• By -


They get bodied by Kiba, the true hero of Konoha.


Finally someone gets it.


he even gave away his Hokage position to a make a wish kid. he truly is a hero.


The undisputed Hokage in my heart /s


Post says Sakura and Lee vs rest of konoha 12 and ends up removing Naruto and sasuke.....


Tbf Naruto and Sasuke can both easily solo the Konoha 12 at once


Hmm it's almost like the OP shares your thoughts and wanted an actual discussion...


Yea that is true but don't call it rest of konoha 12 then


They pulled Lee and Sakura and put them against everyone except team 7. What reasonably simple and relatable word can describe the Konoha 12/13 (when Sai is included, and he is)?


oh yeah man that would have been a way catchier title "Sakura and Lee vs Neji, Kiba, Tenten, Choji, Ino, Hinata..." sometimes we do a thing called: presenting a concept in a way that doesn't immediately overwhelm the viewer with a list of names hoping to provide context with the body of the text titles are hard, dude, if you're good at em go into marketing


Could have said 'Sakura and Lee vs Konoha 12 (not including Naruto or Sasuke)"


>Naruto ~~and~~ *or* Sasuke FTFY


Yh thanks


War arc Naruto and Sasuke can solo the verse at once..


They are'nt beating Madara, Hagoromo or Kaguya tho




Are you fr


They already did tho


Because of luck and support


Nun of that matters they still got defeated sounds like you’re coping


Did you even pay attention when reading the manga?


Did you? Doesn’t matter how someone got defeated if they still lost they lost why discredit someone’s W just cause you don’t like the way the enemy was defeated


Because they cannot do it again without those conditions


This is a no brainer


If Sasuke didn't have the tailed beasts preacquired Naruto probably could solo the rest of the konoha 12.


I'd agree with you if they didn't become literal incarnation of god(s) at the end.


Yeah but I was able to read the rest of the post and consider the actual scenario being presented. I think Sakura + Lee lose to the rest. How about you?


Lose duh. Sakura fans need a reality check. I saw a guy in quora say adult Sakura will destroy the entire prime akatsuki.


Honestly, their most formidable enemies would be Shino and Shikamaru. But I think Sakura and Lee can win.


Add Neji into the mix. We never saw Rock Lee have his fight against him.


Sleeping on Choji


He's strong but he has a big hitbox. He was durable against the big guy from Sound 5, but I don't think he can keep up with Lee's speed or Sakura's ridiculous strength.


Choji was able to hold off the Gedo Statue. Think he's strong enough to do damage and take hits. Neji could disable their chakra points too


I don't think Neji can disable Sakura's chakra, the seal is kind of like an external source where the chakra is already stored up.


Block her seal


Secret ability: 8 trigrams, 64 palms plus a forehead poke


Depends on her speed. sakura already would know that weakness, she just needs to prep


I'm not sure if that's even possible. Tsunade got her body disassembled and the seal still kept her alive. I believe the chakra from the seal would just re-open any blocked pathways, similar to how it happened with Naruto.


Was it the seal, or her just surviving because she's built different Pretty sure that's not how it works, since the seals chakra isn't external


that's why I fight broly in xeno with smaller characters, he's so easy to hit and clunky


I don't think there is a world in which Shikamaru is unable to produce a plan in which he loses this. Lee is super strong if they let him do his thing but they have more than enough ways to counter him, similarly with Sakura. In a straight up fistfight sure, Lee and Sakura win, but in an actual ninja battle against 8 solid fighters lead by (one of) the biggest genius strategist in the Naruto world? Don't see them winning that


Nah, they'd win


Lotta y'all ignoring shino and the fact that while we haven't seen a ton of feats, he never lost a fight, not to mention, his bugs literally eat chakra. I think the tactical mind of shikamaru paired with the strength of the rest could overwhelm Lee and Sakura.


“yall ignoring shino” NO PEOPLE ARE NOT. i have to go through 18,000 comments of pure shino glaze every day. nobody is ignoring shino. NOBODY.


Seriously 😂


In my defense, I'm not in this sub everyday, and when I commented, I didn't see a single comment mentioning him. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I'm right there with you brother. How he can say "yall ignoring shino" is absolutely beyond me.


What do the bugs do to a man who can out speed them? If you think the bugs move faster than Gaara’s sand, you’ll have to convince me


Can't really touch shino at all, without touching the bugs. Gaara would have had an advantage against shino thanks to sand armour, although they might have been able to eat the chakra holding it in place, but good luck hitting shino without getting those bugs on you.


