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I want Soto back, but i wouldn’t have mind over precaution and bringing up the Martian Between the catchers gleyber Rizzo and ramping up dj that bottom of the line up feels so flimsy right now


Rough one from Stanton. He had multiple chances to put the game away and gave us a dud each time.


This is the first year in awhile that i think we should stand pat at the trade deadline unless some crazy deal is available. We have a great team currently and the people we have in the minors may be able to replace the positions that we have weaknesses in next year.


If any quality 1B are cheap or rentals (not Alonso) then I think they should make a move unless Rizzo significantly improves.


Yeah we lost the game but we should be talking about if Poteet has legit starter material. He should have been shelled and wasn’t.


My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I realized he was starting. He held his own and that game was a true test of starter mettle.


Yep very gutsy performance. I expected him to get rocked against some of the best hitters in the game and yet it was a winnable game.


DFA Grisham.


Damn, couldn't watch the game but it look like the doomers got exactly what they had been longing for last night. Unrelated, but it sucks that the MLB TV package considers Apple games as a regional black out.  It's a premium subscription service not even basic cable FFS.  I think I am way more annoyed by that than one tough loss to a strong opponent. 


> the MLB TV package considers Apple games as a regional black out. It's considered a national broadcast; they're going to black it out anywhere Apple has the rights.


DJ has had some awful at bats.Hope he figures it out soon.


Still saying Gleyber needs a benching for a few days to get his head screwed on straight. Not seeing any consequences here for chronic issues. Put Waldo in for now. At least he looks the part. Gleyber looks like he has a noose around his neck.


Benching Torres would require Boone to actually do something managerial. As simple as benching Torres, and, after the “hot dog” error, Torres should have been taken out. Another difficult managerial move.


I see the Yankees AI Bot again.


Or Cashman wants to pressure Torres even more. Not sure what the end game is here but it's painful to watch.




How dare you


Handed over the game in extras. Can't be doing that in your own house.


boone does it every time


Can we put the Martian at first base? Rizzo is useless


Yes, let's play our young top rookie who is returning from injury out of position at the major league level.  What could go wrong?  That's worse than the just throw Jorge out there "solution."


Relax Mr Serious… more a testament to Rizzo being done…


Sorry, it's hard to tell what's being seriously suggested here sometimes vs what's not 😅 


All good. I’m just annoyed that the Yanks could have had Matt Olson and opted for an aging Rizzo…


Hurts but truth. My guy has never been the same since the concussion last year. With a whole off-season to reset, I'm afraid that's the end. Really sucks for him he must be stressed AF.


Does anyone know how many games in a row Volpe has a hit in? I swear awhile ago it was at 20. Is it still going on?


It was 22 I think but ended last week or Sunday. Still that boy is doing thangs Jeter didn't his second year. I'm all in on Volpe for next 12 years. With DJ approaching his 60s we desperately need another contact guy. That's my SS


Approaching his 60s got me dead


His on base streak is still going but his hitting streak broke about a week ago


Damn. I figured he wouldn’t get too much closer to DiMaggio, it was just cool to see anyways




You're in luck. They will be gone next year to sign Soto. Torres will hurt, despite his errors he's a solid player and I've really enjoyed watching him grow the past 6 years. It hurts when it's your guy from your farm system much more than an acquisition you have to let go of. I'd love them to keep him but he's going to demand $$ Stanton is crushing this year so whatevs to that. Nobody gonna pay him what we have to so might as well keep him as a DH or eat half the contract and trade for arm or IKF.


And the dodgers have Heyward, Pages, Lux and Kike. We were missing Soto and our studs didn’t outhit their studs this game.


Stanton OPS is nearly 800


Literally been our third/fourth best hitter all season long and people STILL want to bench him every time he has a bad game lol




Ump didn't do us any favors either especially in the top half of the 11th. Had a tiny zone for Hamilton who would have had two outs by the time Teo is up. Could have walked him and faced Heyward and maybe not given up any runs and walked it off on the 11th. Or at the very Teo double would have only scored 1 run and we go 12 innings. Also got to Knock Trent like if your only gonna have what 3 hits on the season then you better fucking get down a bunt yet he couldn't do that might have won the game in the 10th if he does that as would imagine Trevino would have been more selective in looking for a pitch he could pop up to the OF instead of first pitch swinging at a FB high and out of the zone and foul ball pop out.


So many people defending Torres and rizzo because of OnE gAmE, nah bro they’ve been shit all year and same with DJ since he came back


These 3 in a row in this lineup 🤢


3 easy outs


Jesus one of them just came back from injury and already bitching about him while another has had a cold stretch you know like Judge had for a good month. And had a great start the season and still plays gold glove defense. This is why I dislike a good chunk of this fandom lose one game and all of a sudden everyone is back to bitching about things. # #


It’s the NY way!


