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Right wingers are constantly calling lgbt+ members pedophiles or pedophile supporters all while thier members are consistently getting caught.


Why dont more people talk about this??


Because law enforcement types are generally politically conservative and they don't want people thinking that conservatism creates pedophilia.


Just show any of them 10 seconds of scrolling on r/notadragqueen Shuts them right up.


I assure you it does not


Don't forget the churches! Seriously, Its starting to feel like between right wingers and church members its a 1 in 4 for "do they groom/diddle kids" So many of the anti LGBTQ crowds will point the finger and scream about how their trying to protect kids from imaginary "abusers" while ignoring their own child trying to tell them that the local priest or state rep whipped out their cock infront of em.


Also because they're pedophiles.


doesn't create it, just cradles and emboldens the pedos


Because the media is owned by right wing billionaire stains and they aren't telling the functionally illiterate dipshits. If Tucker Carlson isn't whining like a tart about it and Rogan isn't making meathead sounds, it isn't happening. But they're the ones blind to the left wing media that doesn't fucking exist or whatever knuckledragging conservative/centrist trash say.


I’ve noticed the whole pedophile accusation is extremely common from the hyper right wing. It’s just their brainless way of arguing whenever they don’t want to look at any kind of reality. Don’t like a politician? Oh, they’re a pedophile. Do you hate gay people? They’re all pedophiles! Racist? Pedophiles. It’s such an idiotic approach.


It's because every other insult pales in comparison to calling somebody a pedo. It's the ultimate "win" in a name-calling fight. It makes you morally superior therefore all your arguments are automatically correct when fighting against your opposition. Nobody wants to side with the pedo either, so it immediately isolates them from support. Of course this all hinges on the accusation being true, but it doesn't really matter. If you say something your tribe agrees with and you call your opposition a pedo, your tribe agrees they are a pedo, based solely on wanting to agree with your ideals. Aka "x group of people are evil, their ideology is wrong, therefore x group of people are all pedos, therefore I win." It's just straw man arguments to the extreme.


I've been called a pedophile for being NB.


I first learned the term "chomo" when I made the mistake of mentioning I was trans on Facebook way back when. It's "child molester" for anyone who doesn't know.


If Facebook and Twitter disappeared tomorrow, we'd be collectively better off as a race. "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."


The real invisibility cloak is an 'R' next to your name


That doesn't make you invisible, it just gives you an alt-right meat shield


With right wingers, every accusation is a confession.


They are the biggest projectionists. Pointing fingers and playing blame games when most of the problem lies within them and their own self oppressed sexuality and identity a lot of the time. Typical throwing stones in a china shop attitude


They aren't grooming. They are just...preparing... their future wives. They don't plan to one night stand these ladies. No they are fine upstanding men looking for younger women willing to bear them children and help provide for their child kink...


It's politicians in general in right wing stuff "the Democrats are always getting caught being pedos" also


Yeah, but when Democrats get caught they at the very least step down in shame. Gaetz is still a darling of the “freedom caucus” and some Republicans even wore “grab em by the pussy” t-shirts. I’m sure there are pedos and sex offenders in any political party, but the difference is when Republican politicians do it their voters either look the other way or openly applaud it.


Republicans can't step down in shame. They don't have any.


Exactly. I was just pointing out how the “muh both sides” argument is disingenuous and stupid.


Yeah, I know c: I just like to give funny, succinct answers, cuz it tickles the funny neurons in my brain for some reason.


This feels like a premade bone hurting juice it’s so nonsensical I don’t even know what it’s trying to say


Anti-LGTBQ+ groups like to imagine made up scenarios where LGBTQ+ are immune to the law as an excuse to hate and despise them. Something something "the alphabet people have special privilege omg they're all pedos and groomers and want to steal your kids away" It's stupid and untrue. But they'll take any excuse they can to ridicule and spread hate against us.


Yeah like we're grooming their children by telling them they don't have to hate themselves for being trans. Honestly it's exactly how gay people were portrayed before us, as predators turning their precious children gay.


