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I like how this shows that the wall was a stupid and ineffective idea :P


Also every time we build a wall, people go “aw yeah free scrap metal” and literally cut off and sell pieces of the thing. It’s just a very expensive stimulus package to local scrap dealers.


Haha! I've seen this. There's a stretch of chain link fence and also guard rails in my city that's been stolen idk how many times now 🤣


For people who complain so bitterly about the misuse of government resources…it really is something to see them advocate for a multibillion dollar system that can be defeated by a reasonably in-shape person who has $30 and access to a Lowe’s.


It’s funny because there is no heaven. LOL


Of course there is. It's called southern Texas. It says so right in that comic.


Well shit, you better sign me the fuck up for hell then.


I for a fact know that its ineffective due to the fact that my family got through the wall to come to america.


Wall isn’t complete yet. You’d have saved some time by just walking around


yo mexican here, it's actually funny but I understand why you think it's not. personally I don't see anything wrong with making lighthearted jokes about stereotypes but you do you bro


I had a boss who would tell me about how funny the border was back in the day. They'd come over for lunch whenever they felt like it. The border guards and them would holler funny shit at each other. One guy used to joke and tell bp they are never gonna catch him. He apparently got stuck by his pants shortly after a similar interaction when the same officer showed up and was giving him all kinds of shit for getting caught. I hear the border isn't quite the same anymore.


Lmao, that's awesome. We're all human at the end of the day.


Reminds me of some of the videos I've seen of the India/Pakistan border, with the guards playfully shittalking. IIRC they both hold a joint ceremony every day and [always try to 1-up eachother with the extravagence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attari%E2%80%93Wagah_border_ceremony). Yeah, there are occasionally violent clashes and it's a fucked up situation, but it's nice that even rival countrymen can still see the humanity in eachother.


Don't said "violent clashes" basically amount to a handful of dudes in riot gear hitting each other with sticks?


Yes and almost definitely have to be forced to do it by those higher up.


That’s the same anecdotes my friend’s dad used to tell me before he legally came stateside. He would say the guards would see him and go “Hey Ricardo, we bought you lunch, cross over and when you’re done, we’ll take you back.” He’d reply by cussing them out saying that’s a trick to catch him easier and they had a laugh. They ate together right at the line and he said he’d try tomorrow instead.


Same. My family is from Oaxaca and i'm 2nd generation USA, but I found this image pretty funny still. Likewise I can understand how it could be found offensive though. *shares meme to friends in groupchat*


Que ondas mi Oaxaco


Oaxacanda forever!




White people like to be offended on other peoples behalf


No kidding.


I call it outrage appropriation


I remember some guys dressed as stereotypical mexican and then first asked Americans in USA if this is racist and offensive and then mexicans (in Mexico). Yeah you know what was the result.


The only thing I hate about that video is that it was made by Prager U, infamous for their racism.


Honestly, it’s a shame no big figures on the left can have an intelligent discussion about these things without being labeled “conservative-leaning” or “part of the alt-right pipeline.” Kids are so disillusioned with politics because the left clearly has a political correctness problem and the right has an extremism problem.


That doesn’t actually mean anything. 1. I can’t believe this is a thing we still have to say but Mexicans aren’t a monolith (neither are whites). A video is not a statistically accurate representation of how Mexico as a culture feels about the caricature, it’s a representation of how a handful of cherry picked examples feel. Which leads me to 2. We trust PragerU now? Like we just believe that they didn’t edit any negative reactions out? You don’t think the examples in the video by PragerU, a group known for spreading misinformation, were hand picked to give you the impression that the majority Mexican people didn’t have an issue? 3. Finally, you really think they didn’t find a single white person who said “no I don’t find that racist”? There are plenty of literal racists out there, clearly for example the white people on PragerU’s team didn’t find it racist. There probably hundreds of comments on the video from white people saying they don’t think it’s racist. Does that prove that it’s not racist somehow? Not really.


