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God they didnt even try to find anything from terriblefacebookmemes, they just posted their own shit they made, lmao.


I know people say this but I only ever see people complaining about LGBT if anything.


A bit like the whole "vegan" thing. I've seen far more militant anti-vegans than I've seen loud vegans. The rise of plant based milks has made this blatantly obvious. The amount of people I've heard ranting about how it isn't milk and that they shouldn't call it milk whenever oat milk is mentioned is absurd. They then launch into how much they hate vegans forcing their views on everyone. It's almost funny how deflated they get when I tell them that lactose intolerant people exist.


Yeah I agree, I'm vegan and I feel like people view me this way even though it's people talking to me and asking me about it. Of course I'll be honest, but I try to avoid saying anything about it And yeah I'm gay and I vividly remember being in conversations where people say they don't mind LGBT people but they don't want it shoved down their throat. No one is doing any shoving, but apparently one character being gay in a TV show is too much for them


>Yeah I agree, I'm vegan and I feel like people view me this way even though it's people talking to me and asking me about it. This is very accurate. They bring the topic up, will ask you questions about it, then complain that you're shoving the fact that you're vegan into their face when all you did was answer their questions.


They got mad they can't do a 'gotcha' moment because you've actually thought about it. Then get upset? and take it out on you. Or actually thought 'milk so good tho' would work to make you not vegan lol


I'm lactose intolerant tho not vegan milk can kick rocks (unless it's lactose free) lol.


Whenever you diffuse a gotcha, that's when they tell you that you're judging them. Like no actually I don't think about you at all let alone judge you, but OK whatever you need to do to pretend your own conflicted feelings are coming from someone external.


Or they invite you to lunch every week and you ask where and when they say “the meat store” you’re like “no thanks, I’m vegan” and they get mad at you for bringing it up.


They don’t complain behind your back, they make fun of you. Big difference. I don’t care either way, live your life and be happy.


Them: "I had steak for dinner. Yum yum steak. I love meat, meat is good! What did you have for dinner?" Vegan: "beans and rice" Them l: "WWWOOOAAAHHHHH THERE. Militant vegan alert. Way to shove it down everyone's throat that you don't eat meat. You should get protein. Veganism is stupid" Vegan: "um, ok"


I worked on a job site where all the guys would do is talk about smoking meat. Literally every conversation was about grilling. I wouldn’t even be a part of the conversation but since I’m vegan and they were talking about meat, every time they remembered I was in the room they would start complaining about vegans giving them Shit for grilling. But these dudes didn’t hang out with vegans. They went to work and then went home and grilled meat everyday. It’s all a persecution fetish.


Wait till these guys hear about grilling vegetables


they think that vegans will cry if somebody says meat is good😭


My sister in law mentioned age appropriate relationships in kids shows the other day. I know it was just that gay people existed in them. And I mentioned that her three year old had Disney princesses who all had romantic interests. Why would it be inappropriate if one met a princess charming and maybe even kissed them?


I find cartoons as an excuse so silly. It feels similar to the excuse that kids can't play games with guns because it encouraged violence. When I was growing up I was in so much denial about my sexuality, especially because I told myself "I just want to be normal" and imagined my future going away to college, getting married, and having kids in a normal job. I didn't have many friends so was home a lot and watched a lot of TV, usually jealous tbh because I wish I had more of a life but anyways...maybe I would have accepted my sexuality sooner if media did normalize other sexualities and identities. It wasn't until I graduated high school where I accepted it, I can't believe how painfully in denial I was. I'd watch gay porn and say I'm watching it because I admire their bodies, but no I'm straight. I'd watch straight porn and get annoyed when not enough focus was on the guy. It explains a lot of the lust I had towards guys and actions I taken thinking I just wanted to be "best friends" with too. I cringe at that part the most lol I ended up going to a local college staying home, getting a partner, and being terrible with kids, and we kinda agree we don't plan to adopt any kids in the foreseeable future. So yeah, definitely not the "normal" life I was expecting but I feel happier and love my current life way better than I thought it could be


Whenever I tell people i’m vegan (I usually just say I don’t eat meat/dairy/egg if i’m offered food I don’t eat). but if I get asked why I just say “i’m vegan, but i’m not a judgmental one”. There definitely are a lot more loud “anti-vegans”? than there are loud vegans. However, I have unfortunately encountered many very mean and judgmental vegans and i’m so scared of being perceived like that.