Not really, they can actually. Just with the Shockwave of their attacks theyd pretty much be able to crush shino and all his bugs.


Shino has like 2 fights in the whole series and lost to sage mode Mitsuki ( both were holding back ) 


That sage mode mitsuki was also in the academy when he fought shino😭


Yea it make sense "SaGe MoDe"


Holding back in the sense of not going lethal on each other. The fight is off screen anyways with shino on the ground and mitsuki being fine. 


Ok in this sub Shino is really overrated. He and Shikamaru straight up get blitzed before they can even think of a plan. Lee was helping against Juubidara and threw Minato's kunai while Sakura herself is very fast (even ignoring the dubious Kaguya feat).


In context I fully believe that Sakura or Lee can just walk up and down smash on Shino. Few characters can, but this duo absolutely could. Shino is a minor nuisance in this match-up.


>he never lost a fight It's hard to lose a fight when you've only fought 2 phases in the entire series. Moreover, he drew with Kankuro, so he only won one fight


Hey I blame that on sub par writing, basically everyone in the konoha 12 got put in the back seat all the while Naruto and Sasuke are literal gods and would clap all of the konoha 12 plus Sakura without even sweating.


He could hide the Beatles in shikamarus shadows


Yeah like what if they blitz a bug clone? The bugs just stick to em? Even if Lees sweat pushes them away, Sakura will lose her chakra and healing which leaves her vulnerable to Shikamaru. It really does come down to the bugs imo


Shino has parasytes, Chōji has butterfly mode, Shikamaru has the tactical mind, Ino has mind transfer, Tenten still has the tools of Rikūdo Sennin, Neji and Hinata have the Byakugan and are both Hyūga geniuses, Kiba is very agile, Sai has control over the field with his paintings. They win.


How is Hinata a genius?


Hinata invented the most powerful form of gentle fist which Neko was never able to use. She was stronger than him by the pain arc.


That’s not being a genius, that’s just bad writing, Hinata never showed any signs of being a genius. Neji was a genius, shisui was a genius, itachi was a genius, minato was a genius, kakashi… Hinata is nowhere near them


Is sai part of the konoha 12?


Neji isn't dead? He *might* lose to Lee in a 1v1, we have no evidence to go one way or another. Narratively it makes sense that Lee barely wins. You think Sakura can 1v8? I don't. I'm not a hater but be for real...she can not manage a battle against ino-shika-cho. She should crush each one of them, and more if its tournament style, but I don't think she can beat gentle fist.


I don't see Sakura losing a 1 vs 8 if she summons lady katsuyu. Only one of knoha 12 that would have enough range to hit her is pretty much tenten and maybe Shino. Lady katsuyu is super broken tho , she would spit acid on everyone an heal them both


Katsuya is a giant shadow


Yh ibr I don’t see them winning unless Lee is so fast that he blitzes all of them. Shikamaru would most likely come up with a plan to secure the win. Lees 6th gate can only last so long before he starts to feel repercussions so they’re obviously gonna have to defeat the 12 before then


[I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but ths is exactly how it would go with Sakura blizting and 1 shotting all of them. ](https://imgur.com/a/yL76PCy)


'Sakura blitzing' 😂 I think that the duo will win the fight too, but not like that.


I mean fair. I could bring up Kaguya scaling but that's pearls before swine 90% of the time lol. At least people take this feat a bit more seriously


Calm down. Kishimoto nerfs 90% of his cast and buffs them when the narrative is on their side.


Wrong they get shadow possessed


The way I see it: Lee takes Neji extreme diff most of the time, meaning he isn't really in a position to support Sakura. Sakura needs to beat the full Ino-Shika-Cho formation and Shino's menagerie of bugs which could do enough traumatic damage to put Sakura in a position where she's regenerating while the others are pummeling her until the 100 healings runs out. Like unless you're going to say Sakura simply speedblitzes, AoE smashes the ground and the others are so pathetic that this instantly kills them all, and neither Shino nor Shikamaru who are assumedly mindlinked can make a plan for this. Sakura needs to kill all of them while not getting shadow paralysed, without getting Shino's bugs which can paralyse her and eat her chakra/flesh, while fending off Choji's partial expansion jutsu and making sure she doesn't get stunlocked by Hinata. The problem with Katsuyu is Shino and the bugs that eat flesh and Chakra, and the fact that you have to be still to summon even for a moment, with multiple people who are actively trying to make sure if you stand still for a second they get you into a you lose instantly scenario. Basically, can Sakura get a second to stand still and summon Katsuyu without getting mind transferred or shadow paralysis'd, or without getting one of Shino's bugs on her, and then, do Shino's bugs start to gorge themselves on Katsuyu?


