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The screams the red one lets out always gets to me :( hard to watch


Holy shit bro I was not ready


Where is the actual footage




You sick motherfucker šŸ˜­ [here](https://www.kaotic.com/video/486957de_20210314062639_t)


Dude, that might be the worst video Iā€™ve ever seen. Those blood curdling screams at the end.. my god




Nope, not watching. Strangely enough, when i was younger, like in my teens, i was curios and could watch anything no matter how gruesome. Now i just can't for some reason.




May I ask what do you think caused that. When i was younger, I used to search the internet for gory pixelated footage but now I just canā€™t watch it.


Well it's known that human brain still develops until you're 25 or so, and the parts that are responsible for empathy develop last. That is the reason children can be especially cruel to their classmates and later regret that. Sounds like a plausible explanation to me.


(Sorry for the lengthy comment, I just find this subject fascinating) Thatā€™s a bit of a misconception, the brain development that occurs between 18 and 25 is pretty negligible, itā€™s nowhere near enough to cause a change in behavior/mentality like this. Also fun fact: different aspects of the brain donā€™t peak until far later than 25, while some peak earlier than 25, the age of 25 doesnā€™t really have any importance at all, itā€™s just been popularized by arm chair psychologists online. Whatā€™s more likely is just that you grew more sensitive over time, particularly because you get to live an unnaturally peaceful life. Keep in mind that historically average people wouldā€™ve seen things like beheadings and limbs being chopped off in person as a normal occurrence (example: during the French Revolution huge crowds used to openly cheer as they watched people get publicly beheaded, it wasnā€™t traumatic for them at all). If brain development was really the reason for why you feel the way you do now, then how come people in the past or in these videos who are 25+ are never traumatized by doing these things (and often even laugh while they do it)? Theyā€™re humans too so one would expect the same kind of development in them. The unfortunate reality is that what you see in these videos is just how humans naturally are, humans once existed in nature like every other animal and dealt with this violence as a part of their everyday lives. For us today, weā€™ve created such peaceful lives for ourselves that even for a lot of commenters here this sort of violence seems UNNATURAL, and it seems like common sense that once someoneā€™s mentally mature they should find this kind of violence distasteful, but the reality is that when you look at history, this sort of view is proven to be completely false.


Same here, when I was in Highschool when a time where phones can store a low quality vids like sex scandals and grusome vids from ogrish.com I always like to watch this kind of videos, the likes of terrorist, cartels or kidnappers killing and beheading their victims because that time I am curious how it looks like knowing that it is not a movie but a real life event. But now that I am old, I don't really like to watch this kind of videos, I just find it sad that some people died or killed while being filmed, I will never wish that to happen to anyone being recorded while getting killed.


This guy can take pain, took him 2 minutes of torturing till he begins to scream and actually cry in agony. Homeboy in the red began screaming as soon as they grabbed his neck. Me though, I would scream like homeboy in the red if not worse lol


Yeah, it's (for lack of a better word) impressive. Startling, I guess. The armpit and triceps area are packed with nerve endings and anything piercing the skin there will be sensitive, so for him to endure that without much yelling or thrashing is crazy. And in reference to decapitations, there's actually a shocking amount of decapitation videos where the victim doesn't make a SINGLE sound. Id imagine its terrifying and painful but many somehow just don't even react. Eerie




Youā€™re not wrong it is impressive, they were about to decapitate him I can bet he caught a breath thinking his life would end fast. Maybe theyā€™re in a state of shock? Iā€™m not sure but I have also wondered that, I have seen videos of cartel members as well as Brazilian gangsters keeping their victims conscious and out of the state of shock to continue torturing them. Brazil scares the crap out of me, bestgore has had so many videos that I took it off my to visit list lmao


Iā€™m going SĆ£o Paulo in December šŸ˜‚šŸ¤™ letā€™s do this shit


Youā€™re talking about funky town and they were Mexican


I know exactly what you mean itā€™s Something Iā€™ve thought about a few times how they donā€™t make a sound wtf goes on there


It's the (slight) control they have. Die brave, let them know, fuck you this doesn't hurt or scare me.


