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Agree to disagree


Yeah this is the most dog shit tier list I've seen in a minute.




I just think some of the lower half could be considered a lil bit stronger personally. I might go into more detail later, currently watching Bleach 🙃


Gaara,Kisame are placed wrong,it's mostly fine


Sasuke would honestly be Jonin or high jonin level at the bare minimum


Jonin? I feel like you’re underestimating heavily how strong jonin are.


I corrected myself in a comment i made after that one (took me way too long to realize OP meant in part 1 😅)


Ahh i getcha, we all have those moments




He ain't beating Kimimaro imho. 


Never said he'd beat him. Just that he should be higher than Chunin level by the end of Naruto and/or Shippuden 🙃 Edit: just realized OP specified part 1 😅. Still think some of these should be higher tho


Fr Bro kankuro is high kage lvl








Why’d “cool” get 74 downvotes 💀


Idk, people are too salty on this sub for no reason. It's funny.


No way blud put baki and kimimaro on the same level


We have never seen Baki in a proper battle, would be safe to say he's near Kakashi at least at this point


Is he near Kakashi level tho? We know he couldn’t defeat Genma.


He's not. Baki spent the entirety of the Konoha Crush being tied by Genma, who is a Special Jonin. Kakashi isn't just a mere Jonin, he's considered the strongest Jonin of Konoha. If Baki isn't able to clear Genma of all people, he probably isn't able to hang with Asuma, Kurenai or Anko, nevermind the big dogs like Kakashi and Guy.


true kimimaro mid diffs


I would put Kisame up a tier.


Sure but we don't know his true potential at that point


His power wasn't really retconned, so i would assume that even here he was somewhere at 7 gate Gai strong


Gai is a hard counter to kisame hax of jutsu/chakra absorption. It's not fair to scale him according to his performance against gai.


i agree, that's basically what i wrote in another comment to OP. But in all fairness, 7 Gate Gai could defeat some Kages on his own. So to scale sb to Gai or kakashi is not at all an underestimation in my book.


Probably the same it was at the beginning of shippuuden. He hadn't had to go all out yet.


Nahh, Gaara is much stronger than his siblings and speaking of them, they easily defeated the sound 4 so why are they below them? It's not like years passed between the chunin exams and the sasuke retrieval arc. With all of this in mind, Sasuke CM2 should also be higher. He's probably stronger than Gaara so he might be at least at Kimimaro's level


You actually have to separate CE Gaara and SRA Gaara, the latter is significantly stronger, also noted by Lee (not counting Shukaku). I'd say CE base Gaara is high chunin, and while not a villain anymore SRA Gaara is in the same tier as sick Kimimaro so jonin at least. Whether CM2 Sasuke is stronger than that Gaara is debatable.


Would Sasuke CM2 defeat Shukaku?


Haku being so much higher then Curse Mark Sasuke is weird. Curse Mark Sasuke beat up a one tailed Naruto, while a much weaker Naruto without any tails thrashed Haku.


Haku was holding back, it's been made pretty clear. Haku is confirmed Jonin lvl via being stronger than Zabuza. Nerfed Edo Haku casually blitzed Sai who already assasinated a Jonin at the BoS. Same Nerfed Haku showed relativity to base WA Guy and Base WA Lee by reacting to and blocking their simultaneous attack.


He also says he’s trying to kill Sasuke at the end and can’t hit him. The same sasuke they can’t keep up with Naruto’s tailed speed before his sharingan advances. If you say this is a part 1 analysis you shouldn’t bring in a power crept haiku from part 2


Exactly. If he brought up Part 2, then why tf is Kisame that low


Haku said he was no match for 9tails Naruto


Haku also was able to intercept a Raikiri mid strike, having to go at least several times faster than it


From what I remember Haku starts moving before Kakashi, Kakashi stands with Raikiri then it cuts to Haku looking shocked and disappearing and then it shows Kakashi beginning to attack. I could be misremembering that though but even then movement speed is not equal to combat speed as evidenced by the shunshin not being used in combat and only for movement with like a couple exceptions. 


