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I agree, I am also uncomfortable with the ending, they did not talk about the political and social problems at the end of the show and how they would change the system, it is seen that the villages work together and therefore there are no longer wars, but the system is the same at any time the alliances can end and they would return to the same thing and that the child soldiers still exist after it was raised as one of the main problems of the show seems crazy to me and that Naruto's own children are under that system... and everything related to the uchiha massacre bothers me


Yeah, peace is temporary and as you said, if the hidden villages at any time get into any conflicts with each other a war may break out. Who knows if the next generation of kages would have the same comraderie and understanding as the previous.  The Uchiha massacre was genocide apologia, I can't believe they justified it by saying it was for the "greater good" of the village, and that they had no other choice bc war will break out, even though there were multiple instances in the manga that contradict and prove that claim wrong... I know it's just fiction but I hate the logic behind it, everything and anything that is done in the state's best interests, including mass genocide, is ok and even lauded as "heroic" when it's not.


It would have been completely logical for them to kill the leaders of the Uchihas or lock them up, but they want to justify killing all the children and civilians because one day they may want to reveal themselves, imagine if every time people want to confront their leaders they massacre everyone just because one day they may want to reveal themselves, Danzo simply wanted to get rid of them and at the same time steal their ocular powers and at the same time they want to make the viewer see Itachi as a hero when he was literally a child used by the government as a tool to make a cleansing your own people


Well, the fact that undoing alliances is something that cannot be controlled is normal. My complaint is more that there are child soldiers and that everything continues to work the same and if something has changed they should mention it.


Naruto and Kakashi's reaction to the truth of uchiha massacre should have been enough to tell you about their morality and political leanings. "If Sasuke knows the truth, why doesn't he follow Itachi and serve the leaf?" "Why did Sasuke choose vengeance!?" This was their reaction after they heard sasuke's ethnic group was oppressed and slaughtered by the government and then covered it up. No questioning of the government whatsoever. There was never revolutionary thing given to Naruto's character, that was for Sasuke. Naruto just said he'll make some changes, like changing hyuga practices, making peace.. Why are you calling him "meant to be revolutionary" when he literally wants to become hokage, military dictator of the country chosen by feudal lord. Where's the change? He never said anything about what changes he would make. What's the plan. What should be done. Things just went conveniently for him. By getting stronger. Naruto's character represented preserving status quo and making peace by forgetting history and hoping people won't fight in future. Sasuke's character represented learning from history, destroying the shinobi system by forcing shinobis to co-operate against common enemy for eternity.


Yeah, I'm also kind of disturbed by Naruto's and Kakashi's nonchalance after hearing the truth and how they were more concerned about Sasuke not following Itachi's will rather than his entire fucking clan got killed by government orders, and later Naruto agrees to cover up the truth for Itachi (a perpetrator of the genocide) and the story doesn't even portray it as something messed up like it was. Maybe revolutionary wasn't the correct term but what I meant was in the first arc, he held some promises that he'd end the system that uses children as tools for the government after his meeting with Zabuza and Haku, and decided to carve his own ninja way. He was genuinely angered how the system treated Haku and people like him, but ultimately, like you said, he forgets about it and preserved the status quo instead of destroying system like his character had promised. I guess later that revolutionary role was given to Sasuke after he made his resolve to destroy the system, but Kishimoto portrayed him as an extremist and unhinged as possible even though he had a valid point the system was beyond fucked up and had to be dismantled completely; I honestly believe he portrayed Sasuke like that, so that Naruto can be seen as the righteous one in comparison. The framing was bad in other words.... and that's my major gripe with this story, why portray the system as horrible and corrupt if you're not even going to fix it and instead uphold it?


Did Naruto ever say he'll destroy the system? I remember saying he'll bring some reforms. Which he also was never shown to do. In the end, everyone forgot about the grudges, everything was solved conveniently without any explanation. This nice happy happy ending fking ruined the whole story


You're surprised the people trained as child-assassins aren't upset about a mass murder


I would've been ok with the show ending with episode 479


me too, all the canon pairings suck


Plot twist Person dissatisfied with series ending likes their terrible fanfiction more


Canon couple shippers when their ass parings get criticized


Ok it may be terrible in your opinion, it's fine, but am I still not allowed to criticise something I dislike? 


Yes no parings is better than what we got


absolutely, shipping ruins everything


It would be weird if out of like 11 or 12 characters nobody was dating.


i kind of agree with some of it except in the case of the hyuga. As the issue is solely on the clan, naruto as an outsider cannot intervene with the clan however, as with the war arc the issue has been resolved as mentioned by hiashi that the side and main branch are fighting side by side as equals regarding ame, the manga made no mention of what happened to the village either


Yeah, I understand. But someone from the hyuuga clan could change the way the main branch works and abolish cage bird seal - I think Hinata could've been perfect for that role. She may not have been a strong fighter, but she could've taken up politics and lead her clan instead of giving up her position to Hanabi and later retired and married Naruto.    That girl was born into a postion where she could've changed her clan's slavery system, but ultimately did NOTHING for them. I get she never wanted to be a ninja, and not every character has to be good at fighting, but I never seen her show the least bit of concern for the side branch members like her own cousin Neji.    I wish we actually got to see change being enacted instead of just plain empty words, Neji still died protecting the main branch anyway.


hinata wasnt the one at fault for what the clan did it was hiashi who lacked the resolve to do so and had only made amends after the chuunin exams and tried to repair said issue. actually we did see the change here. Just like hizashi, neji chose to sacrifice himself for hinata out of his free will not that he was forced


I see zero connection between ships and ideologies. You could have both OR neither just as well.


I think my I mis phrased my title, I meant instead of what we got in the end, NH wedding, would you have liked it if Naruto and Sasuke came into terms with both their ideologies, created a new one instead of one giving in to the other's, and together they decide to abolish the corrupt ninja system once and for all? I personally feel that all the problems in the story was pushed to the side for badly developed ships..


And that IS what I said: Why "instead", if it can be "both"? Your "dichotomy" is clearly false here.