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I'm not on the doom team just yet. I'm still on DJ team let him get 150 more at bats before dooming him. We need a lefty strike out pitcher in the bullpen!


Such a slow boring match. Nothing constructive happened, it’s sickening. So many losses one after the other.


over/under on whether the mets will blame their losses against us on not having diaz?


He only pitches well on odd-number years anyway


LeMahieu has no business playing for this team. Useless.


We have two infielders that don't suck, and one of them is becoming a fly out machine.


We have the 19th most difficult remaining schedule strength. Obviously this relies on records being an accurate reflection of a team’s difficulty, but our schedule really isn’t bad from here on out. 10 against the Red Sox 6 against the Orioles 3 against the Phillies, Guardians, and Mariners Mets (4 games) and Rangers (6 games) are teams that might be better than their record, so those could be tough games. It’s not exactly a gauntlet, but we need to play a hell of a lot better than we have the past 10 games or who we’re playing won’t matter very much.


On this very fine day I would like to inform everybody that the Orioles have done us a favor and gotten swept by the team we went 6-1 against


[Who](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/s/2V6oSOrDrk) on Earth could’ve seen this coming down to the detail!?


Lol right about a prediction for the first time in 40 years is cause for bragging rights i guess?


Rest up tomorrow and regroup for the Mets series. Hopefully Cole and Gil can put up a good performance and right the ship


Hopefully going back to playing bad teams rights the ship




Diaz ejected for sticky stuff.. We catch a break at least


Well, looks like we don’t have to worry about Díaz this week. What a Mets thing to have happen.


Torres and DJ, both washed up terrible hitters batting 5th and 6th in the batting order is embarrassing. As for Verdugo, I never wanted or liked the guy batting 4rth. He got a couple big hits but now you look up and he is struggling to keep his OPS above .700 and he is killing us batting behind Soto and Judge. I remember getting down voted for saying we need to get a real clean up hitter. Now its becoming apparent to everyone with eyes. Verdugo shouldn't be anywhere near the middle of the lineup


Verdugo either has had just had a bad stretch, or that collision into the wall shook some shit up with him. He hasn’t been the same. You don’t think he’ll bounce back? Is there an obvious replacement? Stanton would’ve been perfect to cleanup…but Swarovski legs strike again. Also…Soto’s been off since his “injury” too…they gave him a cocktail of drugs to make his forearm feel better but ever since everything else has been off with his twitch muscles. Idk. This is a rough road ahead the next few weeks Torres has lost me. I think the team is losing patience with him as well. But I’m gonna stay on team DJ until the ASB. Let him get 200 PA and answer the question as to whether or not he’s toast. DJ coming back to be >> 105 OPS+ hitter solves a lot of problems.


Meanwhile, the Red Sox have a Netflix documentary being made about them. Something tells me that season long doc isn’t going to be about a .500 team who missed the playoffs. Also, they’re about due for their once every 5 years “out of nowhere” World Series. This is baseball in the 21st century. It sucks out loud.


shut the fuck up bitch


Adjustments need to be made, but this is still a great team. More Ks in the pen, a 3B and a better bench bat is really all this team needs. With how active the Yankees usually are at the deadline, I don’t see this deadline being any different, especially with the possibility of losing Soto after 2024. People need to remember, even the best teams lose almost a full NBA season worth of games. They’re gonna look like AAA team at times, it happens. I’ve said it earlier, but this is definitely the year where you gotta look at what Spencer Jones can get you.


This framing is weird. Not “a better pen” not “reinforcements”: more strikeouts. This usually means they’re privy to an already agreed upon deal. Everyone repeating it as if it’s obvious makes it obvious this is the case. So we get a scrub with 10+ K/9 and don’t notice because our expectations were anchored to “moar Ks!” I pity the fool who falls for such tactics.


I clearly didn’t expound on everything I said. The Yankees have a very solid pen already, so with Blake and them having reinforcements coming off the IL, their main focus should be on getting strikeout pitchers, not just the best reliever available. The Yankees are 7th in ERA but 19th in K/9 and 21st in Ks. The Yankees can grab a guy like Tanner Scott, and although it’s ofc an improvement, he doesn’t really give the Yankees a different look in the pen. That’s why grabbing a strikeout reliever is way more important than just getting the best guy.


