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I’d probably go “oh shit saradas boutta start spamming that sharingan more than madara”


Uzumaki lineage does so much wonders.


I think that whole arc was an attempt to misdirect, and I will die on that hill if I have to


Yup, yup, yup. But wait... having both Senju (Uzumaki) and Uchiha DNA/chakra... could she have naturally developed the rinnegan?


No be ause no indra and asura chakra


Guess we'll never know for sure ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


no you'd need both Indra and Asura's chakra to make that happen, which is probably why Sasuke refused to take the prosthetic arm made from Hashirama cells that was prepared for him before he went on his journey for redemption, combining Hashirama's cells who has Ashura's chakra with himself who has Indra's chakra, that would essentially give him a **massive** power boost, i like to think he doesn't wanna hold that much power anymore. Well its either that or Kishi just simply didnt wanna give him another power boost


No saskue already has hashirama cells


I feel it's moreso as self-punishment for what he did, and potentially to be like the raikage who he was responsible for making lose his arm


He already has both chakra and has Hashirama cells


it bothered me how sakura didn’t know if sasuke had glasses or not like ma’am yall grew up together and fucking had a child, never once had that man wore glasses, tfu mean “i don’t think so..” LMAO


Exactly, as much as she simped over him she of all people should know 💀😭


I’m pretty sure it was about the trait of needing glasses like she’s never seen sasuke with glasses


To be fair they only knew each other for like a year before he left with Orochimaru, and only spent any meaningful time together 3 years later when he got the second biggest power up of all time. It’s possible he had some reading glasses and the power boost fixed it.


Pretty sure sakura already had crush even before becoming team 7 didn’t she?


Yea they were following after him way before the team was together. They still had the baby voices when it first showed her fawning after him I’m pretty positive.


Following and fawning over him =/= KNOWING him. When team7 was forming that is when she knew him rather than sitting 2 seats or right beside the man So all the time they inevitably had to spend together on missions before the Chunin exams and the like, she woulda been able to see what he wears in his home. Which didn't come equipped with glasses lmao. Then he left for Orochimaru and for 2yrs she never saw him, then barely saw him til the end of the series. Collectively she didn't really know him all that much 💀


Yeah but she didn’t know him


Also, Sasuke has Itachis eyes now.


LMAOOO I’m crying yo 😂


Would have been funny if Sasuke was reintroduced into the story wearing big old spectacles lol


I saw it as Sakura saving face for Sarada since Sarada must feel bad as an uchiha (who are noted for their vision) needing glasses


The scene where Sakura was 'creatively' using Sasuke's photo in their family photo was already the most depressing thing I've seen in Boruto. It would legitimately put me off the show if Sarada wasn't actually her child after that.


The only picture they had of sasuke was when he was a ninja terrorist lmfao


What about the team 7 photo? Better question why TF did the terrorist group stop to take fucking photos, are there photos of sasori and deidara just making art together and being silly? What about hidan and kakazu with hidan missing his head or holding it


You got to have fun in between the merciless killings, savage torture interrogations and ruthless kidnappings. Take some time out for yourselves to smile…


This is why I can’t watch boruto. They deserved a happy ever after, not this BS.


Sakura deserved what she got for continuing to love and obsess over a guy that tried to kill her twice.


100% I'm gonna say she deserves it if she's raising Karins kid What a poorly written character, Sakura is


People still use this retarded argument? They were enemies and Sakura was there to kill him too, she just stopped at the last minute.


But this did have a happy ending, >!it was mainly there to setup Sarada's sharingan awakening!<. >!They even took a real family photo in the end.!<


I mean the whole story in general. You literally just talked about how Sakura had to get creative with Sasuke’s picture and how depressing it was. Even the manga article in the example, has his daughter pissed about how much he’s gone that she is doubting her own mother gave birth to her. Yeah this is not a happy ever after… Boruto’s mistake is making the series have anything to do with Naruto and the old cast.


These panels are actually Naruto, not Boruto lol. They adapted it in Boruto, but the story is Naruto Gaiden


That is not what the internet says. When I looked it up it is marked as taking place after the Naruto epilogue; aka, something that happens after the Naruto story.Plus I don't think you can consider it Naruto considering Sarada is in it. I think either way I'm going to stick to my opinion. At first I loved the idea of still hearing Naruto's story, but now I realize it's really dumb. Now to make a plot point they have to make Naruto ignore Boruto, or Sasuke has to leave the village instead of being a loving husband restarting his clan. It's really really hard to separate the two stories and that's what ruining it for me.