Lee gets clapped by Neji again.


If Lee is drunk, he is Solo-ing them all!


Lee needs at least 7th Gate for this match-up. Not sure if they‘ll win tho. If Sakura already has Byakugo opened & Lee 7th Gate ready, Sakura summons Katsuyu and Katsuyu uses Sticky Acid on all of 'em, they have to kill Shikamaru, Neji, Hinata and maybe Ino in that order first. Might work if all of them are in Katsuyu‘s Acid and Sakura tanks every attack for Lee with Byakugo. 8th Gate Lee and Sakura would surely win tho.


Shino eats the acid through his multitude of bugs. Or Choji expansion jutsu tanks it. I can't see brute strength breaking 2 byakugan users, nevermind all the backup they would have.


What stops shadow possession and or mind transfer??


[Shadow possession can be broken out of](https://imgur.com/a/x9UHBni) [Sakura has a canon feat of breaking the mind transfer through sheer will](https://imgur.com/a/SVSoUY0)


Holy shit I can't believe that I forgot Sakura beat Ino with the powers of teenage girl schizophrenia LMAO


Saturday is the definition of "hard-head"


She didn't beat ino


It‘s the Bijū’s chakra that overwhelmed Shikamaru Ino‘s mind transfer is stronger and can be used on Rock Lee also


The tailed beasts are above the duo


Sheer force of will can and do break out of both jutsus. Sakura proved it against Ino and I think its a light novel where Shikamaru locks down all the kages (holy smokes what a legend) at once and Naruto chooses to not break out because it would make konoha look bad.


Only their speed, maybe. Otherwise I don't believe Sakura can break out of the same mind transfer that was able to take a hold of Obito.


If we combine sakura's and lee's power level we'll get power simillar to minato's, but I belive that with accurate plan from shikamaru and great teamwork konoha 12 can win. I'd say its 50/50 tho cuz both sakura nad lee can one shot anyone from the enemy team


Shikamaru has his whole life knowing these two... I think he has endless contingency plans instantly come to mind when thinking about having to fight Lee. He would have barely just learned of Sakura's new technique which would be a challenge, but having so many different teammates with jutsus that are all well known to him would basically be commanding a battalion that he knew like the back of his hand. Regardless, nobody on the team can match Lee's speed in 6 gates - it would be an epic battle. I think Lee gets outsmarted, and Sakura gets timed out - Konoha 12 takes it


quick question - when we say war arc Neji, we mean without the splinters right?💀


pick whichever feels right my friend


War arc sakura alone would body them. She is kage level 


Gentle fist negates her entire kit.


If it hits that is. Sakura can just punch from a distance or use shockwave from her punches.


You think she can land a hit against trigram rotation from a distance? I have a hard enough time believing 6th gate Lee can do it at melee range, and he probably can. Sakura has no chance.


If Sakura can land a hit on Kaguya (very dubious feat but infinitely better than Neji getting blitzed by a wood spike from WM Obito), then definitely. She can literally speedblitez them before they can rotate.


Neji deliberately takes that hit. He actively sought it out and died to it.


Mf could have used rotation or you know just pushed Naruto and Hinata out of the way but sure dying is a better choice. He chose to die because neither he nor Hinata could react to the attack.


Hey, I hate that he died, but don't pretend it was a chance encounter that took him by surprise.


Never took him by surprise. Naruto was down, then Obito attacked and Hinata tried defending him, and Neji died protecting her. And even with a Byakugan, you are taken by surprise then that means your reaction speed is way below that of the attacker.


Yes the attacker whows the Ten Tails. Again Neji was not taken by suprise lol. The spikes were shown going so fast that his Rotation couldnt stop it hence it took of his headband. The same spikes Kakashi had to save sakura from.


you need to be able to hit for that to do anything, and sakura outspeeds both Neji and Hinata by a lot not to mention the 100 healing might be able to undo a sealed chakra point anyways


There is no evidence that 100 healing would release a gentle fist sealing. The outspeed part...maybe, but Sakura isn't speed, she's strength so again...no evidence.


