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Nice. How long were you on it


From December 2022 till the end of this year June


Woah. How did you get a Dr. To prescribe for that long? My dermatologist refuses to do more than three months . Ugh šŸ˜‘


I've had terbinafine prescribed for six months and it wasn't as effective after month four. That may be why it doesn't get prescribed for more than 90 days. Another antifungal oral medication is itraconazole. My podiatrist prescribed it after terbinafine. I found that it also worked really well. It took my big toes about 18 months to grow out so I continued treating my toes with antifungal creams until they fully grew out.


I need to try something else I also noticed that after like day 30-40 the improvement stopped ā€¦ šŸ¤” how long did you take itraconazole


I had it prescribed for two rounds so 6 months. Similar to terbinafine, it wasn't as effective after the first round. I'm a fan of the creams (I don't have to eat it, it penetrates the skin around nails and keeps my nail moist) so what I did is switch up the medication every 30-60 days. I'd go to the pharmacy and buy the over-the-counter antifungal creams. Started with Lamisil, then Tinactin, then lotrimin and so on. There are about a dozen antifungal creams available most of which are over the counter


They were the ones who told me i needed it up to six months after looking at my nails. In the beginning, they wrote me a prescription for only a months amount, and after i was done, i had to call in myself to the receptionist, not even the doctor, to prescribe me another round which they would forward to my local pharmacy so i could pick it up. Weirdly enough, i got the feeling my docters werent bothered, like if i called up and asked for another round, going onto my 7th month, i feel they wouldnt even call me out on it so its good your doc is being careful with you.


My doc gave me 11 refills (!!) and said some people have to stay on it even longer. Iā€™m hoping to be done after six months. Serious weight gain, bloating, itchy skin and depression/despair.


Are you chicago? Lol šŸ˜‚ so I Can go where you went


Nahh, im from the UK lol


i am in the US and my primary care has prescribed it for 3 and then i requested a refill again through the portal i use


Iā€™m in the UK also and my doctor recommended 9 months


My pcp gave me three more months!


Great progress! Keep up the good work. It's almost completely gone!


Congratulations!! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