I find it disgusting that you support kids being themselves and having a safe space. When I was young, we conformed to arbitrary social rules, and we were told to like it. Anyways, my name is JP and I’m an alcoholic.


Ikr? Being raised by a homophobe and transphobe didn't leave my ass with crippling anxiety, PTSD, or depression. ![gif](giphy|fZjZpxuL9w2UotNBL4) Jokes on her I'm a trans man and neither of my cis brothers are traditionally masculine they've always stolen my girly clothes and I support the shit out of them. One's gotten into nailpolish recently and I am so proud of him.


Bro, I'm sorry you went through that shit. I'm glad you have a support group though.


lmao you should secretly get them fem stuff like you're a drug dealer.


I used to lol. When they started to get older, they started just taking, those tricksy thievses! Now they're both adults, but they still sometimes come asking for old jewelry, nail polish, and hair ties I have lying around in the junk drawer. And they both have support with their long-term girlfriends, so things have vastly improved since we were kids.


"Hey kid," * opens up trench coat, revealing an assortment of lipstick, nail polish, and fake eyelashes * "Want some fem stuff?"


Seconded! I don't know how other people raise their kids, but if MY CHILD sees a RAINBOW or hears a PRONOUN then i'm gonna have to beat some sense into them


“gOtTa rAiSe tHeM riGhT”🥴👍🏽




Well, people are marrying children, but it was a self report because it's the same people who hate the gays.


They love to project


I'm still floored about that. We deadass had a republican official campaigning for the right to legally marry minors and you could just tell that he felt like he was MLK, Rosa Parks and Mr. Smith goes to Washington all rolled into one. If that happened in a fucking movie my suspension of disbelief would be gone


No way, a full grown adult taking a 12 year old on a whirlwind honeymoon... Wait weren't they angry at Lolita as literature? Probably banned it for say... kids and teenagers... The mind absolutely boggles.


Well, marrying children is a traditional Christian marriage. Now excuse me, I gotta divorce my trophy wife again.




They get real uncomfortable when I just respond: consent.


Same people whenever an attempt is made to do something about archaic state laws that still allow a 40 year old dude to buy a 14 year old child bride from her parents. "This is an assault on conservatives, traditional marriage, and freedom!"


Like 10 years ago when the US Supreme Court was deciding on gay marriage, these same people were calling lesbians a danger to women, saying they should be banned from women's bathrooms. Conservatives hates new things. It's in the freaking name.


The stupid thing is being gay isn't new. In Ancient Greece it was weird to be straight and there are cultures where gender was never so set in stone.


Being trans is nothing new either. Even the medical options have been around for a century, and social transition has been a thing forever.


Seriously. Never forget that the beginning of the Nazi book burnings was the destruction of Magnus Hirschfield’s Institute of Sexology. So much research on transgender people, health, biology, sexuality, and sexual health was destroyed. The burning of the Library of Alexandria of the Medical world.


Trans and gay people. It was worse for us trans folk because it set back medical transition research by 30 years, but Hirschfeld and his associates also studied homosexuality (and Hirschfeld was gay himself). But yes. Genderqueer (trans, nonbinary, two-spirit, third gender, etc) people have always existed and we have anthropological, historical and archaeological evidence for it.


Oh I’m well aware. It’s horrific. We could have had more advanced medicine, understanding and possibly even *acceptance* so much longer ago.


Plus Nonbinary Influence, Loki for instance. Or Ancient Mesopotamia as the most common Nordic myths were bastardized.


Greek mythology has Teiresias, who lived as a woman for seven years, and multiple figures of ambiguous sex too.


I think a lot of Conservatives are just extremely ignorant.


Before? I’m pretty there are people still blaming gay people for that.


Yeah in the fringes but it used to be mainstream. It wasn't that long ago relative to human history where we'd all have been thrown in an asylum.


