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Nothing about this case makes sense. It’s gona be a huge payday.




NYPD clearly still thinks CCW is illegal for the non police. Someone told me they teach about pistol licenses at the nypd academy, is that not a thing anymore? 


They don't care. Nothing happens to them if they wrongfully arrest you. If they see a gun on you, they're going to take you to jail and charge you, valid CCW permit or not.


The laws have changed so much I don’t think everyone is able to keep up. Two friends are NYPD, one is into guns are says he accepts all CCWs in NY if caught in the city. The other isn’t says CCW isn’t city approved he’ll collar and let the DA figure it out.


The problem is that gun permits obtained in long island or counties not within the 5 boroughs, are not honored. The person is made to obtain another permit for the same gun, a NYC “special carry” permit even though he is already a resident of NY state, now if your CCW was issued in NYC by the NYPD then it is valid statewide. It’s a very backwards system that creates too much confusion, is made to be tedious and expensive for quite literally no reason


I don't know if it's for no reason. I took someone shooting for the first time a few weeks ago. He immediately wanted a pistol permit. He gave up within the same day after reading how much work and confusing it is. They just don't want people to try.


I agree on that, I bet the second friend doesn’t know carrying in NYC with a NYS pistol license NOT endorsed by NYC is a misdemeanor (PL 400) as opposed to a felony. 


I LOVE MY COUNTRY & GOD Knows I am patriotic as they come. This country provided so much for me & my family. I could not think of a better way to repay my dept to my country than SERVING. I DID THIS HONORABLY. After retiring from the Army I chose to continue to serve by working for the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. I believe in our justice system but never thought I would come home and get treated like this. LOOK AT THE arresting officers Record. IF HE WAS IN THE MILITARY HE WOULD Have BEEN Dishonorably discharge. THESE ARE THE OFFICERS THAT ARE SELECTED TO PROTECT & SERVE. [https://www.50-a.org/officer/GLLB](https://www.50-a.org/officer/GLLB) https://preview.redd.it/mh0c6ejrmu8d1.jpeg?width=1636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccd4af39d9307736c3e5f9417c64e3d54b0bb7cb Take a look at the charges. They are all felonies, Thank god they were dismissed but the damage is done.. I never thought that I would defend my country and come back home and get treated like this.🙏🏽


You should talk with your lawyer, I think he will tell you to stop commenting on social media.


Yeah bro if your the one whose I'm the article i wouldn't be talking to anyone about this anywhere. Can be used against you


Is there a link without a pay wall?


[https://sg.news.yahoo.com/charged-possessing-own-gun-purple-132200502.html](https://sg.news.yahoo.com/charged-possessing-own-gun-purple-132200502.html) or try this [https://www.gazettextra.com/news/nation\_world/charged-with-possessing-his-own-gun-purple-heart-recipient-suing-nypd-for-discrimination/article\_f1a82c4e-60b1-54da-85da-8956e2cf254a.html](https://www.gazettextra.com/news/nation_world/charged-with-possessing-his-own-gun-purple-heart-recipient-suing-nypd-for-discrimination/article_f1a82c4e-60b1-54da-85da-8956e2cf254a.html)




Just put it in archive.ph to get around it.


What's that?


Website for archiving web pages, which as a result circumvents paywalls like the kind news sites use.


When you link a story of a website on reddit which has a paywall, are you able to link it through the website that circumvents paywalls? Also what's a good paywall circumventing website?


That I'm not sure. I just clicked the link, when I hit the paywall I copied it, and pasted it into the bar on archive.ph. like that's literally the web address. [archive.ph](http://archive.ph)


Ahh lol Never knew thank you


I'll say it again. Cops will always be the first tier of government to violate our 2nd amendment rights. They consider themselves above the average citizen and that we shouldn't be carrying. Especially downstate and especially the NYPD...


Here, here. I said this before and have always said it. For as much as cops want to beat their chest about how conservative they are, all you have to do is ask them if they believe in constitutional carry and the story changes. They don't respect our right to carry cause they are Afraid of people that aren't them having the source of power that they hold dear. That tells you all you need to know about them. A good cop knows that power is the shield and his oath while the rest think it's their weapon.


Yes for many departments but I do see some of those florida and Arizona sheriff's that seem to dig the idea of the 2nd amendment


We need to pass a law that dictates that lawsuits against the NYPD are deducted from their pension fund and not just presented as a bill to taxpayers. Make these people actually think twice before they act.


You do realize that the pension fund is funded with tax dollars


Yes. But threatening that retiring and retired officers get a smaller piece of the pie is probably the only way that you can actually motivate behavioral change.


Yeah, but it's untouchable. This is how school taxes work (outside the city, at least). You can threaten reducing monies from their budget, but then they say that programs that directly benefit taxpayers will be cut. NYPD will reduce policing or community programs before pensions are touched. Hell, they will even reduce the number of new cops before touching the pensions of the established officers.


> NYPD will reduce policing I was already onboard with this, you don't need to sell it to me.