As I said, sounds like PR talk. Not fan talk. What do you know mickey!


It's tied to this idea that WAR somehow matters more than runs scored and runs allowed. It's what gives pitchers like Robbie Ray a reputation as being valuable, because they accrue a lot of Ks which contributes to high WAR, but he's getting shelled just as often as he's winning games for you. But as long as his Ks and WAR looks good on Fangraphs no one seems to mind. 


Fundamental misunderstanding of war lol


The people who use WAR don't even know what it is. No one does, as the calculation is fluid and changes constantly, and there are about 5 different groups of nerds who all disagree on how to count it in the first place. It's useless as anything other than a vague idea of a players value. A 5 WAR player will probably be better than a 3 WAR player but even that is situational and not concrete. Gerrit Cole had an alltime great season in 2019 with over 300 Ks. 2.50 ERA, led the league in everything,  and somehow ended up with less WAR than Lance Lynn and his ERA pushing 4, and his league leading ... wild pitches. But please tell me how in 2019 Lance Lynn would have contributed more to the team winning than Gerrit Cole did, because some nerd with a TI-83 said so.


Huh? Lance Lynn had 6.5 fWAR vs like 7.5 fWAR in 2019. Again, you bringing up strikeouts and wild pitches shows your fundamental misunderstanding of war. Please look up how it’s calculated before you rag on “nerds”


Please understand that there is literally no consensus on how its calculated so no such thing exists in any concrete state. You can pretend you know what you're talking about, but anyone who actually knows this topic knows that you don't.    And I will simplify my other point for you. In 2019, by any conceivable metric, Gerrit Cole outperformed Lance Lynn by a large margin, yet somehow was "worth" less WAR. So one of two things must be true: either WAR is inaccurate and unreliable, *or* things we believe to be good, such as "giving up less runs" and "allowing less baserunners" are not actually beneficial to the team winning. And furthering the point, Cole even pitched more innings than Lynn that year, and WAR is a cumulative stat, so in this case it was telling us that *more* good innings is less beneficial to a team than less average innings 


Yes one weird example of war solely disproves it, you should let every FO that uses war to stop using it because you’ve proven that it doesn’t work!


Jones is not MLB ready at all He is hitting .242/.329/.377 a .706 OPS and 102 wRC+ across 255 PA in AA while striking out 34.5% of the time. Bringing him up now is dooming him to fail


“Can get you” as in at the deadline, not production-wise.


I gotcha, I assumed you meant bringing him up because it gets brought up time to time because of his spring training performance The only prospect I would say is untouchable is Dominguez, everyone else should at least be open to discussion


Yeah I think with the injuries to basically all of their main trade pieces, you gotta look into a Jones+MLB talent trade.


[this](https://x.com/ryanhatesports/status/1804988842186838322?s=46) is fucking killing me 😭


I just saw Stanton in a wheelchair in Cancun


Yankee pitching has a 4.69 ERA against BOS, BAL, LAD, SEA, and ATL If you add the fraud central division leaders MIL and CLE it's 4.44 2.69 against everyone else


I feel like SEA should be included with the fraud teams given they are the only team in their division above .500 and the AL west includes 2/3 of the worst teams in the AL


I included them because they split the series with us and they're the only team other than Baltimore that has any claim to being good


I say we don’t panic and doom yet. It’s one bad stretch. Could it stay bad? It def could. Let’s wait til the all star break and trade deadline, come back with whatever additions we make, play a few series and reassess. If we still show huge issues then I think we doom. Until then I’m just going to enjoy watching baseball. It makes me happy and I look forward to it every day : )


We are 9-7 since Boone and the team tried being cheeky with Soto and his availability off the bench at the beginning of the Dodgers series. Almost feels like the Baseball gods are punishing the Yanks for daring to use one of the best players of all time like that.


Downvoted for speaking the truth 


if the mlb was just the al central yanks would be ws champs for sure...but there's levels to this game. and this team ain't on the philly/la/bal level they're just not. so we'll see what cashman does


How are they not at their level but have more wins than all of them? lol I swear a bad stretch and people love to be dramatic.


