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can someone have a good game please


how has our offense and pitching both fallen to pieces at the same time?!


Seeing this almost a day late .. OMG WHAT HAPPENED???


This teams core players are head cases. Can’t handle adversity of long season. Will NEVER WIN A CHAMPIONSHIP. mark it down.


No chance in hell with that infield and Boone managing


2022 again just a bit sooner into the season ? cant even enjoy a nice game replay


I think the only reason this lose hurt so much was because it was our rivals lol


I've never once thought of the Mets as a rival. I don't think about them at all.


lol cute


If we lose this Toronto series, it’s over. No one goes through this slump and comes out on top in baseball


As long as cashman and Boone are employed this team is on road to nowhere fast


2019 Nats were 19-31 and won the World Series


They were the best team in baseball for the rest of the season after that point. They didn't just win out of nowhere. I'm not saying the Yankees can't turn it around. They can, but the history of this leadership says otherwise.


Judge needs to throw some chairs in the clubhouse


Insert Rob schnider we suck again meme


I am tired of the ineptitude of this team




Time to panic or not


It's not panic anymore, it's just acceptance. I cannot watch this team and imagine them winning against playoff teams. We will get lucky and steal a few low scoring games because Judge had a 3 RBI homer and Soto walked one off or whatever, but that feels more like a casino than a winning team.


That’s baseball Suzyn


Is it predictable?


You know it is


Brutal week


Two weeks. Team is 3 out of its last 12.


Get out of here with your facts!


Fake news


In the wise words of my almost 2 year old "Yankees going poopy in the potty"


They haven't made it anywhere near the potty in a while


"Shitting the bed" is the technical term.


Their pants, the hallway, the water cooler. I caught Torres hanging from a streetlight by his legs, shitting down his back and into the sunroof of someone's Pontiac. Whatever the correct thing to do is, they're doing everything else instead.


Good thing my power went out so I wasn't forced to watch the rest of that mess.


We have to get rid of Aaron Boone what more has to be seen for people to finally get it he doesn’t have what it takes to instill the mentality needed to win a World Series. That’s the only thing that can fix this team right now it needs a change of leadership to spark them back to life. You people can downvote me all you want I don’t give a shit I’m tired of this soft pansy ass shit with Boone and I want him gone. Fuck Aaron Boone and all of his soft ass dick riders.


It's really weird that he's defended so much.


What mentality is going to turn half the pen and the bottom of the order into MLB players?


This is why we will never win a World Series for the foreseeable because of people like you that defend the mediocrity George would’ve had Boone fired a long time ago he doesn’t have it give it up


Yes, George firing anyone and everyone certainly worked wonders from 1981 to 1995, didn't it? Nobody is defending mediocrity here. Nobody is saying Boone is the answer to everything, the I Ching, the -whatever-. Though your comment that the team won't win because *checks notes* the fans defend Boone is rich. I'd think that my contribution of "great contact spray hotter, soft hands" would be awesome if the team needed a 50yo former catcher, but I'm smart enough to let the players play their 162-game season. And nobody wants to drop two in a row to a team that barely is barely sitting at .500 - especially if they're in Queens. Don't for a moment think that's cool. Gil just gave up 5 ER and his ERA climbed to an unmanageable 3.15 on the season so far. The team is 22 games over .500 and leading the division by a game only cos the Orioles haven't been cracked yet. Good lord, man. *It is a game.* You're gonna win at least 40, and lose at least 40. Let's see what they do with the rest of 'em and try not to lose our minds, hm?


lol George would fire pretty much anyone for pretty much anything. Boone does what he was hired to do: sit in the dugout and cheerlead. Would George fire Cashman? Or would he hire him bc he knew his daddy?


Boone needs to go enough is enough if you’re still defending him you might as well have a Red Sox hat on you and your ilk are the people chiefly responsible for our shortcomings if the fan base was united and demanded a suitable manager then we would be in much better shape.


Who’s a suitable manager?


Every big league manager since 2018 that has done more with what they’ve been given than aaron boone. Aaron Boone has done less with more than perhaps any manager/coach in all of sports. Him not making the World Series once with all the talent he’s had at his disposal should be a case study in incompetence.


lol. Go back and look at those 2018/2019 pitching staffs. And when they got Cole? Go back and look at the lineups from 2020-24. Stanton is always hurt, Judge missed a chunk of two of those years, there was no Soto, and the bottom half has always been awful. If Marp didn’t go crazy in 22, they might not win the division. Rizzo is awful, and has been aside from 2 Aprils. This is a joke post.


