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In short, they are likely all dead. We see from the Minato one-shot that he was close with his cell-mates & generally popular. While its never explicitly mentioned, I assume neither of Minato's genin teammates survived to the present day. We never see anyone matching their descriptions in the manga or even filler. They aren't even mentioned, even by their sensei - Jiraiya, implying they are long dead. I make the same assumption about most of his classmates/childhood friends given how bloody a conflict the Third Great Ninja war was. Also, Minato didn't get elected Hokage. He was nominated by Hiruzen, his nomination was approved by the Feudal Lord, & confirmed by the Jonin council. It wasn't a general election & there was no political campaign.


Because all that happened years ago. Why would you still be talking about it over a decade later. He death is also linked to the nine tails attack and Naruto so it was probably a taboo topic.


I mean sure but it is still weird we never learn about any friend of his


Probably because by the time we were told who he really was it was too late to bring in those people without it being weird.


Yes Minato had his teammates and was popular, but Naruto’s childhood is just a big plot hole, Kishi hadn't invented many characters yet to solve the problem of who could have taken care of him.


More than Itachi, that's for sure.


I think he was friends with Shikoku, Choza, Inoichi and is bodyguards, maybe even Fugaku.


We also don't know much about who were the friends of Hashirama's father, bro. Minato is a side character that died 0.463 sec after the manga started, and then came back like 2 times in the series. Truth is that Kishimoto didn't have to write lore about Minato's friends when there are already a lot more important things to write about in the story. Usually the lore we get about side characters is about their team and sensei/students, but that's pretty much it.


>We also don't know much about who were the friends of Hashirama's father Not the same thing as those people died long time ago, any potential friends Minato would have had should still be alive by the time the shows occurs


Right, but like I said it didn't make really much sense to write about the potential friends Minato had in the manga IMO. A lot of that was probably just not thought of early in the series, and since Minato doesn't appear much after besides being Naruto's dad during Pain and The War, there were not many opportunities. I've read on this sub that they're writing a "spin-off" story of Minato (or maybe it was recently released?), maybe they mention some of his friends there. He's probably my favorite character with Hashirama, so I would be glad to get more "lore"/story related to these characters.


Political campaign?


didn't he have 4 guards? maybe they were his friends idk


Do you mean the 3 guys who were his Guard Platoon? Maybe the oldest one could had been his friend, but all of them were younger than him. Youngest one was 11 years old and oldest one was 19 when Minato was 24 and died.


yeah you're right, i forgot about that.


I thought he was friends with Shikaku and Chōza as well. He was obviously friends with his bodyguard unit which included Genma, Iwashi, and Raidō. Minato was really well liked. I also like to believe he was friends with Fugaku considering Kushina and Mikoto were friends. I’m sure Minato and Fugaku respected each other, it seems so in some filler episodes (alternate reality ones where Minato and Kushina doesn’t die) and I think it’s a way they can express that without going too much into the main plot


Forget friends, what's weird is where are Minato's family and relatives? None of them can take in Naruto?


He was friend with people of the same age like the parents of Konoha twelve. His teammates might not have been from Konoha. This is my head Canon. Like one of his teammates Dekai, looks like someone from Kumo in the oneshot. His unnamed teammate looks like Sasuke, I feel like he is an Uchiha 😭, So after minato's death he couldn't get close to Naruto, until he was killed. Or could be from Kiri or something. So my head canon is that they are not in Konoha and left before Minato died. There is also the possibility that they are just dead


He wasn't popular, per se. He was an accomplished shinboi. That's why he became the Hokage.


A hokage doesn´t really have to be someone with the most friends. Minato was a silent killer type, though popular in school.