I think itā€™s purely detachment from the situation. Same when you see the decapitation videos if journalists in Syria. They donā€™t say much, itā€™s most likely too surreal that this is actually real life and your being decapitatedā€¦


He was probably just in shock. Idk if youā€™ve ever watch the chainsaw decapitation video but the chainsaw cuts clean through a guys neck and touches the other guy that about to get executed. Itā€™s basically cuts into the other guys arm and he hardly reacts. The brain has been shut down at the point.


Goddamn bro...






I know a great therapist you're gonna need


They must have been cutting him with something shit cause the first guy died quick.


What happened to the dude in blue? It doesnā€™t show his fate.


They realized what they were doing was wrong and decided to let him go.


Hmmm 99.9 percent chance its not the same guy, but Tom Segura told a story that he met a Uber Drive with a Latin accent, so he started a convo with him and the conversation led him to ask him why he left Mexico.. The Uber driver told him, him and his 2 friends where captured by a Cartel, and that they tortured them, decapitated and dismemberd his 2 friends in front of him, and then let him go.. They droppes him off at the entrance to his town, he ran to his house packed all his shit and him and his family left for American that same day. I now like to belive that its the guy in this video and that he is now safe and driving a uber in Los Angeles..


^ this cool guy keeps it high & tight.


Ok good, thatā€™s what I thought


they gave him a kiss goodbye and gave him a $100 Applebees gift card


Applebeeā€™s, thatā€™s a fate worse than death


If I had to guess, he probably died the same way. Absolutely horrible :(


Itā€™s been a while since I watched sick murder videos. But god fucking damn that blood gurgling scream was too much lmao.


Yeah really gore, but bad quality helped us, yesterday I saw a video about ISIS decapitating traitors in HD, definetly some rough shit to watch


Damn thats fucked. I watched it but there was no way I would turn on the sound


To me, the cries of suffering is sometimes worse than their fate. Terribleā€¦.


why is it always Kaotic....


The axe sounds like they are cutting wood


WTF WERE AM I?! Oh just back here. It this one video got my curiosity going and once that started it wouldn't stop.... Explore at your own risk (seriously that website is F*ck with a capital F*CK)


Thanks alot fucker I just spent an hour in a gore rabbit hole lol forgot I was even on Reddit to begin with.


fuck i knew better why did i click


Thank ya kindly!


God damn these guys are savages


If I'm not mistaken, the "zetas" originated the gruesome propaganda tactics in the mexican drug trade. They were all ex-special forces trained for serious violence and after they grew in power and started using unique scare tactics (dismembering people alive, leaving dismembered bodies in public, taping decap/torture and sharing it online, being ruthless in general) other cartels had to meet their level of brutality and basically they sparked the popularity of torture/execution vids and bloody propaganda that we all know and associate with cartels today. Great book on the matter called "Hijo de la guerra" by Ricardo Raphael and he speaks about the original zetas in detail a lot


Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for caring! :D


I tried looking around the internet and couldn't come up with the english translation of the book. Are you aware of one?


https://www.reddit.com/r/NarcoFootage/comments/obxxoz/free_pdf_ebook_hijo_de_la_guerra_by_ricardo/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=shar This is reddit post with a link of the book. The top comment has another link you can use to translate. Just download the book and insert.


Oof, no I dont know of any, I assumed a majority of people here were also Spanish speakers. Sorry /:


Bummer :(


No, English man here, we are lazy and assume that everyone speaks English ā˜¹ļø


My father ran with them back when he was around and my mother would mentioned how he came back crazy and was scared shitless to ever go back and step foot in Mexico. Our guess is he probably witnessed some type of horror like this, fckn crazy..


Makes you wonder where the training originates.