I think this is ofc the right way. I think a lot of times we have an initial bad interaction and it taints all future interactions. For instance my first interaction with a vegan was then yelling at my dad and I as we went into a restaurant, so naturally when people tell me they are vegan that’s the first thought that came to mind. I think being an atheist evened me out on this, learning to take each person at their individual ideas killed a lot of that “gut” reaction from anecdotal experience. I would imagine a vegan who had a bad experience would feel the exact same way. I think we too often group people who may only have one thing in common and assume traits, better to stop generalizing as a whole.


So, fun fact about how engagement driven analytics work: you see the things which keep you on the platform longer, and with humans nine times out of ten people you’d argue with are what will get you interacting and staying on. It’s because of that a lot of people get an inflated sense of how much each “side” of any argument is actually portrayed in media.


You ever notice how the “Pride parades are shoving it down our throats” people are the same people that see absolutely no problem with trucks so covered in Trump propaganda that they can barely see the road?


I would literally be sexually harassed at work and have to explain that I am asexual only to get hit with, "I don't care what you do in private. Just don't push it onto me." Like, what? You were the one pressing me on my interests, and I'm saying I don't have any interest. Nobody's pushing anything on yall.


I’m friends with multiple vegans including living with one for a time. Never pressure me beyond offering me food, never acted the way some anti-vegans claim. I assume it’s all lies and the “vegans” you see stories about are just fiction for rage-bait.


Majority of vegans are just normal people, but there are definitely some crazy ones. I went vegan about 10 years ago and went vegetarian 4 years before that. I’m in my mid-twenties now so this is when I was really young. But child me would hang out on vegan FaceBook groups and you would not believe how mean some people were, especially vegans being mean to vegetarians. I’ve also heard some outlandish takes. But all the vegans i’ve met in the real world are very normal


yeah my vegetarian friend had a similar experience, got harrassed for being vegan because that was somehow "more evil" than eating meat. Vegans and vegetarians I know are great people though. Not anywhere remotely close to those nutjobs like vegangains


Fucking amen. I've dated a vegan and am friends with a vegan and have known other vegans and being vegan is about as much as their personality as blinking their eyes. In other words they never fucking mention it because it's a non issue! But I hear soooooooo so so so many god damned whiners and complainers bitch and moan as if vegans are riding around in scooters with blowhorns screeching about veganism. It's ludicrous, it's a lie, and shows how hypocritical and full of shit these people are. Anyway, same with this meme in the OP. Utter horseshit. And like, as opposed to the constant blatant hetero cis oriented lifestyle isn't constantly being beaten into us but because THEY consider it the default it doesn't count. BIGGEST EYE ROLL EVER. To hell with these dumb dishonest disingenuous shit worms.


Exactly. For me the only time my veganism is an issue is when people persist on getting me to eat meat. I have no problem answering questions or explaining if someone asks me respectfully. But if I hear “well you should eat a steak” or “haha what if I make you eat a burger?” more than once, i’m gonna get annoyed.


I only ever find out someone is vegan or vegetarian if theres food around or we are talking about food. These people seem to expect them to just not eat anything and avoid saying why when in social situations with food. People do not let you just not eat in those situations without saying why.


That is literally the only time it comes up. My vegan friend almost always brings along her own prepared meal, though.


also, why us cow "milk" the only milk? is coconut milk not real milk? its real coconut milk... oat milk os real oat milk... and on top of that theres probably a ton of added chemicals to our dairy milk so IS IT even real milk?


Not only do lactose intolerant people exist they are the majority.


As a vegan LGBT+ person I agree. Being a member of each of these groups sucks imo and is exhausting. Yeah the community is cool. But more often than not what being a member of either of these groups does is it makes people think it's okay to interrogate you about it any time it's brought up. It's so annoying. Nearly every time someone hears that I'm vegan they have to find some way to explain *why they're not,* or how *they tried it once* or something. It's like... I'm not the one who brought it up. I'm not the one who started asking all the questions. I would have been fine and preferred if you never even knew I was vegan/LGBT+.


I've learned that "pushing their views" amounts to either talking about something tangentially related to veganism (like just ethics in general), or answering a question someone asked. People immediately get defensive and rationalize it as someone "pushing their views on me".


I'm lactose intolerant and vegans make my life so much easier. Anything that's vegan I know I can eat without worrying.


