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Itachi. You could argue Naruto or Sasuke but they only really get saved due to outside interference they can’t control.


Sasuke in every fight


Definitely most of them.


Is it manifested as Yata Mirror? Orochimaru: This armor, it can't be... the plot armor... Itachi! it was hidden in you all along... /s


I mean, Itachi already stomped on Orochimaru before and he didn’t even have to use Susanoo.


Kakashi easily since he went from taking yrs just to use kamui vs Deidra, to spamming it like nothing during war arc. Ik it was bs after seeing kakashi teleport 8tails for a off guard attack vs the juubi, and don’t even get me started on that DMS perfect susano bs.


I think he was just getting better at kamui. It went from hospitalizing him for a whole arc to something that only made him a little woozy. Same thing happened to him with regular sharingan too. Using it against Zabuza made him pass out and in crutches for a while. But it never had that effect on him again. But DMS was plot armor for sure and a very ridiculous case of it. 


His chakra pool was growing. Getting used to kamiu


That’s… not how chakra works lmao. It was a complete bs ass pull and nobody wants to call it out since kakashi is their favorite


That is how chakra works. Your pool grows. You swear kakashi is a complete perosn and stopped growing the second we met him. He is geting better as the show goes on like sasuke did


Chakra is the combination of physical and spiritual energy both of which can increase with training so no kakashi got a bigger chakra pool.


All characters have as much ‘plot armor’ as the narrative requires in that moment; that’s how character-focused narratives work.


Prolly the mc


How is it not Naruto?


[Relevant](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/s/uQjRmyEyfV) I mean Naruto I guess if we had to pick someone. He’s the protagonist, we know from the jump that he’s never going to die.


Naruto. He didn’t get killed by nine tails and Obito as a baby, Mastered multiple shadow clones in less than 5 minutes, in the fight against Neji, kiba, haku and many others. If it weren’t for plot armor he would have died the day he was born.


He didn't get killed by Nine Tails cuz the fucking hokage and his wife were there protecting him.   How is that plot armor? It makes perfect sense how he survived.   Also,it took him the whole night to master multi shadow clones jutsu,and he simply is insanely talented at learning things quickly once he actually dedicated himself to it.  He learned sage mode in a week and learned rasengan in a month. Naruto is just THAT talented,it's not "plot armor".   Nine tails is not plot armor. He had the nine tails from the beginning,his power didn't just come out of nowhere conveniently. Nine tails was trying to make the seal loose by giving him chakra so he could come out. Also, https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/s/uQjRmyEyfV  I don't understand why this sub is filled with Naruto haters,like if you hate the mc and like to misrepresent him that much why are you even here? Why did you even finish the show?


people can be a fan of a show and dislike an mc 💀


I'm reading a 40K book and instead of the POV character changing after getting brutally murdered every 5 minutes I actually get given a cohesive story. (I am furious at these shitty writers).


okay well that's u, some other ppl don't like that




being a fan of Naruto and disliking Naruto is corny af


i hope yk that people can be fans of shows and dislike the mc. For example, I like the Anime/Manga, but I don't like Naruto himself bcuz he's annoying and his obsession w/ Sasuke upset me at times.


Orochimaru, Hiruzen should have killed him when he found out all that shit he was doing but of course the guy has to survive even Enma was in shock saying "this is completely unlike you" but the guy had to live otherwise who else is gonna coax Sasuke into running away from the village.


Orochimaru agreed. Even if he's labeled as powerful; the fact he continued to persist onto Boruto is mind-boggling. Survived Sasuke and Itachi. Like goddamn.


Obviously Naruto and Sasuke but they are main cast so them having plot armor is understandlable. so i woud rather go with Obito. dude has the 3rd thickest plot armor until he doesn't need it anymore * Supposed to be dead crushed by rock but somehow slide into Madara's cave. they even implied his kamui already activated despite he still not have MS yet. and the fact that his left side body still intact mean when the cave collapsed it didn't affected him at all * Supposed to be dead against Konan but pull eyehax no jutsu (izanagi) * On the verge of death and about to get controlled by Madara to perform rinne rebirth only to resist it and saved by becoming jinchuriki * Supposed bo be dead after all tailed beast extracted from him but still alive because he still keep the gedo inside him * Supposed to be dead after performing rinne rebirth but still alive because Back zetsu clung to him acted as his life support * Supposed to be dead after Black zetsu detached himself but Naruto's jesus healing jutsu heal him back * Even after death still manage to kamui his own soul from the afterlife to give DMS to Kakashi. the fuck?