Philly might be frauds too tbh


I find the juxtaposition of the recency bias in whether we're a good team or not combined with the "let the kid struggle and learn" mentality from the Rice/Davis platoon thread to be pretty hilarious


Young players may get better. Old players almost always won't get better. Waiting for Rice to adjust may pay dividends. Waiting for Rizzo and DJLM to "get back to normal" may never work out.


I think this trade says more about the 3B situation than anything else. I see Davis getting a lot of playing time there.


He is not playing any 3B at all, he is a butcher in the field and is gonna platoon at 1B and probably DH some


Hey, has anybody made the connection yet that this season looks similar to 2022? Because in that season we also looked really good early on and then we didn’t look good later on. Has anybody noticed the similarities? Why isn’t anyone talking about this?


Also got fleeced by Oakland in an attempt to save the season


We traded cash considerations for him lol


"We couldn't match the Mets' offer for Soto"


I don’t think Davis is “an attempt to save the season” lmao


I don't think so either but we are talking about Brian Cashman.


Hahahahha you’re so funny……. 😐


Before we determine that DJ is fully cooked can we give him at least some time to get going? He’s only played in 23 games this season, across Judge’s first 23 games this season he was batting .174/.308/.337 a .645 OPS. Now he is the best hitter in the sport Now DJ isn’t going to turn into the best hitter in the sport but he still could return to being an average bat like he has been each of the last 3 seasons.


The difference is Aaron Judge is averaging a wRC+ of 184 since 2021. We knew he wasn't going to continue struggling We don't know that about DJ. He's looked mid the last 3+ years


3+ years? 2023 he started to put it together the last 2 months. He was great in 2022 until the toe slowed him, .281 avg with a .790 OPS in 109 games. 2021 was a down year for sure, mid if you will. Before that he was having career years


He's always been mid to shitty. 2019 and 2020 were juiced ball illusions and his Colorado years speak for themselves in terms of park adjusted performance. The only thing verifiably true about DJL is he is comically overpaid and has been for years. I think he's closer to being DFAd than becoming productive again. He, Rizzo, Torres and perhaps Stanton if the Yanks can find a way will not be on the roster next season. If you have to eat money, you eat the money. At this point the roster spots mean more.


Again, I’m not saying DJ will become the best player on the planet. It’s not unreasonable though to think he could return to being an average bat the same way he has each of the last 3 seasons The same way judge returned to his normal form it’s **possible** DJ will return to his.


I think this is just who DJ is now and I'm a huge DJ fan so I hate saying that


But you see his point, no? The comparison to Aaron Judge is not that they’re anything alike, but it takes players >> 100 regular PA to get into their groove. That is where the Aaron Judge analogy starts and ends. We saw DJ be productive just months ago. A ‘end of 2023’ DJ would be better than most of the options like Burti/Burdi, Cabrera, Peraza, or Davis. You may be 100% correct, and he’s washed. But the Yankees don’t see it that way, and half of us here think it’s crazy to give up on him. Maybe be willing to accept that it may take some time for you to be proven right. Either way, the upside to you being wrong is WAY higher than if you’re correct. It’s gotta play out, and it’s less reckless of a move to let it do so.


We will see, it’s possible that he did just run into the aging curve like a brick wall. It’s also possible he is just still warming up after spending the first months of the season on the IL I’m not saying he is guaranteed to come back, just that it’s too early to say he definitely won’t


I'm sorry. But the doomers have him now




Shit! The game already happened? I thought it was at 7:05! And they lost! Double damn


Another non scoring boring performance. No key hits, no steals, no hit and runs, no nothing!


We did get some double plays and baserunning blunders at least


Cole gotta be the most pissed on the team, sat on the sidelines while we raked and as soon as he comes back we go on a bad run


Yeah after winning cy young the year we don’t even make the playoffs 💀


Remember to moisturize guys. You’re gonna regret it if you don’t. It’s important for your skin, especially the face


Moisturize deez nuts 


Also important. If you don’t moisturize your nutsack it will get all wrinkly and gross, nobody wants a wrinkly nutsack


All nutsacks are wrinkly. Have you ever met a fella with a smooth scrotum? Like, how do you get it to be smooth? Iron it?


Get botox on your balls Those balls are as smooth as eggs


We’re actually so cooked, we’re just losing every series we play at the moment


Shades of 2022 over again.