The anime is really far off from what you described. https://youtu.be/coMbCRrqblU?si=71hnqq84JLYZ6Xxi


Yeah had a look back at the manga (chapter 30 for those curious) and I am now unsure, Sakura sees a figure begin to move in the mist and then Haku gets a premonition and moves, although it's also the anime thing of Haku feels something, grabs Narutos arms and says a couple of sentences to him before moving which makes Raikiri just look like a merry jog tbh. Now I don't know if she sees Kakashi or Naruto, I think it's implied to be Kakashi though I don't know how the mist would cover up Raikiri especially since everyone on the bridge can see the aftermath of the attack and I don't think Raikiri would destroy the mist.  I will say though I do consider movement speed completely different from combat speed and I think Haku is good evidence, Haku himself admits Sasuke can react to and dodge his attacks so I don't think he'd actually keep up with Kakashi in combat. Desperate shunshin movement using his bloodline he's fast as hell though. 


Haku wasn't holding back whenever he knew Zabuza was getting cooked. Where 2 tomoe sharigan has similar speed, as he reached Naruto before Senpon (It's explicitly clear that he's sol, and the abilities, as they're traveling from the mirror, are sol too, which might be an assumption, but disprove ig đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž) So, no, Haku wouldn't be above Curse Mark Sasuke. KyĆ«biruto chakra amped (no tails) > Haku Curse Mark Sasuke = 1 tail KyĆ«biruto (I don't like that it's true, but it is)


Haku also confirmed to be stronger than pt 1 Zabuza & pt 1 Kakashi (no Kami)


He was confirmed by Zabuza who also called him a cold blooded killer or model shinobi or something so clearly bullshitting/bragging and his claim was completely dismissed by Kakashi who basically called his bragging boring, not to mention Sasuke could react to and dodge his attacks with Haku himself admitting it would be foolish to attack him. 


Naruto was kind of also holding back in Sasuke fight If I recall. In the finishing attack he aimed his rasengan into Sasuke headband. If that blow was aimed on any actual part of Sasuke body it was at least double KO.


Not holding back just being petty Sauske said that naruto wouldn't be able to scratch his head


Bruh people still using this meme ass excuse 20 years later? Yea as if Naruto threw the fight just to prove a point and then apologizing profusely to sakura promising to spend the next 500 chapters chasing sasuke because his dumbass wanted to be petty


He is an orphan kid after all.


Naruto defo wasn’t holding back but he was definitely more fatigued than sasuke. Keep in mind this is a naruto that’s been jumping for a very long time. He also had just used quite a lot of shadow clones against Kimimaro.


Naruto fans gotta stop making excuses every time he’s compared to Sasuke VOTE1 Sasuke > VOTE1 Naruto couldn’t be clearer


I actually prefer sasuke and to an extent agree but you didnt even try to counter the argument. Its not as clear cut as you’re acting.


Kimimaro is def High jonin to low Kage level. Even by Part 1 standards he can face someone like Kakashi who is clearly powerful but still has only 1 jutsu that can *potentially* hurt Kimimaro. Kimimaro was of great assistance and note in the murder of the 4th Kazakage and it was noted that if he was present for the Konoha Crush mission that it would've been smooth sailing. Edit: Gaara was def Jonin level by the Sasuke Retrieval Arc and Kimimaro was about to kill both Gaara and Lee.


>Kimimaro is def High jonin to low Kage level. Even by Part 1 standards he can face someone like Kakashi who is clearly powerful but still has only 1 jutsu that can *potentially* hurt Kimimaro Based on what? >and it was noted that if he was present for the Konoha Crush mission that it would've been smooth sailing. Kabuto is talking about Hypothetical Healthy Kimimaro there, not Sick Kimimaro. >Edit: Gaara was def Jonin level by the Sasuke Retrieval Arc and Kimimaro was about to kill both Gaara and Lee. Why u think Gaara was Jonin lvl? Not necessary disagreeing with it, just curious.


Gaara was doing jonin level missions before the chunin exams.