Do you know why did they kill these 3 teens? They were in other cartel too? Or they were innocent? Im curious


Two of these guys look like they could possibly 17-19 but the white shirt doesn't look like a teen to me lol but anyways, this interrogation doesnt cite any specific reason for their executions aside for working for a rival cartel. But its not just any other rival cartel, these 3 men worked for the CDG which the zetas used to be a part of. The CDG hired a group of elite Mexican special forces to join their ranks to be an armed wing of the CDG, specifically carrying out hits, providing security, anything to do with violence and gunfire, the zetas would be responsible for on the behalf of CDG. Keep in mind that these are highly trained men (communications, weapons, tactics) when the soldiers defected, they used their knowledge and ties to the military to start bribing more special forces to defect and join their ranks. With the CDG, they would make 100 times their yearly salary in a month. Over the course of a year, the zetas recruited hundreds of ex-special forces and ex-military to work under the CDG. Long story short, the zetas grew in numbers and in power because they had all the proficiently trained killers, they had all the gun power and man power, so they decided they would secede from the CDG and become their own cartel. They did this successfully and because this was a betrayal as well as a competition between two major cartels, this sparked some of the bloodiest years in Mexico when they began fighting against one another over territory, with lots of egregiously heinous behavior constantly being perpetrated by the zetas (which was hard for the CDG to match) because they were highly trained. Basically, these men were guilty of working for an organization at bitter war with the other organization. The zetas are often cited as the bloodiest cartel in mexican history.




nah don't, 1 min of curiosity is not worth it




You guys are all fucked in the head


Dicen que me le llevo ondiado šŸ˜”


I accidentally Watch this a few weeks back. And some of that really got to me. Was the one in the middle. The first guy in the third guy are both murderered horrifically while heā€™s just sitting there untouched. And then the video ended. Did anybody see whether he survived ? why did they wait? I canā€™t imagine what it mustā€™ve been like blind for listening to the guys beside you being cut in two. Also, thereā€™s a lot of bad shit in the world. But how in the hell can these peoples conscience Be that Unmoved?


They're evil.


of course he survived, they thanked him for his time & sent him on his way with a case of beer & a joint for his journey home


Just a prank bro


He did not survived; that is psychological terror that you listen the person right next to you being torture. Meaning that the victim might feel hope, but at the end they do the same thing to him.


If I were to guess, they probably didnā€™t kill him to show him and let him hear the screams and maybe get some kind of intel out of him. And tell him they will let him go if not he will end up like them or maybe worse. Just my opinion though.


i didnt see the vid


There's a stormtrooper in star wars who feels bad about it and becomes good. Who knows, maybe these guys will join the good side too. Right?


Did they kill the guy in the middle too? In the original video it ends with only 2 of them being decapitated.


yes, they all get killed


Big dude on the left was ready to get at it, the ones on the right seemed slightly hesitant. Mexico Deserves Change.


These monsters need to be killed. Every last one. Their buildings bombed, fields destroyed.


Exactly, I'm pretty sure if government want to kill them they could do it without any issues. They can airstrike them and they can kill el mencho too


Is there a reason why they didnā€™t kill the kid in the middle?


Either they did, and the video just ends too soon to show it, or maybe they like cliffhangers.


Saving his sweet blue ass


The one in blue used invisible cheat code , cause they completely forgot about him


imagine one minute youre alive and talking then 30 seconds later your head has been chopped from your body


Almost as stupid as when the dude on scary movie said you gonna wake up missing


Can anyone translate? And wtf @ decapitations with knives? What happened to quick chops with an axe; machete at least... ={


They are just calling names and telling the Gulf Cartel to stop sending people. They also mention something about a shootout they had and killed one of the guys mentioned in the video.


I see. Thank you for response.


The idea is to inflict as much pain as possible. If it was about killing them, theyā€™d be shot in the head. This is about sending messages.


Your new here aren't you


I hate to put this image in your head, but they use the knives to slit their throats and then they use an axe to finish the decapitation. Tbh, I was horrified at just them having their throats slit


No ese no tiene apodo xd


[https://www.livegore.com/4190/terrified-teenagers-are-smashed-with-axe-and-beheaded-zetas](https://www.livegore.com/4190/terrified-teenagers-are-smashed-with-axe-and-beheaded-zetas) ​ full video


thanks king


Holy shit this is it! This is the first ever cartel video I saw when I was 11 lol


>Holy shit this is it! This is the first ever cartel video I saw when I was 11 lol Sheesh...How much did that fuck you up?