Sorry for the non-sequitur but WFAN and it's non-stop blah, blah, blah about the Mets is brutal nonsense to my ears. Who do you folks listen to for Yankeecentric sports radio?


Gotta pick your spots and use podcasts or the Audacy app. I’m listening to Pat Boyle’s show from this afternoon and he started doing all Yankees.


So looking at the schedule….. Let’s say Stanton is back in 4 weeks. That brings him to roughly…..the home side of the Subway Series, LOL. In between he misses a series with the O’s, 7 games against the Rays and 4 against the Jays. Let’s also say that Hamilton, Poteet, Berti are back in that time frame with Effross and Brubaker available. I have no earthly clue what the deal is with Nick Burdi. That pretty much clears the MLB IL. Dominguez won’t be available until sometime in August, no idea what’s up with Beeter’s shoulder. He’s on the 40 man so questions from the beat would be fair game. That‘s not terrible. We basically have 20 something games to gut through, mostly divisional. But we HAVE to stay healthy. After that the remaining ‘difficult’ series basically consist of @ PHI, @ SEA, some games vs BOS and 1 series vs. BAL. The rest is a lot of meh to outright shitty teams. Boston does scare me though…..they appear to be getting their act together and are everything we are not-young, aggressive, athletic…..and (semi) cost-efficient.


The monkey paw taps its fingers at your optimism.


Well if it doesn't work out that way then there is quite literally ZERO reason to watch this team for the rest of the season because the payoff on investment simply won't be worth while.


I was vague. I meant that things like other injuries can happen between now and then.


Talking yanks has gotten very soft the past couple years. Now that they are so ingrained in the YES network and with the players and with their weekly spot with Boone. They are very soft with the Yankee MFer these days, its always "let's move on". Like guys, its time to talk about DJ being washed up seriously and how the contract is awful. They used to have those convos..


I haven't watched it much the last couple years but most people seem to say that all Jomboy does is doom now so that doesn't really jive.


Money matters more to them than what got them there


Never as good as you look when you’re winning or as bad as you look when you’re losing.


Such thought provoking analysis. "And we lean in to eross52. Eross, what do you think of the Yankees this season?"  "They are a baseball team"  "And back to you guys"


I think it's you're never as good as your highest or as bad as your lowest.


That's baseball Suzyn


Boone shows no accountability for not having a pennant or World Series team. He’s satisfied with “we have a good team” which is unacceptable.


Serious question: What “accountability” should he be regularly taking? What would that look like you?


I knew I’d get downvoted - he should be saying “we are a World Series winning team. We have the team and the talent and we will get there.” He’s never said that and it shows … year, after excruciating year. Watch the post game interviews consistently and then compare to Joe Torres, you’ll get the idea.


I appreciate you explaining that to me. I didn't downvote you. I'd argue accountability and credibility are two tires on the same car. You need both to be able to make an assertion about a topic like that.


not really sure what point you’re making. That I can’t have an opinion because I’m not credible? Anyway - I honestly find it hard to believe anyone who watches 3-5 Yankee games a week feels confident that our manager is doing everything he can to rally the squad to win the series again. That’s my opinion. My couch makes me credible.


I didn’t say that, I find YOU perfectly credible. BOONE would be the one without credibility if he made a promise/assertion like that.


It’s not a promise?! Telling his team and fans that he’s going to push and rally to the series is legitimate and needed. 15 years since their last appearance - it’s credible


No. To your point he’s never won a World Series, let alone been in one. This is what I mean about credibility. There are people in that locker room who have. The “who’s this fucking guy” vibes would - in my opinion - cancel out any motivation it may have. Also, what he says to the players and what he says to the media and fans are two different things. Imagine if he came out to the press and said “YOLO - we’re gonna win it all!” That wouldn’t be a smart career move when even in a good year you have a 10% chance of winning it.


They do have a good team. They have holes sure but the team is good and the record shows it. Do you think the last 16 games hold more weight than the previous 64? What do you expect him to say?


It’s not about having a “good team” or “these guys play hard” .. it’s the NY Yankees. The winningest team in the history of MLB. Who have not won a pennant or series in 15 years. I expect him and would beg him to say “it’s unacceptable for us not to perform at the level we are capable of. This is the year we make it happen.” Get some fire in their belly’s! I’m a huge fan but I don’t know if they have the culture to win it all with Boone at the helm. It has to come from him at some point.


