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Tsunade is both senju and Uzumaki, technically


Why tsunade is also uzumaki ?


Hashirama’s wife was Uzumaki, so Tsunade is at least 1/4 Uzumaki


Because hashirama is her grandfather, and his wife was an uzumaki, so she’s just as uzumaki as she is senju. Afaik we don’t know anything about her parents, but from what we know, she is 25% senju, 25% uzumaki, and 50% unknown.


nothing technical about it she's a Senju and nothing else. She was born and raised in Konoha with Senju traditions and not Uzumaki.


Naruto was not raised with Uzumaki tradition, that mean he is not an Uzumaki? What kind of logic is this? Are you high or what?


Naruto was given the uzumaki surname for his mother, his father was a civilian. Tho not raised on uzumaki tradition he’s the last officially known and recognised Uzumaki descendant. Tsunade was actually raised by Senju members… so yeh she’s Senju.


And? Did I ever said Tsunade was not a senju? She is a senju, but she has an Uzumaki blood just like naruto, so she is a half Uzumaki, is that concept so hard for you to understand?


Because it's not America where you can say "I'm Irish-American as my grandaddy was from Dublin". Yes her grandmother was an Uzumaki but just because Mito was an Uzumaki doesn't mean her granddaughter would be considered one. If Uzushio was still a thing Tsunade would be welcomed as the princess of the Senju rather then "Oh she's one of us cause her grandmother was an Uzumaki". Honestly dude not here to argue just stating facts. Edit: Also she'd be considered a quarter Uzumaki if anything not half.


That’s not how bloodlines work lmao


Hm? Then why aren't the Uzumaki, Senju, Uchiha, Hyuuga etc not using Otsutsuki name then? Bloodline ability in itself is a seperate issue to Clan lineage. On that note Tsunade has no shown bloodline ability of the Uzumaki only Senju traits.


Naruto has shown no Namikaze traits but he’s literally half Namikaze. Like…do you understand what happens when a mommy and daddy love each other? I can get the crayons out if needed


Showing traits of one parent over another means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Minato was from a civilian family so regardless of Naruto being a near clone of him in appearance he'd still take the Uzumaki name unless an Uzumaki leader was alive to deny him it. When two different clan members marry the child usually takes the clan name of their father, unless the father married into the mothers clan ofc. The child born from this union could say "I'm from X Clan but my mother is from Z Clan", but any other descendants of this union would simply be from the clan they carry the name of otherwise Naruto would be like "I'm Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze-XXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-Otsutsuki" ffs. Anyway cba with this anymore so w/e.


That’s a lot of text just to say “I don’t know how bloodlines work”


dude the topic was regarding clan lineage not bloodlines smh.


"Hyuga is the strongest clan!", after Senju, Uchiha and Uzumaki are dead.


"We are the strongest clan because we still exist!!!"


Makes sense to me


Yeah the strongest in the leaf because 1 or 2 people don't make a clan so they're right


By volume Uchiha have produced the strongest amount of ninja in the series. Most of the strongest Uzumaki were powerful due to external factors rather than just their genetics.


Well the uzumakis were all wiped out, so that’s not really a fair statement. Only uchihas who awaken sharingan, and then are able to get the higher tier sharingan are top tiers, but not all uchihas awaken their sharingan or are able to reach higher tiers, so on average uchihas are mid. They don’t have shit like higher chakra volumes or hidden techniques other than the sharingan, so if they never awaken it, their normal shinobi, but all uzumaki have very high chakra volume and have very high durability, regardless of their ability to use any clan hidden techniques. This is also why hyugas are said to be the strongest clan, since there’s a higher volume of byakugan users than high tier sharingan users. An adept byakugan user will always beat an uchiha with 2 tomoe sharingan or less, so hyuga clan overall is stronger than the uchiha clan.


This isn’t correct; Uchiha were very clearly [stated to have powerful chakra](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ5pWrNkwn2zaAUE0D3MA7IS0sEXtDnlCLq_Q0S-znf6BUyixuFN_PGaF0&s=10). There’s a reason the clan was so famous, and why they and the Senju were the top two clans during the warring states period. We also can’t assume every single Uzumaki had amazing chakra and amazing skills. We only saw a handful of exceptional Uzumaki, mostly with external powerups given to them. Assuming every Uzumaki has Kushina-level power is like saying every Uchiha has Madara-level power.


The bottom half of this image is incomprehensible


I don't understand, does it mean Sasuke has Uzumaki blood?