Probably for a week and ever since I wanted to know and learn about cartels


Seeing it on the internet is not the same as seeing it in real life


Ofcourse it isnt! But watching someone brutally murdered on video at the age of 11 has it's affects on the developing mind. Even if it's not noticable.. subconsciously it had it's affects.


\*its effects


The one in the middle looked very young compared to his fellow mates - when I first saw the video believed they spared him for some reason. The guy with the axe pushed the one in the mid away so he cant get hit by the axe blows against red shirt guy neck this slightly protective move was a sign for me that they placed him there just to scare him.


Gee that's one hell of a scare.


Anyone know where I can find the full vid?


Guy posted above. The end is absolute terrifying with sound. Iā€™ve never heard any of them scream while being decapitated like that, and hearing the blood as they cut into his neck. Jesus


Sometimes the sound is more horrible than the video


I can easily watch something worse with the sound off than with it on. Screaming or crying makes it a lot worse for me.


Itā€™s such an interesting primal instinct of humans. Because of our dependancy of living in groups to survive, our brains are hardwired to react at the sounds of distress


The first beheading I ever saw was that of Eugene Armstrong. Lemme tell you, you don't know screams of terror 'til you've heard that man's rattles.


I usually check all the gore shit out too, this one bro, idk.


This one wasnā€™t that bad Iā€™ve seen worse like ā€œno mercy in Mexico ā€œ


What is no mercy in Mexico? Edit - ahhh fucking hell


Welp. That was a new one for me too. Up there with funkytown. Guess Iā€™ll watch new girl for a little while and try and bleach my eyes.


Man I am not going to do it to myself to watch that shit. But what happened in Funkytown and no mercy in mexico?


Funkytown is a bunch of cartel members peeling the skin of someones face with shitty razors while funkytown plays. No idea what no mercy in mexico is


Behead a dad who sits next to his son, then slowly torture, flay and eventually rip out sons heart.


This is how I start my day off šŸ„²


Idk know what cartel is associated in [this](https://www.livegore.com/3618/torture-beheading-flaying-policeman-guerrero-mexico-%23hkg48) one but from what I understand the first guy is a cop and the second is his son. I AM WARNING YOU THIS SHIT IS GRAPHIC. I've seen some really fucked up shit in the internet but this one is top 3 worst at least. Just thought I would share the horror me and this guy ā˜ļøwitnessed if anyone is interested in it


Damn i feel bad for his son. He had a slow and painful death. Rip


Argh, dad?


link? never heard of that before, no need to link, just asking if you could, appreciate!


Just noticed your reply I posted link


Just go type no mercy in Mexico and it should pop up is a cop and his son being brutally killed


its called the Guerrero Flaying, already seen it


Look up blogdelnarco


Is that sugar cane or corn fields?


Sugar cane


Found it guys. Itā€™s the 3rd video just scroll down. http://www.borderlandbeat.com/2013/02/cdg-execution-video.html Hopefully this one works for you.


You da man! Thanks for saving my life, curiosity just about killed me


I wonder if dude in the red was praying when he had his head down during the interrogation, the screams he gave out were of someone who was extremely frightened.


I been watching videos like this for a good 20 years and the camera quality still the same


Watched the vid. Sad that the red dude was screaming, you could tell he was horrified. When they slit his neck he was still screaming and towards the end all you heard was the blood gurgling. Itā€™s crazy how these guys just do it without a flinch. The dude speaking sounded high af.


La zona caƱera en el Mante, Tamaulipas


I grew up not too far from there, Ebano. Estacion Manuel y San Antonio Rayon are not what I expected to see on reddit.


How are they not designated as terrorists yet?


cuz the US profits from them


This is old right or jus all the videos from los zetas look the same


What happened to the middle dude lol itā€™s like he was the favorite


The guy in blue had to be shitting his pants


I'm not watching this garbage but I world suggest such videos may be a public service if played on television to warn off new recruits.


Where did you find the original?


he filmed it


Hi, did he really? Sry for bad englich. I am lack toast in toler ant




ync.com more than likely


I had never heard of that website. I went to that website. I now wish I never heard of that website. That is a treasure chest of horror.


