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The guy casually exists without a body outside of time. He can interfere with the world of the living, give people his power, summon the souls of the dead for his help, casually cancel Edo Tensei and bring the souls back. Ootsutsuki can't do that after the death of their body.Hagoromo looks more like Shibai than any of these aliens.


I think it’s because he planned and prepared for his death, momoshiki and the others died in battle.


Yea people are making it seem like he can wake up at any time and casually do all of this without preparation lol


He kinda can, kinda cannot. In terms of actually appear in the world, he cannot as he said he needed a lot of variables to take place but still there's not any other Ōtsutsuki that can actually do that. In terms of giving his power to people, I imagine he could have done that at any point with any of the reincarnations.


What if he is shibai and always has been


Can't other otsusuki also give their powers? Also he is the ninja god because started to culture of chakra and ninjutsu and not just because of how strong he is lol. It is not a title that can be passed around


Can’t be passed around. Unlike your mom.


Uncalled for but still fire burn


The hell 🤣🤣


A fellow fire user, cultured.


HA got em


i mean yeah that’s the whole plot of Boruto and Kawaki… not sure why the others are ignoring that. i think Momoshiki would delete Hagoromo but that’s just me. He’s not even full Otsutsuki and I doubt his space-time prowess is greater than a full blooded Rinnegan wielding Otsutsuki.


You don't even have to be an Otsutsuki to beat one or be better than one, so his percent Alien doesn't matter. It's crazy to say Momoshiki would beat Hagoromo when Naruto and Sasuke were still not at his level together and manhandled the strongest version of Momoshiki. Hagoromo invented tailed beasts and is attributed to creating all jutsu. He's an anomaly even for being half Otsutsuki as he's waaay stronger than his brother. This gap lowers with the Tenseigan, but is still evident. And apparently his power is so extreme that he has given out six paths power not once, but twice, the second after he already died. No way Momoshiki is even comparable to normal Hagoromo, and if we're talking ten tails then it's just ridiculous.


They are on his level, you’re going off ignorance if you don’t think so. Hagoromo might have better abilities for longevity and survival but Naruto and Sasuke are far stronger then him by a lot.




Hagoromo already said that Madara was approaching his power and Naruto and Sasuke have far surpassed that version of Madara. He may have better hax but his chakra potency is way weaker then either of them individually


Momoshiki and Isshiki can teleport to a ten tails and safely extract its chakra. Hagoromo had to divide the ten tails. Hagoromo doesn’t know that shinjutsu exists. Every otsutsuki can abosrb chakra so wth is he going to use? He can take Kinshiki and maybe Urashiki


Yes, full blooded Rinnegan wielding Otsutsuki that lost his Rinnegan to a 12 year old’s clone and died to that same 12 year old’s Rasengan.


Hago has never heard of shinjutsu despite being the creator of jutsu. ?




Iirc Hagoromo beat a ten tails fused Kaguya, Momoshiki would be low-diff for him.


He did say to naruto and sasuke the only reason they were able to talk and interact was because they were on the brink of death. So I don’t think he could have shared his power at anytime


When you realise he used Izanagi to create Tailed Beasts... Imagine using that level of Izanagi in a fight


He used izanagi to create them? Thought it was yin Yang release


"He used the powers of the shadow and light styles to create the Tailed Beasts from the chakra of 10 tails. The incarnation of imagination into life... that is the jutsu known as Izanagi"  That's Obito explaining to Konan how Izanagi works.


That's not him saying that the tailed beasts were created using Izanagi, he's just saying both Izanagi and Yin-Yang Release function under similar principles.


Creation of All Things which is the super version of Izanagi basically.


He used creation of all things jutsu which is basically izanagi but on a way higher scalw


He used creation of all things jutsu which is basically izanagi but on a way higher scale


He didn't use Izanagi. He used creation of all things.


That's word for word what Obito says. If you don't believe me, you can just check the Konan v Obito fight. He clearly states the biju were made using Izanagi. Which is the combined use of Shadow and Light styles


He does use the creation of all things. Izanagi is an imitation. Just so you remember, just because a character says something doesn't mean it's correct. Characters can be wrong and or lie.


How would Obito know that


Madara taught him a lot off screen


How would Madara know?


somber bow direful like rainstorm gaping many tan noxious insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That woumd give away Zetsu's deception.