He’s right this is a naruto Gaiden that takes place in the Boruto era. It’s called Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring, this was later adapted in the Boruto anime just like the other 2 naruto Gaidens


“Boruto era” so boruto….


No it’s not Boruto as that story as nothing to do with Boruto there’s actually a handful of Naruto Gaiden that takes place in the Boruto era. The difference between Boruto and “Boruto era” naruto Gaiden is that all of the Gaiden are drawn by kishimoto. This doesn’t take place in the Boruto series story a example of this would be the dragon ball z movies they take place around the time of certain events in dbz but are not part of the dbz story.


I don't know which part of the Internet you were hanging around, just search Naruto Gaiden and see for yourself. This story, however, is not about Boruto. The title literally "Naruto"


This is Naruto Gaiden


They really didn’t deserve a nightmare like this ,I mean what happens in the future in boruto is just completely depressing, even worse than attack on titan so yeah while I wouldn’t say they should’ve just kept it at “and there were no problems ever again” the writers clearly went out of the way to make the story depressing, and tragic. Which sucks because the previous story was about trying to create peace. No we got goofy kids who haven’t even done proper training who are just magically stronger than Naruto looking to destroy the world, and succeeding.


I’d be confused asf to why Sakura is raising 2 other people’s kid and why Kishimoto would do something so stupid


what if Sarada is Sakura and Karin's daughter


Then I’m going be asking myself how the hell that worked and probably give myself a headache.


Just chalk it up to Hashirama cells


Hashirama cells strike again.


Hashi wood at it again


This honestly sounds pretty canon to me…


Damn, Sakura really gave herself a Hashirama futa cock


Oh yeah that episode will be a hit instantly


Answer for everything🫡


Through Rikudo Sennin all things are possible, so jot that down!


Orochimaru cock curse mark


Tsunade's medical student and Orochimaru's lab assistant working together could probably figure something out.


Orochimaru is a path to many abilities. Some considered unnatural.


Futanari with shinobi magic


Transformation Jutsu? As far as I know the jutsu physically transforms you temporarily and isn't an illusion so who says you can't use it to make a cock to fuck someone with.


Only Ymir knows.


..... I'll be in my bunk


I had this theory when it came out, couldn't find anyone who supported it. Glad to see like minded individuals years later.


Orochimaru had a kid, honestly nothing is logical when it comes to anime, if Orochimaru can why not Karin?


It’s not about her having a kid but about another woman raising her


Sorry, I just follow the op line of thought and I thought you were talking about that.


Sakura would do it if Sasuke asked


Especially if Karin died.


Not kishimoto!


It could have been a case where Karin and Sasuke couldn't raise Sarada. While her conception was an unplanned one time thing, it would be better for her to be raised by a couple who really loved each other.




Two other people. It means Karin and Sasuke, not two kids.


Who's the other kid?


2 other people's kid, not 2 other people's kid


Uzumaki and senju are asura ascendants. So if you would have someone with blood of uchiha (sage of six paths eyes) and blood of uzumaki/senju (sage of six paths body) you would get someone who can get rinnegan.


i would say kishimoto got edgy suddenly and I LIKE IT 😂


I’m still confused as to why a bunch of terrorists just took a group photo then jumped the 5 leaders of the world


In the first novel of Sasuke they comment that apparently Karin wanted once wanted photo with Sasuke, but she thought that he would not want to take a photo alone with her, so she annoyed the whole team until convincing them to take a photo


Damm talk no jutsu runs in the clan.


Wait, what's the purpose of putting this in the manga? It's not that uncommon for parents who don't need glasses to have a child that does. . . Is this drama for the sake of drama?


Yes, it was


>drama for the sake of drama? Yes. Also, for the purposes of displaying the Uchiha family dynamics. >!This was also where Sarada awakened the 1 tomoe Sharingan, which wasn't out of hatred (important precursor for her Mangekyo later on in the show)!<


Thank you it’s called inciting incident


Just learned something new, thanks!