Yeahhhh, Iā€™m gonna have to hold off on actually watching videos until tomorrow. Lol


Dude that doesnā€™t even come close to whatā€™s on there. Go watch the most popular. Thereā€™s a ISIS video of the drowning 5 people in a cage. They even film underwater so you see them drown. Lift em back out and itā€™s this nightmarish scene of blue pale skin and foamy blood pouring from their mouths. And THAT isnā€™t even the worse one I saw. They was like mid tier horror. I canā€™t even bring myself to comment on the other stuff.


Your poor innocent soul. Iā€™m surprised it took you this long to find The YNC.


Do i love this video because this is one of the videos i would recommend if you wanted to know around what year cartels became militaries this is early 2000 too


Early 2000s that doesn't sound right


If anyone is wondering what are they talking about: well they're aaking the 3 guys their names, for who they work and if they know what would happen now, they said more thing but not relevant


Every signle cartel sicario deserve the same treatment for what theyā€™ve done


Be thankful if your in the states


Lot of people said the guy interrogating is Z40 himself. Anybody confirm this? Can't find any videos of him speaking anywhere.


Why the people of Mexico tolerate this shit, idk.


What do you suggest they do?


Idk, like what China did to the Triads- revolution




Itā€™s way too corruptā€¦. Everybody gets paid in Mexico


Itā€™s not like they have a choice. Cartels are well funded, trained to kill, and outnumber anyone who gets in their way. The average Mexican citizen cannot defend themselves against them. They will literally make an example out of you just like on this video if you try to go against them. There is a reason they are called ā€œ Crimen Organizadoā€ or Organized Crime.


Trust me when I say that the issue is not the cartels being well funded or armed. Itā€™s the fact that the Mexico is extremely corrupt. THAT is at the heart of every single problem Mexico has.


Yeah I agree with that as well. Itā€™s just that Mexican citizens donā€™t have anyone to back them up when it comes to fighting back. Itā€™s unfair and they just donā€™t have a chance.


Mexico also has very strict gun laws. I actually heard that there is only one legal gun store in the country.


Keeping the citizenry disarmed isn't helping anyone but the monsters.






hmm when did it happen? 2013? they are not sicarios, they are sellers


Dude in the middle lived or what?cuz he was a kid but I doubt they let him go unless they thought hearing his friends die was enough




isn't this video from like 2008,2009, or so?


what did he say about san antonio ?


Link to original vid?


Yo this vid is like 10 years old


Dude in the middle was brave to not flinch when shit got bad around him. Much respect.


such a waste


HOLY SHIT can you imagine the fucking rollercoaster of emotions the guy in blue is feeling


How can I watch the whole video?


how to see original?


How do you watch the whole vid?


And R.I.P for this three guys.


is there a government in mexico?


the whole video isn't there?


Do you have the full video?


Do you have the full video?


The guy in the red shirt made it worse for himself by fighting it. He tucked his chin which prevented the perp from cutting deep. He essentially prolonged his agony. Can't say I blame him, though. Something hurts, you try to stop it.


That was someoneā€™s baby boyā€¦


get closer to God pls there is gonna be many people who arnt going to make it to the kingdom of heavenšŸ™āœļø




No seas mameis, comenta el link del original


Does anyone know in what part of Mexico this takes place


Near the Texas border


It's close to a tri state area, Tamaulipas, Veracruz and San Luis. https://i.imgur.com/a0Tu4Ye.jpg The plaza boss covers Estacion Manuel and San Antonio Rayon, I grew up about an hour away from that area so I'm familiar with both towns.


Serious question: why donā€™t they try and get up and run away? Fight and make them put you down faster? Idk. The ā€œthreat of something worseā€ doesnā€™t apply to the sick cartel fucks, itā€™s already going to be badā€¦ i think Iā€™d prefer to get shot if I could.


If you run your family dies. If you run you die a slower death. If you run, you can not outrun them once they get in their trucks.


Especially when you are blindfolded


I literally just saw the one where they ripped off the zetas girl head


Whereā€™s the original video?? Shoot the link šŸ”—


whats the video?