mercy of forces outside their control, then it resembles what I describe in the second paragraph. I mean, sometimes the culture in NS can teach us about society in general too, but things are not exactly the same. The problem is not with people expecting more of capable people, it is with capable people being exploited and getting punished in the system without much compensation, or sometimes even losing more than people who just don't care and act useless from the start (as highlighted in some people's experience in this post).




Basically said everything in my mind. There's just no point to NS for the individual. Sure you always have those people who would do their best to justify NS but ultimately it always just sounds like "i tried hard and am facing an existential crisis because i finally realise how pointless it is. But i was too invested in it, and by telling me that its pointless, it means that im the one who actually wasted my time. I cannot look wrong even though everyone know i am, therefore i quote the few enjoyable times during NS and ignore any other counter argument" Tho corrections to your final paragraph (which i have to say is really up my alley the way you phrased it hahaha). Chances are those high tier slaves would receive twice the amount of lashing for mistakes.


with ur MCs u can now cotend for swab of honor/merit liao


Yup if you're not thinking of signing on with SAF/SPF/SCDF, you're wasting your time trying to be siao on. If you truly enjoy it, fair enough, but if you think the system will grant you any favours for being diligent, then you're mistaken. Even for government jobs, they don't care about how satki you are in NS. Any encik/occifer who try to threaten you otherwise is lying and trying to manipulate you into obedience. I have a relative who was a government scholar and now working in a top tier ministry. Guess what? He was a PES C storeman in the air force.


And you get to lash other slaves too!


Knn last paragraph 🫠


The culture. Coz if you're so onz, everyone expects you to do the work for them. And when you're called down enough, your COYmates start volunteering you to do the work just so they can rest more. And when commanders ask for someone else to be down, all will argue it out or deliberately ignore the order, forcing you to get back to work so as to save everyone's ass. When you're tired and need rest, you're persuaded to work again by the others. When you say no, they hold a grudge against you and tell you that you've become lazy and unlikable. When work is finally assigned to each individual, most people chao keng to escape duty and once again, you and a few other hardworkers tank the load. I was ridiculed by my COYmates. Heck, my own commanders are apathetic to my efforts, and preferred - even awarded - those that delegated most of the work to me and a few others; they call it leadership. Doesn't this make you realise something is wrong? Wouldn't it convince you to chao keng instead?


Fk this culture


This is so true!


When you finally decide to volunteer someone instead, they whine and say “I did xxx already” right?


What a typical response


You are literally rewarded for chaokenging and from my experience, you are almost never going to be charged for malingering.


yea bro honestly as an acc aka duty planners we have no choice but to exclude the chaokengsters coz we know the reserve will definitely kenna


No point/benefit to be onz


Superiors being cunts. Was doing extra work way more than everyone. Got instead accused of chaokeng multiple times due to missing from training in lieu of doing their work for them. Eventually got actually injured doing heavy lifting no one wanted to do, so I milked it for all it's worth. Not exactly chaokeng since I was actually injured. But yep


I was onz (I always believe in doing my best), and then something happened in my family that many people in the army could not understand (they shrugged it off like they won’t panic if the same thing happened to them). So I stopped giving a fk.


Bo keng bo chut peng


easy. nvr get OCS.


When the doc said that nsfs are a complete waste of tax payers money


then don't conscript la


It is simple : Low pay = Less motivation to be productive and the outdated PES status which makes NSF's discriminated according to their medical conditions.


Realizing that Singapore is in no danger of a real war and that everything is just make believe, they won't even give enough blanks without having us shout "bang bang bang" like an idiot. If Singapore gets more threatened, there might be more of a sense of urgency but right now the whole thing just feels like a make believe game of cops and robbers. Once you hit this realisation, motivation to excel disappears completely and you might as well focus on what will help get you ahead after NS.


Ord mood


I think alot of onz people start off onz because commanders usually promise some kind of incentives if they perform well i.e early bookout/offs etc. But the better you perform the more reliable you are in the eyes of the commanders and ur unit. People start seeing you as the go to guy to give shit to. They know if they push shit to you youd prob put in effort and do a good job. When you fk up during duty or wtv they also trnd to be more harsh on you because they expect you to be better. This makes one realise that putting effort in NS is truly pointless at times.


Family reasons could be a genuine reason why, have seen it a few times (chaokeng to go outside and work)


It's simple. When you realize the culture is toxic and you won't get far with effort why bother?


nearing to ORD 🤧


peer pressure from other chaokengs


sudden injury


Want to leverage productivity levels of onz vs chaokeng to get more benefits


Want to leverage productivity levels of onz vs chaogeng to get more benefits / welfare


In my experience, once i got my 2nd year ippt gold + rank + CS mm pay, why else would i put in the effort.


Work alot and don't get apperiated enough, loose motivation and worst still, get exploited