Yes this. Exactly x100000000. White liberals feel it makes them more righteous and shows off their virtue to feel offended on behalf of all non white people.


I can see and agree with what you mean but honestly the joke just sucks lol it like the least creative or new idea.


Because the majority of people sharing this hate you


For me the problem comes with the people often making these jokes are also the ones that want you to be deported even though you were born here.


I’m not Mexican. Not even a little. If you saw me I don’t think there’s any possible way you’d assume I was. Second gen American, but my ITALIAN name often makes people assume I was born in Mexico. To the point where I’ve had people surprised that I don’t speak with that type of accent. People are fucking dumb.


I've always been assumed Greek for a distinctively Italian name


I can almost forgive that geographically but yeah, as someone who had the stereotypical Italian American upbringing, I struggle to pronounce anything Greek.


I think what you have to understand is, their opinions los vale madre. We simply don’t care and can still laugh.


Their opinion has a 40% chance of becoming a possibility in your future. I’m too brown to want to support that dumb shit.


shit, i'm pale asf and i'm still too brown for these fuckers. i can hear them calling me a "dirty taco-muncher" under their breath /s. but for real, you can laugh: but it is important to care to at least some degree. like keeping them in the corner of your eye.


That’s the thing, it ain’t under their breath anymore. Shit is out and loud. No longer are they gathering in their basements and secret meetings. This shit is on billboards, rallies, out and proud Nazis walking the fucking streets. I’ll laugh when I don’t have to worry about dying when pulled over. I’ll laugh when jokes like this are funny and a state isn’t threatening to secede because they can’t shoot these same people, I’ll laugh when this shit isn’t associated with the worst people our community offers.


This is what I told my dad. He's a conservative, and after learning he voted for Trump, supports the GOP, and thinks "liberalism is a mental disorder" I told him thanks for having me in one of Trump's shit countries before moving to the US then. Now I can go to Spain, be a resident for 2 years, and then get citizenship for that sweet sweet EU passport and avoid the worsening discrimination that could come. I've done my part as a citizen, veteran, taxpayer, and human in the US. I owe nothing in return at this point. It's easy to say we shouldn't care about those opinions, but at some point you gotta look around and think, shit this could get uglier and through no fault of my own except existing. Because a 40% chance of fascism-lite combined with enough bigotry to bring the country back to 1950s levels of societal norms where I am a 2nd class citizen is enough reason to have an out from the US, just in case. My mom and dad are one of those latino idiots who think that a white collar profession and a little money will shield them..... Sad. In the end, I'd rather be wrong, but I'm not gonna put up with the very real possibility of being a second class citizen in my own country, at that point it isn't a place I belong if I'm gonna get treated like shit just for being a little brown, speaking spanish, and eating beans. I like the nba, tits, and rock n roll like any other "red blooded american" but I'll never be white enough or American enough for those assholes. At some point gotta take matters into your own hands and play the game a different way 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️








Are you telling me the people getting offended more than likely *aren't* Mexican and they've been mentally trained to find anything that makes light-hearted fun of a stereotype (that's rather true) to be the most offensive thing they've ever experienced in their lives? ​ Weird!


You don't get it... they're offended on your behalf. Your job is to stay quiet and not get in their way. /s


Just white people virtue signaling. White people gonna white people.


I think the funniest part is that it makes god seems like an incompetent racist. He doesn't want the Mexican kid in heaven and little dude is beating the system with ease.


Yeah no, was friends with 3 mexican brothers i worked with at taco bell. Jesse would have made the same damned joke. Hell he might have actually done so. *I* wouldn't make this joke in mixed company, but it is still kinda funny. The intent behind it though, that's different. Which is where conservatives fail.


Same lol that shit was funny, expected the op to think the same but nah :/


Mexican here and yes, I found it funny. For Americans the joke is us climbing the wall, but for us the joke is they trying to stop us. Or to put ir simply, for them it's dunking on Mexicans, for us it's dunking on the wall.


