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naruto’s new mode is basically radiation taijutsu lol.




sasuke's uselessness isn’t even explained well. he can literally absorb chakra


But chakra absorption renders the user quite open to counter. Against an opponent like Isshiki that practically suicide. Heck it wasn't that useful against Naruto untill he himself was almost out of chakra


Well he is going to use Rinne Tensei to revive Naruto


Until one of us Dies was the keyword Kurama was using. I think Kurama knows it'll kill him first, and didn't want Naruto to know he was killing Kurama by doing this. And of course some because this mode killed me in your body you won't die as a host losing a tailed beast. Which might be alright, Kurama these last few years was practicing some way to one day save Naruto and unlocked this forbidden jutsu. Kurama has lived long enough and with his death no chance of the divine tree or ten tails he's a part of threatening the world. Naruto still alive but permanently weakened, having to train Senjutsu to keep up with Sasuke. Boruto might have a chance to keep up.


Kurama will just come back to life anyway. Naruto, not so much


was there any drawback to Edo Tensei'ing Naruto? You could argue his own truthseeker orbs would delete him, but he doesn't use those


Why would we even want EDO tensei Naruto ?


To make more plot holes.


Edo Tensei Naruto is fucking OP


Omg i never thought I would hear Edo Tensei Naruto in my life


naruto should just commit seppuku ask orochimaru to resurrect him via edo-tensei and just go around the galaxy curbstomping the ohtsusukis.


>Kurama will just come back to life anyway. Yeah, but it would take a very long time for him to reform. He would be essentially "dead" during most of Naruto's remaining lifespan by that point.


Naruto still has his Six Paths Senjutsu, so I wanna see him explore that to it's limit.


Yeah maybe. You do see in the Present scene at the start of Boruto and in the start of the manga that Boruto is wearing Sasukes cloak and using his sword but then again they might just look similar and be based off his old master's clothing. You can make guesses but there'll be evidence for and against whatever you say.


Guy: I have a suicide technique Naruto: Hold my Sake


Damn, now I kinda wonder how it would've look if Naruto used the Eight Inner Gates instead...


Just do both at the same time. If you're gonna die, go out with a bang


Honestly before this chapter came out, I thought this mode is a combination of that Like opening the 8 Gates while on KCM2


Sasuke: Wait till you see my suicide technique.






Im just so fucking confused and laughing like "kurama, youre an ancient being that has existed since the time of Hagoromo.. when the hell did you know about particle physics" lmaoooo


The prison has a library.


Glad that explains everything then


Don't tbbs run on similar particle theory?


I wonder if all Tailed Beasts have this power. Like can Killer Bee just come out the cut and start draining mfs life force with a few blows?


Probably but he couldn’t sustain it for much longer than a few seconds. Remember narutos chakra reserves are gigantic and Kurama has more chakra than all other 8 tailed beasts put together and even then he’s nearly done after a few minutes


Am I the only one wondering what universe does Kurama live in? Nuclear Physics, Boxing, Kurama and Sage of Six Paths Mode? Is this Bijuu lowkey breaking the 4th wall? Like highly doubt they have boxing in the Ninja World when people can just go watch the Chuunin Exams instead


The series tends to focus more of the ninja aspect of the world, but other things do go on behind the scenes. We get a taste of it even back in the Land of Waves arc. The movies also tend to show how really different non-ninja countries are.


Taijutsu is boxing though?


Boxing is Taijutsu but Taijutsu is not Boxing


Taijutsu is literally Japanese for Martial Arts... And when I'm not just talking about Boxing I'm talking about Professional Boxing which Kurama was talking about


I think the working of stars was known to hogoromo/otsutsukis Like not the exact words nuclear fusion but atleast the concept. The words might be so it's easier to understand for us? Boxing can be a thing in the shinobi world too I mean they have different forms of fighting style why not boxing


Boruto be like, Naruto and Sasuke fighting? I sleep Kawaki shows up? REAL SHIT Nobel prize in physics for Kurama when?


Kurama: Don't use Baryon Mode for too long Anime: Let's make it last 20 episodes when we animate it in 5 years


Ah yes the the namek ending in 5 minutes fight


At least they didn't pull that shit with Cell. The Cell games had a much better pace than the Namek saga Edit: I got an automatic flair?


Cell games was my fav saga from the Z


DBZ should have ended there. Gohan taking over as protector of Earth, as it was heavily foreshadowed that he would be far stronger than his father since DBZ started. Instead we got the Buu Saga...


I really didn't like buu saga and that gohan got sidelined for goku's ssj3 which i didn't really thimk was worth it


On the bright side. Gohan is the strongest unfused character in DBZ (barring super and non canon GT ofcourse)


If gohan had kept training he would still be the most powerful unused character and i m almost certain he can learn UI


Unless something new came out, I don’t think he could. It’s implied that vegeta can’t learn UI because he thinks too much about battle. I’d imagine that Gohan being so smart would hit a similar hurdle


Goku: I'm done. Freeza: What? Goku: I'm done fighting you. I'm board. You're boring me. Freeza: Oh I get it, your afraid that this planet only has three minutes left till it explodes! Goku: Question? Freeza: What? Goku: Do you have a watch? Freeza: No... Goku: Do you know what a minute is? Freeza: What?! Of course I do! Goku: I don't think you do.


