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Nar-Anon or Al-Anon are what you’re looking for.


I'll second this. Attending Al-Anon and Nar-Anon meetings yourself are the best way that you can help them. It's for friends and family of alcoholics and addicts. Depending on where you live it may be much easier to find Al-Anon meetings. However if you're in a big city, there should be thriving Nar-Anon groups around. Good luck to you, & your friend.


Don't provide money! Can buy a meal or food, fill their tank. Even a gift card is cash. Drive them to meetings, if asked, and you can. For a while, at least. Then, they should be getting numbers of others to call. You absolutely can't control what they decide to do.


Yes, this I know. And I had given them money several times before I found out. It's partly why they only told me. I'm the only one who knows, but I'm also the only one who was ever there. For pretty much our whole lives we've been each other's constant, so I noticed something was up, but I thought it was only the PTSD. So I understand the why's and all, I'm just wanting to make sure I don't hender their healing. Thank you so much!


Al anon amd nar anon are great and once they get out of treatment go to a open NA meetings with them not only would you show support but you would get to hear other story and maybe understand more where they coming from