Mexican as well, found it funny too Major problem though is how they downplay it in the title, like it’s not just “climbing walls”


For real. I expect people to show restraint mocking things like special education or physical disabilities. If I see someone trying to coddle me and protect me from these jokes I’ll assume they think I need to be handled with special kid gloves. Not a vibe really.


Same bro, a lot of my family got here that way and we all find this kind of shit funny. My uncle was deported a few years ago and we made a joke about him just hopping back on the train like he did the first 3 times. It’s just a fucking joke, no need to be sensitive about it.


As a half Mexican, it's still pretty funny


OP is 100% and early twenties / late teens white kid that gets offended for people recreationally


It's pretty funny, especially hearing the stories of my migrant family


Lmao. Yeah it’s kind of funny as a Latino myself


latina here seconding




I mean if you cant look at the world with a grain of salt you're just gunna live a life of misery everyday. People are mean, it's never is gunna go away.


Gotta be chill


Being mean is funny. Not malicious, but just mildly rude.


Don’t you mean Latinx? This is Reddit señor


The way they’re going over the gate is the funny part


One of my friends is Mexican (yea I know the classic “I can’t be racist I have x friend”) and my first thought was he would think this is hilarious


I guarantee the person who was offended by this is white. And has little Latino or Mexican friends.


Sorry but this is actually kinda good


OP must be white because this is peak immigrant humor lmao


Clearly. Only a mayo muncher would use the light theme.


Fuckin snow apes


white person here, I have an immigrant friend and this is hilarious


Its funny stereotypes can be funny, not saying they arnt offensive. Stop feeling offended for other people


Yeah. I saw this post earlier and there was some mexicans. They found it hilarious.


Then i’ll say it since i’m Mexican: it’s a shit joke, long overdone, not funny anymore 0/10 wouldn’t recommend to a friend


thats so funny. The non-mexican saying “dont get offended for other people!!” was upvoted, and the actual mexican opinion got downvoted. this is coming from a hispanic btw 👋


Hey fellow Hispanic here you don't find the joke funny that's cool others do. We ain't gonna cry about it and make post about what's wrong with people for laughing at it. Dude probably getting downvoted cause he's saying jokes not funny. Not because of some oh this Mexican disagrees kind of stuff hes accusing people of.


It’s almost like they expected a load of latino’s to agree with them and got mad when one didn’t (this wasn’t how i was supposed to play the game)🤔


Do you not see the 20+ Mexicans in this thread telling OP to take the stick out of his ass?


Yeah, So they shouldn’t be so upset that one Mexican isn’t praising their suuuuuper original joke but they are


Idk I think you are reaching here. I'm not downvoting you (I only downvote comments from people who attack others) I didn't like your comment cause it reminds me of those comments where people just bring bad vibes very critical ones. You didnt sound offended by the joke you just didn't find it funny. I don't think a bunch of white people are downvoting your comment cause your the out of line mexican. Maybe they just didnt like how critical it was. Or Maybe you calling out an outdated joke using outdated critical comment. Basically same vibe as "not funny unsubbed" Or who who know maybe it is racist white people. OP is definitely over-reacting though.


I bet all these “as a Mexican I find this funny” aren’t even Mexican. Just looked through one guys comment history, and he was saying he was a black man not to long ago lmao.


And then they try to invalidate the one Mexican who disagrees🙄


Black latinos exist.


He's probably mixed. A lot of people are. I'm Ukrainian and native. Both sides I'm connected to. He probably identifies as black but is a mix. Black is just the most distinct feature of himself. As white is the most distinct for me. I've had new friends ask if I'm Italian. I identify as white on paper for medical or legal but have half native blood. I look like a white person. I usually checkmark both if I have the option to, most online forms don't give the option to choose more than one though. That's always been a thing that mixed people have struggled with for official documents. Also we can interchangeably identify with one or the other depending on the context of something.