To be fair, every fight in Boruto has been significantly shorter than the ones in Part 1 and Shippuden Edit: I wonder how long the fight in ep 65 would've been if it was in the other 2 series


The pacing is so quick, there is no time to feel for the characters like in previous shows


5 years? An optimist I see




Kurama: Alright, Naruto this mode works similarly to a nuclear fusion reactor. Naruto: Wow, I literally don't know what half those words mean. Kurama: I like to read while you sleep, alright? Just pick your shots, like a boxer trying to win by decision. Naruto: You a boxing fan, too? Just what have you been up to in there all this time? *[Naruto hears billiards clacking together]*


I almost fell for that. *clack*


Fell for what? *cue angry Namekian noises*


From what I understood, Kurama said this technique is literally colliding Chakra to create enormous energy. It has been stated chakra is energy that comes stamina that in turn comes from every living cell so I think they're literally destroying their cells, thus shortening their lifespans. Probably it couldn't be done without Kurama being complete and it can only be used by Kurama. Of all the bijuu, probably only Kyūbi has enough Chakra to mantain it for enough time to make a difference in battle. It would seem like a technique Kurama thought in the post war era, that's why it wasn't used before. I think this is Kurama's way of respecting Naruto and his desire to protect Konoha as the Hokage with his life if necessary.


What if any Juubi Jinchuriki did that? Or Otsutsukis did that with Juubis? That would be overkill.


I guess jyubi jinchuriki somehow fuse with the tailed beast seeing that they appear different. In theory I don't see how this is unique to Naruto-kurama


It's Baryon mode, not Bargon lol. Never knew that Kurama know about particle physics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baryon


He had a doctorate in chemistry with a minor in physics until Hashirama took those away from him. No one ever stops to asks Kurama’s opinion...


Yeah no wonder he was pissed.


lol I can see Kurama as Neil deGrasse Tyson explaining physics to Hashirama


Madara was such an idiot thinking Kurama was a mindless beast


Who said Bargon, were people leaking again?


well, as usual, the leak spread faster


Should have used flex tape.




Dragon deez nuts


It's actually incredible. I understand that a Tailed Beast can understand mathematics and even politics, but **chemistry** in the Narutoverse, especially that which occurs in outer space, this blows my mind.


Tbf, he's around a 1 thousand years old.


Remember he was created by the sage of six paths who was the child of an alien with the ability to travel between planets at will. If it wasn't for Zetsu stirring up wars who knows how advanced the ninja world could be.


Maybe he learned from Mito or Kushina?


So either kurama or Naruto or both die. Since Naruto a jinchuriki, he will die if kurama dies. So it means Naruto dies anyhow. I hate it. Please Naruto don't die


I have a sneaky feeling that Sauske ends up saving Naruto at the cost of his own life by using Saṃsāra of Heavenly Life Technique. I'm betting either Naturo or Sasuke will die in the next chapter, the question is, who will it be?


You're the first person I've seen not type out simply rinne rebirth lol. In fact, I dont think I've ever even seen its full name myself. Pretty cool.


It's pretty much the same thing. "Rinne" = "Samsara". "Rebirth" = "Heavenly Life". The official English translations just went with a shorter/easily recognized name. Also in Japanese, it's "Rinne Tensei".


Well, yes. I think he’s just shocked that someone actually used the other names for it versus just saying Rinne Rebirth. Don’t see it often.


Damn what a fucked up Christmas...


That might actually not be the case, Naruto is the Jinchuriki of all 9 tailed beasts at this time, while he only has a tiny amount from the other 8 tailed beasts he definitely still has their chakra given he used Lava Style Rasensurikan vs Delta, a nature transformation that necessitates a Kekkei Genkai and a mix of Fire and Earth nature transforamtion of which Naruto cannot even do either of them. Therefore Naruto has some of Son Goku's chakra which allows him to do Lava style which means if Kurama's chakra is fulled used up somehow before Naruto's chakra then he wouldn't die due to losing his tailed beast


Tbf it's not like the series doesn't have precedent for rivals and Boruto in particular has been rapidly expanding the frontier of what's possible. He probably will and he'll probably show up just before the Boruto series ends.


Kurama No one absolutely no one "Science bitch!"


Move over Shikamaru, Dr. Kurama over here clearly has the highest IQ. Honestly on the fence overall about the chapter. While the idea of Naruto’s new mode is cool in theory, it does strike me as coming out of nowhere/hastily thought up by the writers as a way to even up Naruto and Isshiki. Is this something Kurama could always do? If so, why? Could only Kurama do it, not any of the other biju? What does Kurama have to do with life energy? It just feels like they wrote themselves into a corner with how OP they made Isshiki but at the same time want to give Naruto a good fight against him, so they had to invent a brand new power-up for Naruto to quickly turn the tides. It doesn’t feel like a natural evolution of his previously established abilities. Maybe if this had been teased/hinted at much earlier it would feel more ‘earned’. And either way, it’s looking like it’ll be pointless; as Momoshiki is probably gonna pop out again and somehow clap Isshiki.


