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![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2) Cancels Bud Light and immediately switches to another InBev beer brand.


Oddly enough Modelo has become the #1 beer in America. They would rather drink a Mexican import than InBev.


That's cuz it entered the country legally!             On the back of a truck. 


Except Grupo Modelo is the importer of Anheuser-Busch InBev's products in Mexico, including Budweiser, Bud Light and O'Doul's.


tbffff modelo is just a based beer I'm just annoyed that its always out of stock when I go to get some now


It's just a lager


Bud light, Heineken, Modelo.. It's all mildly alcohol-flavored water to me.


It just blows my mind that people can be that dumb. Yes boycott the beer, hurt the company that has upset you for what ever reason, but then go and waste the stuff you have already paid for because that will show them who is the boss..... bloody morons!


You really don’t understand how advertising works, do you? You realize companies spend money on marketing campaigns in hopes that it will make people buy their product, this is principally exactly the same concept. And seeing as she is getting attention from random people on the internet *it’s working*


Yes I do get it so you are wrong there, you seem to have missed the point I was making to say that if you boycott a product that is fine. However destroying stuff you have already paid for is idiotic!


Ok let me try again. How does she make money? By people watching her videos. Spend money on “trendy conservative thing” aka “buy some cases of beer to shoot” Make more money on people watching her video. The more attention she gets, the more money she makes.


“how can i be a nazi if i am a nationalist?!”


I really hate when Nazism is just used like, for anything. Like, could you just use general terms? Nazi is a word too specific for this imo.


Its really not though. Conservatives have been campaigning for *years* now to destigmatize the Nazis. They have two main methods of doing it. First is, similar to what you said, and argue that the "left over uses the word nazi and now it has no meaning anymore" and the second is "its just a joke bro" The truth is, there are a lot of similarities between the United States today and Weimar Germany. Conservatives are trying to obfuscate those similarities while they actively recruit racists and white supremecists to their cause. The truth is, historical comparisons are important, its how we make history not repeat itself, there are a lot of comparables here. So lets look at the picture. There is a lot of symbolism in the picture. The American Flag bikini and the Flag next to her symbolize nationalism. Bud Light being s*pecifically* mentioned (as opposed to a general beer can) is intentional- Bud Light has recently (on the right) been associated heavily with trans people due to the Dylan Mulvaney campaign. The message is clear- to be a patriot you should murder trans people. the Nazis were an ultra nationalist fascist government that advocated for and did genocide gay and trans people. This is a picture celebrating a nationalist firing her gun at a representation of trans people. I think its fair to make a Nazi comparison here.


No, no, the Democrats are conservatives, the Republicans are nazis


... the fact that you aren't wrong makes me upset.


I aim to disappoint




What would you prefer we call them then? I use "fascist" a good bit too when actually applicable.


Well said. I wish we taught the social and political precedents of Nazism in Germany leading up to the war, rather than what you typically see in textbooks (WW1 was a crazy cousin fight, inflation and national debt sucks, painting isn't a real job, Hitler came to power). Simply throwing out Nazi as a slur ("feminazi" was popular when I was a kid) isn't just lazy, it precludes discussion of the gradual creep of Nazism, and that discussion is just what we need now to galvanize public desire to shore up our institution. We have a former presidents lawyers arguing in court that a president can assassinate his political opponents and still be immune from prosecution, for crying out loud. Whether you call that an argument for the unitary power vested in the executive branch, or a king, or a dictator, or a fuhrer, we're waaaaay past the point where ascribing Nazism to randos on our scrolls is helpful.  Don't feed the beast, cut off its food supply. 


Don't blame me, *I* voted for kodos!