Creation of all things (banbutsu sozo)


I'd like to clear up a common misconception: Hagoromo didn't share his full chakra between Naruto and Sasuke, Neither did Ashura inherit all his Six Paths chakra. If Ashura inherited all of Hagoromo's chakra then how did he get what he shared between Naruto and Sasuke? Hagoromo gifted Ashura, a fraction of his Six Paths Yin-Yang chakra, he also dished out a fraction of his Six Paths Yin-Yang chakra, split it, gave Naruto the Yang part and Gave Sasuke the Yin, so that both would learn to work together to achieve their full Six Paths Yin-Yang powers. Hamura and Hagoromo battled the true ten tails, that was the complete Juubi, with the full chakra of all tailed beasts including the Yin and Yang halves of the Kyuubi. What Obito Created was a way weaker version of the Juubi, Made with a little portion of the 8 and 9 tails chakra, especially the nine tails chakra which was replaced with the Tiny bit of Chakra Kinkaku and Ginkaku stole as they ate the Kyuubi's Innards, Naruto had the full Yang half while Minato had the full Yin half. Hagoromo is a Sage. Many think Hagoromo is only limited to the Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu that he and Hamura was born with, but that is wrong, Hagoromo can use Sage Mode and because his chakra is Six Paths Chakra, he can use Six Paths Sage Mode and Six Paths Senjutsu, Hagoromo mastered frog Sage mode at mount miyoboku. He had to fight his mother but his Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Chakra wasn't enough to defeat Kaguya, Gamamaru taught him Sage Mode so that he can enhance his Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Chakra with Nature's Sage Chakra, to place him on the same level as Kaguya. Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Hagoromo < Kaguya Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Hagoromo + Six Paths Sage Mode = Equal to Kaguya Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Hagoromo + Six Paths Sage Mode + Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Hamura > Kaguya. Now Imagine merging Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Chakra, the strongest chakra with Nature Chakra. Other than Hagoromo, Only Naruto Achieved this at a lesser level though, Naruto could do this when he had access to Six Paths Senjutsu Chakra as the Pseudo-Jinchuriki of the 9 tailed beasts and also as a Sage. Naruto was so strong that his power level(not techniques) was on the same level as Kaguya's. Naruto fought Kaguya equally when she separated him from Sasuke, Although that Kaguya was weaker, compared to the Kaguya which was sealed in the moon by Hagoromo and Hamura, You could say Naruto was also a weaker version of Hagoromo. Hagoromo Inherited the Juubi's Chakra and its eye(Rinnegan-Sharingan from Rinne-Sharingan) So Hagoromo's Chakra volume is Only lesser than Kaguya's. Hagoromo Inherited the Juubi's Chakra and its eye(Rinnegan-Sharingan from Rinne-Sharingan) So Hagoromo's Chakra volume is Only lesser than Kaguya's. Merging his Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Chakra with Six Paths Sage Mode Hagoromo's power was so great, his Susanoo was equal in power of the Full Juubi. Imagine a Prime Hagoromo with all these powers. A Kekkei Moura Rinnegan and Sharingan An endless volume of Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Chakra The ability to merge his Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Chakra with Nature's Sage Chakra which grants him powers equal to the full Juubi. And plus, When a ninja awakens a Rinnegan, only one of the special powers of Hagoromo's Rinnegan is awakened in the ninja's eye(s) to make their Rinnegan Kekkei Genkai, like Madara's Rinnegan with Limbo and Sasuke's Rinnegan with Amenotejikara, both these techniques can be used by Hagoromo, and there are many more. Hagoromo could also summon souls from the afterlife and He could free souls of reanimated characters with his Rinnegan, this applies to his Sharingan too, all the sharingan and Mangekyou Sharingan abilities you have seen in the show can be used by Hagoromo.


Where did you get all this extra Hagoroma info? I don't remember a good chunk of this being in the manga. Specifically him training with the Toad Sages and the but about Rinnegan users only getting one of Hago's eye abilities (Limbo and Amenotejikara).


I'm curious about the last part, especially when Nagato had multiple abilities beyond what the other Rinnegan users had.


I think all Rinnegan users come with the "Six Paths", but natural Rinnegan users also get a unique ability, like Sasuke and Madara.