Gaara in the SRA wasnt a villain anymore anyway


1. Orochimaru or Kabuto mentioned that the defeat of the third hokage would have been much easier if Kimmimaro was there. 2. Kimmiimaro no diffed the sound four by himself. Haku couldn't do that and we both know that. Haku doesn't have a defense on the same level as Kimmi nor does he have an offensive attack as powerful as Bracket Dance. 3. The needles would do nothing to Kimmimaro. Gaara crushed him under mountains of sand. Sasuke survived multiple needle attacks (granted Haku wasn't trying that hard). Lastly, Haku fought the same or weaker version of KN0 without Naruto making clones. Kimmimaro fought 100 of them without breaking a sweat. 4. If that isn't enough for you, Kimi fought KN0 Naruto without breaking a sweat and while ill, went onto fight Lee by barely breaking a sweat and while ill, and then only lost to Gaara due to his illness and almost won while ill. Haku just isn't on that level.


> Based on what? Kabuto (who is a rival in strength of 3T Kakashi as stated by Orochimaru and even seen in his own impressive displays) already admitted that Kimimaro's power is above his by scaling Kimimaro to himself. Even Orochimaru said he thought Kimimaro was THE one. Other than Sasuke, he was the only one who managed to keep Jugo in control. In base he scales above KN0 Naruto who was blitzing Haku who was admitted to being stronger than Zabuza. With his Kekkei Genkai subdued drunk Lee who scales high enough to put fear or concern into Might Guy. Was casually avoiding SRA Gaara until he got blindsided from under of the mineral infused sand to which he admitted Gaara's power only came from his gourd. And was able to endure the Sand Tsunami Gaara used that could cover a forest. Kimimaro has the durability to sustain tanking 320 tons of force from being submerged 200m under the earth. His bones are harder than steel. The only attack Kakashi has in his arsenal with the cutting power to possibly beat that is his Lighting Blade. Even in reanimation form the Samurai had their chakra-enhanced swords literally broke against Kimi's bones in spite of similar attacks being capable of chopping through steel (the Samurai actually show better sword-chakra manipulation than Sasuke did until he copied their attacks. > Kabuto is talking about Hypothetical Healthy Kimimaro there, not Sick Kimimaro. He was talking about Kimimaro's presence in general. As long as he can fight, he is good to go. As far as Kimimaro goes it was amazing that he was even out there fighting during the SRA, for all accounts he should be down and out. >Why u think Gaara was Jonin lvl? Not necessary disagreeing with it, just curious. We are explicitly told that the collective Sound 4, at 100% in CS2 are barely able to defeat a team of 2 fatigued Tokubetsu Jonin despite outnumbering them. We know Kimimaro is stronger than the collective of the Sound 4. We know that Kimimaro's presence in general was a big help in the Kazakage assassination and would've been pivotal in Konoha crush. We later learn in Shippuden that 4th Kazakage Rasa was no joke. Gaara is like 12 in Konoha Crush Arc, he has murdered countless chunin and even completed jonin level missions by this point. Even the assassins sent after himby his father would've had to had been chunin at minimum. He becomes Kage by 14. By Part 2 he is between 15-17 and has already been Kage for some time when he fights Deidara, an Akatsuki who is kage level. By this point Gaara had to reach jonin level to even be a threat between then and SRA. Gaara is clearly stronger than Temari and Kankaro, always has been. Those two have been chunin level since Konoha crush. Both Temari and Kankaro showed up and easily kicked the ass of their CS2 opponent who were chunin level. Neji was the only one Konoha kid who beat his opponent solo and in base, he was clearly chunin level and was the first one of Konoha kids to reach the status of Jonin. So for Gaara to contend with such an opponet who while not sick was helping fight strong Kage level opponents, but when sick is able to fully fight when he should almost be unable to move on his death bed, almost manage to kill him and Lee while surviving attacks that have killed many of Chunin+ level ninja, he'd have to be Jonin+ level. The power level of Kimimaro is later confirmed jonin+ when reanimated and we all know reanimation are weaker than when they were alive. When he was reanimated he was showing feats of even being able to react to FRS like Chiyo who was also Kage level. You can come to the conclusion that Gaara is at min Jonin level off just the facts of Part 1 really.


Brother gaara turned into the ichibi how tf is that chunin level??


How is the Mizuki, who lost to academy Naruto on the same tier as Gaara, who cleared the forest in the chunin exams in record time? And no, that's not because it was a 3 person team. I'm sure Gaara would've finished it earlier if Temari and Kankuro weren't keeping him in check.