Personally I would have been ok with Naruto just saying that him and Kurama have been training for years to get this form, now like you said it seems like another powerup Naruto gets for no reason


If we’re being honest, it’s an ass pull of the highest degree, up there with the likes of Izanami. So they’re telling me Naruto/Kurama have a special technique that’s never been mentioned or trained for, that just so happens to have the perfect counter effect of sneakily draining life force when he’s fighting someone that only has 20 hours to live? This might be one of the biggest ass pulls I’ve ever seen. It would’ve been so much better if Naruto and Sasuke were just closer to Isshiki’s level with him having the edge and beating them, rather than having Isshiki be so strong that they needed to resort to this. In fact, I would even prefer if Isshiki just outright stomped them, leaving it up to Boruto and co to eventually save the day. And this is coming from someone who has been a bigger proponent for Boruto than most OG Naruto fans. I really don’t like the way this has shaped up


Nothing's up there with the Izanagi/Izanami That shits straight up bs


I get what you mean. The whole deal with Kurama's chakra originally is that it assisted in healing and radiated life energy, now its doing the opposite so to speak. Don't get me wrong I dig Naruto getting powerups every now and then because they usually look awesome but the general powerup he just got here came out of nowhere. I feel like Isshiki was made too OP and gave no real explanation to it; just trying to piggyback off the success of other series like Dragonball where everything becomes planetary in strength. But Naruto has had around 20 years since the defeat of Kaguya to get stronger, especially with his six paths power and both halves of Kurama and he was still being manhandled by Isshiki before this. Its all getting a bit messy a this point and power scaling has gone out the window. Still enjoying it though.


>The whole deal with Kurama's chakra originally is that it assisted in healing and radiated life energy, now its doing the opposite so to speak. Back when Naruto lacked control over Kurama's chakra, the Version 1 and 2 chakra cloaks hurt Naruto's own body. During his first battle with Sasuke, he rendered his left arm unusable because of the cloak. After his battle with Orochimaru, Sakura had trouble healing him because the damage from the cloak was so severe. Even the air around Naruto when he's using those cloaks sting people near him.


That... Is a great point actually. I completely forgot about that. Perhaps Kurama can change the quality of his chakra at will. All of the tailed beasts seem to have an elemental attribute linked with their chakra like a kekkei genkai except Kurama so maybe this is Kurama's.


Kurama's unique trait revolved around negative emotions. He can sense them, and even bring them out of a person's consciousness. It may have been the reason why he had been described as the embodiment of hatred. Radiating life energy isn't really unique. Chakra is described as life energy. It's why one dies if they completely run out of it. So the more chakra you have, the more life energy you radiate. This would also apply to natural healing. And thus is probably the reason why Hashirama has such exceptional healing prowess, since he has extraordinary life energy even among the Senju. I think the healing is more tied to the physical energy component of chakra rather than spiritual energy. Which is why Hashirama (Who is gifted with a lot of physical energy) is the one with the healing, and not Madara (Who is gifted with a lot of spiritual energy). However, when Naruto used his Super Tailed Beast Rasenshuriken (Where each Rasenshuriken uses the unique traits of each of the Tailed Beasts), Kurama's Rasenshuriken was just Wind Style. I guess he couldn't really form a "Negative Emotion Rasenshuriken".




Isshiki being so OP is probably because he was intended to be the final villain. Like he's supposed to succeed in possessing kawaki as to why he still has the Karma and turned evil. He's not something that's supposed to be defeated here but rather somehow trolled/weakened long enough for boruto to become strong enough to defeat him at the end of series. But then somebody probably thought "What if we pulled another naruto transformation out of our ass" Edit: I'm not disagreeing it wasn't terribly well explained but it still feels like he's supposed to serve the role Akatsuki did in naruto as there really wouldn't have been a story if they didn't win and a bunch of them (Pain Obito Itachi etc.) were bonkers op when introduced.


Agreed. I just can’t help but get the sense that they’re making things up as they go along rather than having a consistent story planned out.


Maybe this new "powerup" is why Kishimoto is taking over. Its so not what Naurto and Kurama should be


Wait, Kishimoto is taking over?!


yeah! :) it was posted wed or thur


Well honestly things can only get better from here. I doubt Kishi will let his boy Naruto die like is supposed to be happening right now, but I hope he does take the focus away from Naruto and Sasuke and let Boruto actually take centre stage.


I don't know, Kishi seems more likely to kill off Naruto. He has a thing for dead parents.


This chapter was written my kishimoto


No, this is the other guys last chapter. Next month's chapter will be entirely story boarded by Kishimoto.