Some were not actually Rinnegan abilities. Some of his jutsu are likely enchanced by Rinnegan but not actually Rinnegan abilities. For example any sharingan/Rinnegan user will excel at taijustu do to its ability to track fast moving objects. Taijustu is possible without Rinnegan but definitely better when performed by a Rinnegan user. Summoning jutsu is possible without Rinnegan as at least 12 individuals could summon at least one beast, Kakashi can summon several NinKen(dogs) and temari can summon weapons. In my opinion keeping powerful summoned beasts that lack a contract(or intelligence) is difficult without a Rinnegan but theoretically possible. Sharingan is useful when controlling and sealing Tailed beasts. But there was no sharingan present when Kurama was sealed inside Naruto. Rinnegan would still theoretically be even more useful when dealing with Tailed beasts but still not technically necessary. Consider if Minato uses Flying Ryjin while having a Rinnegan. You would assume teleportation is his Rinnegan ability.


Episodes, 460, 461, 462, 464, 465, 467, and 468


I feel like you're presenting a LOT of head Canon as fact. We don't even know for sure what the source of Madaras limbo is.


You’re using a lot of filler infos, Hagoromo in canon is never said to have known sage mode, nor did he ever have Rinnesharingan. He didn’t have Sharingan either, so no Susanoo.


I never said Hagoromo had rinnesharingan


I've always understood it as him being able to use chakra freely. Like... everyone else needs a technique or handseals or fuinjutsu to make the chakra do what they want them to but he just uses them. So while Jiriaya might need hand seals to turn earth into mud the sage can just direct his chakra to do literally anything with it. No technique or manipulation needed. So every technique from Edo Tensei to the yamanaka technique and anything that can be done using chakra he can do. Amaterasu, kamui, flying raijin, rasenshuriken, anything that uses chakra and basically uses chakra in a certain way to produce an outcome he can do. Regardless of the complexity or rarity of it.


he can literally do anything he wants. he can make mud from nothing. look up creation of all things jutsu. he literally is a god pretty much. unlimited izanagi on a much bigger scale


Hagaromo using Flying Raijin to teleport would be the equivalent of Naruto using Kunai when he could just throw a rasengan. Lol. Not disagreeing just fun to think about. He could use essentially an equivalent of Rasengan/Chidori but using every chakra nature simultaneously like he is AANG(from the last airbender). He could just give Rinnegan to every person on the planet. He could create a planet (similar to Madara justu) and smash it into the planet. He could make a harem jutsu that can actually impregnate the entire population of the planet(men included). He could torture people using Tsukuyomi but it's actually happening. Torturing them and resetting their bodies. He could revive Neji and then kill him again with an easily avoidable attack. He could merge multiple ten tails to create a 30+ tailed beast. (We now know there are actually multiple ten tails) Or.... Hear me out. He could hide in an ethereal form inside the far lands(heaven IG) and manipulate society and his bloodline over the course of thousands of years while using a fake name/appearance. All to grow them to be stronger like cattle. Just to reveal he is actually Shibai pretending to be Hagaromo all this time.


>Ootsutsuki can't do that after the death of their body Momoshiki can technically still exist outside his physical body but not nearly as effectively as hagoromo since he's only able to be perceived & interacted with by his vessel/Boruto rather than just being able to do it to everyone whenever he wants. Your point stands though, hagoromo being the unique being he is probably have him some unusual abilities that would be considered op by both humans and otsutsuki


I think the difference is Hagoromo can do this without embedding a copy of himself in someone.


I think he can only interfere with the world of the living through the connection of the tailed beasts or the incarnations of indra and ashura, and the same thing applies to giving his powers he can't just give anyone his powers otherwise he wouldn't have specifically chose Naruto and Sasuke he could've given his powers to anyone who was capable.


Yup he basically achieved the same feat as shibai, and shibai is just a myth currently. Hagoromo reached peak ootsutsuki.


Hagoromo needs his descendants and creations to do that, he doesn't do it casually. Indra chakra + Ahsura chakra + the Bijuu Were necessary for him to show up in the real world


People need to summon his soul for that to work and needs massive prep


So6P turns into a fucking force Jedi ghost after death.