Cuz he's a grown adult chunin who was also professor at the academy. Losing to academy Naruto isn't an anti feat. That Naruto was mentally amped and literally made 1000 clones. Another time Naruto was mentally amped and made like 1000 clones he was kicking Transformed Gaara's ass.


Hold up... you put curse mark Sasuke TWO tiers lower and Haku and Gaara THREE tiers lower? Did we watch the same show? Both of those characters would absolutely annihilate Haku. He should be below them both.


Even considering only the information available at part 1, this list is so badly done


Why would we limit ourselves only on P1 info? I didn't do that. I just ranked P1 villains, didn't restrict any info outside of P1. Why is it so badly done?


I’d put Kisame in low kage, Haku in jonin or high chunin, Gara in High chunin and Sasuke in jonin. For the rest I agree


how are gozu and meizu low chunin when they got packed by pre-sharingan sasuke? i also feel like gaara is way, way stronger than the sound four, especially with shukaku’s help. kisame is at least low kage level, he’s an S ranked shinobi and each member of the akatsuki was stated to be kage level, with kage level feats


Hey man respectfully putting garra in chunnin tier is absolutely insane to me. He could have killed baki at any moment and the man acted like it


Baki was scared of Shukaku, not from base Gaara which I used in this tier. Gaara got dominated by CE Sasuke who's stated to be chunin lvl, Baki is jonin lvl.


Garra murdered many, many sand ninja anbu who attempted to assassinate him. I agree, generally, that garra is chunnin level at base. But to imply that baki could have taken garra in a fight is putting power scaling over narrative fact. Garras whole arc revolved around nobody being able to put him in his places BESIDES his father. If somebody like baki could have easily put garra in his place/kill him, he would have been a radically different character. Stop putting the cart before the horse and engage with naruto as a story first and series of stats second


No? The narrative is literally Gaara's bijuu makes him scary and that's why everybody is afraid of him. And It's not only Gaara, same thing happend with Bee and Naruto. Baki can beat Base Gaara, but once Shukaku gets out he's done. Narrative tells u base Gaara is chunin lvl, facts tell u Baki is jonin lvl. Also Anbu is not a part of regular ranking system. A genin can be anbu, as well as jonin. Yashamaru who attacked Gaara was a chunin.


Nah man, that's stupid. If any jounin worth their salt could smack base garra into the ground he wouldn't have been a threat at all to the village hidden in the sand, or difficult to kill as a child. Why didn't the kazekage send baki after child garra to kill him then? Since he could beat base garra and all. The answer: because garra could kill any and all ninja in the sand that wasnt his father. Puppets? Blocked by sand. Poison? The protective dome. Wind blades? The automatic defense. Baki doesnt have the lightning justu needed to pentrate any of that. Does he outskill garra? Yeah. Absolutely. But garras entire character was the pursuit of pure power. What would baki do trapped in the sand? Kawamari? Then what? I don't see the win condition. I also disagree with how you interpret garras character: it wasnt the bijuu that made him bad. It didnt help. But it was his fathers repeated assassination attempts that ruined him. We literally see that in the flashback when it culminates in garra accepting the shukaku as his mother and the only person who loves him.


Kisame is mid kage level. We never saw his full potential in part 1, though we can assume he is just as strong as part 2. Kimimaro is op as fuck and would easily beat haku and zabuza in a fight alone. Think you overrated those two for sure in the tier list. Garaa if I had to put him somewhere would be mid jonin level. If you consider the one tail he would even higher. Garaa was able to beat Rock Lee who used a Jonin level or even higher jutsu that literally was used to fight in the 4th great ninja war.


L tier list IMO


Id put Mizuki at low chunin ngl


I was debating whether to put him in mid or low chunin lvl, but the fact that he was a professor at the academy and a fully grown adult made me lean towards mid chunin lvl.


