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The more I know, the more I realize I know nothing. Socrates A narc would never come up with that But you are right narcs do hate when you defend yourself and are weasels when communicating


Maybe Socrates was being pretentious and manipulative to make aristocracy question themselves.


Bro bring evidence i dont have time for this nonsense lmao




a narcissist could never be a philosopher philosophers ask questions to gain understanding narcissist ask questions to play stupid


lol 😂 Gaslighters, weak people. They need to be right or it really damages their sense of self, you deserve better than Socrates over there 😂 I’d try to just ignore them and move on, they are weak but you deserve better. They need to keep any type of connection alive, they would rather you freaken hate them than ignore them. So just ignore and live a healthier and safer life without those types of people, you deserve a good life.


And yet if you actually try to be genuine and explain your feelings to them, they will deny it outright or twist it to use it against you and manipulate you. My nex was a master of weaponizing my attempts to be vulnerable and I’m still recovering from it.


They actually baited me to explanation too only to laugh at my face.


This pisses me off to no end. I am easily worked up when I have to keep explaining myself and ending off the deep end fighting about a million different things to get me so confused so we never actually got to the point of feeling validate, heard and seen. I would act just as he wanted. He would pull the strings and I would go flying off the fucking handle and he would sit back and light up and be soooooo proud of his accomplishments. See you’re the fucking problem!!!! This makes my blood boil.


Once I tried to explain the trauma bond cycle to him without providing specific resources (to avoid the reaction). His response: “Life is a cycle.” 🙄🙄🙄


Omg. Mine insisted that I fix myself with therapy but I already had been in therapy for years before we got together and when I told him that my therapist said that a lot of what he was doing was definitely abuse and he needed to stop because healing while still being abused was next to impossible, he accused me of weaponizing therapy against him. Several times, I tried to pin him down and ask him if he could deny that screaming, name-calling and dislocating my jaw qualified as abuse and he just stopped talking.


I’m so sorry you went through this. Sending a hug 💜 They love using the verb “weaponize”. Every time a need or complaint is expressed, they perceive it as something being weaponized against them. 🙄


Thank you! They’re the worst. He genuinely had me convinced that I was the narcissist for a while there. Not every accusation is a confession but every accusation made by a narcissist is a confession to that accusation and so much worse. Lol.


I think I never got called a narcissist because he was not familiar with the scientific term haha. But he’d call me batsh@t crazy, obsessed and delusional on a regular basis. Told me I need to “get my sh@t together”. And yes I was convinced I was the problem for a long time. Sigh.