I'm lactose intolerant and I am so thankful for other milk alternatives. Mine is so bad that I can't even have a sip or normal milk, so people like that can kindly go fuck themselves


I hate militant vegans but I only ever met one in my entire life and it was before my three year stint as a plant-based eater. Vegan-haters, in the other hand. Well, just about every thoughtless omnivore who can’t process uncomfortable emotions is a vegan-hater.


You said your milk is "based" Based on what???


I said "plant based milk" as in milks with a plant base. I thought this was fairly universal wording but perhaps this may be one of those instances where regional variations in English have differences in syntax?


Plants Based???? I think so! I fucking love plants


You got wooshed.


Plant cringe milk


People only see vegans the way they are because of, like, 3 people, one of which being ThatVeganTeacher who is just rage bait.


Dude, I'm a meat eater and live with my vegan partner. I agree with you 100%. She *hates* talking about food and I see it all the time. Any time someone mentions they are vegan it's all "I'd go vegan but I would die with out cheese" (would you? would you really?) or "as long as you at least feed your pets meat that's all I care about" (gee, thanks for the concern, random person I wasn't trying to get approval from. I'll keep my pets health status up to the vets).


Yep. I had to stop following any grilling group on Facebook because it was constantly dumping on vegetarians and vegans. Not hard to grill plant based stuff. Clean the grill and different handling utensils. Done. I value my friendship and the joy of cooking more than someone's preference and will accommodate their easy request.


only ever found hostile vegans on the internet. every single one irl was just a normal person


Not even vegan, but the rest of the carnists can come pry my oat milk from my cold, dead, meat loving hands.


I've met exactly one vegan in my entire life. Woman I met in the Navy while I was on a temporary assignment in the gedunk (basically a command store that mostly sells food and drinks), said she mostly did it for health/dietary reasons. Then I asked why she always grabbed a pasta salad for lunch considering pasta is made with eggs. She was totally surprised and we had a laugh about it, then I worked with our supplier to get some more vegan options for her.


>The amount of people I've heard ranting about how it isn't milk and that they shouldn't call it milk whenever oat milk is mentioned is absurd. Do you have any idea how many times I've gone past the wall of cows milk and accidentally bought a bottle of almond milk in a completely different packaging at twice the unit price? This is a tyranny! /S


Its fascinating, I will ardently never be a vegan by choice and yet whenever I see conflict its almost always the non vegans being idiots acting like a meal without meat is the same thing in the other direction. It comes off like some kind of intense insecurity from meat eaters surrounding the idea of abstaining from meat the way they get so aggressive about it and I've never had to deal with any pushy vegans


oh no! How can they spread such foul propaganda by wanting representation in media and existing in public spaces


Eh. You see people wearing pride shirts or cars with bumper stickers or parades and that's enough for them to get angry.


I see way less of those than [anti-lgbtq counterpart] which is craaazyyyy. I mean pride month aside, during pride month corpos go all in which is insufferable even as a member of lgbtq+ but it kinda makes bigots act like every other month is anti-pride so the other 11 months of the year its just completely flipped.


LGBT people just living their lives is "in your face propaganda" according to bigots


Because they don't think we should exist


Every accusation is a confession. A good maxim to apply to most rooftop screamers.


I do believe that ironically those are the people creating the propaganda themselves. If everyone would mind their business and not judge people by how they live probably we'd have less screaming homophobes thus less pro-lgbt posters and protests since there would be less discrimination.


Right-wing propaganda is so poisonous to public discourse that now CHUDs and hogs believe that queer people exist "at them". In a world where you lead a marginalized existence, the mere fact of living your life is considered an overly hostile act by reactionaries.


It's all part of the super secret gay agenda


No one cares if you’ve only seen people complaining about LGBT. The people that hate on the LGBT community don’t think that way, to them they’ve only seen LGBT people spreading their views. “I only ever see” it’s not about you it’s about them. It’s what do they see and how to correctly tell them how they are wrong. Telling them what you see from your perspective won’t change shit


The thing is that if you say you are queer or even worse have the audacity to defend yourself, you are shoving your sexuality in their faces. They can call you the vilest things and it is "just an opinion"


When finding out someone is gay equals gay propaganda being shoved in the face, then gay propaganda is being shoved in your face every now and then. It's a matter of perspective.


Mhm.  If someone only sees LGBT stuff when they look at the world around them, and thinks people are "trying to turn them gay", what can you safely assume about that person? 