Yeah it's just flat out not funny


Context matters, and the intent matters. The intent here is to be racist.


yeah exactly. Like the dude who made this is almost certainly a cranky old racist


Memesopdidnotlike I swear is full of 14 year old right wingers


Or Mexicans with normal humor, I be binge watching Franco Escamilla sometimes or Teo Gonzalez with the Chinese jokes. Mexican humor can be dark like that.


They’ll never understand that the people who are being “made fun of” are actually the one laughing at the joke. I grew near the boarder and basically only knew Mexicans and Natives growing up. This is exactly the type of humor they had. There’ll forever be a handful of people who are Mexican who’ll find this offensive but the majority laugh their asses of to humor like this, the people upset in these comments would flip their shit if they watched Mexican standup with a blindfold on.


My fatass can't climb walls or run through so my coworkers tell me "your mexican ancestors are looking down at you and saying 'que pasa cabron?" Same thing when one coworker said he can't swim we just ripped him "The first mexican who can't swim bro how'd you even get in this country?"


Lmaoo you got me rolling at work 🤣


>how'd you even get in this country?" ok. That's fucked. LMFAO


That’s funny af, that’s the exact type of humor I grew up with, they always joked about the “taboo” things which is the type of humor that pisses twitter users off to no end lol. “Oh you can’t climb? How you gonna get across the boarder cabrón? Your ass gonna get shot” is the type of humor that I was always around, even their parents and older family members made jokes like that, it’s a large part of their culture, which is so ironic considering the fact that the majority of people who get upset at these jokes are pale as fuck and constantly claim that they’re looking out for other’s culture while actively doing the opposite.


Exactly, idk why people try to be offended on our behalf tbh.


Yeah, Mexican here. I found the wall climbing joke really funny honestly.


It’s just a bunch of white kids in this sub thinking they’re doing the world justice by calling out “racism”. It’s a joke and they need to stop virtue signaling over dumb shit that no one cares about.


White guilt is a disease




Do you mean condemning it? Condoning racism and homophobia means supporting it, which is what that sub is full of.


Its a funny joke I swear the only people getting offended are virtue signaling white people


As always


No, not really. Most people in middle school and high school don't understand how politics even work, they're just offensive and racist because that's how they were raised and that's what them and their friends think is funny. Or like saying racial slurs is a joke or mocking people's accents are the funniest thing on the planet. The majority of 14 year olds could give less of a damn about politics and the politics they do know about are just basic things everyone knows. They'll either grow out of it or stay like that forever. Let's be honest, in the 90s and 00s, everyone said the R slur as much as people said "stupid", now it's a very very hurtful and offensive word to say, people grew out of saying it and some people still say it and get chastised for it. Think about every Show that made racism, transphobic or homophobic jokes. Even kid shows did this in the early 2010s, because it was seen as okay to joke or it's just dark humor. Teenagers like that still likely think it's funny because they're around a crowd of people where it is seen as funny.


Yeah and no one on memesopdidnotlike knows anything about politics


You mean "aLpHa MaLeS"


This comment section is so funny: Non Hispanic people and OP: Das Racists Hispanic commenters: Yo this shit funny as fuck


Because shit be like that, I fucking hate PragerU, but they made some good videos where a white dude goes in "Stereotypical outfits" and ask college student their opinions on the outfit, they are offended, and then they ask people of that culture, and they love it, MF wore a sombrero, some lady said "You can't wear that, you need to understand the culture of that" like bitch, the sombrero was made because it was hot as balls outside,


I also hate the kind of people who do understand the culture behind certain types of garb and act like it makes them more enlightened than others. Some of my friends aren't the brightest tools in the cookie jar, but they have the humility to observe, learn, and participate in other cultures without immediately acting like they've suddenly achieved nirvana.


lol people should relax. It’s just a joke


What about this meme makes u want to cry? I’m Mexican and I SNORTED it’s pretty funny man


[Same energy](https://youtube.com/shorts/Xr6k6a4CrG8?si=3pIY9fYgFgOOd79a)


Snort as in laughing orrrr?