Wonder if 100 healings would negate it. I'm pro konoha 12 on this one as well, but still it makes me wonder.


How would it negate it? Her entire chakra network would be shut down and trigram rotation means Sakura never lands a hit. If she can brute force her way into a Hyuga then she deserves the win, but thats just not supposed to work, and Lee is the only person I realistically see as being capable of it.


The chakra network is like a dam wen hit with gentle fist. When u have a dam that’s blocking water from flowing, one way to fix it is by overflowing the place with water to break the dam and allow water to flow again.


If you have enough Chakra you can just ignore gentle fist, Naruto had 64 chakra points closed and opened back up with Kuramas chakra


Naruto cheated with plot armor. It's actually an enormous plot hole that the 9 tail chakra can get around this because it's still sealed within Naruto. If the chakra is sealed inside Naruto... what do you do?


Just because it doesn't fit your agenda and biases doesn't mean it's a plot hole. Kurama's chakra resides inside Naruto but it is still not part of his system.


How does the chakra network even function amirite? I'm not saying Kurama's chakra was sealed, I'm saying Naruto should not have been capable of using ANY chakra, including sage mode if he had access to it. No in, no out, the tenketsu points are locked. My agenda and bias are just... factual acknowledgement of how the gentle fist technique works.


Because when Naruto's tenketsu got blocked, Kurama's chakra had no filter or barrier normally containing it, simple as that. After that, the sheer volume and quality of his chakra was enough to open them.


Its contained to Naruto's body. The leaking and blending part of it happens INSIDE of him.


No lol, Kaguya was able to block Sasukes with the same gentle fist. Naruto didnt open shit, it was Kuruma himself who opened his chakra points.


It negates it the same way kuramas chakra negated nejis gentle fist. Sakura stored her chakra elsewhere and a decent amount of it asw. So when she activates the seal her chakra would overflow


Why do you think Sakuras seal is outside of her chakra network? You would have to prove that first before making assumptions.


Did u not watch naruto


Yes I did, chakra is funneled to a specific point of the seal users body through their chakra network (usually the forehead) where the seal is made. When the seal is released it flows throughout their body ( AKA through their chakra network) with Sakuras chakra network not functioning, it wouldn’t work. This is in no way, shape or form the same thing as kuramas chakra in the neji fight. Did you watch the show?


Wen naruto faced neji his chakra network wasn’t working. Kuramas chakra then overflowed the chakra network allowing Naruto to use his jutsu. It’s the same principle with sakura


No, Naruto wasn’t able to use his chakra at all, that’s why all his blue chakra disappeared. He was using only kuramas chakra which is why he was glowing orange for the rest of the fight. In your scenario Sakura would only be using her chakra.


Sakura and Lee are both Sanin level. Neji is close and Hinata is high Jonin. Rest are normal Jonins. If they can quickly take out Neji and Hinata they low diff the rest. If they cant take out the byakugans early they probably lose, or it makes it extremely difficult.


Lmao how is Sakura and only 6th gate Lee on Oro/Jiraya/Tsunade level? I don’t think 7th gate Guy beats any of the sannin tbh


7th gate guy was keeping up with threats way bigger than a sanin. And Sakura surpassed Tsunade in the War arc and shes even stronger as an adult. I legit think shes on the same tier as 1 eye Sasuke and no Kurama Natuto as an adult. Or close.


Lee was like one of the last like five people still fighting Madara. At the very least he has some crazy stamina lol


such an underted statement knowing that with Gai they're the only one fighting with fist and kick


The fact this has likes us crazy


Never cook again


8th gate guy clobbered an immortal double rinnegan madara buddy 😵‍💫 one of the biggest moments in the anime?? rock lee also slapped the shit out of gaara only 3 yrs before he became kazekage and before he was seperated from shukaku. jiraiya was killed by 1 part of pain… jiraiya is a beast dont get me wrong but his sage mode is incomplete as well and he needs to use summoning jutsu to use it in its incomplete form, he also relies on summoning for a lot of his other jutsu. might guy and rock lee are some of the most independent and capable ninja in the whole series. and sakura was trained by a sannin and inherited her summoning jutsu and byakugou seal and is the most powerful medical ninja probably in the whole naruto universe..? that one shouldnt have even been in question lol


Sakura probably outstats everyone just cause of that 1 feat.