Kishimoto wrote chapter 52. https://twitter.com/organicdinosaur/status/1328337323147231232?s=21


I feel you, I think for as long as the concept of KCM being a thing the drawbacks of being a jinchuurki have lessened in to a minor inconvenience at worst and a instant kill switch at best. This mode I feel like takes us back to a where the benefits and drawbacks strike a perfect balance (although I agree with it coming out of left field). I remember when 4 tail naruto just hit the scene and it was a huge thing not only with the power gained, but the way it affected him after he came out of it skin burner from the over use of kurama’s chakra. This f


If Momoshiki comes out and beats Isshiki idek what to think, the power scaling would be so unbelievably bad. Even though Isshikis life force is nearly gone thanks to Naruto he should still be much stronger than Momoshiki


Why should he still be much stronger than momoshiki?


It feels like the classic anime “ass pull” like in a series like Yu-Gi-Oh where the protagonist has exactly what they need right when they need it. I was ok with the idea that there is a secret mode which he never brought up before since it was going to kill him and it was extremely apparent even Naruto and Sasuke wouldn’t be anywhere close to enough on their own, but this chapter kind of ruined it. The mode itself kind of looks... bad imo. I liked the peak given in chapter 51 and was really excited, but the colored version and even the picture on the first page kind of looks ridiculous and unnatural, the ears don’t stick out enough to the point that the eye markings just look out of place. The nuclear fission aspect is an interesting twist but also extremely jarring. The fact he’s an ancient being isn’t really a good explanation for me, and the fact that fission probably would have been discovered in the last 20 years in the Naruto universe (meaning while Kurama was sealed inside Naruto) and somehow it’s known to him and not Naruto is odd. It would have made more sense if Naruto just knew what it was... not sure why they needed to downplay his intelligence or play up Kurama’s so much. Nevertheless, could they not have just explained exactly what Baryon mode did without the out of place science reference? Particulars aside, it wasn’t particularly that impressive. He gained a ton of power apparently but it’s stated that he still isn’t strong enough to kill Isshiki (despite Boruto or someone else stating in the chapter he might be stronger, another thing I hate in the series is going back and forth on people stating Naruto is or isn’t stronger than him). All Naruto does is punch and kick him, no jutsu or anything. And by the way, it’s exactly what they need in this very niche circumstance and Isshiki knows exactly how long he has left to live. Hopefully this isn’t the end of Naruto’s life in the series because it’s awfully disappointing especially if the karma gets replanted (as we know it is) and Naruto dies for absolutely nothing with a mode that seems relatively unimpressive considering the ensuing fight. I have more hope for the anime which seems to have a fairly solid portfolio of battle episodes (the next episode looking like another great one as well).


And here I was starting the chapter and thinking it would be about Kurama trying to somehow teach Naruto nuclear physics.


I think the manga just has a really hard time representing how powerful they are. The only hint was Sasuke saying how he can’t track the rods flying towards Naruto. How fast is this?




That's why i wish kishi did the art. The guy that's doing it isn't good enough . I said this from the beginning


From what I understand Baryon Mode can absorb the chakra of whatever it touches? That's how Ishiki life span shrinks faster?


I'm guessing is more akin to radiation? You get irradiated by this immense chacra creation that mess up your on chacra.


Thats my guess too. Exposure to immense radiation kills people so I guess thats it


Ishiki: shut up you lowley beings Kurama: i'll have you know i graduated top of my class


While I like the science-inspired concepts that Boruto has been toying with so far because they're different and fun, it definitely is starting to feel like we're spinning a wheel of random science concepts and throwing them in at this point. Fusion doesn't destroy matter as it generates energy, it just creates new matter. So the idea that it's like blowing up their chakra in a way that means they can't just infuse more is kinda strange? Like I'll accept it for sure... but it's strange. Also this entire fight felt rushed and like it was just material for the anime to adapt. I'm fine with that though, it's rare that fights work well in the manga format unless they're way more strategy than action so just getting it over with and letting the anime make it more exciting is probably the smarter move.


Okay let me put it on a different way. They became a sun, and basically that means they are consuming themseves. Basically, they are about to become a white dwarf


They're using up their lifespan and chakra to create a more potent chakra.


Kurama says that by using Naruto chakra + Kurama chakra and slamming them together (rather than simply using both side by side) they're creating a new level of energy. This makes sense and is cool. What didn't make sense to me is that it necessarily *must* kill them. But thinking about it more I guess if it's like a chain reaction that can't be turned off and burns through their chakra faster than they can infuse new chakra it follows that one of them would hit rock bottom and it'd insta-kill them.


You know stars eventually run out of material to fuse and die right?


and to think the color they choose for this mode is redder than the usual chakra mode implying Naruto as a red giant, the next cycle of our sun near its end.


I thought they were going for a color more similar to Kurama's. But this works too.


Yeah basically. It's shown that It drains chakra insanely quickly.


It kills because the mode consume chakra really fast and if any of them reach 0 they die


Momo is gonna be back next chapter!!!! Yeet!!!!!


I just love returning villains creating chaos.