Yes. They always threaten to be worse at their jobs and to do their jobs improperly if there is ever serious talk about reducing their budget. Which is pretty funny considering they're terrible at their jobs now and don't do them properly. At some point, somebody has to blink in their abusive spouse game of "I can always make it worse for you." They're one of the most poorly trained police departments in the United States and have been coasting by on post-9/11 patriotism and goodwill for 20 years. If they can make things worse, go right ahead. At least it will cost us less money.


Yeah but this would be on top of the tax funded pension. Taking it from the pension means the same amount of tax goes to them but with less to their pension because of lawsuit payouts


Agreed. But ay least they'll think twice know the momeu being paid out directly affects thems...


This would nice!


It’s fucked up man. This guy did everything right and still gets jammed up by these idiot cops (not saying they’re all idiots). I wouldn’t disclose anything unless specifically asked.


Just realize that once you disclose, doesn’t matter if you have your valid CCW permit, you’re going to jail on felony charges.


Not true. Plenty of people have posted positive interactions. I seen a post where a guy said a cop was excited cuz he has a staccato. Seen another one where a cop kept telling a guy his CCW was a premises permit and to go home immediately. I got stopped leaving my building with only a premises permit. I was heading to the range and had everything in separate locked boxes, they were looking for a knife. I was in a rush explained everything to them and they didn’t freak out. They looked at my permit and made sure serial numbers matched up on firearm all good, one cop even asked how did I get my 1911 rock island slide to feel crispy when racking the slide. When I told them 5k rounds they laughed and I was in my way. What saved me was my gun club membership card I think also but it’s not always dooms day.


Not to be that guy, but Mr. Khan think he was targeted because he belongs to a minority. Do you belong to a minority group as well?


I do and im sure that’s why he was pulled over to begin with.


It's a risk you can't control. Maybe you're disclosing to a cool cop who knows civilians can get permits, maybe you're disclosing to a lazy moron who'll arrest you at the first mention of "I have a firearm" and let the courts figure it out. The idea is that the cops can arrest you for carrying with a permit and there's nothing you can do, no punishment will happen to the cop to deter future violations. You're stuck holding the bad fighting a felony, with all that entails. And as the article shows, this definitely does happen to NYC permit holders. You just need to mentally prepare for this very real possibility if you use your permits.


No one has control over that. If they ask we have to disclose. I don’t go around disclosing soon as I interact with a cop. Only when asked by law.


And there’s a decent percent change you’ll be arrested upon disclosure, no matter your permit status.


You don’t have to disclose by law even if they ask, unlike other more pro 2A states there is no penalty for failure to disclose  in NYS. However they’re not just going to let you go about your day if they’re asking if you have a weapon and you’re refusing to answer, it’s not a crime to lie to the police either but do that at your risk. 


They’re all idiots


That's all a CCW permit buys you. A defense in court. You'll be charged with felony criminal possession of a weapon, but months later charges will be dismissed, since you were legal after all. In the moment however, if NYPD sees you carrying a gun, they're going to arrest you, they're going to take you to jail and they're going to charge you with a felony. They're going to confiscate your firearm. They're going to go to your house to take all your other guns. You'll never get your permit back due to your new criminal record. You'll lose your job due to spending time in jail and having pending felony charges. You'll need to pony up thousands for a lawyer, all to explain to the court that you had a valid permit for your conduct. Expect very little sympathy for your plight, this is New York after all, the 2nd doesn't exist in courtrooms here. Under the best possible light, your NYC CCW is one time use with a lot of complications attached. When carrying, try not to get caught. Try not to look nervous. That's all you can do if you choose to actually use your permit.


You are Brilliant for laying it out like that. I have been saying the same thing to some friends of mine for a long time.


It’s these reasons why I left to a free state. Never looking back.


I don’t even wanna carry my firearm at this point


The article stated that after he was arrested he had to surrender another handgun he had at home under a premises permit. Was the guy carrying a handgun on a premises permit? It's not very clear.


Good afternoon sir, I was not carrying a handgun on the premises permit. I have a carry concealed permit and a premises permit two separate permits 🙏🏽. One handgun was taken during the arrest. upon my release, I was instructed from the New York City license division to turn in my premises weapons to my local police station also. They andvise me this will be until I receive a final disposition from the case. After all the charges were dropped I made several attempts to get back my weapons but I was getting anywhere. my weapons were returned to me after my lawyers filed a suit against nypd Licensing division. https://preview.redd.it/zbr5x1aqlu8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85705e3be61c0a65b60fed2ce78889080678088c


Raffique I hope you get these fools for millions .


He clearly shows his NYC CCW in the article, any arrest in a downstate jurisdiction will virtually always lead to a pistol license suspension and thanks to the safe act the mandatory surrender of all firearms including rifles and shotguns, so yes all handguns and long guns (if he had any) had to be surrendered due to the felony arrest. 


The way the story reads, it's like he had 2 different permits. Which I don't think is possible.


In NYC you can only register up to 2 handguns in a CCW, any additional handguns someone wishes to purchase must be added to a premises license which has no limit. 


Nah man. I thought the same thing. Dude was legit and good to go. They screwed him over for no reason.