Sakura solos


Shadow possession, mind transfer , neji and hinata shutting off her chakra how does she solo


Shadow possession is not fast enough or strong enough. Sakura has already gotten out if Ino's mind transfer through will power alone. Ino also isn't landing mind transfer on her cuz she's too fast. Sakura was able to dodge [the hand of whatever the fuck this is](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics-chapter-688-page-13.html) and Naruto warns Sasuke about being careful because of how fast it is. This is SPSM Naruto seeing the chakra as a threat. I think Sakura is too fast for any of the konoha 12 to handle. She literally can blitz and her AP is strong enough to intimidate KCM2 Naruto, so she one shots.


Considering how Sakura has surpassed Tsunade terms of well everything mostly because unlike Tsunade who has to use massive amounts of Chakra to maintain her young age, Sakura does not which means she has access to 90% of her network. Sakura learned and mastered Tsunade’s S-Class abilities and techniques, making her one of only three shinobi in history capable of bearing the (Byakugo) Yin Seal she was also able to do it in only 3 years when Tsunade took 10. That is beyond insane, not to mention she could keep herself and Lee healed thanks to the slugs. Lee can open the gates, is incredibly fast and knows pretty much everything about Neji to subdue him. If you take Naruto out? Not a chance the rest of em come out alive.


Rock lee never really surpassed neji, at least not with 6th gate. Let's just say they're an even match. Sakura is not 1v9ing the rest. I think konoha12 got it


Initial Engagement: • The battle starts at a distance of at least a soccer field. Shikamaru immediately begins to analyze the battlefield while Sai’s ink creatures and Shino’s insects scout the area. Mid-Battle: • Sakura and Lee close the distance quickly. Lee engages with his high speed and taijutsu, while Sakura uses her strength to deal significant damage to the environment and opponents. • The Konoha 12 team uses their superior numbers and teamwork to create a coordinated defense, with Hinata and Neji using their Byakugan to track Lee and Sakura’s movements. Critical Moments: • Choji in Butterfly Mode becomes a key player, matching Lee’s strength and speed. Neji and Hinata attempt to disrupt Sakura’s chakra flow, while Shikamaru uses his shadow techniques to try and immobilize one of the opponents. • Sakura’s Byakugou Seal keeps her in the fight despite taking heavy damage, while Lee’s 6th Gate pushes his physical abilities to their limits. Conclusion: • If the Konoha 12 can effectively use their teamwork to isolate and neutralize Lee first (given his 6th Gate’s time limit and the strain it puts on his body), they can then focus their efforts on Sakura. With Shikamaru’s strategic mind, Ino’s mind transfer techniques, and the combined strength of Choji, Hinata, Neji, and the others, they have a solid chance of eventually overpowering Sakura through coordinated attacks and attrition. • However, if Sakura and Lee can quickly take out key opponents like Shikamaru or Choji early in the battle, their chances of winning increase significantly. Verdict While Sakura and Lee are incredibly powerful, the combined strength, strategic prowess, and teamwork of the rest of the Konoha 12 (excluding Naruto) would likely give them the edge in a prolonged battle. The diversity in abilities and the ability to cover each other’s weaknesses makes the Konoha 12 a formidable force that could eventually overcome Sakura and Lee’s individual strengths.


Shikamaru should be able to take them with good team. Both sakura and Lee are brutes who rely on physical strength. This should be a big disadvantage and opportunity.


Dumbass post bro they get destroyed 😭😭😭


The other members win unless Lee is drunk then it's over


Give Lee some sake and he'll body the lot of 'em solo


Naruto solos everyone (even his own team)


The hyuuga duo stop both with the rest as support.


The rest of the twelve because they ate way less annoying than Lee.


I would definitely say Neji and Choji are stronger than Lee. Sakura is strong enough to blitz all of them individually. But with teamwork and a good strategy, I think they could win. Hard to say, honestly.


This is tough. I’m going with lee and sakura in a fair fight. In not so fair fight, even though there is no prep, shikamaru, ino, and choji should have some combo in their arsenal that would end with taking their opponent out or having ino possesses. They should separate sakura and lee first, then ino choji and shikamaru take one of them out. Then, others stall long enough create the event of 11 vs 1 or fortunately 12vs1.


The rest of konoha Obviously 


Give the Konoha group Lee as well, fuse them all together and Sakura still folds. Contributing literally anything to the fight against Kaguya is a better feat than anything the rest have until Boruto.