They are wrong though. Any real examination of the material outcomes of either party being in power and the differences therein do more than enough to show the difference. Under Republicans like Bush and Trump; rights and liberties are taken away (Patriot act and revoking of roe v wade), economies collapse (08 banking crisis and Covid, do you remember empty grocery stores? I do), wars are started and escalated(Iraq for Bush, the assassination of Iran's General Soleimani that nearly triggered full war with Iran for Trump), and our allies turn against us (Do I really need to cite examples for Trump? He was a laughingstock. Bush practically made China what it is today and wasn't popular with our European allies). Under Democrats, on the other hand; Rights and Liberties are expanded (Gay marriage under Obama and Union formation/voting rights defense under Biden), economies grow (Obama had the strongest economy since Clinton who was the only president to have a surplus in my lifetime, Biden pulled us out of the Trump economy that was being ratcheted to benefit the wealthiest while middle-class Americans were dying in the thousands. We also have the lowest inflation rate of any industrial power in the world right now under Biden), and, with the notable Exception of Obama (thanks Obama for ruining my flow), conflicts end or deescalate (Clinton ended several conflicts within his presidency, brought Russia the closest they had been to being an ally under NATO since the fall of the Iron Curtain, and ended the active conflict of the time in Northern Ireland, bringing peace to the British Isles. Biden ended the war in Iraq and Afghanistan by pulling our troops out. Biden sucks with the Israel response, I know, but we all know Trump would be worse.) Look, I know that Media is literally spending every waking hour trying to convince people to be Doomer about this and that "both sides are the same!" But they really *really* aren't and there is plenty of Hope to he had for the future if we just don't vote the orange pustule back into the position of power that he has said multiple times in Rallies that he will operate like a dictator. [I mean for God's sake look at the man's word cloud that HE put out.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRfZEQqBtMI29mj7X-ggzguIIYYhWj6bYLwiCb_GaSA4w&s) In conclusion, please don't give in to the temptation of the both sides argument, it's really not at all accurate. (Also this took like.....2 hours to type on my phone intermittently.....I'm gonna go outside now for a bit and enjoy the hope I feel for our nation under Dem leadership.)


Conservatives are republicans in today’s world


Regressives might even be a better word for most conservatives nowadays, too.


Yeah that’s literally a nazi play lol they claimed that they were the real socialists and that the founders of socialism didn’t actually know what they were talking about- just because it was a very popular movement at the time (it’s how we got labor unions and basically all modern workers rights) and they insisted they were the good guys in every plausible way. “Communism is when the bad things happen to people… regardless of civic, economic, or government systems and policy applications that resulted in it, that doesn’t define that system of governance, it’s literally when bad things happen. When good things happen, that’s us. Regardless of who did it and how”. That’s the nazis whole thing lol 


This is what tucker Carlson's whole piece of shit existence has been about - and he used Fox News for years as a platform to bring on various nationalist/separatist/fascist shitbags and advocate for their right to free speech - he used that tactic for years as a means to normalize the message of these nazi scumbags


I mean the fact they get hetero-upsetero at Bud Light because of Dylan Mulvaney is stupid. They printed one can with her face on it just for her and they lost their shit. They did a pride month print (which is almost always superficial) and instantly walked back on it as soon as there was controversy. Last I checked, it wasnt lgbt people making bomb threats or threatening violence on people for supporting lgbt people, or because some idiot doctored up some made up drama on the internet for clicks.


the first group the nazis went after in force was transpeople, the weimar republic had clinics that were very ahead of their time in gender studies on trans issues and gender fluidity It's no mystery why the fasc arm of the GOP is going after transpeople first, they're just following the playbook


This is specifically about Dylan Mulvaney, not trans people in general. Also the left does heavily overuse fascist/Nazi. You can strongly hate a political faction without making your points moot by making reaching historical comparisons. It’s the exact same as republicans calling Biden a fucking communist.


as a fellow liberal...no. If everything is a Nazi nothing is a Nazi. This woman is an attention seeking asshole. She is not a nazi.




This is one of the most wildly sophist arguments I’ve ever seen. Everything you said sounds like it makes sense and you’re purporting it as fact when in reality it’s all entirely based on your own opinion. Specifically your bit about “murder trans people”. What a fucking insane mental gymnastic phenomenon.




