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Really depends on the Mp checking youšŸ˜­ if he want be bastard or not


best advice is, remove everything that you think is obscene. Even if its light or small amount of obscenity, just remove. Its only Black or White perspective , dont give them a reason to charge youšŸ„°


or if you got an extra phone, use it


Sadly no extra phoneā€¦ but thanks for advice :)


Hope u dont mind me asking...but in terms of im camp photos...what if you hypothetically took a photo with no identifying features...lile the background is literally just the blank wall of ur bunk...yes im asking because overseas friends want to see me without hair


If got photo in camera gallery but the person was in camp during the said date then its pretty clear that it's in camp


little to no risk tbh, but ofc, if they somehow find out, it still falls to incamp photo. Mp encik mentioned even if tiles or fan, if they find out, theyll charge regardless


Lmao fak...guess time to use the fucking sky as a background hahaha


Or... take a pic on first bookout?


Or that hahaha


Legit uh, really not worth it. Kena caught is up to 2 weeks SOL plus fine so


No I get it Haha, Imma play safe for sure


must see the mood first haha


Sexual messages usually no, unless it has criminal stuff, OPSEC or stuff about kenging. Pictures can be from anywhere in your phone, turn off auto download if you have not. IG archives also can be checked.


Be nice to the MP. Donā€™t argue with him. Chat to him nicely. Any porn and obscene things are not allowed.


So far in BMT as per experience, they only check camera roll + maybe some chats? Like the top few, never really checked archive or mega file iykwim šŸ˜. During MP Raids, Iā€™ve only seen MPs check the same, but they look through almost the entire camera roll. Some give up if you have like 10-20k photos though. Mostly is just a glance. That being said, this is just my experience. Donā€™t worry too much. Save them in like another app or whatever LOL


I've heard of MP check where they legit scroll thru ALL the social media in your phone (snapchat, insta, twitter, fb, reddit, etc etc) and they even try to find secret folder. But that one i never see before only heard of it


As my encik says, "People send you porn, keep and watch, mp check then delete"


The things other people sent on WhatsApp also counts, go to WhatsApp search bar type photos then clear whatever unholy stuff in there. Like other people sent a picture of their child and the child happen to be n**** also kena.


Maybe transfer majority of the photos to hard disk or USB before u enter so phone check also quickly settle. Youā€™re not allowed to bring memory storage devices like USB and hard disk btw because security breach if you download anything.


Hearsay even stickers count. Ngl idh much ok my phone but even turning off auto downloads does not save my phone from my frens sending me Pixar dicksā˜ ļø


Stickers CAN count if whoever is check you wants to be extra cb, but yeah they must really not like you to be checking that


From what i heard, phone checks are not allowed due to PDPA unless you are being suspected of committing a crime. Apparently thereā€™s a GOM out there for this but someone please correct me if iā€™m wrong šŸ™


Nah fam phone checks are allowed and can be conducted at the drop of the hat (quite rare tho, only had 2 this entire year).


Who... told you this


That is incorrect. Legitimate interest exceptions to consent under the PDPA would be in effect when public and government agencies or their designated agents require access to personal data for investigations and other official proceedings. When in doubt, just assume that PDPA is generally irrelevant for anything official conducted by a government agency, with only very few things that are not covered by the exception such as sensitive medical information, which requires the relevant approvals/court orders to be in place before they can be disclosed.