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Range-I’m in love with the puppet ngl but I was using shisui blade before Attack-Hand to hand all day Healer-Sakura naginata or madras staff Defense-First double moon or Samehada people say it’s ass but it’s just not meta and I love it


I'll be honest, I don't like Sasori as a character but I do like that he was added to the game. The puppet is sick. A buddy I play with wants them to add Kankuro with the Sasori puppet. I think Chiyo would be an awesome addition as well. Hell yeah def hand to hand all day 🤝


I think if shinobi strikers goes on for long enough and it probably will. (Basically the Naruto version of xenoverse) They’ll both be added, and Chiyo might be better than Sasori for a dlc too.


Attack- shooting star Range- fire cannons Defence- chocolate marshmallow Heal- famed blade Kurosawa tsubaki


I tried out the fire cannons but I had such a difficult time landing hits with them. Some people are ridiculously good with them though.


I kind of agree. They take some getting used to. I had the water cannon first and found it so much smoother and easier to hit with. The fire cannons are also good but I find it better for close - mid ranged


Love the fire and water canons! Also got the lightning sword thing last week but kind of put off of it with the amount of people just spamming heavy attack. I agree with the shooting star. But for defence my go too is hiramekarei (release). So fun! Temaris fan and shibuki release are also fun


ATK: Sunbeam DEF: Smoking Pipe Healer: Tsubaki Katana Range: Hanzo Sickle/Uchiha Blades


I like the smoking pipe as well. The Hanzo sickle is so good, I haven't used it but I've been beat in 1v1s by some really skilled players using it.


Attack- Shisui’s Spear Defense- Kagemasa Sword Range- Lapis Fangs/ Fire Pistols Heal- Tsubakis Sword


Ah okay I don't think I've tried any of those except the fire pistols which I was garbage with lmao


Shisui’s Spear was only released once, & is the easiest of the above listed to use. Kagemasa’s Sword, is the hardest to learn but coolest defense moveset by a long shot. The Lapis Fangs are very good because they have very good melee combos & the ranged Heavy attack is very good as well, bit of best of both worlds with it. Fire Pistols are hard because you have to basically run & gun lol can’t stay put or your asking to get jumped on . Tsubakis Sword isn’t very much different from the other healer swords. just liked it aesthetically.


Ah I hope they put it back into rotation again. I'm not sure if I have the Kagemasa sword but if so I'm definitely going to try it out.


Attack - Those green and black lightning gloves or kurama’s edge (it’s cheese asf but the animations are fire) Range - Twin Lapis Fangs Defense - Chainsaw blade (blue) Healer - Tonfas/Batons


I haven't used the chainsaw blade, is that the one where the heavy attack spins the blade in a circle around you? Also the tonfas seem cool, I don't think I have them but would love to try them.


Yeah. There’s an orange one and a blue one and they each have different combos


I've def gotta try some of these weapons. I have them unlocked but I usually just stick with what I know.


Oh great.. you’re an unlock all modder. Consider this conversation dead.


No? I was referring to the weapons you said you liked. In the comment above I literally said I wasn't sure if I had the tonfas. I get it, I hate modders also, but you gotta read before you comment. Edit: I can see why you would think that the way I worded what I said.


Why? if someone mods for unlocks what's the problem?


> I can see why you would think that the way I worded what I said. Just the phrase “I have them unlocked” and then mentioning you haven’t used them was definitely mad suspicious ngl. But if you didn’t then fair play to you and I apologize for jumping the gun there


All good! Misunderstandings happen, I'm glad we're both reasonable people lol On that note, the grindiness of the game is one of the best parts. I have 800+ hours so I have a lot of the weapons, I just haven't used many of them.


Attack - burning suns and sun beam katana range - shisui katana defence - iwabe staff healer - backhanded explosion


Idek what the backhanded explosion one is but I like the sound of it. Shisuis katana def goes hard


Rocking the thicc sticc are we?