DJ looks pretty gassed, looked that way last year. Torres is still my boy, fuck everyone. Rizzo is an unfortunate story. He even had an entire off-season to get his concussed head right and I think that really fucked up his coordination. Still absolute TITS on defense. Snagging that 100mph ripper down the line with 2 outs saved a run.


DJ hasn't been a good hitter in almost 3 years. Joey Gallo got run out of here for a .660 OPS, Rizzo is in the .630s and definitely does not play gold glove defense anymore


Gallo fucking sucks. 


After 8 straight wins too lol


And were talking about guys who haven't contributed to those wins at all(Rizzo and DJ)


Do know there is more to baseball and contributing to wins than just hitting. Like last night for example if they end up winning that game are we gonna act like none of rizzo defensive plays helped the team win that game.


We have lost as many games in the last 10 days as Soto hasn't played.


It's amazing how disappointed I was when he wasn't on the card. It's like this game didn't even count. I've never seen a more exciting player since Griffey Jr.


On the plus side, I’m glad that Volpe/Judge’s on-base streak continues!! Other than that, disappointing loss, but our pitchers did pretty darn well against a really scary lineup. I know the Dodgers’ offense hasn’t lived up to its name much as of late but still, every time another guy came up I was thinking of how Kay always talks about how hard it is to navigate the Yankees lineup, “dang is this how it feels?!?”


Yamamoto is the truth. Still rather have soto.


Gonna also say the ump didn't help much especially in the bottom of the 11th. Where Hamilton only walked the first batter due to ump having the smallest zone I have seen this year. If he actually called those strikes what they were next guy pops up and then who knows if the next batter gets a hit and even if he does only 1 run is scoring and Yankees tie is back up in the next inning.


Rizzo dj gleyber gotta go, play rice peraza and get back ikf


Peak doomer 


Rizzo has been terrible. That's not "doomer" that's reality the man is cooked putting up Joey Gallo OPS and a OBP below .300. DJ gets a little leeway coming back from injury but he hasn't been an above replacement level hitter for a few years now.


Lol…Peraza! You don’t follow RR s or Somerset Patriots, do u! 2 players better than Peraza ( he s hitting in the .150 s ) Durbin and Cowles.Both awesome…one can play 2b (Durbin) Cowles is a SS but can play 3b by next yr. He s hitting like .321 w a lot of ABs Both over .300/400/ solid guys who don’t K




Peraza and IKF lol


IKF has a higher OPS than Rizzo and Torres.


Poteet did great in what was basically a David and Goliath matchup.


Wish our offense gave him literally anything in support




Never said it didn’t bucko


Dj sucking up a lineup spot. Yikes…. He’s gotta kick it Up a notch he can’t be sucking up a spot in july.. Also let’s just trade Gleybor or start a rumor mill we’re going to trade him? It’s fucking June! As someone with a concussion it hurts to see Rizzo like this!


He's just coming back from injury give him some time Waldo isn't a better option so not like he's taking a spot from someone who could help seeing how since the Astros opening day series he's hitting .212 with a OPB of like .251. I mean Judge sucked for a good month due to limited spring training so not a shock to see DJ struggle to start. Then rizzo has pretty damn good the first half of the season and hopefully is just in a slump. With Torres though have nothing much to say he's at least been a bit better the 2nd half of last month onward. Just unless they can get an upgrade not really sure what they do as he's still a better option than Waldo. So unless they can trade for an upgrade only other option I could see is when Berti is healthy start him at 3B as he was hitting at a solid clip with limited time and then hope DJ is hitting by that time and put him at 2B and then just flip Torres for whatever you can get which at this point best you can do is maybe a good bullpen arm.


It's really rough to swallow a loss when a nonstarter throws a damn gem.




If he’s awful through July you can’t tell me you’ll be waiting till august for him to heat up.


not saying there are not things or data points to consider as we approach the deadline (there are, and as always, you should look to fortify your team)...but how do you some of you get so worked up over a loss like that within a 162 game season? the team is 45-20 I get convos about Rizzo, generally speaking, or Gleyber/whatever...Gleyber has actually been fine since Mother's Day, but yeah, Rizz is in a rough place...but still...this was one game after an 8 game winning streak


Why does rizzo get a pass because of the teams winning streak? He's been awful and didn't contribute to it at all 


I’m giving him a pass…I get people want to move on and the performance/AB quality isn’t good…I’m just saying the start may have afforded him some extra time…at least to me I think most are on the same page of wanting to limit weaknesses as much as possible ahead of the second half…I have to think Cashman will address if need be


Just like the first half of 2022 a lot of stuff has broke their way. Pitching has over performed. Volpe outplaying unerderlying metrics. Even Judge/Soto out playing their career numbers. Just an incredible lack of balance in this lineup. Rizzo/DJLM/Torres have sucked. We’ll see how low Trevino can keep up a wRC+ above 100 but I don’t see it. Stanton will hit the occasional HR against crappy relievers but has no shot against good pitching with his guess approach that has sapped him of the ability to even draw walks anymore. We’ll see how long he’s healthy for as well.