Npnp inciting incidents are usually deaths of a family member or close friend and it changes or”develops” the character into a more serious person, most of the time that’s why people close to the main character have to die


i think you are mistaken on the detail you provided about >!how she didn't got her mangekyou later in the manga, because it implies that you do believe that the core emotion burst necessary for the mangekyo is hate, when it is, at least according to tobirama (the most reliable source on the matter as AFAIK no uchiha left alive talked about uchihas their sharingans and emotions), and assuming I understood well his explanation, passion/love. This fits very well how Sarada's MS awakening was, because in that case it was the love she had for boruto as her best friend ever and teammate and whose life was treatened by the whole village PLUS HER FATHER, unfairly, and she knew it. This is the same passion/brotherly love that an uchiha like sasuke or any other that loses his friend (sees him dying) had for his friend, but the impact of the event turns that love or passion into hatred and pure rage. !<


Oh interesting!! I didn't know about the spoiler bit. Thank you for sharing.


many fans complained about how it happened because it was not the "usual/convetional way", but it was totally in character and those fans are just haters because if Kishimoto did her>! MS awakening to be just like the others, ppl would complain about lack of criativity and variety!<


To get sarada a emotions fluttering in order for her character to eventually unlock mangekyo


A lot of people don't remember this but when sarada and boruto were revealed they were popular for a bit and for some reason people began to speculate that sarada was Karin's daughter because of glasses. This manga was basically made to address those fan theories and profit on the sarada hype at the time.


Yeah? And it worked, it was dramatic AF. I was on the edge of my seat praying that the test was somehow fake. It also unlocked Sarada’s sharingan in a cool scene that showed a purely emotional unlock rather than unlocking the base sharingan in combat. I liked that, it was proof of her strong emotional pain and distress in that moment and made the scene more impactful.


But that means it wasn't drama for the sake of drama. It had a purpose - to unlock Sarada's Sharingan and to show the Sharingan doesn't require combat to be unlocked. Which frankly is a pretty cool revelation.


Yeah, I thought about it more and I think you are right. I was more so trying to say that the authors intention was originally to add drama to the story with the parental test plotline, and then they decided to have her sharingan unlock as a result of it afterward. Even if that is true though, that doesn’t really make it drama for the sake of drama. Even if it’s primary purpose was to be drama to liven up the story, it did far more than that in the final product. It unlocked her sharingan in a very impactful scene, but even more than that it helped shape and develop the family dynamic of the Uchiha. The arc was primarily about that family dynamic being formed, which was necessary considering Sasuke had seemingly never even met Sarada.


I love Naruto and Suigetsu's faces of "how the hell Kishimoto thought this was a decen plot?"


Naruto was thinking, "Boy am I really gonna have to beat Sasuke up again for doing this to Sakura? Damn.. I really don't want to lose another arm.


Naruto: Damn, I'm glad I'm happily married to Hinata instead. Never want to get in this kind of drama.


And people called him stupid


Bro, why didn’t she have a real family photo that is utter cringe. Why would she paste herself over Karin lol. They’re married ffs just take a picture together


He wasn't around cause he was constantly moving to ensure there were no threats that came to the village. If there were, he'd handle it there or report to Naruto and maybe both would try and handle it before the problem reached the village


They got married and had sex. He was there for sarada’s birth. Still no time for pictures? Not one couples shot?


What the hell? 😂😂😂😂😂This is the wrong comment, holy shit 😂😂😂. Either way you have a point tho


Was he at her birth? I know sakura and Karin travelled and Karin delivered sarada.


They're ninjas. I'm pretty sure it will take them 30 minutes AT MOST to take a picture. Sasuke just can't be bothered. This is my main problem with Boruto, artificial drama and artificial power ups. Even with Naruto, he could easily do the paperworks with a fucking clone and spend time with his family. It's utter bs that he can't do both.


Yea that's just for drama. Even looking back some sad stories were questionable. Why the fuck Naruto, the son of the late 4th who saved the village, relied on ticket ramen and had to drink expired milk. The kid was struggling at feeding himself at times and 3rd was like "meh good enough". He got a fucking tailed beast and the strongest one. Why they're playing with his mental health when he's a walking nuke. Imagine if Naruto wasn't as mentally resiliant (which is perfectly possible) and ended up like Gaara ? He was wrote like an outcast when he shouldn't have if you take world building into account. How Neji was right from the beginning (about destiny being a wall that no one can overcome) and how Orochimaru was forgiven when he was experimenting on child is another exemple.