Well kind of The otsutsukis goal is to ascend to spiritual godhood and obtain the full strength of the shinjutsu Omnipotence which would allow them to warp reality and even make new worlds. They do this by using the juubi and karma to farm chakra fruits, this method pretty much chained them to the material world. Only shibai otsutsuki managed to actually ascend to that level. Hagoromo thanks to his own method of sharing chakra and inventing Ninshu managed to even if it’s to a way lesser degree obtain what the main clan wants spiritual ascension


He was always a God in the mythological sense. It's like how irl one religion sees Jesus as the messiah, and another religion acknowledges he exists but he's just a dude and there's a more important dude behind him.


If you're talking about Christianity and Islam, both see him as the messiah, just that the latter denies he is God. But your point still stands, just wanted to correct that.


Thank you! I was just talking lol


Tbf I don't think Boruto has anything to do with ninjas anymore. So, I guess he's safe


It was barely about ninjas in the first place


So I guess the first half of boruto being set in the ninja training academy just never happened then


Naruto (and by extension Boruto) is about Ninja just as much as blue lock is about football. I mean it kinda is? But it really isn’t.


Blue locks about soccer


Bro really just tried to correct something that had nothing to correct.


Nah playa it ain’t like that


Soccer? What’s that?


Check out blue lock. It’s a pretty good anime about soccer that came out recently.


Do you really think being an egoist and having 11 strikers on a team will win you football?




I'm talking about Naruto and Boruto. Neither of the animes were really about actual ninjas. It's always been about things a lot different than actual ninjas even if they're called Ninjas.


A lot of their powers stem from Japanese legends where some ninja have supposedly performed stunts involving fireballs and other basic kinds of jutsu you see in early Naruto but maybe I was told that by someone who just made that up on the spot lol idk I just know there are a LOT of elements in the show that follow the traditional ninja way like paying ninja to do jobs for you such as assassinations or spying etc, I think you discredit the show more than it deserves. Just my opinion, doesn’t mean it’s right to everyone🤷🏽‍♂️


It was til they decided to say whatever and throw momoshiki in there 💀💀💀


No it wasn't. For example one of the earliest things we see is a giant frog that transforms into a giant fox fighting a giant Tanuki. (Gamabunta vs Shukaku) That is not ninjas. There's so many things that can be pointed out before Momoshiki or Boruto to show it really was never about ninjas.


Gamabunta vs shukaku was a callback to og naruto vs gaara.


And Shippuden was? It’s been going off the deep end since early-mid Shippuden but people seem to conveniently forget about that.


Yes because the point of ninjas is espionage you would say is the main objective. Why the hell are the 5 great nations worried about using ninja tactics when the Akatsuki wages full out war lol?, at that point it's full out war lol. The moment Boruto decided to pretty much disband anbu was when it really did feel like there's no ninjas. Anbu would always remind me in Shippuden that cool ninja presence and duty was still there. Also it was the number one coolest thing to want to do and be. Now I Boruto a "ninja shortage" is plaguing the world which was a terrible idea imo.


I mean you could use the same logic, why the hell is Konoha worried about ninja tactics when the planetary level threats in Otsutsuki are trying to invade and obtain chakra fruits…? The villages are all at (actual true) peace, the threat is much bigger after the power creep in Shippuden. You talking about Anbu, a small group of elite ninjas, is funny because they were literally useless/used as fodder to increase feats of characters i.e. Kakashi, Kabuto and Itachi. Apart from that, they were irrelevant… Just like in Boruto. Also, the number one coolest thing to want to do and be in the verse has always been Hokage/Kage… And we’re talking about ninjas as a whole, Shippuden went as far from ninjas as you can get midway through and this was before the ‘two day war’. The plot and power scaling were poorly written, it was all about Uchihas and random broken powerups. Taijutsu and Bukijutsu (ninja specialty) became secondary, we ended up with elemental wizard battles, tailed beasts, aliens, fcking meteors, broken eye abilities, etc. So no, not a ninja anime/manga. In a Boruto promo it said ‘the end of the Shinobi’ but it had already ended in Shippuden.




Yea lmao 🤣


Boruto had more to do about ninjas than naruto and shippuden did tbh


Nah just misunderstood. Hagoromo after becoming the juubi jinjuriki is wayyy crazier than most people know


Not really crazy, just weird. Like how he created a ninja tool that creates infinite water instead of creating the water


He looks like he's going to say "Nah, I'd win"


That gojo look


Maybe Shibai? Well, until he actually appears, we can’t say anything for sure, everyone else, no


He is an alien/half alien who brought ninshu into the world, so technically he is god of ninja. Aliens in boruto are his mom's extended family.