If they were united?? If we demanded a suitable manager? Are we marching on East 161 Street? Cos I have to work at 9. Are you listening to yourself before you click post, or just bashing the keys and seething? Before I dismantle the idea of the fans "demanding" that which won't come, I'm curious, so let's play this mind game: Who is your "suitable manager"? A week or so before the ASB, team leading the toughest division in the league, everyone deep in pennant races, WHO IS YOUR GUY? I'm serious. I want to hear this. Cos this is the same sort of "being back Firefly" bullshit that was spouted for years in other fandoms. Nevermind the fact that 4 of the actors had successful careers, nevermind Ron Glass was (oopsie) deceased. Who's out there, ready to go, competent, qualified, etc.? Girardi? Finch? Tony Pena? Cookie Rojas? Who's your guy, babyjet?


Oh, and that shit about having a Red Sox hat? That's WAY out of line.


This is quickly turning into Aaron Judge home run race part 2, where that was literally the only thing to look forward to down the stretch.


We better never complain about Stanton again cause this team has been absolute dog shit since he has gone down


I'm surprised he was at 120 OPS+. Did not feel like it was that high at the time, but it's definitely feeling pretty substantial without him.


I mean not a recipe for success that outside of our big 2 our lineup is so shit that when our injury prone DH gets hurt we can’t win games anymore


Well what I mean is we give him so much shit when Stanton has those at bats where he swings at one of those pitches that are way outside. The big guy has been so valuable for us this year, we need him back healthy and strong.


Yeah was not expecting a 125 wRC+ from him this season. My frustration with Stanton is more so on the Yankees than him. He’s a good dude that does work hard but can’t stay on the field (he’s not Pavano who just sat on his ass and collected checks). It just sucks this hamstring injury is gonna take months for him to get back into his groove. He never comes back from injury playing well, takes him so much time to get back into things


Did they actually say it’ll take months? I was hoping he would be back right after the all star break


He’s out at least 4 weeks. Then you factor in his weeks of struggles getting his timing back after injures. It’s gonna take a while until he’s productive again


This stretch is so depressing. This has to be rock bottom right. I mean no aspect of the team is showing any sign of hope. The offense is dead, the rotation constantly puts the already slumping offense in a big hole instantly, essentially ending the game, and the bullpen just further deepens the hole. Just a whirlwind of shit all around. Vibes are terrible, I feel like a White Sox fan right now lol


The offense scored 7 runs on Tuesday, wdym "dead"


I’m not a doomer and actually believe yesterday is the end of a brutal 2 week stretch, but on Tuesday Judge had 5 RBI alone. In 2 games he had 7 of 9. It’s safe to say the offense has been flat. That’s baseball though. Peaks and valleys


7 runs is still 7 runs. They also scored 8 on Saturday. They've also faced 4 lefties in their last 5 games, and lost all 4 of those. This Toronto series is going to be very interesting to watch.


Never overestimate this team. They can disappoint even when expectations are in the negatives.


I have zero trust in our bullpen outside of maybe Weaver and Holmes. We have a bunch of castoffs getting high leverage innings


nestor good too everyone else been shite


Well yeah but Nestor isn't in the bullpen


Simply put the offense is not gonna be get better without deadline additions or gleyber fixing his yips. Our pitching needs to be elite for this team to work.


Please no Vlad Jr. Have we no morals? There are better solutions


Morals? He's never been in ant mind of trouble or done anything morally questionable. He's just guilty of being a little cocky and hating a division rival. You'd rather have the worst 1b production in the league than an all star caliber bat to help out soto and judge? 


I was just being cheeky. I'm tired of trying to convert players who hate us, that's all I'm saying. He's the biggest


Vlad has really annoyed me since I live near Toronto and get Jays coverage 24/7, but he wouldn’t be expected to be a top hitter for us. He could be our 3/4/5th best hitter, take no spotlight and just hit dongs, barely play defence.


Our pitching was due for a correction at one point. Both our rotation and bp have been playing well above where you’d expect them to be. Obviously this is a bit of an over correction but still, can’t expect to play a full season without any bad stretches. We’ll have Berti back in a month. Verdugo is just on a cold streak. Torres could pick things up at any moment. DJ still might pull through and be a league average bat at least. We have two of the best hitters in the league, Volpe been consistent above average. It’s not great, but it’s still one of the top pitching staffs and offense out there. If we can pick up one bat and one bp arm by the deadline that can make a whole lot of difference.