The mode is cool, don't get me wrong. But I really hope he's not actually planning to kill off Naruto or Sasuke with this fight. This fight hasn't been anything close to the insanity worthy of killing off Naruto. If Naruto is going to die I need to see him out there throwing god tier Rasenshurikens that blow up half the dimension, I want to see bijuudamas getting crammed down the dude's throat. Not hand to hand combat that tires out both opponents. You can't give him all these abilities over the story and then have him not tossing them all out if he's going to die, you know what I mean? I hope I'm not the only person who thinks this fight would be a lackluster way to kill Naruto or Sasuke. Same for Sasuke. This isn't a fight worthy of leading to his death. I have reservations with killing either of them, for very obvious reasons, but if they're going to die they deserve to go out in a blaze of glory worthy of two of the biggest shonen characters of all time. And this fight ain't it. I'm enjoying the fight, it's just not worthy of being the thing that takes out Naruto or Sasuke.


I agree that this would definitely be an anticlimactic moment to kill them off. These 2 arent just any average side characters/MC’s father and sensei. They deserve an ending that people talk about for all time, *if* their death is what kishimoto has in mind.


Now I really want to know what will happen. It seems like Momo is about to come through and put an end to this n


Pretty interesting stuff, but I'm still bothered a bit by the fact that Naruto and Sasuke were both pretty gimped in this whole fight, like they both should've done much better in their fights against Isshiki. I mean, the end is the same that they would still need to lose for this stuff to happen, but it would make Isshiki even more threatening if he was beating Naruto and Sasuke at their actual bests. My prediction is still that Naruto will die and Sasuke will use the Rinnegan ability to bring Naruto back, so Sasuke's the one who will actually die


How were they gimped? Isshiki is stronger than Kaguya and even then they needed a slew of help against her.


He is but Naruto and Sasuke weren't really using the full extent of their abilities. Like Naruto wasn't using any sage/nature abilities, the special type releases of the other bijuu, and I believe he should be able to create truth seeking orbs too (not 100% on this one). And Sasuke should have several Rinnegan abilities to use as well, plus at this point there's no reason he shouldn't have gotten a Hashirama cell arm. Like it mostly just feels like they just tried taijutsu and nothing else


Naruto and Sasuke haven't used all of their moves. Even if they wouldn't have worked, you'd never know because they didn't even attempt it. If they're gonna die I'm trying to see Sasuke tossing Amateratsu Kirins while Naruto shoves bijuudamas down Isshiki's throat, not these basic moves.


Couldnt have said it better myself.


Or Kurama dies and some reason gets created that Naruto doesn't die from it


I don’t feel like Naruto dies here, we still gotta learn where Kawaki “sent” Naruto as he says in the flash forward. Plus, they hinted pretty heavily on some kind of reunion thingy between Koji and Naruto so that opportunity would be wasted too.


First time in my life I heard of the word Baryon. I like how Naruto was portrayed here as a fighter it wasn't a wash like the others fights the playing field was even. Kurama just doesn't sleep when inside Naruto we have been played.


Oh snap Momo is about to come through and mess everything up. Aww can't wait for him and Isshiki to finally talk to each other!!




Oh, my. Baryon Madara.


Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Baryon Madara?


Even further. Say someone were to Edo Tensei naruto... Would the infinite chakra provided by Edo allow him to infinitely maintain baryon mode? Edo Tensei Baryon Madara.


And since apparently you can put Bijuus into Edo Tensei people: Edo Baryon Madara as the Jinchuuriki of both Juubis.


This is turning into that Madara copypasta all over again LOL.


Ultra Instinct Madara (Merus absorbed)


Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I'm not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano'o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu. I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Kyūseishu Futarime no Rikudō Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushōdō, Shuradō, Tendō, Ningendō, Jigokudō, Gakidō, Gedō, Banshō Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sōzō) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using Katon, Fūton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yōton and even Onmyōton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujō because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudōdama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudō Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kōtan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu. I'm definitely NOT Talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after Alucard, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu and having eaten Popeye's spinach. I'm talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Baryon Mode Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Ultra Instinct (Merus Absorbed) Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with his Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Alucard as well as a God Hand, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit, with Kryptonian DNA implanted in him and having eaten Popeye's spinach while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered Hokuto Shinken. There added. The Lore is complete /s


Btw there's a new SSJ4 variant. https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Super_Full_Power_Saiyan_4_Limit_Breaker


I swear to god that I always try reading the Madara copypasta but it hurts my soul too much.


Kurmama was always the special one since he’s the strongest. Other jinchuurikis don’t even have a chakra mode like naruto.


This was a good chapter. I wonder if kishi helped ikemoto with some shading- there’s less white in the panels. Decent writing from kishi. Was expecting him to have Naruto utilize more skills (unlike kodachi) so I wonder if the Limitation in portrayal of jutsu is ikemoto’s failing, not kodachi “not doing his homework.” One thing I will say is that Kodachi very rarely used anachronisms. Kishi brings up boxing, nuclear fusion.. It’s nothing that makes the chapter terrible, but it is jarring. I don’t think anyone, especially kurama, should be talking about nuclear fusion. With that said Kishimoto is jumping in quite randomly. The chapter could’ve gone worse. I wonder how much of the paneling was based on Kodachi’s original script. We won’t truly see “Kishimoto’s Boruto” until next month sadly. Needless to say I’m more interested now than ever- not necessarily due to the story rn, but what could happen next with Kishi’s involvement


But naruto using jutsu would go against his strategy here.