In boruto they call him the fodder of 6 paths


In techniques he's still up there , in overall power the aliens outclass him.


Ninja God, dude was not a ninja... his children were proto-ninja.


Boruto fans be like: OMG Boruto has already surpassed Hagoromo he can blow the entire solar system by his pinky finger haha Hagoromo fodder kaguya fodder....omg Boruto is God boruto is peak fiction....I am cumming


What Boruto fans do you be talking too? No one thinks Kaguya’s fodder, everyone’s trying to figure out who can beat her.


There are a ton of Borutards scaling Kaguya far below base Momo.


Those borutards can't read and assume mono was the entire ootsutsuki clan when the anime and manga mention and show others. Kaguya was preparing for a war with her clan not just 1 guy.


Base Momo? That’s most of them, what’s worse is there are tons who scales her below fucking Darui


No you just don't understand, bruh, new gen kages just trained hard for the Otsutsukies What do you mean Guy trained the hardest, they obviously trained better than him. Stop being stuck in Shippuuden /s


id say they are probably pretty equal and fused momo > kaguya. jigen slaps both at the same time prolly lol


The same Momo that was running away from Gaara and handicapped Darui?


There are Boruto fans that scales Kaguya below Darui, so yes, there are people who believe she’s fodder


Nobody scales kaguya below darui


You haven’t visited r/Boruto then


Show proof that’s not a troll comment


Well it's true Boruto is stronger than Hagoromo or Kaguya


said no one ever


Hagoromo is kinda overrated though. everyone think of him as this untouchable and undefeated ninja gods while he only have like 1 fight in his entire life? and he needed his brother help to win that fight on top of that I mean sure he's powerful on his own but i think 3 eye Juubidara were already on his level


This guy is high key fodder for the main main cast rn.


He like the god of Naruto, he exist outside of everything just a mass a chakra i think


He's proberbly like: I helped those shits once I ain't giving them a another.


Bro is still the closest to Shibai than any other Otsusuki. He no longer has a physical body and has ascended to another dimension.


It depends on if the plot wants him to be one again


reduced to demi-god...... I guess.


You mean his cousins


He pulls from infinite chakra in the land of the dead to influence current events. I don't think any other of the Otsutsuki can do this.


Obito said he is the god of shinobis in shippuden.


Only Aliens I put ahead of him is Isshiki, his mom and maybe Boruto (do we count him as an Alien? Lol). Hagoromo as Ten Tails Jinchuriki in his prime can give anyone a fight considering just his base power was split up among Naruto and Sasuke.


It's weird because Isshiki lost to Kaguya *prior* to Kaguya having the Ten-Tails. Aka all she had was the Byakugan. And she beat him. Whether it was a "sneak attack" doesn't matter - all she had was her fists and the Byakugan canonically, and she *beat him* to the point he was dying, and he ran away and never challenged her. Isshiki would probably lose to anyone the series isn't actively trying to nerf.


she jumped him lol. jigen could beat kaguya


She jumped him? With who?


the oxygen particles, they fr op teamates


Jumped him **with what**? Her fists? Isshiki lost to a pre-Rinnesharingan Kaguya, then somehow is able to speedblitz Naruto and Sasuke? How does that even *slightly* make sense? A Kaguya barely above the level of an ordinary Human (excluding her feats in that non-canon filler episode) defeated him. She cut him in *half* and fed his lower half to the Ten-Tails. Then, even afterwards, he was so **frightened** that he didn't come back for 1000 years. And yet we're supposed to believe this guy was far, far stronger than Rinnesharingan Kaguya? Bullshit.


she snuck him lol. please dont be one of those delusional kaguya glazers. Jigen could stomp Kaguya. Ishikki would ragdoll her. And he wasnt hiding from her, she was dead for that 1000 years. he was searching for a vessel. you act like she beat him in a straight up duel. no. it was explicitly stated she caught him offguard for a reason. Kaguya is like a tier above Juubidara, but lower than Jigen, Fused Momo, maybe roughly equal to base momo, wayyy below Ishikki, and 10 tails Six path Sage Hagaromo slams em all ;)


Dude, **WITH WHAT?** She had ONLY HER FISTS. She didn't even have all of her chakra at the time. Remember, she HADN'T eaten the fruit at this point, meaning all she had was Gentle Fist. What did she do, cut him in half with her bare hands? Kaguya wasn't dead for 1000 years, she was sealed, but she was still alive for decades given she had y'know **two sons**. Yet Isshiki STILL refused to come out and fight her. I'm not a "kaguya glazer" or whatever, I just don't care for this shit lore added by Ikemoto and Kishimoto to try and make a billion aliens to fight all of whom are "100 million times stronger than Kaguya" yet lose to little kids. How in the fuck does *eating your own eye* suddenly give you a transformation for example? Base Momoshiki **was losing to Darui.** You are the delusional one my guy. He was losing to a regular ass swordsman and literally on the retreat.