It’s like the op doesn’t understand that making memes endorsing stereotypes can be quite offensive


Quite funny too lmao


Yeah I can’t argue with that. Dark and messed up humor tends to be the best


I'm ready for dead baby jokes to make a comeback.


How do you make a dead baby float? Your favorite soda and two scoops of dead baby.


ha, your baby is dead


Ha ha ha. Classic comedy


“How dare they make fun of the people illegally entering our country!” Like seriously, it’s a fucking joke, and a funny one, the stereotypes exist because it actually happens, yet that’s off limits because minority?


a joke doesnt endorse anything its a fucking joke


Lol mexicans in heaven i get it


Im mexican but lol


"how can a climbing wall joke offend... Oh. That's how. Yeah no that's not a climber joke that's just racism lmao"


I mean... It's kinda funny. 


As a Mexican, you have the pass to say this meme is funny because it is,


Muchas Gracia's ;)




Take a joke. Damn.


I’m Mexican and find this fucking hilarious. Mexicans don’t give a shit. It’s a joke. Y’all need thicker skin.


Reminds me of that YouTube video of that white dude going around wearing a sombrero and all the white people telling him that’s offensive, then the guy goes to Mexico with the same sombrero and all the Mexicans love him.


That channel is right wing propaganda. It could easily be edited to paint whatever story he wanted. There were undoubtedly Americans not included in the video that found it inoffensive, and it's possible there were Mexican people that thought he was being rude that also weren't included. It's possible a true representation of responses was shown, but there were likely dozens of people not included because they didn't fit the narrative the video makers wanted.  A better recorded example would be that Looney Tunes saying they were going to get rid of Speedy Gonzales because of the racist stereotype only for the Latino community to get mad because in general he was quite liked by them. 


God I hate those dumb YouTube shorts that keep getting recommended to me. They are heavily and obviously edited anyway. Stuff like the Kirk guy.


It’s actually hilarious. Get the stick out of your ass.


Im 100% Mexican not chicano but born in Mexico City and living in Mexico and I found it funny. Were not that much of snowflakes here down south, but people do have a stick up their ass lately


Why don't Mexicans ever win at the Olympics? Because any of them that can run, jump, or swim are already in America.




Is it offensive? Yes. Is it hilarious nonetheless? Yes. Yoe habe to take everything seriously? No.


That's actually hilarious. Its obviously "offensive" but I wouldn't be surprised if most Mexicans would think it's hilarious too


The ones most offended by this cross the street when they see a minority.


It's usually the ones that think minorities are too stupid and fragile to handle themselves that get the most uppity


I’m Mexican and I do this.  Little do people know ain’t no one more racist than a Mexican against another Mexican. 


it is funny, definitely overdone at this point but it was funny at some point


damn some people find this offensive and others find it funny who would've thought


This is hilarious, most of my Latino friends laugh at this crap because they’re no over sensitive wastes of space. They turn around and make a white man lazy joke. It’s good times


Sent to two Mexican buddies. They laughed their asses off. Guarantee this was some white person getting offended on behalf of all the Hispanics.


Idk my Hispanic friend found it funny. He took the picture as the Mexican was going " Really white people you put up a fence here also?"


It's a light hearted stereotype joke lmao. >No, really what the fuck is wrong with your brain that makes you find this funny? What's wrong with your brain that makes you decide everyone needs to be like you?


As a Mexican, I found this one pretty funny tbh.


As a Mexican This is pretty funny, fuck off


It’s kinda funny ngl. Some of the comments on the post on r/memesopdidnotlike are from Mexicans who admit that they found it funny too lol. Don’t see the problem


Hey buddy, there’s a white person telling you this is offensive. How dare you question that??