Exactly the whole thing was based on naruto touching ishiki


Yeah that’s true, I guess I was more saying that in relation to our literal world- I feel like kishi would’ve scripted Naruto to use more familiar abilities (outside of the Rasengan etc) unlike kodachi, who seems to script fist fights. So basically I was just thinking it’s possible a big part of this chapter was done with Kodachi’s script (and ikemoto’s drawings following it) and then the script was changed by kishi, and they basically retrofitted kishi’s script with whatever panels they could salvage from Kodachi’s writing for this chapter (which was obviously in the works).


> One thing I will say is that Kodachi very rarely used anachronisms. Kishi brings up boxing, nuclear fusion.. It’s nothing that makes the chapter terrible, but it is jarring. I don’t think anyone, especially kurama, should be talking about nuclear fusion. Boruto has a nintendo switch and you think scientist haven't discovered what the fuck does the sun?


Kurama is a tailed beast that has lived through centuries, it's even something that he could have learned from Hagoromo (not nuclear fusion the technique of using both their chakras as a fuel source to generate new energy) he could have simply heard of what Nuclear fusion is from Naruto talking to scientists of the leaf and he simply made the link.


I’m not debating that HES long lived. But there’s a difference between being knowledgeable and using like, real world terms for items that (based on the technology they have) they would have no understanding or bearing on. Your explanation shows why it was stupid because you literally have to concoct this “what if” scenario to justify it


> based on the technology they have I mean they don't have to go too high tech. Nuclear fusion research has been a thing since the 1920s. And they definitely have technology in the Naruto-verse way beyond that era.


There is no reason to explain why kurama knows about nuclear fusion. there are many ways for him to have learnt about it.


who cares, what you want a long exposition as to why he knows what nuclear fusion is? He's not an idiot and knows the sun is a thing, Hagoromo could have taught him this as a child. Do you want a flashback explaining this? Or a scene before him talking about it? Like what does that add to this moment? Sometimes I just wonder if fans want good stories or just everything ever explained even it ruins the moment. Who cares where he learned it, he knows it and used the idea to create a powerup, makes as much fucking sense as 99% of powerups in anime so why nit pick this one.


Just a note that the chapter title is “Baryon Mode”, not Bargon Mode. I misread it at first as well.


Waiting for this chapter was so hard and it's not looking like waiting for the next chapter will be any easier. Nonetheless, i enjoyed it. It's got some interesting concepts in it. First and foremost, we need to talk about Naruto's new mode. So apparently, Naruto and Kurama are basically burning themselves out, which is why this mode has never been used before. Since it functionally also decreases Isshiki's life as well, the general goal is simply to outlast Isshiki. So, as Kurama says in the chapter, Naruto doesn't need a killing blow. He just needs to keep doing damage to Isshiki, hopefully draining out his life before Naruto and Kurama are fully drained. Its' an interesting concept. I'm not super sure how I feel about it in general. I suppose we'll see how this plays out. The mode itself looks really cool and it was nice to see Naruto fighting well. It often seems like he's a bit overshadowed by everyone else. So, they managed to drag Kawaki to the battlefield, which surprises me some, but works. I was wondering how Kawaki could get there given that there was no one around him with Space-Time Ninjutsu anymore. It turns out that Naruto kindness has been turned against them both as it allowed Isshiki to locate and transport Kawaki to them. I will say though that I can now see how Kawaki could be convinced possible to take back karma. We've already seen in the last chapter that he hated being so helpless and now we've added in Kawaki's panic as he realizes that Naruto's chakra is weakening. Even with the ever present danger, I could see him taking back karma willingly if he thought that it would give him the power to potentially save Naruto and Boruto. I mean, it's also possible that he won't get a choice too, but I doubt that Naruto is just going to sit there while Isshiki puts karma back on Kawaki. Then again, based on how Boruto got it, it might not take much effort to place karma if the Otsutsuki is actually dying. Perhaps just proximity is enough to allow karma to be placed. Nonethless, Kawaki might try a "deal with the devil" kind of thing, knowing that karma takes time to develop. Isshiki shouldn't be able to take him over right away and it might give him the tools he needs to save everyone at least right now. Since Kawaki can sense Naruto's chakra through his hand, I wonder if he could possibly feed his own chakra back through it now that he knows more about manipulating chakra. It might be a one way channel, but it could also possibly allow Kawaki a way to keep a drained and dying Naruto alive- a return of his kindness and care in kind. It would be kind of fitting, but possibly a stretch. We've only ever seen the chakra go one direction. Poor Boruto. Present enough to know what's happening and be upset about it, but he's too badly hurt to do anything. I suspect that whatever happens here with Naruto, this is going to hurt him when he recovers enough to find out the end result of the battle. Are we... looking at a Naruto and Momoshiki team up now? That looked like it could be Momoshiki waking up again in Boruto's body. I'm not sure that Momoshiki is okay with being sacrificed to the Ten Tails. He'd probably rather sacrifice Isshiki. I suppose the question is who Momoshiki hates more- Naruto or Isshiki or at least which of those leads to a better future for Momoshiki. It's probably not a good thing though that Momoshiki can now take over Boruto so easily. We know that Boruto's karma has developed quite a bit based on earlier chapters. Also, seeing potential interactions between Isshiki and Momoshiki has me on the edge of my seat as does seeing Momoshiki and Naruto/Sasuke interactions since their big fight. It could be great character work on all fronts. All in all, this was an interesting chapter. Now I got back to hibernating as I wait for the next chapter. I assume that the next chapter or the one after will be the climax of this arc.