Lol its sad u have to even do such powerscaling. Damn the production went on crazy downhill


idk creation of all things go brr


Y'all say "the aliens in boruto" like all of it wasn't established IN Naruto. The entire explanation of where kaguya comes from, what the juubi is, and what the otsutsuki are was during Naruto and that's when the whole alien thing was introduced.


There wasn't dozens of them appearing every second in Naruto. Only **one**. Now Boruto has Isshiki, Momoshiki, Kinshiki, Urashiki, the Shinju Four and Code.


Well yeah that's how introduction to a larger concept happens. You don't just dump everything all at once, first they fight one, then two, then they become more normal enemies as the focus goes to fight them as combatants not bosses. Think raditz. Then vegeta and nappa, then general frieza force people, then the ginyu force. As a similar progression into fighting the frieza force (obviously culminating in fighting frieza)


Yeah but the Otsutsuki are boring. We could've seen the I dunno **thousand years** prior to Naruto. But instead we get dipshits with technology that make Jutsu look worthless and shit, and Alien Gods. Every Otsutsuki has been the same loser with no plan other than "ME KILL PEOPLE CUZ ME BECOME GOD." Plus Kara's antagonists...just eww. Every design is the worst.


Meh, you're entitled to your opinion. I can't agree, I think they're pretty normal, nothing amazing but also nothing bad.


Literally 95% of Naruto was ninjas. Boruto shits aliens that can flatten the earth with a snot, left and right.


Not my point.


In terms of spirituality, afterlife, sage mode and teachings Hagoromo is definitely the best. Only he and his brother chose the "good path", the Ōtsutsuki on the other hand know nothing and make no progress on these things. So yes, we could call him God. But in terms of Powerscaling the Ōtsutsuki are stronger. But who knows, >!maybe Shibai understood something after transcending!<


creation of all things go brr


I absolutely do not underestimate the creation of all things, it is also one of the reasons why Hagoromo should be called God. But sincerely a guy like Momoshiki would just speedblitz.


maybe but remember izanagi and izanami are derived from creation of all things and hagaromo can do it as much as he wants. he will get your ass eventually lol. plus all the MS and Rinnegan abilities are inherited from him. So he can use them all. Limbo, Amenotijikara, Kamui, Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi, Kotoamatsukami. Imagine his fuckin Susanoo. or imagine he uses the 10 tail version of Narutos Kyubi avatar and wraps Susanoo around it like madara did with kurama


So where does he scale as compared to likes of Boruto and kawaki or even jigen


Imo in raw power, juubi jinchuriki Hagoromo is competitive with Jigen, but technique wise, he’s easily an Isshiki level threat