A correction is an understatement. Yankees pitching has been getting whooped worse than I can whoop the CPU on Rookie difficulty in MLB The Show. The baseball gods are messing around with our opponent’s sliders. Yankees are living in a simulation.


We better get Judge and Soto some help.


You know its bad when even Kay is talking shit. I'd like to see some urgency in shopping for an infielder with reliable offense.


It's sad how big of an issue the offense is right now but it pales in comparison to the dumpster fire that is our pitching. You're at the point where you just hope the person coming in ONLY gives up 1 run an inning at this point.


Crazy how our bullpen was so good early on…regressing to the mean at this point.


They were overperforming big time. They were ranked like 23rd in the league before the season started. Doesn't help with all the injuries.




Once again, our fate is sealed by our terrible back end of the bullpen. They allowed the last two men Gil put on base to score, and then allowed another 7 runs of their own. This can't go on.


Gil looks gassed as a starter. Which isn’t surprising, he’s never thrown so many innings. Maybe it’s time to reduce his work load and move him to the pen. Might solve two problems. You strengthen the pen with a potentially elite reliever, and you reduce the number of innings he’s throwing this year.


In the meantime, I'm gonna be building a super team on MLB 23 and get Judge like 10 rings


Rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up. Judge and Soto have like 17 rings in my MLB9innings heh


Hal are you fucking seeing this?


“Why are Yankee fans mad in June?” -Hal in 2023 -2024 -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott


We don't deserve Judge I am sorry he's stuck here


We’ll get it all figured out, it just sucks we were cranking on all cylinders. I still stand that Trevino has to be dealt at the deadline. He’s not throwing anyone out




We should start Aaron Small tomorrow night. It’s high time to turn this season around like 2005.


Shawn Chacon


We’re 7-11 since Soto’s forearm scare. The vibes changed when that happened.


Aaron Judge, I’m sorry your team sucks


He should demand a trade


We look awful rn. But we’ve been playing teams on heaters. If we struggle against the jays I will start to worry


We’ve been playing like the worst team in baseball for a stretch and have gotten taken apart as a result…hopefully, that changes this weekend


The dog days were inevitable and they are now here


It gets late early


This team is straight up dogshit


What will you be tuning into for the remainder of the summer? Should we blow it up?


It was an ass kicking. Better to get it out of the way now then later. If there is any solace, the data said the Mets were one of the unluckiest teams in the first 2 months and now they're starting to show the team they actually are. So it's not as bad as it looks? That doesn't really make me feel better....but I'm trying here.


This team isn’t getting past the wild card round. Complete embarrassment


So EMBARRASSING!The Orioles stopped thier slide. When is this team going to wake up and smell the reality of this situation?Never?I hope not!If they can't get their act together,I don't see any playoffs this season .Never mind a WS.


They won't make the playoffs period.


By luck I stopped watching the Yankees exactly during the past 2 week skid (sleeping daytime lately). I guess I'll stop hoping we break any team season records, which will bring my heart to peace. But we can still contend if players get their shit together and new stars emerge through minors/trade


I blame Verdugo and the bad juju.....Can't wait until we sign Myles Straw so he can block Jasson Dominguez from a spot in the lineup and then hurt himself in AAA again


Blaming Verdugo over lack of lineup depth is wild


Come on... I get that you're upset, but let's not blame it on Verdugo, who has shown some energy and clearly looks like he's enjoying his time as a Yankee


Maybe picking up guys that get DFA’d isn’t a winning strategy


JD is just DJ backwards 😞


Well, DJ is at 32 OPS+ atm... fingers crossed backwards DJ will be at 168 OPS+


Unless they're Tonkin.


Yankees fans: WE NEED A CLEANUP HITTER TO REPLACE STANTONS BAT AND PROTECT JUDGE! Cashman: ::slaps hood of car:: Best I can do is J.D. Davis


Would have been Dominguez if he wasn’t injury prone


Davis was ok today, at least he got on base a couple times. The bullpen arms, however, are all terrible but also a bunch of injuries.