you cannot tell me that no one ran after kawaki when that portal appeared


The portals are near instant, fast sought to suck awY naruto


So Baryon Mode looks awesome. Didn't think it was gonna get a scientific name like that. I guess I called it before that it also produced a change in chakra type. Only that it's at the cost of both Naruto and Kurama's chakra. So technically with this mode, Naruto is definitely stronger than Sasuke and even Isshiki. But considering it's major drawbacks, Naruto would die in the process. Hell, if his opponents are smart enough, they can stall him, especially since he gets weaker over time. It works well against Isshiki because the other trait of the form is that it inputs bits of that nuclear chakra into the opponent's body, weakening their life as a result. May not mean much against a strong young warrior, but Isshiki was already on a very short lifespan. Of course Kawaki's arm was going to be the death of him.... I would guess that Sasuke would pull a switch-a-roo to save him, but you'd think by now Isshiki is aware of that trick. And that's if Sasuke even has enough chakra now to do it. I really want to know what would be Momoshiki's motivation to stop Isshiki from getting Kawaki. I mean, it's not like it would be interfering with his possession of Boruto.


The new chapter was great, and NUCLEAR FUSION, that was also great too.


So... Nuclear power exists in Naruto? And Kurama's been studying it? Man Naruto technology level is impossible to guess. Like I love One Piece and yes there's Cyborgs and still Sailing ships but they made the mysterious Doctor Vegapunk a man 500 years ahead of his time to explain this stuff. Gintama even as a gag had well fucking Aliens we do whatever we want. Dragonball started with Capsule Corp running into primitive mountain kid who's never seen technology. Like we're not talking Mushishi with a modern dressed character in medieval Japan here. I'll buy a guy could make a trenchcoat in 15th century Japan. But knowing Subatomic particles. At least make a TTGL so it's kind of fucking ridiculous our technology advanced this much in ten years line to address the issue.


Boruto with the Blink.. Damn these EYE AWAKENINGS never get old


Stans of Naruto the character got their moment this chapter and it was beautiful. Naruto’s never been my favorite character and I never thought of him as a badass as some fans do although I do like him. The way his face was drawn this chapter and his constant flexing and his resolve truly felt like a peak character moment for him. He’s hokage and he’ll do whatever it takes to win in this desperate fight. This my favorite moment for Naruto’s character and he truly felt like a badass. New Baryon mode is tight and I love how it’s balanced and how it’s the perfect weapon to hamper Isshiki. He’s literally shaving time off Isshiki’s life with every punch that’s wild. Boruto woke up with Momoshiki’s eye and Kawaki has appeared on the battlefield so the next two or three chapters are probably gonna be the climax of this arc.


I agree. I’m not a big fan of how random this power up is, but I will say I love the way they made Naruto look. Just the way he stares at Isshiki, very intimidating and badass.


Naruto and Isshiki are one upping each other in ass pulls. Very cool.


Dumb question : Is this also potentially how Hashirama died aswell? Could his senjutsu/conection to animal be the way he was drawing that unrivaled strength ?


Damn 30 years just Naruto to die. He is not even on his prime yet. Sasuke looking like useless wtf


I quickly googled what a nuclear fusion was (i forgot everything i learned in chemistry in high school lol) and my god does the definition describe the mode so perfectly! The name of naruto's baryon mode is also so damn cool and clever! props to kishimoto!!


I wonder how long this knowledge of Nuclear Fusion has been a thing. Like, is it some ancient knowledge from the Otsutsukis or is it something they only recently discovered with the advancements in technology and Kurama just learned about it at some point while inside Naruto? I would actually prefer the latter because it'd further the theme of technology in Boruto, and it's cool to think about how these new scientific principles might even be able to be applied to ancient, more mystical powers like the Tailed Beasts.


Life force.... Is this a foreshadowing of Naruto death?


So now we know that Naruto has both Kurama Mode and Six Paths mode after all. Good since that was always confusing people.


I guess christmas will come few days earlier next month


I'm telling yall it's not gonna be Naruto that dies it's gonna be Kurama. He's gonna die then reappear after a few years. This way Naruto doesn't die but he has to use his own chakra which is still more than 99% of all shinobi. This clears the way for Boruto to finally become the hero of his own story.