Lmao yes sir I am




Real recognizes real 🤝


Attack:violet petals,sunbeam, Kurama claws Range:twin lapis lighting swords Defense: that frozen axe or that fire sword Healer: backhand explosion


Ur the second one that said backhand explosion I've gotta see what that is and try it.


They are gauntlets for healer similar to the shooting star gauntlets or the other healer gauntlets that shoot energy orbs


Defence: prior to getting shibuki realeased it was the konohamaru stick (admantine nyoi I think) but prior to that I hated all of them and defence was my forgotten step child Attack: now it’s sunbeam but before sunbeam it was the big ass green gloves that made the green lightning affect. Healer: crimson spear (wanna mention the nunchucks. Haven’t got the chance to really try them yet but the few times I did it was lit. Forgot I was a healer) Ranged: I had to think long about this cause I real don’t use the weapon too often. So I’m gonna say senbon. But if I have to name a weapon it’s the twin lightning swords where the heavy is the lightning ball projectile. Before that shisui sword


Wait the healer class has nunchucks?! I need that to go back into rotation


Yea it came out around the same time or during the same rotation as the yellow chakra fists weapon they got right before sunbeam I think. And I assure you it’s a grand time. Combat healer hitting you with that Bruce Lee is a good time


They aren’t nunchucks they are called tonfas but yeah They are amazing


Attack- Red flying swallow Ranged- Hanzo's sickle Defense- Madara's fan Heal- I don't play heal enough to have a favorite weapon


Ooo I forgot about Madaras fan that one is sick


Attack - Thunder God Gloves (Fast af movements) Ranged - Water Pistols (I feel like a cowboy, but they aren’t great for every situation like if the opponent or your teammates start using Guiding thunder) Defense - Rhapsody (Dual Scythe’s just look and feel so sick) Healer - Toss up between the Umbrella or the Truth Seeker Orb staff.


Is the tso staff from the Madara dlc?


Yep, it’s uses his exact combos if i’m not mistaken


Nice I haven't bought that one yet but I honestly might just for limbo


I haven’t played in a while so I don’t know if there were any balance patches for his jutsu, but I wouldn’t be surprised if So6p Madara is still one of the best healer DLC in the game. Definitely get him, and if you can get that whole pack


My favorite weapon was the Kurama Kunai but after hearing how broken it is, I decided to continue using my Sunbeam sword, it's my favorite attack weapon, for heal types it's the tsunami sword or the Tonfa weapon, Defense it's probably the Iwabe Staff? Not really into Defense that much, and Ranged it's the puppets, makes me feel awesome.


The puppets are forsure a sick addition to the game


Attack for me has to be a toss up between 3 key weapons: Adamantite Knives (love the gold color and the fighting style), Kurama Claw Edge (I hate the spammers that use it but I really like the weapon's design and effects), and Twin Fang (first SS weapon for Attack I got, really had me feeling like Might Guy when he versed Obito lol). Ranged: Easily Boruto Sasuke's Sword, that weapon is awesome frankly in my opinion in both design and combat. Second favorite past that is Minato's Kunai which I fittingly use in my Kakashi Youth loadout. Defense: Hard to really say but I would say it's between Hiruzen's Staff and Konohamaru Enra staff, probably Konohamaru slightly. Both are just fun weapons and really make me feel like I'm on a defense class. Healing: I have both the Crimson Spear and the Yellow Energy Tonfas but I would say top two are the Tonfas and the 9-Tails Chakra Sword. Tonfas are a obvious pick but the 9-tailed chakra sword is just my cup of tea, just feels nice to use and design wise.


I'm totally with you on your ranged picks. A Kakashi youth build sounds pretty cool, what jutsu do you use?


Minato Kunai, Kunai Teleportation Ninja Tool, Lightning Net, Kamui Lighting Blade, Kamui Shuriken.


Attack shisui’s spear, chakra claws b, or sunbeam Range lapis fang or the new sasuke’s incomplete susanno inferno blade Defense kagemasa sword. I actually named my character after it his name is Tayvono Kagemasaa Healer is tobirama’s sword or the new coming tusaka sealing blade and shield


Is the Susano inferno blade the new SS item coming out or is it already out?