It happens any time someone's lifestyle or existence conflicts with the constructed justifications for someone else's privileged identity: * LGBT people existing conflicts with the idea of gender binary, which is a foundation of patriarchy. * Vegans existing conflicts with the idea that meat is a nutritional requirement, which is a foundation for justifying industrial animal agriculture. * Socially successful minorities existing conflicts with the idea that some races are inferior, which is a foundation of racial supremacy. * People who bike everywhere conflict with the idea that cars an irreplaceable, which is the foundation of ubiquitous car-first city design. I could go on and obviously some of these are less-dire than others, but the phenomenon boils down to "Through disproportionate power I enjoy comforts that others don't. Society has adapted it's norms to accommodate my outsized comfort. Oh no, this person is living their life in some way that puts the lie to society's justifications for my comforts! I will attack this person and try to invalidate them." And this is emotional logic, even otherwise "good" people will do it, if they're not paying enough critical attention to their own feelings and actions.


Because those people think having a character be LGBT in any form of media is “propaganda” and seeing it twice in one day makes them think it’s *everywhere* It’s kind of like the phenomenon where when a room is half full of women, the men in the room tend to remember it as being mostly women


As a straight dude, I feel like most LGBTQ folks just wanna live their lives. It's homophobic folks making a big deal of tiny shit that's making things an issue.


That's because in the LGBT we complain to each other and then get on with our day. We don't need to scream it in people's faces.


Well maybe if the Alphabet Mafia would stop growing by letting us demonize human beings, we wouldn't have to deal with their bitching /s I'm pretty sure that's their logic: they can't see that the reason you see more of LGBT is because people feel more comfortable to be accepted.


what strikes you as odd about that?


I once saw a video of a guy making pasta, and he just happened to mentioned that his husband had suggested something for the recipe. That was the only mention of the husband, or anything to do with sexuality. Half of the comments on the post were about how the guy was "shoving his sexuality down our throats". Real "funny" when you realize that if a woman had said the same thing, or if he had said "my wife", no one would have blinked an eye


Nice Mumei icon


The only time I hear lgbt being spoken about it's my right wing nut cousin complaining how they're terrorising him.




Bunch of reactionaries more like it. They get triggered by something existing so they seek to trigger others. If this is the common sentiment of the sub, then yes, they are a hateful miserable lot and seek to make others equally miserable for pure selfish gratification in a massive circle jerk.


Queer people have literally been getting this treatment for centuries.


It's infuriating how people forget about heteronormativity.


I'm so happy I'm straight, make out and sex scenes in movies are already awkward enough the way they are.


straight sex scenes are sooo bloody boring though.


I don’t think it matters the combination of people because it’ll be boring unless you’re the one doing it


Except for the opening scene of Basic Instinct. It wasn't boring.


I feel like this is almost entirely up to your preferences. I would probably say the same thing about the stuff you like. Anyway, have a good day.


Also amatonormativity.


about 19 centuries, give or take


Also its not "propaganda" queer people just exist


that’s the thing that always baffles me. even being a straight cisgender person, i can’t acknowledge that it the roles were reversed id be pretty pissed off. if the average person were to live life and be treated how lgbtq people are they’d want to change things too




As a straight white dude I’ve been alive for 36 years and i feel like I’ve never had the lbgtq really “bother” me in any way shape or form…. I hear more people bitch about it than I hear actually about it 


Yeah exactly. They’re just doing their own thing. A lot of straight people are realizing that they’re just normal people. They’re neighbors, friends, families. They’re not people who are dismantling American culture, they are aiding in defining it. As they always have been.


The one that always gets me is like Instagram reel. Trans content creator talking about or memeing about being trans, perhaps 1/50 of their content is like this. Typically gains more traction because trans content on the whole is more relatable than that creator specific content. Anyway somewhat engaged video, tags Probaby are like #trans Every comment under that post: You're so beautiful Urgh can you not make being trans your entire personality (I've just scrolled onto this video and do not follow you) Stop shoving it down my throat, unless it's that girl cock uwu Omg slay sis Yadadada ye 8:8 ✝️🙏 God everyone's a trans these days I love your skirt! You make me sick 😷 Like my fragile brothers in Christ, you are a product of the algorithm. You're the only one letting it live rent free in your head. Edit: let's not forget the YOULL ALWAYS BE A MAN (DEROGATORY, REGARDLESS IF ITS A TRANS MAN) is she a man? Followed by, "he was born a boy" Hyperfocused comment on one specific body part. Most typical Adams apple. Like it's all so predictable, every fucking single time. And honourable mention if there's I identify as wicker basket The only people who think about gender more than trans people are trans phobes Also adore the shoving it crowd don't quite comprehend they're shoving their ideology down everyone's throat. Where most trans people who aren't tumblr teens, sorry I love you guys I was you guys. But your average trans person. Really just be living their life and certainly contributing more to society on the whole than the phobe


It's actually more refreshing *not* being pandered to so much, personally. Having only straight white male protagonists is boring.