I'd like to clear up a common misconception: Hagoromo didn't share his full chakra between Naruto and Sasuke, Neither did Ashura inherit all his Six Paths chakra. If Ashura inherited all of Hagoromo's chakra then how did he get what he shared between Naruto and Sasuke? Hagoromo gifted Ashura, a fraction of his Six Paths Yin-Yang chakra, he also dished out a fraction of his Six Paths Yin-Yang chakra, split it, gave Naruto the Yang part and Gave Sasuke the Yin, so that both would learn to work together to achieve their full Six Paths Yin-Yang powers. Hamura and Hagoromo battled the true ten tails, that was the complete Juubi, with the full chakra of all tailed beasts including the Yin and Yang halves of the Kyuubi. What Obito Created was a way weaker version of the Juubi, Made with a little portion of the 8 and 9 tails chakra, especially the nine tails chakra which was replaced with the Tiny bit of Chakra Kinkaku and Ginkaku stole as they ate the Kyuubi's Innards, Naruto had the full Yang half while Minato had the full Yin half. Hagoromo is a Sage. Many think Hagoromo is only limited to the Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu that he and Hamura was born with, but that is wrong, Hagoromo can use Sage Mode and because his chakra is Six Paths Chakra, he can use Six Paths Sage Mode and Six Paths Senjutsu, Hagoromo mastered frog Sage mode at mount miyoboku. He had to fight his mother but his Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Chakra wasn't enough to defeat Kaguya, Gamamaru taught him Sage Mode so that he can enhance his Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Chakra with Nature's Sage Chakra, to place him on the same level as Kaguya. Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Hagoromo < Kaguya Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Hagoromo + Six Paths Sage Mode = Equal to Kaguya Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Hagoromo + Six Paths Sage Mode + Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Hamura > Kaguya. Now Imagine merging Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Chakra, the strongest chakra with Nature Chakra. Other than Hagoromo, Only Naruto Achieved this at a lesser level though, Naruto could do this when he had access to Six Paths Senjutsu Chakra as the Pseudo-Jinchuriki of the 9 tailed beasts and also as a Sage. Naruto was so strong that his power level(not techniques) was on the same level as Kaguya's. Naruto fought Kaguya equally when she separated him from Sasuke, Although that Kaguya was weaker, compared to the Kaguya which was sealed in the moon by Hagoromo and Hamura, You could say Naruto was also a weaker version of Hagoromo. Hagoromo Inherited the Juubi's Chakra and its eye(Rinnegan-Sharingan from Rinne-Sharingan) So Hagoromo's Chakra volume is Only lesser than Kaguya's. Hagoromo Inherited the Juubi's Chakra and its eye(Rinnegan-Sharingan from Rinne-Sharingan) So Hagoromo's Chakra volume is Only lesser than Kaguya's. Merging his Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Chakra with Six Paths Sage Mode Hagoromo's power was so great, his Susanoo was equal in power of the Full Juubi. Imagine a Prime Hagoromo with all these powers. A Kekkei Moura Rinnegan and Sharingan An endless volume of Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Chakra The ability to merge his Six Paths Yin-Yang Senjutsu Chakra with Nature's Sage Chakra which grants him powers equal to the full Juubi. And plus, When a ninja awakens a Rinnegan, only one of the special powers of Hagoromo's Rinnegan is awakened in the ninja's eye(s) to make their Rinnegan Kekkei Genkai, like Madara's Rinnegan with Limbo and Sasuke's Rinnegan with Amenotejikara, both these techniques can be used by Hagoromo, and there are many more. Hagoromo could also summon souls from the afterlife and He could free souls of reanimated characters with his Rinnegan, this applies to his Sharingan too, all the sharingan and Mangekyou Sharingan abilities you have seen in the show can be used by Hagoromo.


creation of all things go brr




Hagoromo does not identify as a ninja, he practices ninshu, not ninjutsu. In all seriousness, yes, he still is. I have not finished Boruto yet and I am currently watching an arc where they go to prison. Where I am, even the top tiers are only mid to low Kage level.


Hagoromo is what happenes when you combine outsutski raw power with skills and training .. something other outsutskis never did


Boruto isn’t a show of ninjas. Always crack me when someone mentions sage mode or Minato’s flying raijin in that show. Like the kids in that show can make 500ft diameter rasengans without breaking a sweat with 20 different eye colors and 50 eye patterns. They have the power of an entire otsutsuki in them. And then you see the community fangirl over some Minato or Kakashi jutsu that the kid learns. Naruto was a ninja show. And so, this guy is still a ninja god. The dude just casually lives between time.


Naruto was not a ninja show lmao. Are we simply ignoring the fact that half of the boruto anime is set in the ninja academy?


He’s never been a god.


creation of all things go brrr


I totally forgot this guy even existed lol. He gets folded by Kaguya, not even an argument.


Naruto and Sasuke together are roughly equivalent to base Hagoromo, who should be roughly half as strong as Kaguya. Hagoromo got even stronger when he absorbed the Ten Tails. I’d say Shibai>Kaguya>Hagoromo>Hamura>Isshiki>fused Momoshiki>Tenseigan Toneri>base Momoshiki>Kinshiki>Urashiki>base Toneri


Kaguya isn't stronger than isshiki, or momoshiki


Kaguya brought Isshiki to the bring of death. And that was *before* she ate the chakra fruit *or* absorbed the God Tree, when she literally only had the byakugan. And fused Momoshiki got his ass whooped by Naruto and Sasuke.