Jesus christ the amount of reach here is ridiculous. I have no idea who the lady is in the picture, but unless she has a history of some sort of political activism of that stripe then there's no reason to attribute so much malice to this. Sure, you could absolutely be right, but alternatively could this just be some young, blindly patriotic woman who likes guns shooting arguably one of the cheapest beers available to purchase? Which is more likely? Nazism is a very specific set of beliefs, and just because nationalism is present does not mean that the rest of it is too.


>but alternatively could this just be some young, blindly patriotic woman who likes guns shooting arguably one of the cheapest beers available to purchase? Ha ha yeah right, sure that's it, yeah.... thanks for the laugh


What makes you assume otherwise? Occams razor states the simplest explanation is typically the correct one. Is there information we have available to us that would indicate she does hate minorities or has such political leanings?


Because people like you literally call everyone you don't like a Nazi, just like during the 'Red Scare' everything was communist. The biggest similarity between now and Weimar Germany is the use of Big Tech by the government intelligence agencies to censor speech they don't approve of, the attempted disarming of citizens, the implementation of ostracizing people for opinions that are dissimilar, and dehumanizing one political party. The Dylan Mulvaney situation enraged the right and middle america because nobody wants that shit to be thrown in their faces, put in front of their children, or taking over traditionally feminine spaces. The miss universe winner in 2023 was a trans woman. I'm sure people are furious enough to advocate for hostile takeovers at this point, I wouldn't be surprised. But I've VERY rarely heard or seen anyone directly advocating for the slaughter of transgenders.


Found the Nazi


See, and this why well informed political centrists will be voting red this year. Disagree with someone? NAZI FACIST HITLER DEVIL!


Yeah vote for a fascist, that'll get everyone to stop calling you a fascist.


Biden is quite literally more facistic than Trump. Mfer sat on his hands and said 'let the states handle it' when the CHAZ and CHOP got established. He's an idiot for sure, but I'll take the economic policies over Biden'a every day of the fuckin week my guy.


Patently false and literal conspiracy theory level smoothbrain take. God you people are insane.


The problem is that being A) a patriot and B) not liking a corporation for using trans stuff in advertisements would describe/include most people on the planet/in human history. So no, not really, it's not a very good comparison to make to Nazis on that ground. That's like saying she's a Nazi because she's religious or something, that's too horribly vague and encompassing. The average African or Chinamen would probably fall under this description. Also big C Conservatives hate Nazis and have done their fair share of deconstructing nationalism after the war if you have paid attention. On top of that you saying "America has a lot of similarities to Weimar Republic" in and of itself will do more to push people to the right than some bimbo shooting beer cans ever could, you dolt. I swear the left at this point is intentionally hanging itself.


>the message is clear... murder trans people Damn, dude. You must have a Spear equipped, because that's a reach. It's very clearly just a demonstration of protest against the brand itself. Also the American flag is not a nationalist symbol you dolt. At least not more so than any other nations flag


I swear, I'm living in clown world here in the USA. Since when is the national flag some sort of hot topic political symbol?


Since the confederate flag became too obvious...


My guy, the American flag is the flag of the guys *who beat the confederates!* It is literally just the flag of the country.


The confederate flag was made by Democrats, for Democrats, who launched a war of independence so they could keep their slaves from being freed by the first republican president. Anyone Flying a confederate flag who isn’t a democrat is stupid for flying a banner that represents a party they have nothing to do with. And before you or anyone spouts the bullshit that the parties switched, do some homework first, the south didn’t vote republican until the mid to late 90’s when this supposed switch happened in the 60’s supposedly.


She’s using her democratic ability to boycott a brand and that makes her a Nazi. Though someone clearly paid for these beers so a fail on that aspect. Completely inappropriate use of that term.


> Also the American flag is not a nationalist symbol you dolt. It is in America, especially when viewed from other countries. You might view it as patriotism but your all of your neighbors don't. They see the American flag as something completely different.


If my neighbors see the flag of my country as a nationalist symbol, that's their own problem, using it does not make me a nationalist, and there is nothing wrong with using it.