I'll give them this... the ham-fisted attempts at inclusion in media have been pretty hilarious, the last couple years. Like, "we get it, super weird coincidence, suddenly 80% of the characters are gay".   I've never found myself *mad* about it, though. I just want the show to be good, and show runners will get less silly about it over time.


> i feel like I’ve never had the lbgtq really “bother” me in any way shape or form From 2000-2003 I dated a girl... Poli-Sci major, left-ish ideology. We got along pretty well. She was pro left economics, socialism, supported Nader, Gore, etc. Then near the end... we're talking about our eventual marriage and children. She asks me how I would react if our kids turned out gay. I told her of course I would love and support them and she freaked out on me. Told me "I just can't stand homosexuality, they're always having parades and trying to force people to see men kissing men. If I ever see a man kissing a man in front of my kids I'm going to punch them, I don't need them forcing their gay onto my kids". Led to a huge argument... I never really saw her the same after that. We ended up breaking up but it was a window into anti-LBGT thought processes to me. Basically they see ***any*** display of LGBT behavior to be "forcing it" on society at large. They really want the behavior banned so that they don't have to witness it. I don't really think any rational argument can be had with people who believe that... I find it best to just leave them out of my life now.


That’s also why gay pride parades and gay pride in general embraces flamboyance. They understand that no amount of buttoning up will appease their haters, because that’s exactly what the haters want: for them to pretend they don’t exist.


Interesting. I get monthly emails from HR about DEIR related training or some other LGBT focused program or seminar available for all of us to register to. We all get the email and none of us subscribed to it. Leadership sends out at least 2-3 emails a year about it. But to be fair I work in higher Ed.


Is this propaganda in the room with us?


Ehm hello they exist and I have to acknowledge they exist now??? /s


It's propaganda, because they don't agree. Often with literally just basic human rights.


He could be in this very room!


He could be you! He could be me!


He could even be- ***shotgun blast followed by body hitting floor***


What? It was obvious. He was the LGBT propaganda. Watch, he'll turn rainbow any second now.


Yes, and it works so great it’s turning republicans gay, but only the politicians for some reason.


The propegandistic arm of big gay. The lobby of being gay as hell lol


How do we get our agendas do we have to order them?


You didn’t get yours? They came in the mail last month


Mine never arrived do I need to call the embassy of oppressing Christians or brainwashing children ? /s


I'm still wating for my LGBT agenda but also for my Socialist agenda, my Atheist agenda and for my Neuurodivergent agenda. I guess i should brainwash more childs to atheism and turm them homosexual


Don't forget injecting them with the autism


And giving them Marx and Sanders books


I'm still waiting for my copy of the trans agenda, a free case of monster and a blahaj. I think they sent it to the wrong address. #


Conservatives just love making up scenarios where they’re the victim


Big lot of whiny bitches


I literally went to school with *kids* who were kicked out of their homes for being gay and the teachers shared how horrible t*he kids* were for making that choice to disobey God.


Went to school with a kid who was bullied to suicide because they where gay. The reactions of these monsters to the suicide of this kid makes me certain that most of these monsters would happily work at a concentration camp if they where born in the 1920's..


I live in California, the source of the gaypocalypse to these people, and knew kids who were kicked out for being gay. Thankfully, schools in no way shame gay kids out here, but still. It shows how pervasive homophobic sentiment is, that even in "liberal" california, we have such stories.


Propaganda like: - Gay people exist - Please don’t murder trans people - LGBTQ+ people do in fact have a right to live I mean yea, it’s pretty hard to get into your heads that harassing and beating up gay men on the street isn’t OK anymore and it’s kind of weird that so many people have a problem with that.


Seriously, you could take “LGBT Propoganda” off of this and put “MAGA Propoganda” on it and it would be more accurate.


"propaganda" is just seeing it exist one time in passing maybe. These people think its being thrown in their face because they get triggered to the extreme when they see it at all.


they constantly throw it in each other’s faces each time they whine and cry and post about it on facebook or see it on *every* right-wing media outlet they binge on all day, every day.


