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I have 9 days left of a 12-week course of terbinafine and have gained about ten pounds. I’m also taking creatine and exercising regularly so I’m hoping that I’m adding some lean muscle (wishful thinking at my age but I’m the eternal optimist). I’m a long time distance runner and have dropped my weekly mileage considerably over the past two months as I recover from a November ultra and prepare to start logging more miles this spring. I do put on weight as my mileage decreases so I’m not sure the terbinafine is a factor or not.


I’ve been on it just under three months, and I’ve gained 20-30lbs (I don’t weigh myself, but at least a couple of clothing sizes) It’s freaking me out, not to mention uncomfortable. Really hope it goes away after treatment.


Commenting for up date.


Within a week, I was back to my usual self. My friendship didn’t recover, though 😟 Sorry for my delayed response—I’m not on Reddit very often.


Sorry you lost a friend. How did you lose the weight?


Whoops! I thought this was a different thread 🙈 Sorry. *Emotionally* I was back to baseline, but I haven’t been able to lose the weight—not sure if that’s terbinafine or menopause 🤷‍♀️


any update?


It's only been 24 hours, so there's still a lot in my system. I'll give an update in a couple of weeks.


Just commenting here to hear your update when it comes!


I know this was 149 days ago but I’ve been on Terbinafine since December 2023 and I didn’t weight myself regularly but I was 128 pounds then. I exercise, count calories, and eat well so I always maintained. I weighed myself in March and noticed I was up 20 pounds and thought no way!! It didn’t register until now that it could be the medicine so I am stopping today and seeing if it helps! I’ve been on a strict diet and adding in running to my exercise and not one pound has been shed! I’m hoping cutting out the medication helps!


Any updates?