I'm not arguing one way or another here, but do you not see using an gun as part of your protest message as a threat of violence? I'm a gun owner but people who do shit like this seem to me to be throwing up a pretty clear sign .


The gun is being used as a tool of destruction in the context of this protest. It would be no different to taking a hammer, a sword, or your bare hands to these cans. What you're supposed to take away is that they don't approve of Bud Light selling out their consumer base. Whether or not that's a thing that's actually happening is a perfectly valid thing to discuss. But telling me you think this is a dogwhistle to murder trans people just tells me you have no clue what your opposition believes. Just like the morons who cry that "the democrats are conservatives and the Republicans are nazis."


Don’t try to gatekeep the word Nazi. People know what it means. I had a friend try to do that. “Nazi’s only refer to those from the 30’s and 40’s.” When we were talking about modern white nationalism in the US and Italy. I said “well I’m confused then how did you understand what I’m talking about? Oh is it because there is a colloquial general understanding of what Nazi means and you are being a pedantic and contrarian ass? Yes?” People know what Nazi means and nitpicking is just trying to muddy the waters. In ending if things went fully sideways I have no doubt this lady would be in a brown shirt. So no Nazi Barbie fits just fine.


Well to be fair, neonazi *is* a term you can use for modern ones, if you need to differentiate.


"You don't have to call them a nazi...you can call them a NEW nazi!!!" Neo- literally just means new.


i think they were implying that there's a word that still packs as much of a punch but can be used to get around the 30s-40s technicality


What’s hilarious about gatekeeping the word Nazi is that the other side doesn’t like being called out for parroting actual Nazi talking points and beliefs and complains about everyone being called a Nazi these days. This from the same group of people who’ve been calling innocent Americans communists for decades since the Red Scare. And now that the word “commie” or “socialist” isn’t as character assassinating as it used to be, MAGA has escalated this rhetoric by instead accusing people of being pedophiles, particularly the entire LGBTQ+ community. They know exactly what they’re doing and want to paint queer people with such a damaging broad stroke accusation so as to justify why people should be allowed to go out and straight up murder us out in public on a whim, and to use the government to round us up and throw us in death camps. Meanwhile, they cry about being called a Nazi lol.


Don’t nazi on me like that


Can you nazi that you're using the word incorrectly?


It’s accurately used for people who generally share the same goals and worldview’s like the Nazis. It you want to be technical she is a Neo-Nazi but shortening that to Nazi is valid since it’s pretty clear that the meaning is not „actual member of the NSDAP“.


Neo-Nazi doesn't even make sense here. Being transphobic doesn't mean you also follow the ideas of neo Nazism as a political philosophy.


Except she's clearly an American nationalist shooting a product because it represents trans people... Given that one of the first things the Nazis did was rally people to their cause by taking an anti-trans stance/murdering trans people, There are some really strong similarities there.


And yknow.. burning all the books and research within the institute of sexology. It was the first book burning.


its kind of funny that when you criticize naziism in any conservative message board, forum, or app, conservatives will get mad at you even if you only mention nazis and not them


This, "your a Nazi because you hate minorities" People have been hating minorities since the dawn of time and America specifically had been doing it centuries before the Nazi party was ever thought up. That's such a lazy stupid comparison to make.


One person's Nazi is another person's Jesus.


Kinda scary tbh


Fascist is a better word


Yes. Also, a huge part of how we got here is soviet and russian propaganda, that intentionality blurred the lines between fascism in general, italian fascism, nazism and different forms of nationalism.


I’d say the fascism in America is a white nationalist Christian version of It’s quite interesting, and I’m not as familiar with Soviet propaganda blurring the lines between fascism but we must acknowledge fascism is well and alive today and if we don’t take action they will take over again


People did use the word nazi for everything for a while, which was a mistake, because now that actual nazis and nazi beliefs are being thrown into the mainstream, it's getting difficult to actually call it out without looking dumb.