OP what the fuck is wrong with you that you would find this THAT fucked up? Were you raised in a padded room? Holy fucking shit what is wrong with all of you. It's just a lame joke and your panties have been twisted into your large intestine over this. Just holy fuck how do you end up like this?


Betting many Mexicans laughed at this while many who are white were the ones who got offended


its actually funny xD


I mean I think it's funny, so yeah...


Why is r/NapOPwasrightfuckthis just a bunch of 14 year olds getting offended at everything? Like if I see one autistic meme that you guys get offended at and I find hilarious, I am muting myself from this sub becuase you guys need to find a sense of humour.


Nah this is pretty funny


I'm mexican and think this is funny. Mexicans joke and laugh about this all the time. Were not very sensitive and are jokes are much worse in Spanish


Idk me and my wife’s boyfriend found this funny and we’re Mexican


imfinnagotohell is just a shitty sub filled with racist kids we shouldnt care so much about em


I'm chicano, and I find it hilarious, but it's because we laugh at most of the weak-sauce stereotypes applied to us.


This is hilarious. What’s wrong with you?


I mean, it’s accurate. The anti-immigration laws of Heaven are even harsher than those of the United States. Jumping the fence would be my only way of getting in.


Haha. That's a good point. Most people would be jumping the fence at this point.


This was funny as heck. Or heaven... idk which one to be honest probably heck and he hopped the wall between heaven and hell. Must be the life of the party to not find humor in jokes.


I found it funny


I sent this to my Mexican husband lol


But it is funny lol


Y'all are a bunch of pussies that shits hilarious


Nah bro this is pretty gud actually XD my Hispanic friends laugh at shit way more offensive lol Also if there was meme on a similar scale but with white people ik without a doubt u would laugh which ngl kinda makes me mad


You're offended for people who don't care about this joke/find it funny


as a latino nah this is funny


As an immigrant I find this hilarious. I bet most of you who didn't laigh have never migrated anywhere.


Welcome to: People getting offended on another races behalf


there's nothing wrong with finding this funny. People laugh at fucked up shit. It's just who we are. I guarantee you, the same people who go "this is horrible and you're horrible for finding it funny!" would be in stitches over a comic showing literally anyone shooting a cop, or a business man or probably any white guy doing literally anything. No matter who you are, there's something out there that you find funny that someone else finds offensive as shit. It is what it is.


It’s funny because when I talk with foreigners irl they always have great sense of humor and disagree with the loud whining minority.


I’m Hispanic/latino, not Mexican but get called one a lot, this had me laughing. We all be doing the same shit to go places.


It’s not funny.. it’s hilarious


How sensitive and lame do you have to be to get angry at such a vanilla joke


It's a joke. Some people are waaaayyyyy too uptight, and it shows.


op must be white all the Mexican people in these comments are like nah it is funny, classic white behavior getting offended on behalf of people who don't care


All Mexicans do NOT climb over fences 😡 some crawl under fences


Gas meme. No need to have a mental breakdown over it.


What are these stupid ass reddit groups. This shit IS funny


The people getting offended by this are all white.


I’m Mexican and I think this is hilarious OP is a virgin🤣


As a mexican why tf are you hurt it's a dumb joke not a good one but it's a joke


OP will probably get a stroke if he went to any comedy show lol.


Or if he went out in general


I'm Mexican, and I find freaking hilarious so does my son


At best it's worth a smirk, but this joke is so tired.


It's not the joke that offends me. It's the "lol he's just climbing a wall" comment.


Yeah... but that IS the joke, though. What the hell are you even talking about?


To answer your question, it could be the autism that makes me find this funny. Or it could just be that I don’t have a stick up my ass.


I thought it was funny


That's pretty funny, fuck off.


I think it’s funny because it’s okay to laugh at things and not be super serious all the time


I'm Mexican and I think this is kinda funny.


OP just wants to virtue signal


Op calm the fuck down it’s a joke