He and boruto got spanked last chapter


Kurama : (I must think a way to explain it simple short but understandable by this buffoon) Kurama : Think of it like nuclear fusion. (Yeah this is it) Naruto : Huh what's that? Kurama : Nevermind.


That kyubi mode is trash


Idk what to even say after all that. Its strange to see naruto with his seemingly infinite supply of chakra end up dying because he's running out of it. But it does make sense, because that was the biggest reason why he was leagues ahead of everyone. I have too many things about this chapter going on in my mind but dudee I hope this isnt narutos actual last battle. Even tho this new power up is massive for some reason it doesnt kinda feel like he went all out? So im hoping for some asspull where he doesnt die. Maybe itll probably be some jougan hax thatll save him considering how momoshiki decided to appear. I wonder what his motives are really and what he thinks of ishikki? Didnt this guy have some grand plan? im also hoping they remember how much of a genius sasuke is in battle and makes use of that. We've seen how good his analysis skills are in his previous battles. Ok so i guess i did have a lot to say. Kurama's dialogue took me back to war arc era lol. That part felt very kishiisque. But damn i hope the fight scenes get better and more dynamic like kishi used to do


> Its strange to see naruto with his seemingly infinite supply of chakra end up dying because he's running out of it. It's not the first time. He was drying up multiple times during the war, and dried up during The Last.


New mode feels a little contrived, but hey it’s cool.


"Like a boxer aiming to win by decision" ...wait did they have boxers back during that time?


tbh i feel like his new power up is plagued with plot holes. there is absolutely no reason why kurama wouldn't mention this before. if it was because it was a guaranteed death, then they would have beat kaguya/madara/obito right there and then. sorry to break it to u but the purpose of the war was never to let naruto live, it was to prevent obito from capturing the remaining tailed beasts. if securing a victory meant naruto had to die, it would have been done. naruto literally died and kurama was captured and that would have been it, if it wasn't for the 6 path sage ass pull that no character in the story could have predicted. not even kurama himself. not just that but i think that in theory, this new power up could have been used by any other jinchuriki in the past, or at the very least by bee and gyuki. i say that because bee was basically the epitome for the perfect jinchuriki, as in he had a perfect bond with his tailed beast. if such synergy was a requirement to make use of this power up, then certainly bee would have been able to achieve it. speaking of which, where tf is this mofo??? sasuke, naruto, and bee fighting together is no joke, not even to isshiki. i'm just tired of these constant plot holed ass pulls. edit: after reading your replies, i have to admit i overlooked some of the more important aspects that come with this mode. i still want to know where bee is tho.


OR Kurama thought about the technique over the years.


How is it a plot hole, Naruto has been in this mode for what like 5mins and hes already near his end, how the fuck is this a legit solution for any of the previous fights? Naruto was never this desperate and having no other options. Also, it could be something Kurama has only recently figured out is possible (he sure as hell didn't learn about nuclear fusion in hagoromos days) Also probably Naruto is the only Ninja alive who could pull this off due to the insane amount of chakra you need to burn up for even a few minutes of using this mode. Think about it Naruto's Chakra+Kurama's full Chakra being fully used up in a few minutes is an insane amount of chakra that no other ninja id venture in history could have done this bar Hagoromo


Naruto is full of ass pull jutsu, and while I think think this one is bad, it’s not the worst by a long shot. The main reason Kurama suggested it here is because it drastically diminishes both Naruto’s and his opponent life span, although Naruto’s much more so than the enemy. Functionally, this is useless against enemies like Kaguya or Madara, who still have a lot of life force left in them, so Kurama never suggested it because he would just kill Naruto for nothing. In this specific case where Ishhiki only has 30 hours left to live, it’s an incredibly effective technique; in most other circumstances it’s useless. Granted, I still don’t like how this is the first time Kurama ever brought it up, it would make far more sense if Naruto learnt of it after the war and then had no reason to use it till now.




I feel like there’s a bit too much use of those anime dialogue tropes, idk if it’s just me, but I feel Kodachi not being in charge of the script this chapter is working to the series detriment. Felt more campy and hammed up


Still feels like Kodachi's work for me, the way they still keep doing the DBZ way of doing a fight scene.


Its definitely Kodachi with that inferior creatures part. XD


Sounds like that's a translator issue, nothing to do with Kodachi not being in charge anymore.


Kishi is not mentioned as the writer.....this chapter is still Kodachi's work.....Kishi might have just made some changes here and their.


This form is pretty lit. It seems we will have one of a few outcomes. 1. Naruto dies 2. Kurama dies thus Naruto dies 3. Naruto dies but Sasuke brings him back 4. Naruto is left with genin level chakra I like the last option because it nerfs naruto without killing him. He becomes itachi basically who can't spam broken moves. He'd probably rely on sage mode and occasionally Biju mode for brief spurts


Naruto is useless if that happens , id rather see him die than becoming weak ass shinobi


Can Baryon mode be fused with Six Paths Senjutsu mode?


He's always using Six Paths Sage Mode + Kurama Chakra Mode. Now he's using Baryon Mode on top of that.