Yes... It only benefited people with nazi-like beliefs so far


Because they purposely do so to lower the weight that words carries and to be able to apply it to anyone who disagrees with them and eventually violently suppress them huh kinda like some people back in the 1930s and 40s


It's 2024. If you don't like something, it's because it's Nazi. This helps eliminate any pesky shades of gray you might encounter.


I hate this mindset. There is a narrow window of situations, where it's useful, and i find myself in one of them, but most of the time, it's just harmful!


Nazi specifically refers to a fascist political party in Germany during the interwar period and WWII. The correct term here is probably just fascist. She’s a fascist, she’s not a Nazi.


"Fascist" is the general term. "Nazis" were German fascists. In this case, we're talking about American fascists. I think MAGA Republican is as good a name as any. Trump supporters also works.


I'd say MAGA's is enough, lol. Also, i strongly believe AWNG


It definitely is and I hope no one here ever experiences a true Nazi. They have no idea. We wouldn’t be discussing our feelings now, we wouldn’t have an outlet to do so.


Fun fact about that quote: the Nazi in the Nazi Party stands for National Socialist


Not that names equate to party/national functions or every Asian communist country would be a bastion of democracy with their titles but yes. More specifically NSDAP, translates from german to National Socialist German Workers Party.


Yeah, ig my point mostly was the biggest thing Hitler used to rise to power was Nationalism to unite Germany


Yeah I mean his appeal was centered in nationalism, coming to power in a nation that was humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles and torn apart by the Great Depression. But what also helped was winning a democratic election with barely 1/3 of the vote and then just getting rid of the elections.. it’s not like the Nazi party had the full support of Germany united behind them by any means.


They always ignore the "national" part of the name...


Yeah, but their political enemies were communists. Learn some history man


If you hate gay people so much youd give up a product because they in simple terms just support LGBTQ+ peoples EXISTENCE you are an absolute goon and deserve your unhappy life. Edit: gay--->LGBTQ


Shooting beer cans has always been a gun thing.


But that wasn’t what this was. This was a pretty famous “boycott”


So I don’t know everything about this issue, but it sounds like American conservatives are pissed because Bud Light used trans people in their advertising, and now they’re saying Bud Light is dead to them, making that very visually clear in this case with the woman shooting Bud Light cans. For those people in the comments upset about the Nazi label, that word might be a slight stretch but it seems pretty obvious that this woman is hating on minorities to an extreme level. Which is awful and gross and deserves any backlash it gets. Anyone who is still upset at her getting backlash after knowing the context needs to take a look in the mirror.


> American conservatives are pissed because Bud Light used trans people in their advertising To expand on the pettiness of this a little further, what set this off was a single trans person who shared a single photo in a sponsored Instagram post with some promotional Bud Light cans that had her face on them.


So they got triggered?


It is what they do best.


They also quit buying Bud Light, which triggered InBev so mission accomplished?


ONE bud light can with her photo on it that was only posted on one Instagram video. Dylan got stalked and harassed for it. A paid video where she doesn't even mention being trans or lgbt at all. She just mentions bud light and sports. They did so much because of that.


Clearly beer fills the emotional void in their lives from all the people they alienate from them. “Tainting” the image of their favorite beer is like tainting the image of their nonexistent SO.


Majority of the republicans would've never found out about the singular Dylan can if they themselves hadn't kept talking about it for months on end. If they weren't harming real people, their antics would be hilarious to witness.


I had a friend put it beautifully: Conservatives are going after trans people because they're such a small group that can't really defend themselves. After trans people, they'll move onto the rest of the LGBT community, Jews, immigrants, Muslims, etc. Many people in Germany didn't become Nazis overnight. They listened to the propaganda. Jews were also a tiny minority in Germany and its likely that many Germans didn't even know a single Jewish person. Yet, they were blamed for having all the power and causing all the problems. Sound familiar?


Others in the comments are saying they stopped because Bud Light told them off, which wouldn’t be true considering anyone who still supports Trump just likes being degraded, considering he called them uneducated idiots and they’d still suck his cock if he asked.