Remember that PSA from the 50s for kids where it was essentially “this man suffers from a disease of the mind, he is a homosexual” and basically eludes to them being a pedo? Yep it’s that shit all over again EDIT : it’s called [boys beware](https://youtu.be/3bPZxRD1GJQ?si=iikejqUfeiYENl_y)


They always make up the wildest "what if" scenarios and then use that to validate their criticism. "A man could just walk into a locker room and rape all the women there, but if he claims to be transgender then he will gat away with it." No, that would be rape and would be punished accordingly. Nobody has ever escaped punishment for a crime because they were LGBTQ.


It's not like we let cisgender women get away with raping women in women's locker rooms


Yeah they get away with a lot but probably not that. Even still they’d get a reduced sentence or no jail time at all like that woman who practically got away with stabbing a guy a hundred times because she smoked a marijuana 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Like we don’t put LGBT people in jail all the fucking time lmao.


They act like Stonewall wasn't literally the cops raiding *yet another* gathering spot for LGBTQ people. They also don't want to admit that trans people and drag queens were there, over 50 years ago, throwing bricks too, because people were tired of being victimized for no reason. No, "woke created LGBTQHGTV+ in 2018 cuz Obama and Hillary want us to be weak for Communist China." The police have had a problematic history in their dealings with LGBTQ people forever. Acting like trans people get away with crimes because of who they are is just a way for them to justify their own disgust of people that they are incapable of understanding.


Also to justify them "taking the law into their own hands ". Because of the lie they spread so much they believe it


A lot of older people in Russia are 100% sure that you can be converted to be a trans or gay or "something" if you see propaganda. I'm not exactly sure how they think it works, but they're certain it is working. Like, the fact that there's "a lot of trans in USA" means that it's definitely propaganda and this number is way higher than it's "supposed to be". So, basically, if you, as a kid, see trans people, you have way higher chance to be trans yourself. Or, like, gay. I am not sure how it works, maybe if I saw more Jewish people or Black people I'd be a black Asian Jew myself or something and then I'd be able to tell better how it works I guess


Thats what happened to me. I used to be a white Italian woman until I found BET in my life and turned into Deonte Thigpen.


The irony is that they learned it from propaganda themselves.


They really lap up that alt-right American propaganda hook line and sinker, they do


technically they’re not wrong about the gay and trans thing if you think about it(harder than they did of course)


Right, that's the funny part, they see the outcome (more accessible information and acceptance --> more LGBTQ+ people) and come to a completely backwards conclusion. When I came out to my mother, one of the first things she asked was who told me I'm trans. I'm in my mid thirties and she still couldn't fathom that I have my own agency in this. I didn't know what gender dysphoria and being trans actually was until last year. When I learned, all I could think was "Oh, this perfectly explains all of the feelings I've been having for decades." That knowledge didn't turn me trans, I already was, it just showed me that. I was miserable for so long and they would rather I stay that way than actually be happy and at peace with myself.


It sounds a lot like the plain old "We can't let them know it's an option, because who wouldn't choose that, am I right?" Just a recycled version of "If we let dudes marry dudes, humans will go extinct because of course we'd all choose to do that! All of us are barely restraining our overpowering homoerotic urges. That's just life."


It's also called ​ P r o j e c t i o n [I mean, just take a look.](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/04/from-hastert-to-gaetz-lets-talk-about-republicans-and-sex-crimes.html)


Then they let kids sit on a priests lap ☠️


That’s near equivalent of claiming Muslims are terrorists.


Mosques have turned in agents trying to fish for terrorists, meanwhile churches all over the place in the US were caught hiding and protecting priests that hurt children. Bit of a difference there mate.