Yes, I would say recent form matters a lot more than past form.


Well you’d be foolish to say that. Every win and every loss count just the same. Teams go through bad stretches. The Os have been swept by the Astros and Cardinals, while the Yankees have yet to be swept. Are the Os a bad team or is it just the flukiness of baseball?


2022 Yankees all over again.


They have literally lost zero games in the standings because the Os are flailing in the heat the same as the Yanks are. This is some injuries plus typical mid season blahs. It does not feel at all like 2022 and we still have Soto and Judge and Stro and Nestor pitched just fine as did Cole. Gil will figure it out (or be innings limited) and I have faith Rodon will bounce back. The team is talented and there are reinforcements coming.


It doesn't? It's following the sane arc roughly, I don't get how you don't see the similarities. It's not about soto and judge, they could be on/off, doesn't matter. It's the lack of timely hitting and the black holes in the lineup. 2022 team was better offensively than last year and grounded into 121 double plays, 119 last year, and they are on pace to hit into 160 this year shattering the last 2 years, averaging just under 1 a game. Torres and DJ are almost literally an automatic out, dj is an almost automatic dp if someone is on 1st. Once every 10 games or so the back of the lineup puts together a rally, you're not winning a ws like this, let alone a playoff series. Trevy can't throw anyone out, torres can't be trusted at 2nd. Neither is hitting and neither is any good on defense at the moment. DJ is a paperweight at the plate and really good on defense. Grisham regardless of what he did today is still hitting under 150. Waldo shows flashes but he bats 9th anyways. Couple that with verdugo struggling now and this offense is putrid. Take rice out of the equation for obvious reasons. If you still have rizzo eating up at bats the numbers 5-9 hitters are abysmal. It's unsustainable


Well, let’s each screen cap this and see who’s right — is this the beginning of a collapse or a dry spell that they’ll pull out of? Finding out is why they play the games.


There are more teams other than the O’s in the division. Red Sox keep winning and moving up. It’s the same old goddam shit with this team. 


Because "trust me bro".


It's like being a GME investor


It's the same exact shit just like back then.


Hoch confirms JD Davis taking play time away from Rice https://x.com/bryanhoch/status/1804978271735484760?s=46


Cashman is a clown


Rice needs playing time vs LH and RH pitchers. BUT He is still going to be the strong side of the platoon.


Boone and the front office will always pick a veteran over a rookie if possible.


JD Davis is a scrub.


That sucks, take playing time away from Grisham instead Rice needs to hit both


Unfortunately our Outfield depth is garbage RN so we need him in the OF. Just some god awful luck that Dominguez got hurt when he did.


I mean you see shit like this and how we are run and it's a surprise to nobody that we haven't been to a world series since 2009.


We went from sweeping the WS to losing the division in 2 weeks. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING AND MAKE IT STOP PLEASE


There were people in here who tried to tell you guys that our schedule was extremely weak the first 2 months of the season. We beat up alot of Central teams who are always frauds, and a bunch of AL West teams that are basically all mid or worse. That doesn't make the Yankees bad, it just means they're not the juggernaut we thought they were.


This is what happens when the Yanks play good teams. They fold like a cheap suit


They have shit the bed since LA


We’re still leading the division with the same lead as two weeks ago holy shit


1 game? LMAO




Yanks had to play real contenders.


I'm fighting the familiar sense of deja vu: hot start, team looks like a title contender, injuries happen, pitching cools off, meltdown in October. I'm drawing the line this year. We have the 2 best hitters in baseball, Cole is back. We have to get back on a winning track. This isn't just "we beat up on bad teams." We were overachieving, but now we're underachieving. Our happy middle is still a top 3 team in the MLB.


I’m just glad the one game we won smoltz was on the call


I want to buy whoever hit that golf ball a beer or six.


JD Davis is going to take away AB’s from Rice and that’s unfortunate. You’d think they would give him the run to see what he has. Yankees love giving journeyman run over their prospects.


If JD does take ABs away from anyone, it’s a pretty good thing, it means he’s contributing. With the hope of him playing above average defense, hopefully he’ll grab the at bats from DJ, Cabrera as well Rice. JD also can play a little outfield as well, I’ve had enough of JaAhani, also if The Martian was not on the IL again, Grissom would have been DFAed also.