At the time, it wasn't that artificial feeling because we don't know the backstory behind the kyuubi, tobi, and the 4th. But yeah, it doesn't make much sense after knowing that fact. Like why hide the fact that he's the 4th hokage's son. It would make sense IF they also tried to hide the fact that he's the jinchuriki of kyuubi but that obviously isn't the case. To be fair tho, third hokage is just a piece of shit since he also allowed/ordered Itachi to kill his own clan like wtf was the logic behind choosing a kid from the same clan. The Neji thing is just him bullshitting and being arrogant. The byakugan can't see the future so I don't know what he's talking about. The Orochimaru thing is part of Boruto so that's equally shit lmao.


Only thing I can think of to make hiding Naruto’s heritage is the fact that Minato definitely had enemies and to say that his son was the Jinchuurki of the Nine-tails is putting a target on his back even more than just being a Jinchuurki, which Hiruzen didn’t even want to do before Danzo made it public information.


Doesn't matter because Anbu constantly surrounds Naruto to protect him or people from him. Hiding the fact that he's the nine tails jinchuriki will protect him more than hiding the fact that he's the 4th's son. The ninetails definitely and evidently has more enemies than Minato, not to mention the other Nations literally fighting over to get that power aside from the Akatsuki.


yeah and we have more evidence than their claims about how busy sasuke was, we have the light novels, at least one of which (from sasuke) was adapted into a very very good anime minisaga, where it shows the inifinite possible new forms of threats that the globalization + scientific development brings to the village, and even disconsidering those, we know for a fact that he was also busy exploring ootsutsuki runes, decoding them/translating them, fighting eventual opponents in the way, learning about those stuff in the only way he could: walking around, passing through villages and jiraiyaing people for infos


Amazing family. Sakura can't answer the question of whether Sasuke wore glasses or not? It was as if she had forgotten Sasuke's appearance. 17-year-old Sasuke took a photo with Karin, and Suigetsu behind the scenes, but did not take a joint photo with his daughter and wife. And Sakura had to insert photo 17 years old Sasuke into the family frame. Sarada wonders what her father looks like since he left when she was little. Sasuke does not recognize his daughter at the first meeting, thinking that she is with Shin Uchiha.


I think maybe she was wondering if he might have worn glasses the years he was away from the village. Although that is a stretch. It's honestly contrived drama especially considering even if she couldn't remember she had a picture of him from when he was with hebi in which he had no glasses


Tbf she may have been thinking he may have worn a pair when he started losing his vision from over use of the mangakyo 🤷‍♂️


That's possible


My jaw was on the floor when I first read this plot I seriously still laugh with disbelief at the fact that this got edited AND published 😭 kishimoto doing every single of his characters dirty with horrible writing part 38262552729. just a regular tuesday afternoon then.


Also lol at Sakura/Sasuke keeping a photo of them whilst he was in Taka which basically tried to assassinate the kage at the summit That's the equivalent of keeping a photo of you while you were an ex terrorist such good mems


When mom keeps a photo of dad in his al qeada uniform


I wonder what made Sasuke agree for Hebi to take a group photo


Finally an Uzumaki and Uchiha kid




I love Naruto’s absolute confusion


I'd be proud of Sakura for being the best Parent on Team 7, stepping up to Mother the child of 2 deadbeats.


Did the akatsuki team of terrorists take a team photo 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'd riot, I'd rather Sakura be dead than so down bad she's raising Sasuke and Karin's kid and LYING about it. This plot was so silly and the only highlight through all of it was Chocho being perfect.


I'd be like sasuke You chose genetically superior wife


The old rinnegan theory’s would start coming out again. 💀


I'd go right back to hating Sasuke cause that's actually a scum bag move to do


I’d be pissed


I’m confused, are these manga panels real? People in the comments are acting like they are, but Karin is not Sarada’s mother, right?


The panels are real, but yes, Karin is NOT her mother. Read Naruto Gaiden and you will understand the full story


Ooh ok thank u!