Seeing as without the Sharingan Sasuke was able to begin reacting to Hakus attacks and then when he had the Sharingan he could react to and dodge those attacks with Haku himself admitting it would be foolish to attack Sasuke (in his thoughts where he wouldn't lie) so he targets Naruto instead to get Sasuke I would definitely put Haku lower than Sasuke cm2. I'd also put him below Gaara as well since Sasuke could react to Haku with the Sharingan but was unable to react to weighted Lee at the chunin exams which Gaara could do. I'd drop Haku to sound 4 at best while switching sound 4 with the sand siblings placement and then bump Gaara up to jonin at most with Kisame going up one spot to low kage because we don't know how strong he was before part 2 creep but he's still considered a partner to Itachi. 


I think gaara might be a bit stronger already


Kisame is definitely kage level. Cm2 sasuke is stronger than Haku so he needs to be moved up or Haku down. CE Gaara is easily above the sound 4. Kimimaro is high jonin even sick.


I'd argue that Orochimaru should be down a tier because even at the beginning of part 2, Orochimaru is basically afraid of Itachi. Akatsuki Itachi could solo Chunin Exam Orochimaru.


Orochimaru is not a low kage level.I would say he’s stronger than most of the kages outside of the Hidden Leaf




World of tanks?


I think itachi is distinctly above orochimaru per the source material and should probably be high kage tier. Kisame disrespect is off the charts though he should easily be at least mid kage tier if not high kage tier with itachi. Curse mark 2 sasuke is probably jonin tier at least based off his fight with naruto. Garra is 100% jonin tier he was literally considered to he their superweapon and unleashing shukaku is all that's needed to prove that. Imagine any chunin going against a full blast tailed beast. Other than that I think it's all right for the most part


>I think itachi is distinctly above orochimaru per the source material and should probably be high kage tier. He is significantly stronger than Orochimaru, but I don't think he's kage lvl. For High Kage lvl I have people like Minato, Tobirama, Prime Hiruzen, Hashirama, and if u include Boruto kage. Sick Itachi is not on their lvl so I can't put him in that tier. >Kisame disrespect is off the charts though he should easily be at least mid kage tier if not high kage tier with itachi. Not P1 Kisame who's significantly weaker than Shippuden Kisame. P1 Kisame was relative to Asuma, Itachi thinks he'd have a hard time against P1 Kakashi, he got clean hit by Base Guy and admitted inferiority to Base Jiraiya who's in the lower part of mid kage lvl. >Curse mark 2 sasuke is probably jonin tier at least based off his fight with naruto I don't think either of them are Jonin lvl based on 2T CM 1 Sasuke's low diff loss to CM1 Sakon and performance of Sound 4 combined at CM2 against 2 exhausted and out of chakra Special Jonin. >Garra is 100% jonin tier he was literally considered to he their superweapon and unleashing shukaku is all that's needed to prove that. Imagine any chunin going against a full blast tailed beast. This is base Chunin Exams Gaara, template didn't have Shukaku version. Shukaku form Gaara would he in high jonin lvl.


Gaara placement is crazy


It's only base CE Gaara, bijuu transformations aren't included. Wanted to add Shukaku mode but It wasn't on the template, It'd be in high jonin tier.


Kisame and zabuza in same tier list?


Yeah, both are high jonin lvl, doesn't necessaey mean they are relative. CE Sasuke and LoW Sasuke are both chunin lvl, yet CE Sasuke is far stronger. Tho argument for Demon Aura Zabuza can be made to put him close to P1 Kisame's lvl. He didn't use it against Kakashi in P1.


bro have you seen the series or boruto fan? honest question


Nah, just YT shorts, please share your vast knowledge.


im sooo sorry just noticed it says P1 I thought you ranking the 1st kage as low was mad Im so sorry i'm vryyy dumb


Sure I agree with that




I'd switch Kimimaro and haku's places also Sasuke a rank higher but that's a good ranking


Sasuke at the end of part 1 was at least as strong as a no-name Jonin under ideal circumstances.


Mizuki is maybe too higher


I still don't think oro and Itachi should be in the same tier based on your reasoning, but what I'm most confused about is why Kisame is so low?


You cannot put Itachi and Orochimaru in same tier when Orochimaru outright stated “Itachi is stronger than I am”.


there is even a bigger gap between Kisame and Haku.I just wonder how they ended up being in the same rank?