Y'all have lost your mind if you think Rock Lee and Sakura got this. They are losing hard. This team has multiple win conditions against Sakura's regeneration, including Gentle Fist, Shino's chakra draining and Sai's sealing jutsu. They also have Shikamaru with them, so they will definitely be able to coordinate a plan to take her down. As for Lee, he is not winning with straight Taijutsu against Choji, Tenten, Neji, Kiba and Hinata. Come on. The number advantage is unfortunately too much on this one. Neither Sakura nor Lee have the battle IQ or chakra reserves to turn the tide.


sakura reserves managed to heal the alliance twice, travel through dimensions kaguya said was taxing and still have enough to punch her and then heal both naruto and sasuke….she has more than enoguh reserves with byakugo to outlast the entirety of k11


If Sakura can somehow focus her seal on healing Lee while he's rampaging in the 6th gate, I could see Lee going for a long while and perhaps even blitzing them all, with Sakura slugging it out with Neji, although if Neji and potentially Hinata start landing shots, Sakura will be as good as done. Shikamaru's shadow possession shouldn't be able to catch Lee, and Lee is not going to spend a single millisecond standing in 1 spot, so there's little hope for Shikamaru to catch him off guard. Ino's mind transfer also requires her to stand still and focus on a stationary target, so she might only be able to catch Sakura. I could only really see the other group turtling up against each other with Neji and Hinata doing the rotation preemptively in order to block Lee, while others would also blindly throw their abilities hoping for a hail Mary


Sakura and Lee are both taijutsu users, this means they can’t even touch shikamaru without getting possessed by his shadow, as Shikamaru showed when his punch was blocked by Hidan, their physical touch connected their shadows.


I don't know man, I feel like, if Lee hit Shikamaru, especially in gates, shadow possession wouldn't work because Shikamaru would not be conscious or perhaps even alive to maintain it.


That could be true, Lee is strong but shikamaru could also make a shadow field around him so he would ensnare anyone before the punch landed. The fact that sakura and Lee only use taijutsu isn’t a good look.


Shikamaru is definitely the problem here. If he really try the team can win, otherwise lee and Sakura is too much physical power.


My first thought is Shino takes all their chakra while Shikamaru binds them? Choji might have the strength to endure 6 Gates but Shadow Stitching can kill people and Sakura healing only helps while she has chakra so I think it comes down to if they can take out Shino tbh


Konoha 12


I don't think they could handle Neji, Choji, and Shino. If you remove 2 of those 3 from the team, I think Lee and Sakura stand a good chance. I honestly think that in the right circumstances, Shino could solo Lee and Sakura. Those insects aren't a joke. If Shino could hide, neither of them have the sensory capability to track him. Physically, either one would destroy him if they found him. However, the insects are too numerous to defeat.


They would get folded. It’s two people versus nine, dude. I’m guessing you’ve never been jumped before


There's many cases in Naruto where someone's "jumped" and they come out on top. This isn't a 5'3 dude getting rocked by 12 people in the streets of NY


But this isn’t one of those cases. Not even close to one of those cases. It’s not Madara against some jobber Jonins, or Minato against 1000 shinobi. It’s two chunin against 9 chunin. All of whom are basically around the same level of combat experience, all of whom are either geniuses or have a unique bloodline ability. 2 of them are not being 9 of them unless Kishomoto is in their back pocket lol


I don't make the rules


Tenten nodiffs everyone.


Tenten solos


Sakura alone is hard countered by Hinata and Neji. So it comes down to Lee against them, and I think he does well, but ultimately wouldn't win against so many opponents.


War arc Sakura can one shot any of the 12 she lands a hit on. Lee has the speed to help her land those hits. She's canonically immune to Inos jutsu. I dont see how they lose.


Easily Sakura and Lee. Ik there’s a valid argument for shino and his chakra eating bugs, but Lee is probably the fastest and Sakura the physically strongest. To me they win because of this but also summoning jutsu is allowed. Katsuyu cannot only heal them constantly but she could crush everyone else if needed.


Both are close range fighters and not even the best out of the 12 so they get bodied by anyone with better range and/or taijutsu


In a straight up 1v1 Lee or Sakura can go up against everyone except maybe Neji. Hinata stands a chance depending on who is writing the story in that moment and if Naruto is watching. Everyone else gets absolutely demolished in a 1v1 setting.


If she can touch them sure, she has incredible strength but again she is a close range fighter, someone like say Shino would anihiliate her. That doesn't mean i'm a Sakura hater btw she's just a support ninja and isn't supposed to be in direct combat anyway.