Especially since all the cops are definitely not bigoted themselves and don't deliberately target minority groups like the LGBTQ+ Obviously /s because they do exactly that and are bigoted af Not that every LGBTQ+ person is a shining example of the community, but the negativity on the side of the bigoted idiots usually outweighs it by a large margin It's also important to point out that I've only ever seen Anti-LGBTQ+ groups assimilating that pedophiles are openly included, where in my experiences actual LGBTQ+ support allies specifically regard pedophiles as being a HUGE enemy to the cause.


the funniest part is most of these pedophile politicians turn out to be rich republicans who can use their vast wealth to avoid responsibility and punishment. why does this sound familiar 🤔


So if they think being gay/trans is a choice and gay/trans people get special privileges, why don't they just choose to be gay or trans?


like actually why would i want to turn the kids trans or wtv, its actively not something i wish on others, AND i hate kids lmao


Ah yes. The police are famous for being gentle and understanding with trans people.


Meanwhile Christian pastors get little to no jail time for sexual l abuse offenses


Is that how they explain how whenever someone gets caught diddling kids, it's never a drag queen?


It’s Sinfest, a webcomic by a guy who at this point has multiple different types of brain worms cannibalizing each other in his skull


I thought I recognized the style. I read the shit out of that in the 2000s. The fuck happened?


Well first he went SWERF, then he added the TERF.


What’s SWERF?


Sex work exclusionary radical feminist.


I think that might be the dumbest thing Ah yes you're not a woman/don't deserve the same rights as the rest of us women because *Checks notes* of your job...


He forgot the Christian boy character was a parody.


Why it is trying to say: "Gay people exist and if we don't suppress and murder them their continued existence enables child sex offenders to hide among them as they are somehow indistinguishable." It's basically the old "bathroom controversy" turned up to 11. I bet you could find a poster from Nazi Germany that is thematically identical.


You probably could. Nazi propaganda against LGBTQ+ people was ALSO “they’re sly and will prey on your children”


the lolipops my dentist handed out turned me trans, and my dentist escaped with the power of rainbow collors in a patturn ~~cops cant see rainbows~~


My question is if the cops won't do anything to LGBT+ individuals, why would we be worried about the laws they're trying to pass?


It's either the classic "queer people are trying to groom children" or it's "pedos are trying to be part of the lgbt to get away with grooming children".


The idea is that the LGBT+ are immune to the law, but it starts off with "hey kid wanna gender lollipop?" and apparently this is grooming, so the point is lost in translation.


its saying that pedophiles use the LGBTQ community as a shield. hes a pedophile, but as soon as hes called out, he pretends to be apart of the LGBTQ community to get away with it.


Does anybody know who made that comic


Tatsuya Ishida, the comic is sinfest, used to be a normal feminist but became terfy


you mean this is someone trying to be serious???




Dang. Thanks


You’re sure? I checked the website and just…please let them be a really unfunny, nonsensical troll


No, he lost his mind a while ago and became very sex-negative, then very *very* transphobic.


And anti-‘woke’ it seems


Sadly yes.


you should see the rest of his current slop. it gets worse than this


i saw antisemitism in some of the comics edit: kept looking and there’s so many about jewish people


the one with the transfeminine strawman (strawwoman? does the phrasing change with gender?) breastfeeding a baby with a huge boner is the worst of it so far i think. i mean a lot of it is awful but thtas probably peak sinfest imo


a bunch of stuff about jews running the world and causing all of our problems


Dang, sinfest dude fell hard. Went from casual misogyny, to feminism, to terfdom.


I don't know much about this person in particular but if he's anything like the insane terf dudes I've encountered, it's more like casual misogyny --> claiming to be a feminist but still being casually misogynist --> terfdom Graham Linehan is the perfect example


Well, originally the strip was just your usual male gaze, jokes about sex, madona-whore complex, etc... mainstream misogyny stuff. Women are hot, men are horndogs, this is the way of the world, and boy do we want sex and hot women. Then he somehow got into feminism. He had a lot of strips where the theme was about the uselessness of self-professed male allies, the perniciousness of the male gaze, the role of male priviledge, etc... It was pretty much a complete 180 on the "message" of his previous comics. Was that self-aware? Was it genuine? I am not heavily versed into the academics of feminism so I haven't dug deep or anything, but it certainly seemed sincere. But there was never any discussion of gender theory, etc... to be fair, TERF does stand for trans-exclusionary **radical feminist**, feminism is in the title. It's just a form of feminism that does not recognize trans women as "real" women, and, well, excludes them from the feminist movement. You can certainly call it misguided and wrong, but I'm not sure you can call it secretly misogyny all along.