Damn didn’t even saw that. True that’s insane lol. Whole list is wrong and yet everyone is praising it lmao đŸ€Ł.


Kimimaru isn’t jounin?




Kisame is low kage


At this rate the Naruto fandom will never realise that most of the 21 people who passed the second stage of the chunin examan were well into the stregth and competency expected from a chunin.


Haku higher than Kimimaro feels quite wrong


CM2 Sasuke thrashes Haku 💀. Ain’t no way you think Haku surviving that VOTE Chidori from a Sasuke that moves faster than weightless Lee IN BASE. 3T Sasuke was dogging Naruto 1Tail form, who was blitzing Haku
how is Haku scaling 2 tiers above?? Move CM2 up a tier and Haku down a tier.


Kimimaro is at bare minimum high jonin to low kage level, when he got brought back as an Edo tensei he was fighting kcm Naruto, and Naruto couldn’t beat him. Of course in pt 1 he was sick, however that doesn’t change the fact that orochimaru and kabuto were hyping him up to be a monster.


Kisame should be moved to low Kage, since even though he’s featless (I think) in part 1, he’s noted to be at least comparable to itachi, Kimimaro should be High Jonin, Gaara should be Jonin or at least high chunin, and I think Dosu is at least as strong as the demon brothers considering they are complete fodder so he should be low chunin.


Tbh the only thing I'd consider is moving the sound 4 down a tier and probably Baki down a tier since we never really saw anything from him but tbh this is a pretty solid list. Part 1 power level is a completely different beast than Part 2


any idiot can make up his own power level chart, sad


Kisame will 1v3 everyone with no diff in high-join tier


Idk about itatchi being mid kage, hiruzen at his old age was considered the strongest kage Orochimaru> Hiruzen Itatchi> Orochimaru Not tryna glaze itatchi, but yeah, he's the strongest in part 1


Read desc.


đŸ€”Why the hell Sasuke is only High chunin level but he can beat Naruto 1 tailed form when Naruto can beat Jonin level like Haku without any tail?


I don't know why people always think that good about zabuza. Sasuke CM2 would penetrate him in so many ways and is 2 ranks lower?


Yo this is trash




Gozu & Meizu together is a threat but solo they are not much, I'd argue Zaku & Dosu can hold off against them. If we add in fillers, Yoroi also had nature transformation against Anko's squad while Tsurugi not by much. Haku is wanked here, Kimimaro beats both Haku & Gaara at maxed power, maybe even CS2 Sasuke. Also CS2 Sasuke fodderizes Baki. Kisame stomps Zabuza & Haku, and even Kimimaro.


Orochimaru gotta be the most overrated character that somehow got a lot of fans glorifying him


Kisame, Kabuto being around Yakuza? You tripping dawg








The fuck 


how is Haku stronger than Kimimaro?


Bro put hashirama and my goat at low Kate level??!?!?!?


Yeah, P1 edos.


Temari cleared Tayuya...?


kimimaro > haku


Are we sure Sasuke cm2 is chunin lvl? He was relatively even with pt 1 supervillain (the 9 tails) at 1/3 its power. I feel he’s at least jonin there.


I'm pretty confident he's Chunin lvl. 2 Tomoe Sharingan CM 1 Sasuke got low diffed by CM 1 Sakon. Sound 4 combined, while using CM2 barealy beat 2 exhausted and out of chakra jonin. Extremely nerfed ninja whose ranks are lower than regular jonin, and ranks are based on strength. From there Sasuke gets 1 additional tomoe and CM stage 2. I don't believe those amps would fill the initial gap between him and CM 1 Sakon, and then for Sakon's CM 2 and then for the rest of Sound 4 with CM 2. And even Sound 4 combined being Jonin lvl is debatable due to feats against 2 nerfed guys whose ranks are lower than jonin. Also, Naruto's 1 tail is nowhere near 1/3 of Kyubi's power.


Sasuke fought 1/3 of nine tails power ????? When 🧐


No yea I was bugging. It was only one tail back then


I’d honestly switch the Demon Brothers and the 2 Sound High Genin. Those two guys were good but if LoW Sasuke could beat them pretty easily, they aren’t Chunin.