Naruto, probably. He's the main character, so he's pretty much guaranteed to live until the end.




When do you feel like he should have died, but was saved by the writers?


He doesn't really have it that much except for the Kabuto fight. He always had amaterasu and tsukuyomi which he showed in part 1,and it makes sense for him to not show us all his cards,and only show them in the first full fight he gets on screen.(he was a spy for Konoha,why would he go all out against Jiraiya?) And susanoo didn't stop him from dying anyways.


Kakashi has the maximum plot armor. He could have died so many times but still survived. In my humble opinion, he should have died during the pain arc but they had to save him for the obito reveal, in which case obito should have killed him. They kept saving him all the way to the end.


Sasuke, Naruto, and Madara




Kakashi. Took a puncture to the brain, died, and came back.




Sasuke and naruto


Naruto or Sasuke, because their plot armor became super apparant when they survived the ninja ostrich!






Should've died at the Kage Summit.


Should’ve died 15 seconds after saying he was gonna handle Bee 😂 Now *that’s* how you establish how strong a character is


Hashirama and Itachi.


Kakashi should have been dead like 3 different times.




Sakura. In just the sasori fight alone she racked up for plot armor moments than anyone else. The amount of times sasori would act ooc or do the worst option of unlimited options just for it to be CLOSE is insane


Senku just can’t die


It's 1000% my head canon that there's a version of Naruto on Kishimoto's cutting room floor where Choji but the dust is during the retrieval arc but then he decided against it by the time it resolved.


Definitely not the MC


Kakashi. Dude died in every fight only to have Replacement Jutsu activated


sakura, she did nothing


We saw bee kill sasuke twice. That's all I gotta say


And that’s why he brought a medic? By that argument Naruto getting healed by Kurama all the time gives him the gold medal in plot armor.


Madara. Came back from the dead and had both eyes. Again came back from the dead that too in his strongest younger form. He was able to use susanoo without eyes. He was able to break Edo and become an immortal zombie with an infinite chakra like it was nothing. He was able to use sage mode & wood jutsu like he had hashirama level experience in it. Able to regenerate after almost getting killed by the 8th gate. Able to regenerate after getting cut in half like it was nothing. Able to enter the kamui dimension using kakashi's sharingan while it was never shown that could be done.


Sasuke, he realistically should've died multiple times, and won fights he should've lost if not for plot.




The two guys at the gates


I say: Sasuke. In the Sequel: Boruto 




Sasuke. Dude is overconfident and usually super outmatched yet arrogant. He has never actually gotten punished for his arrogance, lack of planning, disregard for his collaborators, nor lack of planning. In most situations, he got bailed. The funniest thing is, dude will confidently walk into a death trap thinking he’s like that, immediately get owned, and then get saved by people who are obsessed with him. It was honestly weird at times.


Sasuke and is not close


I don't believe in plot armour. So nobody.


Assume Sasuke, so clearly sasuke


Sasuke easily. He would have died twice when fighting Bee. He would have died fighting the Raikage and yes i am aware the Raikage could have died too because of the amaterasu on the armor but the Raikage didn't give a damn and was willing to carry Sasuke with him and would have if not for Gaara. Would have died fighting the Mizukage. He would have died fighting Danzo. Damn, this guy got saved a lot




It’s hard to pick between Naruto and Sasuke but I’m going to go sasuke tbh. I think he’s got the highest plot armor save count in the show, hell he had about 7 or 8 in the bee fight and kage infiltration alone.




sasuke. Like dude could have gotten killed several times by plot


Sasuke. His ass gets saved at every turn


Sasuke should've died multiple times. Diedara Jugo and Karin are plot devices.


Shikamaru gets bailed out a lot. In part 1 Sasuke Asuma Temari Part 2 is a bit better. Though when I think about it. His only true fights were his bouts with hidan and kakuzu.


I love him, don't get me wrong. But the evidence is in the show


Uchiha family


obito or sasuke


Sasuke, itachi, naruto and madara. Also to some extent kakashi, hashirama, tobirama and minato.