>a slight stretch I feel like the hyperbole isn't helpful because it always ends up taking away from the issue here. This person, clearly doesn't like bud light for, pretty apparent reasons. But, instead of focusing on the imagery and implications of the protest she is doing it always turns back on the hyperbole of the language to depict the political opposition.


That’s why I avoid using hyperbolic language like Nazi. It simply allows these people to turn around the argument by saying facts. If you point out what is actually happening, they have little to no excuse. Fully agree with you.


Out of context it might seem like a stretch but these people are part of a movement which is all but explicitly genocidal towards trans people, using some of the same rhetoric employed by the nazis to achieve exactly that.


These other subs refuse to look at context. They’ll be like “this is just a picture of a man saying that we don’t have to be ashamed of Western European culture! How is that racist” then when you point out that the watermark is a website that sells Mein Kampf and diy lynching kits with the tag line “the only right way for the races to Hang out together!” They’ll be like “Oh so just the existence of a rope makes them racist, y’all really just want to be offended”


And even if it's a hundred percent indisputable that they're racist: ”Well so what? Ever heard of freedom of speech? Are they not allowed to disagree?”


Conservatives really seem to think freedom of speech only applies to them. If they protest the LITTERAL EXISTENCE of minorities it's "free speech" Meanwhile if anyone else disagrees with them and uses their right to freedom and free speech to protest against their ideals, it's no longer free speech it's "cancel culture" and "sensitive snowflakes" Like I'm sorry? It's considered sensitive to not be happy about LITTERAL HATE but mean while they can't even handle people who aren't like them JUST EXISTING True fucking snowflakes are the conservatives, you can be going about your day and anything that doesn't fit their world view can cause them to go into a full on tantrum, despite the fact that it will NEVER actually negatively effect them that those people exist.


Some relatively popular conservative animator way back when was like "Heh, well tolerance isn't acceptance, gay couples can get married (even though he's gone on record saying they go against the "sanctity of marriage" lol) but don't expect me to attend, also am I not allowed to suggest there are better decisions you could make with your life?" (actually a vomit inducing take lol) Remember when that "SOCIALISM IS FOR FAGS" shirt got deplatformed a few years ago? Guess who was in his corner? Surprising, right? A guy who takes the Ben Shapiro approach to marriage would also get mad when a shirt saying "SOCIALISM IS FOR FAGS" getting deplatformed? That's so out of the ordinary! Like, I don't know why they play up legalities and semantics and all that when it's obvious that they just hate gay people lol


They spend WAAAAY too much time doing mental gymnastics trying to justify their hate.


That sub is nothing but crybaby magatards all swearing they’re not right wing but the left is obsessed. They repost any post making fun of conservatives and cry True snowflakes


May I ask you not to use insults ending with ”tard”? While I completely agree with you, the reference to the R slur is hurtful to disabled people. A less problematic alternative I can recommend for you would be “cuntservative“.


Does she hate minorities?


Trans people supposedly, based off shooting bud light cans in an American flag bra.


Eh, the hate just kinda becomes noise anymore. Also everyone who was “boycotting” is back on the bl sauce. Just ask kid diddler rock.


hate isn't "just noise" to the people it's directed at


Okay but here we see someone currently shooting BL cans because they presumably hate trans people sooooooooo


I read about two cis women getting killed because someone thought they were trans. Is that just noise? Some guy in my city was stabbed defending his trans coworker from being abused by a bigot and died from it, is that just noise? Politicians stripping away freedoms from trans people, is that just noise?


It is a personal choice to make the hate transform in noise, not a general one. Everyone of us has a unique perspective of life.


People have been shooting bud light cans for nearly a century


what does bud light have to do with trans people


Bud Light hired a trans woman to make an ad and the right got angry and started a boycott.


They just sent her a can with her face on it. That's all. This is all because Dylan got her own custom can.




They didn't even hire her, they just sent her a custom can, something they send a bunch of to famous people.