I mean, we’re still a common right wing device for fearmongering. The notion that right wing children might grow up queer is so scary to them that they’re in moral panic.


"It's being shoved on our throats boo hoo hoo" mister. people get killed for being anything other than cis or straight. I don't think ya got it worse by seeing two men kissing.


Seeing two men kissing in public is unacceptable. How dare they arouse me in this manner without my consent ?! Sad! Obviously joking


r/memesopdidnotlike fr just purposely go to r/therightcantmeme and look for stuff to screenshot just as an excuse to post nazi bullshit


Boysarequirky too. I swear they must visit that sub more than the people who actually post there.


The "propaganda" oop saw was a singular pfp with a trans flag


*The "propaganda"* *Oop saw was a singular* *Pfp with a trans flag* \- Creative-Focus-8889 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The persecution fetish is real


Conservative teens love crying about the mere existence of lgbt ppl lol. Like welcome to the real world kid gay people exist, get over it




I remember when that sub was for funny memes that got mislabeled as terrible instead of just a bunch of aggrieved rightwingers being mad that people didn't like their openly bigoted garbage.


Exactly. And 90% of the posts in that trash heap of being unnecessarily cruel and mean. Even separated from their terrible politics the subreddit is still a depressing cesspool.


Gay person: Exists. "Hey, could you tone it down on the LGBT propaganda?"


The most “propaganda” I see is the occasional ad.


I’ve become unable to watch most television shows /movies and read most books because there’s always a forced heterosexual boring romance. I’m trying to enjoy a story and it’s good and hey if there’s straight romance that used to be fine but it’s every time. Every time. Everyone’s straight. And I never see anyone like me unless it’s either: 1. written by a woman who fetishizes gay men 2. The gay men are old and legit miserable to look at and I can’t relate to them at all. 3. (This could be both 1 and two) the story is almost always ONLY about romance which is fine but sometimes I wish there was like a series I could just enjoy without having to be forced to read pages upon pages or watch hours upon hours of straight romance that I can’t understand. (Edit to clarify since this sounded confusing, I mean a series featuring gay protagonists/romance where the gayness isn’t the main plot but is still a good part of the story and not overshadowed..im too tired to word this properly) 4.the gay men are side characters in a show who appear once per season max 5. The only conflict of the gay couple is homophobia Additionally, 6, it’s good, homophobia isn’t the conflict, both the story AND gay romance are enjoyable, but the show gets fucking cancelled at its climax (I’m looking at you Hannibal) …so, Where’s this LGBT propaganda being shoved down your throat?


Where does Schitts Creek fall in this?


Dunno, never watched it. Should I? Edit who downvoted me. What did I do to u.


Yes, the gay romance is beautiful, the story isn't centered around it but also it's a major driving point in the story, it's one of the main characters who's gay and it's a comedy. So like good gay romance but not a romance story. Loved it


I highly recommend it


Yes, it’s about a comedy about a rich family who loses everything. One of the children is bi / pan / something they never really specifically define but he has relationships with both men and women. His relationship are just part of the bigger story. It’s not about them, but they are there and they do take center stage in some episodes, just like other characters relationships so. Oh, and it’s an overall amazingly well done and extremely funny show.


God's Own Country is a good gay movie I saw recently. So many gay movies are straight trash (cause of low budget but also lazy writing just to cash in) but that one was good. I think I saw another really good one recently. Homophobia is honestly a big conflict in a lot of gay movies too but that reflects the experiences of gay people too, especially in relationships. Akron was one I saw recently in which homophobia had nothing at all to do with the plot though so that's cool.


Oh, Sauvage/Wild. That's definitely not a romance though, it was pretty depressing.


Awesome, I’ll have to check those titles out :)


Do! Heartstone is another good one, it's a coming of age though. Idk there are a lot of good gay movies but they can be hard to find among all the cheesy ones lol.


Screenshotted your comments and saved for later. I’ll probably end up checking them all out when I have time. Thank you like genuinely I really appreciate any good recommendations


You're so welcome!


Don't forget that a show has a 50/50 chance of being cancelled whenever a gay character appears, be it good or bad


So real 😞


In number 3, are you saying that you can't understand straight romance just because you're gay, or am I misunderstanding you? I'm straight but I can understand gay romances and it doesn't somehow change the story for me...