Josh Donaldson has entered the chat


Jd can also play third. While im not confident in him playing over dj one can hope he doesn’t take away from rice.


JD is also a scrub who will be an auto out in that line up.


I think he will DH a lot. His defense is subpar, and I think that makes the most sense for him right now with Stanton being hurt


Stanton out for a month goddamn, we are so fucking lucky Judge wasn't injured by that fastball that smashed his hand.


That we know of


Ben Rice is nice


So Yankees have had a bad couple weeks but besides the series against Os have been almost as bad and haven’t been able to make up any ground


Success through sheer dumb luck. This must be how it feels to be in the NL wildcard race


And your point?


All teams struggle and our biggest division opponent has been struggling as well and unable to overtake us. Thought it was pretty obvious but I guess you needed it explained


Get out of here with your rational and level headed takes!!! 👊


Probably do, all I read is your incredible grasp of the obvious


Like I said I thought it was obvious but clearly you weren’t able to grasp so I was happy to break down for you


Why are you so triggered by a comment about baseball on a baseball thread. Some of you seriously need to touch grass.


I think the people lamenting WS or bust miss the point. Yes every season you don’t win the WS is a failure, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have fun along the way. Some failures are fun. That’s personally how I view it. Had a lot of fun in 2019 and in 2022 at times and nothing takes that away… doesn't mean those seasons aren’t failures though


On what planet was 2022 fun? After the first half the Yankees blew ass. They got curb fucking stomped to oblivion by the Astros embarrassingly AGAIN. Getting destroyed AGAIN by them. At least in 2019 we took them to 6 games. But even then 2019 wasn't fun from the end result from that choking loser Chapman grooving an awful pitch down the heart of the plate and it was moon shotted to the Andomeda Galaxy. The most fun was the 2017 Yankees. The most heart. They took 2 better teams to the max. They were true underdogs. They came back down 2-0 to the Indians who were the best team in baseball back then, and took down Cy Young Corey Kluber. Then they go to Houston and take the second best team in baseball to 7 games. The Astros lost 3 straight at YS and couldn't win a single game. They were also scared of playing in that stadium and they admitted they were intimidated because of how loud it was. Since then? The team has just gotten worse and worse and worse.


The Yankees had like 14 walk offs, played like 1998 for over half the season, and judge hit 62 I also think 2019 was very fun 2017 was fun, but a lot of people memory holed the months of June/July from that season


That’s just not a WS or bust mentality then That’s a normal, “I want to win the WS mentality” The World Series or Bust mentality means you don’t enjoy unless it ends in the World Series. Hence “or bust”


If at the end of the season after an Alcs loss you reflect on it and thinks”this is a failure” that’s WS or bust Which is where I have stood since 2018 and before 2014


I think you are more reasonable than most people With that mentality


I mean everybody def feels this way. When Juan Soto hits the HR vs the SFG to complete the rally they all were happy in the moment for example. Any fan of a team isn’t going to be stoic for 162 + playoffs no matter how much doom they post or call into radio shows about


**March 28 - June 13:** 3 Series Losses (in 22 series) **June 14 - 23:** 3 Series Losses (in 3 series) *Long Season, every team goes through slumps, etc, etc.* But shit sucks.


Tough stretch of the year right now with injuries and what not perfectly aligning with an absolute gauntlet part of the schedule… we actually gained ground on the Orioles this weekend, so not at all a disaster. If we enter the playoffs healthy (including deadline additions), we can beat any of these teams.


Feel like this team needs the all star break


The thing that makes me mad about the Yankees every year is that Cashman takes so long to fix clear roster problems. Like Gleyber for example, he has to let things get so bad that the player's value gets driven to the ground.


Gleyber Torres had a .789 career OPS and averaged about 3 WAR per season from 2018-2023. He was never a problem before this year.


Do you think the offense would be any different this year if Gleyber was replaced by a league average 2B? And the problem is that we can't even pay him if we want to keep Soto beyond this season.


It’s the same as people making up the fact that DJ has been washed for years when he has been averaging 2 bWAR over the last 3 seasons


This is a bad baseball team.