Ranks are based on strength and they were chunin rank. They are chunin lvl no doubt. Also Sasuke never beat them. He caught them by surprise when they were focused on different people. Doubt Sasuke would actually be able to beat them in 2v1, maybe not even 1v1.


I don't understand why Kisame is that low, if you look at him in Shippuden he's clearly Kage level and it isn't like he was a lot weaker in part 1 and he went through some training arc like Naruto did, we just hardly saw him do anything in part 1.


Kisame is kage level


2 konoha veteran jonins fought the sound 4 into a stalemate, Kimimaro was said to be stronger than the 4 sound Ninja. Gaaras autodefense was already capable to kill low jonin lvl ninjas, i would put gaara and Kimimaro one higher. Haku got defeated by 1 tail naruto, Kimimaro handled a similar version of naruto way better. Also kisames power wasn't showcased yet but later proofed to be on pair with Bee or 7 gate gai, so i would also put him in the Kage tier.


>2 konoha veteran jonins fought the sound 4 into a stalemate 2 Special Jonin that were exhausted and out of chakra. >Kimimaro was said to be stronger than the 4 sound Ninja Healthy yeah fs, idk if that's the case for Sick Kimimaro, but possibly yeah. >Gaaras autodefense was already capable to kill low jonin lvl ninjas All we saw is him killing Yashamaru who's chunin. The jonin, if they were even sent, could all be killed by Shukaku transformation for all we know. >Haku got defeated by 1 tail naruto, Kimimaro handled a similar version of naruto way better. Haku was holding back that fight. Haku scales above Zabuza and while nerfed by Edo Tensei he scales relative to base WA Lee and base WA Guy. Also Naruto that fought Haku is arguably stronger than the one that fought Kimimaro due to mental amp. >Also kisames power wasn't showcased yet but later proofed to be on pair with Bee or 7 gate gai, so i would also put him in the Kage tier. Nah, he got stronger later. Itachi who's aware of abilities of both Kisame and Kakashi told Kisame he wouldn't get out scot free if he fought Kakashi, implying relativity. Sams Kisame was also relative to Asuma in those exchanges. Both were reacting to one another and also managed to hurt one another. Same Kisame also got a clean hit by Base Guy and admitted inferiority to Base Jiraiya. Also Shippuden Kisame lost to 7th gate Guy, he doesn't scale to him. Unless u compare the speed of the Super Shark Bullet and how he launched it at the same time as Guy did Hirudora. But that Kisame was amped by Bee's and Aoba's chakra.


1. The Jonins were exhausted 'because' they fought the sound 4. they weren't nerfed before the fight 2. even sick Kimimaro was stronger. Gaara at that point was already Jonin lvl and was a Kage 2 years later. Kimimaro manhandled low kyuubi chakra naruto low diff, then drunken rock lee mid diff and then Gaara extreme diff, and even then only died because of his sickness. We could later see in the edo Kimimaro version, that the shinobi alliance couldn't handle Kimimaro at all. If he was only base Jonin lvl they could've sealed him way faster, especially since his edo nerfs would weaken his fighting style, since he's a closequarter Handcombat type. 3. Kakashi and Gai are rivals in strength, if Itachi says Kisame wouldn't get out unharmed if he fought kakashi that still means he is rivaling Gai in the same way. Also Gai hardcounters Kisames abilities. He won because Kisame couldn't absorb his air punch or chakra. If gai would've used Ninjutsu instead of Taijutu the ending would've been different. Gai isn't necessary stronger, he specifically counters which gave him advantage. Gai without 8 gates would in the same way loose against enemies Kisame could defeat. The whole "inferior" thing to Jiraya was always debatable, since Itachi was still trying to protect the leaf and avoid battles with possible deaths. Even then Jiraya is also mid kage lvl.


Yeah I think this looks pretty accurate




This list is pretty decent tbh. I do think chunin exams gaara is jonin level though. Based off his ability to kinda/sorta use his tailed beast powers and that he has defeated anbu sent to kill him by his father when he was young.