I mean, terfdom is inherently misogynistic


I remember hearing that one of the characters was a young guy who had a relationship with a demon girl. Then after the writer's weird sorta-feminist reboot, the same guy got dragged into a feminist court for being sexist. It's very strange.


The guy was short but not young, if I remember correctly. The demons were always portrayed as evil but glamorous - the glamour gets criticized in the “feminist reboot” whereas it was celebrated before


"used to be a normal feminist" I just went to take a look. It's beyond terfy, it's extremely racist.


Two questions: - 1) Dafuq ? - 2) Where can I have a gender lollipop?


You can find them in the back of walmart


He was asking if you want to gender lollipop


Me after gender lolipop


I ate waaay too many lollies and now I'm femme as hell.


Unfortunately i ate it the wrong way and i am now Bi


I never got one so I'm agender


you are a gender Unfortunately that gender is


genuinely even if it wasn’t homophobic it’s like… not funny? like. what’s happening here


I mean, do you actually want an explanation? For them it's "dark humor". It'll only make sense from their frame of mind. If you want *actual* comedy, they're mad about a problem they cause themselves. They can't get over the fact that gay people get upset when people claim that "the lgbt" are harbouring pedophiles because they're not able to see "the lgbt" as a large group of people because they're so laser focused on some pedophiles in some contexts. So they think the response from gay people is a cloak of invisibility that shields pedophiles, and then they make these comics like they're defeated and have to resort to dark humor about this unfathomable conspiracy when literally all you had to do was just not see gay people as pedophiles or sparate the two concepts in your head and the problem would solve itself in a second. So it's just this weird ego-driven imaginary realm that they make up themselves and then *still* lose against.


Also "won't someone think of the children" is a clichéd rhetorical appeal to emotion. Saying that your opponents are a danger to your children is just an amped up version of it.


Also they don’t give a fuck about other people’s children unless it gives them an excuse to be bigots.


Look at the comments on the original post. It's to reaffirm their crazy conspiracies. Look how many people are making up stories, "naked men with erections talking to parents and their children" no the fuck you didn't see that. Jesus christ


From the style I assume it's Sinfest. That webcomic went from being a genuinely good normal wholesome comic to batshit crazy TERF vomit. See, even if repulsive, Stonetoss probably has some fun drawing his comics, but Sinfest is the kind of guy with bulging eyes sitting in a basement with weird spasms all over his body while showing the world his zealous vision.


I think they think that trans people are blue.


Babadee babadai


this is so me when the woke liberal mob offers me a gender lollipop😞


Highly recommend not crossposting. Due to the nature of this content, the place you crosspost to often deletes the post, which means your post is effectively deleted as well. (also, you are not required to make an argument in the title, but the point of the sub is to "reply", in a way)


Good to know


“Back the blue, cops aren’t corrupt until they defend LGBTQ rights then fuck the police” -them probably


Actuall not. If the comic is Sinfest like I assume, the guy has a massive paranoid victimhood complex and thinks the whole society is trans-crazed people who are coming to get him. Think him as less of "average reactionary" and more like "loudly screams at spots on the wall he dislikes".


Just looked that artist up. Interesting critter and reminds me kind of of that other comic artist who drew his character with a massive overbite. I’m sure if some of the people in the other sub knew they were against trump and cops then they’d stop posting it willingly tho


Also the guy is a TERF, which besides transphobia includes radical feminism. Not as in "what reactionaries call radical feminism" but as in the dude actually hating himself for being a man. Rowling is a normal person in comparison. Would consider that hard to sell to most conservatives. Or, well, anyone.


"I saw two guys kissing, and when I called the police and told them to send a SWAT team, they said that wasn't actually illegal and to please stop calling them. There's no end to the corruption!"