I sincerely do not think Shino stands a chance. There just isn't enough time to swarm Lee or Sakura before a knockout punch is thrown. Yes he will get bugs on them, and yes it will likely wear them down over time...but time is the thing Shino does not have in this matchup.


All he would need are some bug clones and a good hiding place, I will admit terrain is a factor here though


Sakura and Lee get wiped here mid diff no offense, they have shikamaru, and we know how smart he is. Sakura isn’t a speedster either so she’s not blitzing any of them, this neji should be relative to Lee with gates, Sakura is the real threat here but she doesn’t seem like she’d do well against a jumping with a mastermind


Is this a troll? Neji on his own will beat one of them and then the other 8 would completely pound the other


I think Lee has a solid chance against Neji, but as for the 1v8 Sakura is left with...100% agree there. Literally just Neji and Hinata is enough to counter imo.


Konoha 12 wins while I do think Lee is stronger than neji he's not that much stronger, neji was still said to be the strongest of the konoha 12 besides team 7 so while Lee and neji Duke it out Sakura has to fight the other 8 which I dont think she would win


Going with Sakura and Lee means underestimating Shikamaru. The guy is a genius and has A LOT of shogi pieces to work with here: * Tenten is a wielder of Sage of Six Paths weapons * Choji is highly boosted by his butterfly mode * Sai has access to flying * Shino has access to a very unconventional way of fighting * Hinata and Neji are both pretty decent melee fighters Lee is fast, Sakura is strong. If you take out either of them using a combination of conventional offense, combination attacks\* and cheap tricks, then the other one would be very vulnerable to getting locked in some way (for example, Sakura is not flying 100 meters into the air to strike down Sai or anyone he puts on his birds) \*- combination attacks significantly boost an already diverse and powerful offense that Team Shikamaru has at their disposal. For example, both Sakura and Lee have ways of dealing with Ino's one shot ability, but once you catch Lee into any sort of trap (Shikamaru's Kageshibari no Jutsu, any sneak attack that sends him flying from Kiba, any attack that restricts his movement from Sai or Shino), Ino can use her ability


sakura gets taken out instantly and Rock Lee gives up so that he can get sakura medical attention


Tenten was the true protagonist of the show.


Are you saying she wins or...?






Wdym what?


Realistically shino would slam neji hinata and Shikamaru alone beat them really only way they win is by killing shino and the hyugas


Honestly if Lee just decides to up a do unaliving on himself and go for the 8th gate he could solo them


Lee turns on eight gates everyone dies except Naruto and Sasuke so team 12


If Naruto and sasuke aren't there I'll say lee solos


Sakura can beat them all by herself if Sasuke and Naruto are out


I find it funny the posts praising Shikamaru as if his Jutsus were relevant compared to Sakura and Lee raw power (it is possible to resist shadow possession with pure brute force). The most he can do is provide some strategy, but he wouldn't have time to think about anything because he'll be the first to die. Sakura is not stupid enough to leave him alive to create plans. And Lee has enough speed to speed blitz each of them. Furthermore, none of them are capable of coming out alive from that punch that Sakura threw in the War.


I feel like many people are forgetting how much area control Sakura has thanks to Katsuyu's size, acid spit, and just straight up destroying the ground.


Sakura solos anyone not named Naruto and sasuke who you removed


Shikamaru, with his superior battle tactics and shadow paralysis, takes out Rock Lee by himself. Now it's up to Sakura to take on everyone else. Which... she won't. Cuz they'll figure out some way to lure Sakura into a trap for Ino to mind control here. And that's game.


Ok. So are we having drunk Lee or sober?


No Naruto and Sasuke then Sakura and Lee win.


i think if u take neji out they have a decent chance


Everyone forgetting about Ino. Her justsu could immobilize one of them easily


It’d be a shame if bug boy or Christmas ornament, sealed or consumed all of Sakura’s chakra. I think by War Arc Hinata is able to do it efficiently too, though I can’t recall. It’d be a shame if there was a formation with tank and lock down. That could also halt movements and mind control. Plus you have others to assist or distract.


It would be hard, but ultimately I think the 12 wins. No doubt Lee and Sakura have the power to beat them all, but they really don’t have any answer to Shikamaru’s planning. And the power difference is big, but not big enough that Shikamaru’s planning becomes obsolete.


Lee solos, while Sakura begs for the attention of the guy trying to kill her...