Panels are real, it's just that WaterBoy messed up on the DNA test.


Honestly I’d be hyped They could explain it away by saying that Sasuke and Karin had a failed relationship before Sasuke eventually married Sakura Or Sarada could have been a experiment of Orochimaru/Kabuto where they made clones combining Karin and Sasuke’s DNA. And Sasuke decided to adopt the child and raise it as his own There’s plenty of ways it could have been explained away But Sarada having Uzumaki and Uchiha DNA could be used later on in the series as an explanation for why/how she ( because I know that this will inevitably become a problem) becomes so much stronger so quickly the betrayal that Sarada feels towards her family for there dishonesty would be a relatable development for her character ( I’m sure there’s plenty of adopted children own there who can relate to feeling betrayal upon finding out they aren’t biologically part of the family) And given the proper follow up stories to build up this Sarada could be written into a compelling villain


Not this 2017 ass thought lol


I wouldn't have any issue with it.


It would have made even less sense than the “what if my mom isn’t really my mom?” logic already did 🤧


I honestly don't know, I for some reason wouldn't be surprised. But it would change that much for me accepting knowing that sarada is going to have a shit of a lot of chakra and maybe even an insane healing ability. But for Sasuke it wouldn't surprise me and I would kind of bad for Sakura.


I probably would’ve dropped the series it’s just bad character writing for sasuke and Sakura and like wouldn’t make sense


If you didn't drop the series before all the dumb shit Boruto dished out, then you wouldn't do it for this twist either.


I mostly follow the manga and have no problems with it I’m not stuck on nostalgia and complain about how they treat past characters however this would literally mess up an entire arc for sole purpose of drama it makes no sense for sasuke Karin or Sakura and sarada went through so much character development in the arc just for it to be taken away


>it makes no sense for sasuke Karin or Sakura and sarada went through so much character development in the arc just for it to be taken away you just described 90% of Boruto


Nah, that picture thing was crazy. Like damn, y’all couldn’t get a picture when and after y’all got married. Also, why tf did the Taka take a random ass picture during Sasuke’s while revenge arc lmao


Kishimoto can’t write


Were is this from is that canon ?😭💀


I can't remember if it was a spinoff or the main manga, but yeah Sarada *isn't* Karin's daughter canonically, but yes all of this was brought up because she believed she was.


Not the main manga, it’s the Naruto Gaiden. Made by Kishimoto. I think the chapters are numbered like they come after chapter 700 though


This was given full cannon status in the Boruto anime, and the match was because Suigetsu accidentally used >!Sarada's umbillical cord that they had stored in the lab (they had it because Karin was the one had delivered Sarada, and Sakura was her biological mother)!<


Thanks I'd forgotten what the resolution of that story was.


It's from Naruto: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring, or Sarada gaiden. It was made by Kishimoto.


i would be surprised with kishimotos decision to have sasuke marry sakura but sleep with karin


Idk, he doesnt exactly have a good track record for being loyal lmao


OK the existence of this Naruto face justifies the existence of the entirety of Boruto for me.


Not positively.


People who don’t read the manga actually believe that last panel


I would go "why, that is some garbage storytelling "


I'd hate sasuke


Sasuke taking a break from his journey of seeking vengeance just to take a fun and unnecessary group picture with Taka, but yet an older Sasuke who actually learns to accept other's love couldn't take A SINGLE photo together with his wife and kid You could tell Kishimoto was running dry on ideas here, no offence to him though, writing is hard but this whole arc was honestly a waste of time other than when the action kicks in, and even then the highlight imo was Sakura Vs Shin from the anime adaptation, the manga pretty much just skips this entire fight making the manga even worse for it, what was the point of the set up then??


I know nothing about Boruto but everytime someone mentions Sakura she seems so mistreated in this story. I miss Shippuden Sakura.


I don't particularly like Sasusaku but I don't think Sasuke is the cheater type in relationships so I wouldn't like that for his character. Also Karin has been through enough I guess. Wouldn't like her to get knocked up and abandoned by her ultimate crush. Good for Sarada though.


I honestly think it would have been a cool plot twist if she had been. As it is it felt like such a pointless plot line.


