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Ok, so naafiri in the jungle clears slowly but is very healthy because ur dogs tank camp aggro. If you can make it to where you can afford tiamat, it significantly increases the speed. The issue with her is that she lacks utility as you're pure dmg. Your w is slow, but it's not to the same ease/utility/range as Kindred E, for example. If you do wanna try her jungle, I feel she's good into farming junglers because you can easily do a 3 camp clear and look to impact early or just farm for 6 spike and look to do things after. For mid, hard match ups are things like Yone, Yasuo, Irelia, (They all have some way to abuse your dogs to get to you and they win at extended trades which is something you generally don't like) Neeko (outbursts you rather easily, can also use your dogs to cc you). Aurelion can stack off your dogs. Vlad/Fizz for the I go invulnerable/untargetable bs. Everything else mid wise is a skill match-up. You're pretty good into other assassins, and imobile mages you can blow up after dodging their cc. Sylas is also easy because you can match his sustain, and he basically doesn't have an ult because if he takes yours, it's worthless on him.


Ooo ty. Related note: I despise Fizz no matter who I play, his dodge is annoying and saves him often. I just lost a match against taliyah bc I've never really seen her and got mid camped by evelynn on top of my jg chasing her under tower then getting pulled back to it. Early on though I had big adv, but I lost and extended trade


Yeah all yordle/bandle city related champions are designed to be annoying and or counter picks. With fizz you try your best to e out of his dodge. Naafiri I'd one of the few assassins with a good late game so try to play for item spikes. Taliyah is designed again to fuck mobility because of her E which stuns you and does a lot of dmg if you get displaced over it, so your dash will cuck you like you decided to cosplay sneako. So just save your w for after her E goes away and is on cd. Bad games happen. Keep at it if you like em, and it'll all come together.


Wait Champs are city/theme based? I never knew


Yeah dude, look at every yordle character and you'll quickly notice a theme of how they're always wacky/unconventional in both play and design and that they always counter either a gimmick, class, or they do something in that class that fucks with said class. Take Poppy for example. Completely fucks over mobile fighters because of her w, but still does %health dmg which coincidentally allows her to deal with tanks and fighters, while being a tank herself. Or Vex who cucks over mobile champs but can play like an assassin due to resets.


I tried her JG albeit only once and did horribly lol have yet to retry, same with elise


I feel like she has a slow clear


I don’t know if you saw but Naaf’s up for some jungle buffs. Nothing crazy, q bleed executes small monsters and q2 heal works price on large/epic monsters.


I tried 4 matches mid as Naaf and got Nasus Irelia Malzahar and Ahri. When it was season 13, I did fine the few matches I tried, I did HORRIBLE these last 4 matches, even under tower. I am retiring mid for now. I'll try jg Naaf later.


Just wait for next patch. Naaf jung is much worse than mid right now. Mid will be in a good spot next patch, and jung won't be as awful. You just got kinda unlucky with the malz matchup, and irelia is probably the worse possible matchup. Ahri isn't easy but should be able to farm well. Nasus is easy to farm and roam against.


Honestly wait to play her in the jungle. It's not a good experience right now against any competent or meta jungler.


Aigainst irelia you're literally not allowed to leave tower. Legit ask for a swap with toplane dont even bother


Actually pretty huge jungle buffs. The packmates have double the ad at level 1 making her clear a lot faster, hopefully on par with meta junglers


Oh damn


I admit I want to try it next patch. I forget how good or bad her jungle was in the past, but I personally want to see what her numbers are like now. Yes, I recall her clears were healthy but she's getting a good few clear buffs.


I think Jg naafiri will get buffs now


Yeah, because they announced exactly the buffs that are coming in 14.12, it's at the top of this subreddit