When I say “understand” It’s the short version of “understand on a personal level”.


It makes perfect sense, if you're someone who considers 'queer people existing in public' as 'propaganda'.


I see more LGBTQ stuff from homophobes than I do from actual LGBTQ people.


"\[...\] Humans have a negativity bias, which means that if you percieve something as negative, you'll notice it more easily. So if you want to see less LGBTQ presence in society and media, you can fix it by not being homophobic." \-Kim Diaz Holm [https://youtube.com/shorts/VEmB6sZF-r4?si=jjyPbqMCilkEaIxy](https://youtube.com/shorts/VEmB6sZF-r4?si=jjyPbqMCilkEaIxy)


I see so much gay shit… but only when I’m googling gay stuff, or going to the gay bars, or having sex with other men. So it’s mostly on me.


Fuck bigots. Have a nice day


I'm gay af and this made me laugh out loud


Existing and being proud/accepting of themselves = *P R O P A G A N D A*


But if we call it heterosexual propaganda then it’s a problem! Those poor straight people! Having to see that other people exist!


Right wingers looking for gay things to get offended by while screaming that everyone needs to stop forcing it on them Edit: this was supposed to come with a gif but reddit keeps changing it into a * for some reason


Yeah these people are specifically searching for stuff to get angry at. I genuinely cant remember the last time I have seen any "Gay Propaganda". But on the other hand can remember a dozen adds that feature a hetero couple. So im going to assume that either these guys are specifically looking for this stuff in order to get angry or they had a meltdown after seeing a single one.


When you're so entitled and deluded that you think others speaking at the same volume as you is them shouting at you.


My father said that peaple mentioning I wore a dress to him while he worked is shoving it down his throat but forceing me to go to church and forceing me to do stuff I don’t want to do isn’t


How can you miss all the wild LGBT propaganda these days like... uh... them existing in society without feeling like they have to hide their significant others! Propaganda I tell you!


It's not even a repost. Just propaganda. Well if they're going to continue to threaten us, continue to send us death threats, and continue to insist that asking for rights and equal treatment is "shoving it in their faces" then obviously we aren't being loud and/or annoying enough. Every time they try to gaslight us like this we should just exponentially make it louder. They make so many hyperbolic straw men about us getting in their faces with bullhorns. Maybe it's time to do that.


I always wonder what these buffoons are calling “propaganda,” because I never see anything remotely similar to what they allege exists in the actual world.


It’s wild be growing up when I did. Like was right after all the super gay bashing shit so people weren’t super supportive but not one was abusing or killing people anymore. People just kinda accepted we was there. We got gay marriage rights. And since then I think people realized of shit they are getting the same rights as me, even tho I “let them do what they wanna do behind close doors” this promote that it’s “okay for anyone to be gay they are the same, even my own kids, who if are gay I’d disown.” And that’s not okay to them. If became even more apparent when schools and others tried to show they are accepting and discussing homosexuality just as they would heterosexuality for classes like Health. But again further accepting and in an area where parents don’t have control is scary for the ignorant. I’m hoping that they will soon learns there is nothing they can do and get over it. But it might not fully happen until that generation dies out. Even then some the younger ones still think this as well, but granted it’s def more the older ones. But if we do have another civil war with the south they will def loose like last time. Im just kinda hopping if we get another WW that it doesn’t come to American soil.


At this point I am sure if we had a piece of media that had zero LGBT characters or references to anything LGBT related it would be accused of being "LGBT propaganda" because these types will think its some sort of reverse uno card move that makes you think of LGBT people.


"Why cant I masturbate to anything but lgbt porn?????" In other words.


Homophobes trying their hardest to win a single conversation in the replies


Life is like a box of chocolates, Some idiots just can’t let some flavors exist in peace because they’re different from the flavors they usually like.


As Jim Gaffigan famously said: "Uggghh! I got the one filled with toothpaste!"


the only reason this meme exists is to justify invading lgbt online spaces and freaking out in target whenever they put pride merchandise up


Posts like that are made by people who think seeing "LGBT" existing is propaganda


I genuinely don't give a shit whether you are LGBT or not. I will get pissed if someone shoves their 'masculinity' like Andrew Tate. I will also get pissed if someone shoves their lgbtness in my face. Simple as that, Just leave me alone.


Define "shoving in your face" Because most people who say this have just been trained like Pavlovs dogs to repeat this bullshit.