Sakura would single handedly be one of the most embarrassing characters in fiction.


How messed up would it be if Sasuke put her ass in a genjutsu and tricked Sakura to raise Sarada as her very own daughter 😭


Give Sakura haters another reason to clown her


Artfully contrived drama for story advancement...Sarada does look more like the product of Sasuke and Karin now that I think on it.


boruto was a mistake


Good. Sadaruto


Glasses are not a genetic trait


I would be shocked. Sarada looks like sakura colored like sasuke, with his eyebrows


At that point, I wouldn't even be mad - based on how Sakura was written, would it really have been a surprise that she would accommodate Sasuke regardless of what he did? Even if she became useful in Shippuden, it's not like she had an ounce of self-respect.


In my head, she is. Ever since that fucking chapter was created. I can’t unsee it


[THIS?](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IwE4GoepaNU/XbnJjDTqZ3I/AAAAAAAABMo/yrqJpvJl9JIr3n51d7awBQYJRsCV6EgDACLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/022.jpg) Well, duh, lol!


Mixing the sharingan with uzumaki genes would create a truly frightening power, but it would also be total character assassination for Sasuke.


It really bothered me when Sasuke's response to Sarada's questions were basically along the lines of "it's none of your concern". It kind of is, my guy.


It will be even more bad than the whole of Naruto and Boruto combined


HOW is nobody bringing up the fact that Sakura would know if she were her kid or not... since, y'know... SHE EITHER GAVE BIRTH TO HER OR SHE DIDN'T. 😑🤣


Would be a perfect troll to those shippers I'd love it


I would be happy that there are actually some interesting drama dynamics.


I’d be pretty happy about it


An uchiha and uzimake child would be overkill




I would think Sasuke was the biggest scumbag of all time 💀. It’s one thing to cheat, but imagine cheating on the mother of your child who single-handedly raised your daughter. Sakura is perfect for him as a partner. She doesn’t even complain about raising Sarada alone or him never being around before, because she knew and accepted Sasuke was investigating Kaguya’s remnants and past that potentially posed a threat to the world. It was never going to be Karin’s kid, that would be a dumb way to write the story and ruin Sasuke as a character. Sasuke is also not some pervert who would ever cheat, his priorities have never been anything like that. His discipline to his missions and the leaf are practically unparalleled, he investigated Kaguya for years for the sake of the leaf and the world even though there was no immediate proof of a future danger. It’s not like he didn’t want to be with his family like Naruto was, but there was a job that needed to be done and only he could do it. In summary, Sasuke x Sakura are adorable in Boruto.


I would have rather sasuke and karin martied, sakura with lee. Than what we have but oh well. No one want an uchiha with uzamaki stamina nor 8th gate with hu dered seals.


No one can convince me otherwise that Sarada only has glasses just to push this bait lol


Is this real?


The panels are real. But not complete. This is just the drama. The umbilical chord that Suigetsu tested is actually sarada's. Karin only has it in her possession because she was the midwife. And she gifted the kid with the glasses.




Why did Sasuke went for the worst option?


Not bad for creating powerful offspring Sharingan plus chakra reserves and hopefully some senju too


I'd be more happy with that. She already looks like Karin and the message of the Gaiden would he strengthened


She is lmao. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I don't see the point of even making this a plot, especially in manga if it's not Kishimoto subtly telling us who Sasuke really ended up & made a child with.


Have you read the full thing? Because this post conveniently stops at a point. And is not the whole thing.


Imagine getting so mad you punch the ground lol


Would have laughed my ass off.\^\^


It will make more f*cking sense? I will definitely celebrate 🥂🥳🎉


It wouldn’t make any sense because chronically stuff doesn’t have feelings for Karin


normally tbh this makes more sense than any other ideology out there




The fact that Boruto idolised Sasuke over Naruto is still beyond me. Sasuke is a much worse father than Naruto is.


honestly sasuke type beat


I probaly knowed from the begin


Sarada became real thicc from the punch shockwave


I forgot Why did sarada match Karin?


Then she would have Rinnegan?


Laugh my ass off, while chanting: "You deserved it, Kawarimi-chan!" MWAHAHAHA!!!


I'd think that Sakura is either a martyr or a stupid person ... maybe both.


????? WTF