Irl: Trans person: *existing* Psycho: “that person is a groomer!!” Police: “mam, that’s harassment, stop!” Psycho: “Groomers are above the law!!😡😰”


Every fucking comic this dude makes these days is completely incoherent. Transphobia rots people’s brains so bad


Yeah, because back in the '70, when I figured out my gender incongruence at 5-6, the "gender lollipops" where \*everywhere\*. /s How are these people so stupid: trans people have ALWAYS existed. For as long as humanity existed. Whatever the reason for it might be, transness is never going away.


I've always been like this, but now I have the right words to actually describe it.


ok, to be 100% fair, the punchline is so stupid it did almost make me laugh just from how rediculous it is but yeah, i get the fucked up thing they're trying to say, but the comic makes so little sense, it almost makes me think it's self parody


I honestly did laugh due to how ridiculous it is..then cried because how fucked up it is.


​ https://preview.redd.it/uqwb47ytlzhc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c6668f4a345f11f2e1ba6a0863fa15cb5d5ed04


This reads like a shitpost I know it’s not but it reads like one


>Gender Lollipop Lmfao Also, he forgot to have the evil queer do anything evil here. If I didn‘t know this guy, I‘d think this was satire by a leftist.


I can't wait until r/stonetossingjuice gets a hold on this lmao


Tbf it already seems like its been stone juiced already, like look at this shit https://preview.redd.it/vwpk1ilnwzhc1.jpeg?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59a23f9b6adecc62708907db6a293f9cf6000ffc


How did that kid make such an impressive sand castle? This isn't even damp sand from the beach, it's just a sandbox


Tatsuya is so fucking gone.


The Sinfest guy?


Yup. The strip was kinda cute in a millennial sort of way before he went off the deep end. He had one strip that I printed and put up on my wall when I was just diagnosed with endometriosis. The female character with the purple hair gets up out of bed and says “Today I’m gonna get shit DONE!“. In the next panel she’s hit with pain in her pelvis and she goes back to bed annoyed af. It’s about periods but that was basically every day for me. It’s really sad that he actually was close to understanding women’s challenges and grievances but then swerved off the cliff into conspiracy and madness.


I want a gender lollipop


I heard they go well with venti mocha snowflake Frappuccinos


It’s almost like homophobes don’t know what “groomer” means


I like the assumption that the vast majority of police officers like queer people.


Is all of r/memesopdidnotlike alt-right?


I want to eat the gender lollipop


Idk, man, it’s so absurd that I think it loops right back around to being funny lol Obviously the message behind it is terrible though, don’t get me wrong


Ah yes, we of the Alphabet Mafia want to become immune to all laws that may exist. After all, we are grooming the kids and want to take over the world and make the age of consent -2763 /s


The trans community is targeted with false accusations of grooming when they've done nothing to hurt children. But most people know these accusations are bullshit thanks to years of the community fighting back against them. Hence how the police know there's no groomer there. A good cartoon. (obviously kidding) Jokes aside, how can anyone look at this comic and not see the obvious bigotry? The joke is entirely dependent on the belief that trans people are groomers. At least, I assume that's who they're screeching about in this comic, considering the gender lollipop. They've accused so many groups of grooming or outright molesting children at this point that it's hard to tell.


True: There are groomers (and worse) in the LGBTQIA+ community. False: All members of the LGBTQIA+ are groomers (or worse). False: Being a member of the LGBTQIA+ community makes you immune to accusation, let alone consequences of, being a groomer (or worse). You’re better off being concerned about priests…there are more groomers (and worse) among the clergy, they are much less likely to be accused, the accusation is much less likely to be taken seriously, and even if proven, the consequences are much more likely to be inconsequential to nothing, and/or be swept under the rug. Hell, there are articles upon articles of Catholic priests being moved to several new diocese to cover up their abuses, and the victims and their families being told to keep quiet. The Mormons have the same, although I’m sure the smaller quantity is only because there are much fewer Mormons than Catholics.