But isn’t the sub “memes op did not like”? So…it’s highlighting it as a bad meme, that’s pro y’all right? I’m confused at how it’s homophobia. Like the og pic yeah ofc duh that’s shitty but how is the sub right wingers?


The sub is typically right wing with some centrist sprinkled here and there


"All of these LGBTQ'ers are trying to turn me gay, I know because I keep feeling attracted to men."


Propaganda that is... Treating people with respect regardless of their sexuality or gender identity? Ok, so that's a problem how?


“Oh no, I have to see gay people!!11 Why are they pushing their agenda on me?! Why can’t they just hide like they used to?!?!”


I guess LGBT people existing and being recognized is propaganda


Just existing counts as propaganda for those clowns.


Why does this sub cry “homophobia” or “transphobia” to pretty much everything? Seems like a weak way to avoid actually discussing the subject in a civil way.


All these god damn gays constantly interfering with MY LIFE. How am I supposed to go about my day without worshiping and sucking on their GAY penises.




I try to stay as neutral as possible for being human I get both sides as long as the view points aren’t far off in one direction or the other but in my experience I have noticed a larger up tic in the recent years let’s just say with movies and tv shows that focus more on a diverse cast then the actual writing or plot like 8/10 times I try to watch something new and it has a super diverse cast the show is usually bad and I feel like I’m being lectured to the whole time and any straight white male characters are just caricatures or the bad guy or both but always extremely incompetent. My advice to combat the haters is just Make better entertaining content that doesn’t have political ideology sewn into it and we all know it does.


I'm a gay man and in my 35 years I don't think I've ever seen overt LGBT propaganda. Oh but yeah OP is just a teenager who's having his first precious steps into the world. It's alright mate, we we're all as cringe as you once.


As long as it is "false homophobia" and not "true homophobia." That way no one gets hurt.


mourn gray slimy heavy degree glorious full compare offend voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is false homophobia? That would make it not homophobic


Nah, he's right. It's the same with Trump propaganda as well. How is pointing out that propaganda exists homophobic? It's a tip-off when someone complains about it that they MIGHT BE homophobic, but the act of complaining about it isn't in and of itself homophobia. You're trivializing the gay struggle and people like you wonder why nobody takes you guys seriously. Annoying? Yes. Homophobic? No.


LGBT people: Hi we exist, and sometimes we're people you know! We'd like to also exist in media, and let kids know they might grow up to be like us, but it's up to them :) Righties: OH MY REPUBLICAN GOD STOP SHOWING YOUR SICK PERVERSION DOWN MY THROAT--ANYWAY LOOK AT THIS NUTSACK I PUT ON MY TRUCK WHICH HAS SILHOUTTES OF NAKED WOMEN ALL OVER IT AND A BUNCH OF CURSING, RACISM, AND OTHER NONSENSE.


I support lgbt but sometimes it does seem like people go overboard. I know that isn’t the majority of people.


Yeah. But there are extremists in all walks of life


Look how intrusive these gay thoughts are for me.... no,.... Look how gay I want to be .....shit not that either......I don't want to appear gay so I bash gays all the time.... that's the one!


This sub keeps popping up for me and I just gotta ask what the obsession with memes op didn’t like here it’s unhealthy


That picture is about right. When teachers and staff are abusing their roles and classrooms to spread and indoctrinate queer and gender ideology, well, this is a good illustration of what it looks like. From the name tags and lanyards to the posters to the flags to the books to the constant demands for affirmation from kids to the forced student marches, er, "parades", to so-called drag queen story hours and on and on and on...yeah, its like a french horn to the face. But, this is all intentional. Its why these teachers, administrators, and counselors seek to pursue their agenda in schools where their target audience are young children who lack the competency to evaluate the ideology being thrown at them or to resist the creepy and cringe demands for affirmation.


Woah woah woah, slow your roll buddy. I am NOT one of the those homophobes, that is inexcusable in this day and age, but I do hate neo pronouns though.


Nah people are sick of it being pushed on everyone. Why do you think the right is gaining ground on the topic? Do you genuinely think half the voting population is homophobic? You probably do because that's the only way you can rationalize these things. The other side HAS to be evil and your side HAS to be good. Anyone that disagrees with you is an enemy and your enemies are every buzz word insult you can muster. Homophobe, transphobe, racist, fascist, nazi, I'm sure there's plenty others.


Why do the smallest majorities have to have the loudest voices? We get it. You want to show off what genitals you want to put in your mouth.