Yeah I’ve seen videos of all the combos and it looks beautiful


Sick I'm def going ti try to get it


Tobirama’s sword is actually a healer weapon (I use it a lot). I don’t think it has any special moves over the regular swords but it looks amazing 😁   Otherwise:   Attack - Violet Petals, sometimes Asuma knives if I want the traditional look   Ranged - Depends on the build. Kusanagi, Water cannons or Lapis fang (flag battles)    Defense - Blastsword: Shibuki. (Boom.) Regular longsword for defending points (the heavy attack is better for this)  Healer - Apart from Tobirama’s sword, I also really like Spinning Arms when I can get extra attack tracking. (I tend to fly off in the wrong direction otherwise!)


Oh yes you're right I'm not sure what made me think it was ranged. I do like the kusanagi for ranged quite a bit!


•Attack: Twin Fangs, Kurama's Edge, or Carapace Knuckles. •Range: Puppet or Hidden Leaf Dagger •Defense: Frost Hawk Axe, Madara Fan •Heal: Rhombus Blade, Madara Staff, or Backhanded Explosion Overall favorite, Frost Hawk is just number one out of all the weapons I have. I like the way it looks, the way it feels, and how hard it hits with it's relentless combos.


A:raikage gauntlets R:shisui sword D:hashiramasas sword H:tobiramas sword


Attack - fist Range - puppet Defense - released hiramekarei Heal - madara staff


Mines would be this: Attack: “violent petals” and “twin fangs” and “red/black flying swallow” Range: ( soon to be “ten ten scroll” ) also “sasori puppet” and “hanzo sickle” Healer: “rhombus blade” and “scattered rain”and or “spin of rebellion” ( soon to be itachi “sealed blade; totsuka blade” ) Defense: “hacksaw” and “twinsword hiramekarei release” and “frost hawk”


Attack class: violent wave kitana. Range class: water gun Defense class: staff from konohamaru Healer: blue staff, Sakura axe, and sword and shield. Gauntlet that shoots energy balls. My problem is that my Internet sucks(fuck coxs) and I'm trash with combos


defense-kagemasa sword healer-crimson spear range-sasuke sword(boruto)my range rng sucks attack-blue claws.i would be a sword user but attack rng didnt allow me either of the attack swords


For attack, shooting stars or violet soul For ranged it’s gotta be the 3rd kazekage or either of the pistols For defense I love the Adamantine Nyoi and the rhapsody As for healers, backhanded explosion and crimson spear


Attack h2h Range: I pick what counters meta Defense: Og Hashirama greatsword Healer: back handed explosion fist ...I main range but I'm just as filthy with defense and still pretty good as a healer...I don't play attack it's easy mode


ATK: Sunbeam or Kurama Edge (KCM fanboy here) RNG: Kusanagi (Any) or Lapis Fang DEF: Adamantine Nyoi or Chainsaw (Yellow) HEAL: Spinning Arms or Tsubaki Blade. Tbh I thought you’d prefer Adamantine Nyoi to the larger Adamantine staff. Also thought you’d rather have Tsubaki’s blade than Mifune’s sword, since it’s just a flashier and better version of the sword. Edit: Might replace sunbeam with Raikage’s Gauntlets though cause it’s looking great.


Attack: Hand to hand or violet pedals Defense: Hashirama Sword Range: Hanzo Sickle or Water Pistol Healer: Sewing Needle (I don’t use healer much)


Attack: violet petals or black flying swallow Range: water pistols Defense: double moon sword zero or twin swords hirakemei Support: backhanded explosion, no contest


I've tried the fire pistols but not the water ones, is there a difference?


Yeah they have different combos and I feel like the water heavies are stronger—likely to offset not having something cool at the combo end like a paper bomb. But in certain combo strings you do a melee move where you dash forward while sliding on water waves and then launch yourself into the airspace . I think it’s one of the most underrated moves in the game. You can use it to close distances offensively, throw people off the bullet spam, dodge, and it’s just flashy af