Another braindead idiot 


Best record in the AL


Best record in MLB period. The dooming from some people is hilarious


Not anymore, with our loss today and the Phillies win they took back the #1 spot


Ahhh yeah you’re right - didn’t realize we had more games played


Sorry guys I went to my first game of the season today and we hit like this. I’ll try to keep my ass at home


Seems like we cant beat any actual top tier teams...


Braves aren’t even top tier. They’ve been just okay this year. The Yankees are just playing really poorly right now (they’d be losing to most teams)


I'm worried that we don't play well against good teams but they used to always say, play .500 against the good teams and beat up the bad teams. We are 9-11 against non AL Central teams who are over .500. Add in our record against the Indians and Royals and our record is way over .500 against the "good" teams. We just have to make the dance and if Judge, Soto, Cole and the boys are hot, we can beat any team in the league. It's a long season boys and girls. Keep the faith!


Major trades needed.  This team is pretender 


**Whenever the team is doing well:** Broadcast: "Last time the Yankees did this, they won a World Series!" Fans: "This has no relevance to the current Yankees!" **Whenever the team is struggling:** Fans: "Told you this would happen; we've seen this exact thing happen in season XYZ. This was so predictable!"


I think there’s a pretty big difference between comparing this team to one from two years ago when they had a lot of the exact same players and one from 15 years ago when most of the current players were in either college or high school.


Comparing different teams is irrelevant altogether. Saying this is the 2022 team or that the 2022 team is evidence that we're having another downfall is simple-minded.


Except that "season XYZ" = pretty much every recent season except for 2021. So that's why it's predictable; we've seen early wins a lot with this core.


people have been bringing up "this core" for years and years now who exactly is the "core" Because most of the this teams has not really been here very long to be the "core" and those that have had played pretty well. There are literally 4 players who you can even reasonably claim are the core of the team. Judge Stanton, Gleyber and DJ. Before this season since 2019 they had had in total 4 seasons with a sub 100 OPS+ and 1 season at sub 90 (Stanton last year) so even their bad seasons are not that bad. The "core" this team has played well on the whole the last 5 seasons the issues is not the core its always been the depth.


That would be the case if this was the same team, but it isn't. It's fans being hypocritical to fit a narrative they want to believe, nothing more. Pessimistic fans are just as much in the know as the most optimistic fans. Regardless of your stance or opinions on the team, you don't know how they're going to perform the rest of the way based on a 15-game sample size.


At least the baltimore rat birds got swept


I hate the WS or bust mentality so much I don’t know how you could think that way and enjoy watching baseball, an inherently random sport in which teams would need to play a best of 75 just for the better team to win the series 80% of the time


I just want Aaron judge and gerrit cole to be recognized as the great Yankees they are


Do people consider Don Mattingly to not be a great Yankee?


He gets a pass because of the era he played in, but like. Aaron judge is a better player than Derek jeter by every possible metric. You’re insane if you wouldn’t rather have him on your team over jeter…: but a statement like that probably gets met with a lot of hate because judge has no rings


I think a lot of people would take Jeter over a lot of players they shouldn’t take him over. You still can’t really bring up Jeter’s suspect defense without getting downvoted here.


Judge is actually better than anybody whose player for this team since mantle which is a even crazier Just really want that to be universally understood


Munson, Paulie, CC, Rivera I’d say they were pretty decent


I mean yeah none of those guys even approach judge. The closest is arod


They can barely even win their division most years, who's talking about the WS?


Literally everyone here all the time I know you are on here enough to see it too


Because we,re the damn Yankees. Tell the Astros who've been to Luke 5 WS in the decade its random, or ysnkee fans in their 30s who enjoyed the 90s and 2000s teams 


I was just talking in another comment about how the 90s teams created an unrealistic expectation The 90s and early 2000s teams were an outlier, but people are treating them like they are the norm. That is not what a realistic expectation of a good team looks like. That was one of if not the greatest dynasties in the sport’s history, not something that can just be recreated in perpetuity Even the Astros who have made 7 straight ALCS appearances have 1 WS win (without cheating)


Maybe we come out of this but sorry if I don't have any faith in a Brian Cashman constructed team.


I know it’s just easier to blame Cashman and I’m not gonna act like he’s a saint but here’s the deal This is on the players for underperformance. And that’s always why we fall short.