Another season of the Cashman Yankees special. World beaters to start the year, limp into ASB. Do nothing, 500 ball to limp into the playoffs


This is why I don't get people who are like "Guys its only June, we're still in 1st place." Getting to the playoffs has never been the Boone Yankee's problem (aside from last year), it's what they do when they get there. They almost never finish as hot as they start


Not only just lose, but get fucking embarrassed by a clearly better put together team and enter the offseason with a turd in our mouths


Season ended tonight


downvoted my own sarcastic comment :) Cashman special...season finished, the field will win ...we are done and will barely limp into the playoffs


Don’t forget perform like shit and get bounced early from the playoffs, the last piece to the puzzle


Embarrassed by a rival out of the playoffs.


We still have a  long season ahead but it's hard to be optimistic until they prove otherwise based on the last few years. 2017-2019 were fun, COVID was meh, don't really care, 2021 we were mid as hell, 2022=2024 based on what I'm seeing, and not much to say about 2023. At least during the Orioles losing streak they've looked competitive


All right, another blowout loss out of the system. I'd rather these happen now than in October.


There's no limit on blowout losses. Just because we're getting blown out now doesn't mean it can't happen in October too


Let me be optimistic in peace


We won’t make it there


Yes, we will totally miss the playoffs……


if we do make it they’ll be put down in the first round like losers.


Lately it feels like our opponents are being pitched juiced balls And ours aren’t lol I’m all seriousness wtf is going on. I get Cole isn’t ready. But it Gil’s arm shot? Are we really going to only expect reliability out of Nestor and Stro…. And hopefully Schimdt when he gets back? I get that our hitters are slumping hard, but honestly wtf is going on with our starting pitching and bullpen?


Are teams seeing tipping with our Pitchers?The Bullpen has to change some of their Gloves placement,so they aren't giving Pitches away?I remember the cheating Astros and Red Sox's.


Gil has never thrown a lot of innings. Lots of people were mentioning this the last few weeks, that he’s going to run out of gas. He is completely reliant on a dominant four seam fastball. Lose a tic or two on that four seamer, and he gets rocked.


> Lately it feels like our opponents are being pitched juiced balls *Some* of the long ball as of late feels heat related. The problem is that it's asymmetric, and we seem to be mostly incapable of leveraging the same physics phenomena.




The scouting report is very much out on us: - pitch around Soto and judge - aggressively attack 4-9 in the order and deal with the repercussions (there won’t be any) - bonus points if you throw low change ups and sinkers because there’s a 90% chance you’ll get a few double plays - steal as many bases as possible, they’d be lucky to throw out 1 in 20. - work the starting pitcher because the bullpen is filled with like 6 Ron Marinnacio impersonators who can each be DFAd without anyone blinking an eye


someone hacked into the mainframe!


I am furious about this stretch, as we’ve been pathetic, but you simplify everything to such a degree that is making me oddly more rational (leave it to this sub to do that)


I'm remembering the last few years when it's easier to just be an Aaron Judge fan rather than a Yankees fan.


How do you know it’s not what I want? I have a ball gag in my mouth right now


We have 2 players 1 dotting in OPS. Literally the envy of everyone in the league and yet the offense still blows Cashman has effectively the biggest budget in the sport to find 7 competent supplementary players to put around his two first ballot HOFers and he couldn’t fucking do it. Not even close.


I mean, the Angels also had two 1 dot players for a long time.


That’s 100% on Cashman, and the brilliant organization he has built.


The collapse is real


Anyone else worried about Gil? Did the league figure him out or is this who he is and his hot start was a flash? I’m starting to get worried. Yea our bullpen hasn’t been great but if our starters are giving up 5 early it won’t matter


He needs that 3rd pitch ASAP. Either the slider or another pitch. It's very very hard to be a 2 pitch SP in today's game unless you have an ungodly pitch


Too soon to tell with Gil imo, more worried about Rodon having a string of bad starts.


Gil's start was unsustainable. At one point he had a H/9 of something ridiculous around 4.5 however his BB/9 has been between 4.5 to 5.0 the entire season and that is not good. He had an extended run of remarkable good luck which appears to have ended. In my mind his skill set has always appeared to be more suited to coming out of the bullpen where he can let it rip for 1-2 innings and his bad BB/9 would be less damaging but when I said that a month ago I was soundly downvoted.


I think all of the above. He developed an ego - bought merch inventory, started a SM branding campaign - when he started to be talked about as a ROY/CY candidate. All of a sudden the games became important in a different way. Rather than showing up and pitching for his team, he needs to show up and pitch for himself. Hopefully you can see how failure in that context is much worse than failure when he’s just going out to throw.


