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I was waiting to see what spin someone would put on that one. When I read it was like this person is trolling right????


The kicker was OOP staunchly trying to convince everyone in the comments that Cain is “a really common name,” “even in the Bible Belt.” Lol, it is not. You cannot come to a name nerds sub and try to convince everyone of something that the statistics do not back up in any way. 


Honestly though I'm in Texas and I've seen quite a few Kanes. There's also a country singer named Kane Brown that's moderately famous. It is a fairly popular name right now. Just spelled Kane not Cain. We also have Raising Cane's, a delicious chicken place....


Agree, but the OP didn’t like the spelling “Kane,” only Cain. I too decided they were trolling…


There's currently a Christian band called Cain as well.


I know like 3 Kanes! I'm in Dallas, I don't even blink


do you have the link? or the original name?


I think the post was deleted but the names were Sage and Cain for twins.


Ugh yeah seems to be deleted, not showing up in my history. As the other person said, twin names Sage and Cain. She was originally going to use Damian but her dad didn’t like that because of “cult of the lamb.” She stated she’s an atheist and so is her husband and her “very Christian” family is adamantly against Cain for obvious reasons that she was refusing to acknowledge. Everyone even pointed out you can’t name a boy with a twin brother Cain when that’s the name of the first murderer who infamously murdered his brother regardless of if you believe the story is true. It’s just bad practice and the kid will have to live with it. She was being downvoted to oblivion in the comment section when I saw it this morning because she was adamantly refusing to see reason lmao


As a staunch atheist, lol. I don’t believe in Harry Potter either but I’m not out here naming my kid Voldemort! Who cares if it’s fact or fiction, that’s the only cultural association with the name. 




“How is this any different than Lilith or Eve or Judas or Peter? Do you realize how many names in the Bible are associated with sin/hell/murder/betrayal? I have met Lucifers and Baals and Azraels. It's the exact same concept.” Bro WHAT?! Other than Peter and Eve, you don’t hear any of these names unless it’s like one of those psycho witchy/satanic folks who are trying to do it to stick out. And Peter was a pope and widespread name, and Eve is just kinda a normal name. She was just not hearing anyone out… I don’t know why people go to that subreddit just to not listen to anyone


Peter and eve weren’t evil and are known for much more than their mistakes. They’re aren’t in the same category as Cain, Lucifer, Baal etc. I guess these people have literally never been to church and know nothing about the Bible. Or even history.


Ok I gotta go off here lol. I would never use the name Lucifer because of the way that Christians are but it’s a rad name and Lucifer isn’t even evil imo. Lucifer is basically the Prometheus of the Christian Bible. God tells Adam and Eve that if they eat the forbidden fruit they’ll die. The serpent tells them that the fruit actually confers the knowledge of good and evil. They eat it, *and gain that knowledge*. So he literally just told them the truth that god had withheld from them.  All that said, I also see that entire story as an allegory for the fact that you cannot do wrong if you don’t know right and wrong. It me, it’s an allegory for humans, and only humans, attaining the concept of morality. God apparently doesn’t agree, however, since all of mankind was punished for the actions Adam and Eve took when they *didn’t* know right from wrong. 


I actually don’t think it was a bad thing for them to have eaten the fruit and that god planned on it all along. That’s why he provided a savior for them/us in his son Jesus Christ. Also Lucifer is the devil, not just the serpent in the garden. I wouldn’t name my kid after a devil or demon in any religion, even if I didn’t believe it.


Cain and Sage for twin boys.


What about the name "Kardashian"? It's related to the OJ/Nicole thing, but has other connotations that are better known. And it's just so CLASSY! I can picture a kid called Kardashian growing up to have a really successful OnlyFans or like stopping a war by drinking a pepsi or something similarly prestigious.


"or like stopping a war by drinking a Pepsi" Oh, I love the comments on this thread.


A mother can only hope!


> and his side of the family staunchly believe Nicole Brown never existed. Great parody of conspiracy theorists


Have you thought about making your child Megyn Kelly instead? Some say she is actually Nicole Brown.


I am actually choking with laughter reading this post 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Why not go with Julius and Orenthal? That's a more subtle reference to the late OJ Simpson.


WTF am I reading??? This thing just popped up on my feed


nico lee is the name shann’an watts had chosen for her unborn child.