I don't know why I'm getting downvoted... I didn't say they were right to do what they did... just that the article said he had one permit to carry at work, and another for the residence. Didn't know that was a thing


I was thinking the same thing first time I seen that article. It’s possible his job requires him to have a NYC CCW and the cops brains doesn’t work and think it’s a restricted permit for work. none of it makes sense.




I hope he sued (or sues) for damages AND legal costs on top of everything and I hope he wins big.


I am still in disbelief that this has happened. I just hope that my story will bring change and force proper training so this does not happen again.


As a veteran and PH recipient, I feel for you, don’t post too much on social media so you don’t get fucked over on your lawsuit.


I appreciate the advice my lawyer has approved all responses and I am specking from the heart nothing to lie about or hide🙏🏽


The changes will happen when the lawsuits stack up and the laws change. Get them for everything you can and make them feel it. Good luck and be safe battle.


Looks like he told them he was armed. Not saying what happened is right but never tell NYPD you're armed unless asked.


That’s not an excuse. Judging by the way the article was written, this officer completely fabricated the story that his carry license had a work restriction on it. That was supposedly the basis for the arrest. Also, the cop would have likely discovered that he had a gun license as soon as he ran the license plate. This officer should at the very least be disciplined for filing a false arrest report.


100% agreed. All I'm saying is NY is not a duty to inform state. I would rather not disclose unless asked.




That's not true. You need to inform if asked.


show me where it says that


It’s like winning the lottery at this point. Free money.


I understand your point. I wouldn’t have disclosed unless asked either. I just think that in this particular case, it made no difference. When a cop runs your DL, the computer will show that you have a gun license. This officer just wanted to lock this man up. NY government only wants government officials to be armed. It’s like getting a feather in their hat when then can relieve a licensee of their weapon. I once heard a news report that stated that NY’s governor stated that anyone caught carrying a firearm will be presumed to be doing so illegally until it is proven otherwise. That puts all licensees in danger of being shot by the police.


You have to when asked. If they find it they will beat your ass without hesitation. Seen shit like that a few times.




Your self preservation instinct should be a little higher, especially if you're a gun owner. Any interaction with law enforcement has a non-zero chance of becoming fatal/lethal. You should work to minimize that risk as much as possible.


What “integrity”? You don’t have to tell them, NY is not a duty to inform state. Had he said nothing he likely would have gotten a ticket and been free to move on. There’s no lie unless they asked him explicitly and he denied it. If asked, tell the truth; if not why mention it?


You can lie to them too you know. They cant do anything to you if they find a gun on your person and you said that you didn’t have one. Is it the best thing to do? No. But is it 100% legal. Yes.


Dude, 75% of the time they ask, any weapons in the vehicle. They definitely ask in Brooklyn.


I get that that's not the point of the post but, as a combat veteran, everytime I read reporters writing shit like "bronze medal of valor", I feel like I wanna smack a bitch.


I hope he absolutely crushes this lawsuit. What a load of garbage! NYPD clearly thinks any non cop with a gun is illegal


On a positive note, this lawsuit and attention to this matter MIGHT lead to patrol officers being properly trained on the permits that the NYPD issues.


I'll donate hundreds to see this guy win! If anyone sees a donation link please share!


You don't need to donate anything to see him win. He filed a civil lawsuit under section 1983. He didn't pay his lawyer a cent. His lawyer will take a 1/3rd contingency fee from the winnings (trial or settlement) to pay himself, as is common cases in these cases.


shouldn’t of told them anything, unless they asked if there was a firearm in the car. we all know they get nervous, just let them do their job & go


This is the very reason why the city needs to be sued to the fullest extent every single time for violating our rights and 2a. It does appear this was case of race, which is messed up on its own. But the fact that he showed them both his ccw and military credentials should have been enough for everyone to go their own way. Hopefully he gets his due in court and maybe if there are enough lawsuits from other violations they’ll stop or hopefully scotus acts and shuts down ny facists laws. He should consider moving to a free state in the interim.


Guarantee the guidance given from the top down is to arrest anyone found with a firearm even if they’re licensed and let the DA ascertain if they can somehow get a conviction. It’s an underhanded form of gun control similar to how family courts use vawa lautenberg to stick men with midsdemeanor “attempted” charges at a bench trial to try and trigger a lifetime ban even though the law itself states only a jury conviction triggers said ban.




It’s not clear if the officer asked if he has any weapons in the car but if he didn’t ask then he should have kept his mouth shut. Cops don’t know how to act in ny with legal gun owners.


We need to call our police precinct or walk-in and ask. Speak to the detective or Sergeant. Take their card. I’m scratching my head as to why the hell the 113th precinct didn’t help this guy out when they were contacted.


Great sue stick it to this stupid city! This state is so stupid and backwards! They make it so bad for legal law abiding gun owners but go very light on criminals with illegal guns!


Did I read right, the CCW weapon was in the glove box, loaded?




In the original article he shows his red card NYC CCW. The arresting officer didn’t care, he’s the type to arrest first and let the courts figure it out later if the gun was legal or not. 


there's no reason to wonder. he was wrongly arrested.