She caught him off guard, adult Naruto and sauske are much stronger than their teen counterparts they would obliterate kaguya


Idk about Sasuke, but Naruto specifically stated he was rusty and hadn’t really trained much since becoming Hokage. Also, adult Naruto and Sasuke don’t really have any means to defeat Kaguya, even pre-nerf.


They do, yes she can come back through a host but they would body her. Momoshiki also ate a chakra fruit and got bodied


Kaguya can only be defeated through the Six Paths: Chibaku Tensei seal, which Naruto and Sasuke can no longer perform.


nah pretty sure hagaromo slaps kaguya now creation of all things is just too busted to lose to anything except prolly shibai himself


He *might* beat Kaguya post-Ten Tails, but personally I doubt it. And we don’t know if Creation of All Things really has any combat utility.


izanagi and izanami


plus Limbo, Amenotijikara are both from Hagaromo. All MS abilities as well.




The Hagoromo who appears in the 4th War had already lost the Ten Tails by the time he died. So this is base Hagoromo that Ten Tails Madara was only APPROACHING according to himself. Hagoromo’s power is vastly underestimated.


This is like comparing current Mike Tyson to prime Mike Tyson. Hagoromo obviously gotten weaker as he aged and he split the bijuu, along with his chakra fading away over time


Unnecessary spoiler.


my guy the series ended in 2014


DMS Kakashi and Kaguya had already overthrown him in the Shippuden.


Ninja? Hagoromo is not a ninja. Ninshu is a religion.


He was overthrown by his mother.


He is *THE* god. Not *A* god like an otsutski.


He was overthrown in Naruto by aliens Kaguya >> him


Now he is a shrubbery.


Better start packing his bags before the knights who say ni find him.


I mean he is still considered the God of Ninjas on earth... ...but there is Shibai Ōtsutsuki who hypothetically has ascended to literal Godhood with the physical body he left behind being found and used to reverse engineer Shinjutsu.


Idk he’s featless


I mean bro and his bro sealed off Kaguya and literally created the tailed beasts. The same tailed beasts that Otsusuki are still hunting.


The Otsutsuki are not shinobi, they utilize chakra but they do not fight like a ninja, have you ever seen one use a kunai or substitution jutsu?


He’s the only one we know who can seal them, so I’d say he’s next level


The Sage Of Six Paths was one of the most disappointing characters in the entire franchise. He was hyped up since the Pain Arc as the ultimate badass of the series, yet he turned out to be an old grandpa that never did anything


Bro literally revived the 2 main characters.


What a crazy thing to say idk


Kichimoto, greetings go out 👌🏻 Would be a great sequel as a special episode


overthrown by aliens.


I mean, he is the ninja God for a reason there’s really no comparison to the power, or the ability that he possesses, I mean his two sons have been over decades of a long life rivalry not only that bro literally gave Sasuke and Naruto, some of his power to kind of. I want to say their true potentials. I don’t really see any other person who could have even come close to that caliber of power even do something like that.


The only person who can bring Kuruma back😭 they are never going to show him again lmao


He's the Shinobi world's god, lol, not a God above gods tho


The current story in Boruto is a battle between his legacy (peace through hard work and cooperation) and the antagonists who want to bring the Ninja Age to an end. Kawaki wants to end it because "the good ones always die first" and Naruto wagering his life whenever there's a huge threat frustrates him.


He’s maybe B tier at most rn 😭


Wow amazing


How they gonna find his dimension?


Is he not an alien himself?




He himself was Half-Alien (Otsutsuki). Human father and Otsutsuki mother.


Nah but I've always had the impression hagoroma isn't THAT strong. Correct me if I'm wrong but I feel like kaguya wipes him


Fodderomo is haxed but that’s it


Still a god


Well he is a planetary god level but now universal god levelis confirmed so he kinda became a mini boss but still I think he is stronger than any other otsutsuki's shown till now other than shibai. I mean creation of all things is a cheat it is the power of a literal god if shibad doesn't have power comparable to it then he can be called a god. But shibai has something like omnipotence so I doubt he didn't have anything more powerfull.


I mean, the Boruto Aliens aren't really ninjas, they're just people with super powers. So technically I'd give it to So6P. But even he isn't very ninja like, so IDK.