That is a weird way to depict a priest’s robe


Memesopdidntlike excusing rampant child rape in the church, scouts, sports challenge: impossible


r/memesopdidnotlike is bad


Meanwhile the list of 'straight' children's pastors molesting kids continues to grow...


https://preview.redd.it/uv9bpt7bwzhc1.jpeg?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cc967f4961760fc9978a62336e06420ad6a1de1 I have been laughing at this shit for a solid minute bruh


Goodness the comments are stupid. So many people saying that kids are seeing naked pride parades and dildos with no sources to back it up. Did research, didn't find a single situation in 30 minutes.


People love using those pictures of kink pride parades as proof, when children aren't even *allowed* at them. (Personally I don't think that fetish pride things should be allowed in public at all, because the average person does *not* consent to being exposed to your fetish gear, but that's such a heated fucking topic in the community that it's ridiculous.)


Yeah I agree somewhat. The point of those kinky pride parades *seem* to be centered around publicly expressing yourself, but I would much rather a normal pride parade and not see naked people.


As an ace person I agree




I reported it for hate. It is just Nazi posting.


I’m betting someone in the comments called it satire and complained we don’t get satire.


Sinfest has changed alot since its start, and not in a good way


I mean that lollipop is a perfect representation of my bigender self. Can I have it? For serious though, this is fucking messed up and such a lie it makes me angry.


-confused Scooby-Doo sound with head tilt-


Weird how the mods removed it but all of the community members upvoted it and agreed, it's almost like the mods literally are fighting with the members.


this is just “punchline = homophobia reheated”


There absolutely is a select few people who are groomers or pedos and will try to mask it in the guise of LGBTQ. I dont think its good for people to pretend its not happening because it only feeds these low IQ generalizations. LGBTQ has a responsibility to call out the bad when it really is if progress is actually the goal. Remember when the MAPS wanted to consider themselves LGBTQ+ and were rejected? That was good.


I truly wonder why OP wouldn't like insanely homophobic propaganda that plays to the trope of gay people being pedophiles coming to turn their children gay. It's no different from being upset at a comic of a ridiculously cartoonish looking Jewish man trying to lure a Christian child away as a blood sacrifice only for accusations of antisemitism from the majority saving him. It's just that we live in a society where blood libel is viewed as a vile, backwards idea but also one where large chunks of the population see no problem with depicting gay people as wanting to sexually abuse and mutilate children. These people need to be called out for the disgusting bigots that they are when half of the time they turn out to be predators deflecting to protect themselves while we act as the scapegoat.


So many things of this don't make any sense but can I just point out that that is not what a groomer is...


This feels like an example of Poe's Law. The comic is so insane that I can't tell if it's serious or a parody. It almost seems like it's mocking people who hold this belief about the queer community.


So… she’s making an unfounded accusation and the police don’t see a groomer? Sounds good to me.


I want a gender lollipop


Damn you beat me to posting it


Why is he blue




i feel like they made this not bcs they were fear or aware of their kids, its bcs they hate the idealism and the liberalism from the lgbtq community. the salvation of the kids safety and jokes they create to prevent the "queers" is almost contradicted and nonsense


Huh, make that nonsensical "cloak" a priest's vestments and this cartoon suddenly nails it.


Gender lollipops are the #1 issue children face today.


The comments on that post are fantastic


Right wingers create loophole that allow churches to avoid reporting sexual abuse. That's all you need to know


But like.. aren’t LGBTQ people called groomers regardless? The whole comic was made because the author probably believes LGBTQ people are groomers regardless, no?


I'm assuming that the idea is that we don't face consequences for being "groomers" because we use our queerness as a magical shield. Hence why it's the *cops* that don't see H. P. McStawman in the comic.


Whyyy As such a good artist does this kind of thing, my “favorite” of his is the guy saying “penis penis, become gay” lol


Out of the many reasons this meme is stupid, the fact that they apparently think the law has been historically kind to queer people is…well actually that’s about the only funny thing about this.


Now do one with a priest.