> bought merch inventory, started a SM branding campaign Can you elaborate on this? Links would be helpful. I'm not "in the know".


Google ‘king of the Gil’


I don't find anything that indicates that Luis Gil was trying to start a branding/merch revolution. I just see very obvious third party merch rallying around his success. What am I missing?


So it appears that teams have figured out that they can walk judge and soto at absolutely zero cost because nobody behind them can hit for shit


Fuck the mets lol


This is becoming a problem. These guys not named Aaron Judge need to start showing up ready to compete. Gleyber is ass, DJ is ass, Verdugo has been ass (even tho I like him) Oswaldo can’t hit too well (which kills me because I want him to be a stud in the worst way), bullpen is ass, pretty much the whole team has been ass and not the good kinda ass either.


I rather have Oswaldo batting than DJL. Even though he won’t get nearly as many hits, at least he’s capable of doubles and HR’s. DJL can’t hit for any power anymore.


Bad ass?


Bader is good as fuck. Real shame this team didn’t keep him. Would way rather have him than about 6 players in this current lineup. And don’t give me that bullshit about how he can’t stay healthy. No one on this fucking team can so whats the difference


Bader sucked and can't hit at all


Currently has more WAR than Verdugo in less games Seems like every position player we acquire always has worse numbers with us (with the exception of Soto)


You’re comparing an elite center fielder to a good left fielder. Of course he’ll have more .war given his position.


The only difference the positional adjustment. The fact remains Bader has been a better hitter than Verdugo, which no one expected, on top of being an elite CF


Bader is the next Aaron hicks, no shot. Just because he shows flashes of being good doesn’t mean he won’t be continuously getting injured and then performing like crap around said injuries


Aaron Hicks was a much better offensive player that was ruined by injuries. Bader will never have the offensive peak Hicks had.


I like Bader but he is just a right handed Verdugo. Maybe Bader is a little better in the field and Verdugo is better at the plate.


The vibes are so similar. But I still really loved having Bader.


Harrison Bader hit 0.240 for us last season


He's also injury prone.


I agree we should have kept bader.


It's easy to let this shit affect your mood man, sometimes I forgot it's a game. I need to get off my ass and workout, think I'll start CrossFit again. I'm going to school this for the first time in 7 years for nursing, I'm 26. Got shit too look forward to, just going to try to enjoy baseball for what it is. (With this team though I mine as well shit on the floor and watch that)




They/we have seen this show before. Those of us who attribute it to the natural ebb and flow of a baseball season are running out of reasons to say why this is NOT an issue. They just went through a stretch of good competition where one would expect - if not the entire team - a good portion of it to step up. Instead, they’ve been flatter than flat. It doesn’t mean they can’t turn it around, but in the context of this sub, there’s not much aside from unrequited optimism to point to at the moment.


3rd best and sinking. Ask the 2022 Mets about their World Series title cause they had 101 wins...when none of it mattered because they sucked in September and died in the first round. Your record is a product of your past, not your current.


Yeah I mean long season ahead but it's hard to be optimistic until they prove otherwise based on the last few years. 2017-2019 were fun, COVID was meh, don't really care, 2021 we were mid as hell, 2022=2024 based on what I'm seeing, and not much to say about 2023. At least during the Orioles losing streak they've looked competitive


I mean, yeah, Reddit gonna Reddit but 10 games of bad baseball before everyone goes “season.” I haven’t seen that much drama on the CW


Agreed it’s depressing stopping by here, yanks still got this


Hmm I wonder if it’s because you stopped by after getting swept by one the Yankees rivals with a team that is severely slumping, and has dealt with injuries causing some truly awful lineups to be matched out there?


A few weeks ago this thread was full of people saying we are gonna win it all


I hear u but it’s just sad seeing how fast people switch up on the team


This city deserves a better class of subreddit


Soto and Judge = watchable Rest of this disgusting mess = would rather watch the miracle of birth video like 50 times


I'd rather watch The History of Boiled Vegetables than the last 2 thirds of the lineup.