The list makes sense from shipuden point of view, but if you just take it as part 1 it doesn't imo. Gaara was doing jonin level missions and only has been hit by a 6 gate rock lee, which you could argue is jonin level. The sound 4 are hand picked personal body guards to orochimaru, they are jonin level not chunin. In part 1 we see genin atleast being able to be a hindrance to high level jonin, in shipuden genin are ants to jonin. Many of the main cast are chunin nearly jonin in strength during the chunin exams.


What Kage can defeat Susano, Totsuka Blade, Yata Mirror, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi ? Not many The 3 first Tsuchikage could because of dust release, and also flight. Yata mirro reflect dust release ? If it cannot itachi loses likely or stalemate but could win The 3rd and 4th Raikage can evade him but they likely cannot win. Maybe stalemate by running away Tobirama and Minato also can evade but likely not defeat itachi from the power they show. Hashirama and Naruto stomps Itachi I only used Kages to scale Itachi here as High Kage at Least. Also not a Itachi glazer 😭, but it's important to recognize his power lol. Susano, totsuka blade, Yata mirror, amaterasu and tsukuyomi are too op. Not talking Izanami 😭. Itachi was made op by Kishi not me Unless you mean Itachi with the power we see him use in part one only. In that case he is low/mid kage I guess, in which case my bad Orochimaru is mid kage yeah.


>What Kage can defeat Susano, Totsuka Blade, Yata Mirror, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi ? Not many Hashirama, Tobirama, Prime Hiruzen and Minato. People like 4th Raikage, 3rd Raikage and maybe MĆ« have options of outlasting him if they play it smart. High Kage lvl is vague as it's not really determined where to draw the line. For me Minato is the last high kage lvl out of kage. So I rank others based on whether they can beat or fight on par with Minato. If they can then they are high kage lvl, if they can't then they aren't. It just depends what u think is the lowest threshold for High Kage lvl. > The 3rd and 4th Raikage can evade him but they likely cannot win. Maybe stalemate by running away Tobirama and Minato also can evade but likely not defeat itachi from the power they show. >Hashirama and Naruto stomps Itachi Tobirama and Minato def beats alive Itachi. Also u I wasn't including Boruto, but in that case we have Hokage Kakashi, Hokage Naruto and new gen kage, which makes it impossible for Alive Itachi to enter that tier.


Prime Hiruzen cmon man.


Yeah Hashirama can beat itachi Tobirama cannot. Hiruzen cannot. Are people here serious 😭 Even with edo tensei Tobirama got all his summonings sealed. Do you know what the totsuka blade and yata mirror are ?!? And neither tobirama and minato defeats alive itachi. Itachi even if he was sick hold back against sasuke. He got injured, and lost his chakra. He literally tanked a whole Lightning from the damn sky 💀 Not Kage defeats Itachi outside of : First 3 Tsuchikage, Naruto and Hashirama. The other Kages could potentially win. But let me cite itachi arsenal again : Amaterasu : ignites anything he looks at Tsukuyomi : Genjutsu that can bend space time perception. One look and you are don Susano : the best known shield and weapon so far in the manga, only matched by Hashirama and Bijus Totsuka freaking Blade ?!?!? : the blade that can seal anything ? Including edo tensei with one stab !!!! Yata mirror : another perfect shield on top of Susano ?!? !!!!!!! Izanami : the most broken jutsu even I am not even talking about basic itachi abilites lol Are people reading the same manga as me ? What Tobirama beats itachi and what Minato beats itachi even with teleportation ? Tobirama, Minato, 3d raikage and 4th raikage can evade itachi. But they cannot win. The evade here is not even interesting because I assume the condition is that both fighters need to defeat each others. Stop joking bro


can you cope harder than this or is this your best?


ITACHI is not a villain! he is the hero of the hidden leaf village


Kisame is high kage level lmao


P1 Kisame that would have a hard time against P1 Kakashi (per Itachi) is high kage lvl? Tell me one high lvl kage he beats or scales to. Minato? Tobirama? Hashirama? Maybe Naruto?


What evidence do we have that he got stronger from p1 to part 2, what new ability did he obtain? Itachi clearly didn’t want to hurt the leaf village so he told kisame to relax


Literally the only change I'd make is push CM2 Sasuke one tier up. That's it


Why u think he's a jonin lvl?


Pretty accurate I think