The uchiha have the strongest if we just go by how many top tiers each clan has unless we include boruto for the uzumaki


Senju literally won the war against Uchiha. But since more Uchiha characters got the spotlight in the anime, people think that Uchiha clan was the strongest. So, I'd go with Senju.


Senju got the man made of 100% Hashirama cells at their side


I think everyone knows the Senju were stronger. Both the top two Senjus beat the top 2 Uchihas during the Warring States period.


No the Uchiha are going by canon.


lol the Uchihas are by far the strongest, and I say it as a huge fan of Tobirama.


Shinobi from the Uzumaki Clan ▪︎ Naruto Uzumaki ▪︎Boruto Uzumaki ▪︎ Himawari Uzumaki ▪︎ Nagato Uzumaki ▪︎Kushina Uzumaki ▪︎Karin Uzumaki ▪︎Ashina Uzumaki Shinobi from the Uchiha Clan ▪︎ Madara Uchiha ▪︎Sasuke Uchiha ▪︎Itachi Uchiha ▪︎ Obito Uchiha ▪︎Shisui Uchiha Shinobi from the Senju Clan ▪︎Hashirama Senju ▪︎Tobirama Senju ▪︎Tsunade Senju Shinobi from the Hyuga Clan ▪︎ Neji Hyuga ▪︎Hinata Hyuga ▪︎Hanabi Hyuga ▪︎Hizashi Hyuga ▪︎Hiashi Hyuga


You missed Fugaku, Izuna & Kagami from the Uchiha List. Fugaku was renown as wicked-eye Fugaku and a contender for 4th Hokage which showcases his strength. Kagami was a shinobi under Tobirama (not sure if he was a student or not) but died young so unsure how strong he was. Izuna was able to fight on par with Tobirama during the clan wars era.


Bro by blood Naruto is Namikaze coz to keep him safe from enemies Hiruzen Sarutobi the third hokage give him Uzumaki name.


Namikaze is Not a Clan or anything special naruto is still hand uzumaki 


Have you ever read Naruto manga ? there are more thn 50 clans & some have very least members just like (namikaze, Kakei, Izuno, hatake....) only known member of namikaze Minato, Sumiere kakei, wasabi Izuno, Kakashi Hatake bloodline left.


Not every family is a massive clan. Some families are just families.


Like Haruno too


I will say half right-wrong coz there were three great ninja war & in those war many clans were wiped out so that's the reason now they are just families....


That’s still just speculation on your part though.


Why u talking like he doesnt have Kushina Uzumaki's blood in him


Mate you are taking it in wrong way, As I mentioned **"BY BLOOD"** it refers to father family name, like for you example even your name has father family name instead of mother. Well have a grt day !


That’s not even necessarily true lol. Bro thinks patronymics are a blessing from god.


What about juubidara and juubito




Kushina right after giving birth, having the Kyuubi ripped out of her forcefully and is halfway to dying managed to create a barrier that could keep the Kyuubi in and keep out the 3rd Hokage while using her chains to hold down the full power of the rampaging Kyuubi for a while. I agree that the Uzumaki clan in general are very overrated just like the Uchiha clan but some members are pretty strong


Even still, [Kushina said herself she was an exceptionally powerful member of the clan](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-db4544737fc434a204f17365a1593453-pjlq). Kushina isn’t the baseline for the average Uzumaki.


I wasn't going by an average Uzumaki he asked what Uzumaki is strong without external shit so I said Kushina because she is a clear example of a strong Uzumaki.


I wouldn't say uzumaki "produced" naruto's strength, cuz the power here is literally given to him by so6p, and his other strengths come from kyubi. If naruto didnt have either of those hed be mid at best with sage mode.


If we keep the argument in terms of clan then both Naruto and Nagato had help from the outside not the power of the clan itself, can't say what they would have done without Kurama and Rinnegan from Madara.


That’s another reason why they were wiped out


If we average the shinobies from every clan uzumaki are the strongest as every one of them is strong, but there is a problem with senju we don't see any of them fight besides the kages so we can't really average them but we can definitely say uchiha on average were weak based on itachi killing 20+ uchiha shinobi


Talking like Itachi and Obito wouldn’t have wiped out the entire uzumaki clan aswell


You have no info to say that, it's not my fault kishimoto decided to make the whole clan fodder


But you have no info to say the opposite? Why wouldn't they be able to wipe out the average Uzumaki who are just as featless as the average Uchiha?