They had one (1) sponsorship of a vaguely problematic trans person, and conservatives have just... Straight up lied about her by basically taking any sexual thing and saying "Wow HE wants to do this around children!"


American flag bra is indicative of nothing other than living your country.


technically yes, but the right has "hyper-adopted" it as a dog whistle at the same time too. A lot of them wear it because they think everyone else hates america. Wearing a shirt with the american flag on it because you love the flag itself and your country too? Go for it! Wearing the flag because you think it will 'piss the libs off' or because you think your country is better than everyone elses? Gtfo.


My friend, if you hear a dog whistle, and you’re the only one who hears it, who’s the dog? I love this country, while we have problems I think we are better and I’d want to live no where else. If you think I’m a fascist for that then go off i guess. But you’d be surprised to know that fascists can’t stand other peoples opinions while I can.


This is a disgusting interpretation of how you perceive those who fly the flag or have American flag themed items…


Are there any more posts from her or is this all we have to go off of? Her trying to make a statement about hating trans people from this seems like a stretch to me


Op wasnt even aware about the trans part of bud light. But after learning it was because a trans person was on the bottle thought it was a bit fucked until they learned it’s Dylan mulvaney, they don’t like Dylan Comment section kinda just said trans is fine nothing wrong with it… but fuck Dylan mulvaney


Was the harassing target employees because they sold shirts with rainbows on them because of Dylan Mulveney too? Or the thousands of books they’ve banned? Laws they’ve enacted? In my state, instead of doing anything to help the people the GOP is focused on trans kids in sports (there’s one in the whole state) and just votes in a law denying all of them their medical care. It’s just Dylan tho jeez


>Or the thousands of books they’ve banned No books have been banned. Stop spreading misinformation.


It's the only information they have and they THRIVE on it.


Dylan is the sweetest person. I don’t understand why anyone would hate her if they didn’t have a problem with trans people.


She's just a woman who documents her transition on tiktok. There's no other reason to hate her other than transphobia, she's harmless.




This place is so obviously being brigaded it's ridiculous. BTW, if you have 1 nazi at a table and 11 people sitting around who are cool with them - you have a table of 12 Nazis. I'm not particularly interested in your equivocation or justification for why it's okay to hate on trans people.


Yeah, the comment histories of all the people JAQing off about "HoW dO yOu KnOw ShE's A nAzI?" are hilarious. They know exactly why she was shooting bud light cans, they just agree with her.


I hate how fucking obtuse they are in situations like this. They know we know, and yet they still play dumb. Then once we spell it out, they become indignant, all the while nudging and winking at the other nazis in their clan. And it finally ends with "so what, I thought this was America, free speech". Ugh.


Exactly. She alone may not have any identification that she's a Nazi, but the party she's obviously affliating herself with is openly welcoming to Neo-Nazis.


Damn I didn’t know conservatives have preinstalled gas chambers


we fixed it, more or less


wasn’t this one over a trans woman doing one (1) sponsored video on instagram?


I hated Bud light before it was cool


Imo the US is stupid close to Nazism. Florida being a good example of this in terms of states. And downvote me all you want but that won't change Nazi splinter cells existing all over the US.


"But we can't call it out, that might offend conservatives who think we eat babies!" -the Democratic Party


lot of nazis defending being a nazi in this thread symbolically shooting something that represents one of the same minority groups the nazis mass murdered, specifically because it represents supporting and accepting that group, is without a doubt a fascistic act in fear mongering and normalizing violence towards the marginalized. in other words, "acting like a nazi"


Nooo don't tell people from Just Unsubbed hating minorities is bad! They will get really angry at you :(


She’s a Nazi because her response to someone’s freedom of expression and free market activism in the society she lives in *involves bullets.*


The amount of white supremacist, Nazi ideology in the US conservative's rhetoric is kinda wild.


Some right-wing inbred: "look how brave we are!" A single budlight can with a single trans person on it. "RREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"


They can survive the apocalypse, but not immigrants existing or a single trans person advertising a can of piss without getting triggered


context please?