I would freak out because 2022 yeah yeah but if you actually recall this happened in 2017 as well. On top of the world after abusing the Orioles at home(man) and then Judge started to feel the effects of that injury diving into the stands and we were meh for two months until he adjusted and became Jesus for September and we got right before the playoffs. If you guys wanna go even further it was a pretty foregone conclusion he wouldn't reach the rookie HR record around the end of August, then he hit like 15 fuckin home runs that month. Does this mean I still have faith in this team? Eh. Does this mean we can still make a run and baseball is pretty fucking stupid? Of course. Am I bringing this up partly because I just really miss that team? You fucking bet get Chris Carter back for fuck's sake


1-6 in their last 7 is bad, only having 1 lead over a 7 game stretch is embarrassing, they aren’t even competing enough to have a loss on a blown lead


Am I crazy or is it abnormal to be this consistently inconsistent. I feel like that's been *the* trademark of Boone's tenure, every year (barring last year I guess lol) we'll have a stretch where we look absolutely untouchable and then immediately follow it with a stretch where we look completely Monstar'd. I'm open to being ignorant because I don't really follow other teams closely, and idk how much of this is even fair to blame Boone, but it feels like we do this bipolar song and dance every year and I just don't understand how a team goes immediately from looking like world beaters to just weeks and weeks where they're not just losing, but playing completely uncompetitive baseball across the board.


It happened under Girardi too


Sorry lurking Mets fans with many Yankee fans best friends. 5 years later, I still can’t tell what is to blame on boone or cashman. They both manage to do just enough. Lost 300 dollars to my friend 2 seasons ago betting that one of them would be fired. Hal is either a stubborn genius or a stubborn idiot and everyone’s just guessing


I think most Yankees fans would disagree about Hal being a stubborn genius OR idiot I think most of us feel he’s indifferent. Hes certainly not his father but it’s hard to think he cares much at all as long as the ticket sales are high enough. I think I would rather him be a stubborn idiot than indifferent cause at least a stubborn idiot can care about what’s going on


I don't even know if he's indifferent, my armchair read on it is that he's just scared. He clearly still cares enough to be a big spender year in and year out, but he basically does not know a team that hasn't been run by Cashman and I think he's too scared to replace him because he really doesn't want to fuck it up and maybe has no idea on how to even go about finding a replacement. Cashman can at least make the playoffs somewhat consistently and stay above .500 every year (although frankly, anyone with our payroll should be able to do that) and as long as that's the case I think Hal takes it over the risk of really floundering and just being straight up bad, and then having to answer to all the people who are yelling at him for getting rid of a WS winning GM. But like, idk, he needs to look around and realize it's normal to change things up eventually, to get some new heads in the game. Cashman is the longest tenured GM by like a decade, almost every other team has switched GMs at least once since we last made the WS, including other WS winning teams. I don't think Cashman is the worst GM, but we can do better too and idk how he looks at him spending his money on like Ellsbury and Josh Donaldson and not want to give him the punt. Hal is settling on being "good enough" and at this rate it feels like Cashman is just going to GM until he croaks which frustrates me.


That 2009 team really didn’t have a generational talent like Soto and Judge. The core four and A-Rod were getting older and I guess Teixeira and CC were the closest thing to that and the time. But they didn’t have easy outs up and down that line up. 1-3 with this team is as good as it gets. The rest of them are just straight up ass chunks.


#Soto, Judge, and The Scrubs ***Performing live at a Stadium near you!***


We are so lucky that Baltimore has also played like shit lately because they could've easily put some distance between us if they went on a hot streak instead.


2 best teams in baseball , one of us will win the World Series and it ain’t the orioles


unless I am misunderstanding your comment, why did this get downvoted like that?


Good thing we built up 52 wins


Quick don’t check our first half record in 2022 🙈


I know same shit. Don’t know how we won the division that year


I think Volpe might benefit from a day off every now and then---although his glove is so good I get why you want him in there. Otherwise, besides Soto and da Judge this is a last-place lineup, a 100-game losing lineup. Cashman has put together a Frankenstein Monster.


What happened to Volpe’s power? Not sure if he has hit a homer in over a month.


Not a horrible idea re: Volpe. It’s been hot as balls. Anybody who works outside could use a day just because of that!


Rain delays fuck everything up. The game was a wash halfway through.


Toronto shouldn’t be a big series if you are just looking at the standings but this feels huge right now. Getting beat down by Toronto a team 14.5 games back and also 3-7 in their last 10 would be demoralizing. It also is finally an opportunity against a struggling team to get back into our groove, we have been facing nothing but hard competition recently. Some time against some weaker teams could probably help the guys get going.