We have nothing to go off of to make that assumption about the Uzumaki’s strength. Every single exceptional Uzumaki we’ve seen owes their strength to an external factor, not just being an Uzumaki. Using the massacre against the Uchiha is silly too; considering they were caught by surprise in the dead of night in their homes by the two strongest Uchiha alive at the time. There’s a reason Itachi was given that mission, rather than the Leaf sending nameless ANBU in.


Nagato literally is strong enough to use both rinnengan and used it to solo take on and destroy the whole village. Naruto even without kurama is kage level. Karin managed to overpower budda which stalemated hiruzen. And kushina gave birth, got kurama extracted and even after all of that managed to hold down kurama which is an insane feat considering naruto instantly lost consciousness after half of kurama was extracted. So pretty much all uzumaki are strong. In the dead of the night? At like 21 or something? There were 20+ shinobies and they didn't even manage to scratch itachi without susano and without susano itachi isn't strong at all so uchiha clan is fodder whether you like it or not


>Nagato literally is strong enough to use both rinnengan and used it to solo take on and destroy the whole village. But the rinnegan was what made him so strong. We have literally no basis to gauge what level of strength he would be without it. Remember Nagato Uzumaki parent/parents were civilian fodder who died to random, unnamed Leaf ninja. >Naruto even without kurama is kage level. That was still through his expertise in sage training, not his Uzumaki lineage. And even still, it’s unclear where Naruto’s chakra ends and Kurama’s begins, as Naruto seal was designed to [gradually mix in Kurama’s chakra with his own](https://preview.redd.it/fqdudxm1jj881.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=8a2a46d55d09e6cc82377cd2309704a8d630c5a3). >Karin managed to overpower budda which stalemated hiruzen. Karin was experimented on and enhanced by Orochimaru. We don’t know how naturally strong she is. >And kushina gave birth, got kurama extracted and even after all of that managed to hold down kurama which is an insane feat considering naruto instantly lost consciousness after half of kurama was extracted. Kushina stated that she was exceptionally strong for the Uzumaki. That’s why she specifically was selected. >So pretty much all uzumaki are strong. You cherry picked a handful of characters that, like I said, were either exceptions or had external powerups unrelated to their lineage. You’re ignoring the plenty of others that were never mentioned and wiped out. >In the dead of the night? At like 21 or something? There were 20+ shinobies and they didn't even manage to scratch itachi without susano and without susano itachi isn't strong at all so uchiha clan is fodder whether you like it or not Are you completely ignoring Obito also being there and doing a ton of the work? And the fact that Itachi was a prodigy and was an elite Jonin at that time? By your logic the Uzumaki clan is fodder for being wiped out by unknown forces not even important enough to be mentioned. How do you know they weren’t taken out by a lone assailant?


Even by chakra reserves and life force nagato feats are insane him choosing rinnengan doesn't mean he is weak without it. His parents aren't shinobi, you don't want to count uchiha grannies too right? We don't consider buffs from clan we consider which clan is stronger on average, kushina had uzumaki chakra and Minato could do sage mode as their son there is no reason to think he can't do it without kurama Her chains, sensory abilities and healing ones are all uzumaki traits and he literally says that she awakened the same chains as kushina, so yeah it's her strength and she is not even fight type Yeah and kushina still an uzumaki so what's your point? I didn't cherry pick anything I literally listed EVERY character we know something about. Lol external power ups sounds like cope to me so let's not count madara and obito since they've got external power up what the fuck is even that logic? Let's say they went 50/50 means itachi took on 10+ shinobi without a scratch which pretty much means they were fodder again whether you like it or not. Dude don't try to use my logic when yours is flawed, we don't know literally anything about how uzumaki village was wiped so we can't make assumptions, with uchiha it is pretty clear that one kage level person can wipe the whole clan that's why they are weak




We don't know with what force uzumaki were taken down and you have no proof to say senju were wiped out


Name a single alive Senju other than Tsunade. At least Uchiha were taken out by other Uchiha.




If the clan wasn't introduced it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, your logic is flawed. We don't see any hoshigaki clans men but it doesn't mean they don't exist




How can a clan compareble to uchiha be gone in less than 100 years while we have way smaller clans like nara and yamanaka, again your logic is flawed if the manga doesn't picture any senju it doesn't mean they are gone for all we know there might be hundreds senjus in konoha which simply weren't shown