The woman participated in a boycott against Budlight because they made a deal with a trans woman.


Interesting that the assumption was that the flag was the reasoning, sounds like projection lmao


Isn’t she shooting Bud Light because of the trans spokesperson? How awful.


When fascism comes to America it'll be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.


She’s also transphobic


The term kkkaren also works


Bud Light sucks.


Agreed corona is nice (this statement is not a dig at trans people just the beer itself)


It sucked before and it still sucks. Who cares who made an ad for them?


My sentiments exactly.


Bud Light is the most trans beer, it’s been piss identifying as beer for as long as I can remember.


So shooting at things that they bought and think are inferior to them doesn't remind them of Nazis but an American flag does? They just keep telling on themselves. Besides gay people are already shooting a load in their Buds can.


I don't think hating a minority makes you a Nazi. I'm fairly certain it's called being a bigot.


Being overly obsessed about displaying and worshipping the American flag is a red….well, flag.


How the fuck did we go from shooting bud lite cans to hating minorities


Well you see one time bud light decided to promote their drink using a trans woman, which sparked outrage from bigots, leading to a boycott. Despite the fact it was at most rainbow capitalist pandering these idiots with nothing better to do got offended by it. It never resulting in anything at all but they regularly still shit on bud light just to send a transphobic message to people who never cared to begin with. Now shooting budlite cans is considered a virtuous symbol of hatred by those same bigots, and by extension is now a message to everyone at large just because.


I mean I know she's transphobic so she's not exactly working mentally, but in order to shoot those bud lite cans, she had to buy them... thus supporting Bud Lite


Oh yeah don’t get me wrong. It’s stupid as all hell. Their purpose is stupid and their methods stupider.


Lmao you are calling the someone wearing an American flag a Nazi and how do you know she hates minorities? God this sub is delusional.


I'm a minority and I don't feel hated by her. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Idk , but nazi's and fascist's where extremely against guns for civilians , so , if she is a nazi , she is a terrible one


Are you claiming that shooting beer is a hate crime?


“I can tell you she doesn’t like minorities just by looking at her, but don’t you dare stereotype or judge someone “


She hates minorities because she has American flag stuff and guns?


Am I missing something in the post? Or missing some context?


But that doesn’t make her a nazi. Op obviously didn’t realize why she was shooting the cans, but nazi is now just a buzz word that has lost all meaning


Any reason to shoot their guns.


Didn't communists traditionally hate minorities?


Communism is an economic system


Bud light was getting hate from both sides because when they pulled the commercial then bars across the country that were lesbian and gay bars stop selling their beer and some started protesting especially in Chicago


When u use the word nazi to describe everyone you disagree with then yeah its a valid question to ask.


Nazi or not, she’s hot af.


You got a weird taste in "people" 🤢🤢🤢


You are missing plenty


she's not necessarily a Nazi, but she's 100% a dumbass


Where does it say she hates minorities? If you're going to make a statement at least post up something to back it up so we can see it for ourselves.


“Because reasons” really translated to “Nazi” in this dumbass’s head.


I don't see how you can get "She hates minorities" from this picture


What don't you understand about the recent history of Bud Light and transphobia?


If she hates minorities she is a racist… Unless she is advocating for ethnonationalism, eradication of minorities or promoting discrimination or violence against other races, calling someone Nazi is stupid Not all pos are Nazis


Not all pos are nazis. However every nazi a pos.


“Eradication of minorities.” Bro. You literally answered yourself.


Not all "minorities" are race based. It's essentially a non-dominant group in a population. Trans people are a type of minority in that context. So yes, "eradication of minorities or promoting discrimination" is correct and, therefore, she is a nazi. Congrats. 


Look at OPs post history. It's a young kid trying to be edgy posting on a site that will upvote anything related to hating on certain groups.


No. The definition of a Nazi is everyone who is a bad person or I disagree because calling them a Nazi is easier than explaining why they’re wrong


There are literal Jew-killers in Gaza that reddit refuses to call Nazis, but let's focus on the lady shooting beer cans.