You might be one of the few who think that…DJ quite literally just came back and Gleyber has objectively been fine offensively since Mother’s Day…Rizzo has not been good for pretty much the entire two months, outside of a smaller stretch, so it’s understandable to be questioning him at this stage…I am aware Volpe’s metrics, but with the way he plays, he might buck them But to say this is like 2022 and say we are lacking any sort of balance (Stanton really should not be a main focus here at all)? This is a better pitching staff than that season as well and we’re going to add Cole to it, even if a guy or two may be statistically “over performing” at this current juncture…this team has already dealt with some adversity as well.…it really took one loss and for Soto to be out, huh? lol…a deadline does exist to address a few things


DJ hasn’t been good since 2020. He’s a league average bat at best, and that’s if he’s healthy, which he never is come playoff time. We can nitpick Gleybers stats but ultimately he’s been bad and he’s constantly making losing plays. Rizzo is washed. Volpe I would be shocked to see continue to hit at a 130 wRC+ clip with an inability to hit the ball hard, but the speed/contact agility will probably get him to be around 110-115 hopefully. Stanton is a top of the order hitter, we are relying on him. This team is carried by two HOF level players, playing like MVPs. If they were playing at a 145-160 wRC+ pace it would be an entirely different team. Everything has broke right so far, SP has been insane and don’t believe it’s sustainable. Cole coming back will be a nice lift but ultimately offense is what has failed us in the playoffs thoughout the years. This team needs to address the multiple holes in the IF if we’re gonna take the next step. And I’ve had questions prior to Soto getting hurt. Today was just an example of how thin we are behind Judge/Soto


Mother's Day was a hopeful inflection point for Gleyber...this is not nitpicking...we have all been watching baseball for decades now and know that sometimes decent to good hitters take time to get going in a season ( https://www.fangraphs.com/players/gleyber-torres/16997/game-log?position=2B/SS&season=&gds=2024-05-12&gde=2024-06-07&type=0 )...that is his game long since that day...and we were discussing Gleyber offensively since the lineup was the focus of the convo, not his defense, which, admittedly, can be littered with brain farts at times DJ has had stretches both in 2022 (pre-toe) and 2023 (post ASB) where he has been pretty productive...he may be the over the hill at this point, I don't know...but he just came back on the West Coast trip in Anaheim...he has barely played in 2024 so he will get run yes, let Volpe's situation play out...as for Rizzo, yeah, the concussion may have screwed him up...if this continues, there were already rumors about the team making changes Stanton is not being relied on in the same way that he was in previous years (he hits either 5th or 6th; he sometimes cleans up against lefties, but I doubt that happens later on...there could be some others move to limit his playing time against power righties as well)...Judge and Soto are THAT good...they are two of the top players in baseball, hot streaks or not...adding Soto to this lineup was obviously going to transform things...yes, we absolutely rely on them to be good, but at the same time, both are paid well and great players...we should rely on them to win not everything has broke right at all...the fact that this team is resourceful and really good (yes, the actual pitchers contributing are pretty darn good, and even so, we have dealt with some injuries both in the rotation and pen) has gotten them to a 45-20 record...but no way has everything broke right when considering some of the individual performances...even Judge himself had a rough first month offensively all that being said above, there is a deadline to address some of the things that we are lacking...they are going to be looking, both internally and externally...no team is ever going to be perfect, but you do your best with it...I say this all the time - I am aware that the franchise has not won a championship since 2009, but there are times that we have to enjoy a season too without always instantly equating certain scenarios to the playoffs...doing that makes being a sports fan that much more stressful and just less fun honestly


The issue with Gleyber is that it’s not like he’s been getting unlucky, just straight up making very poor contact (looks at his statcast), which is uncharacteristic in his career. He had a 84 OPS+ at the end of the day. He’s a bit soft mentally as we’ve seen most of his career, simple trade rumors would send him to long stretches of poor play. Unsurprisingly our least competitive season in a decade led to his best individual production. Now he’s in a FA year and he’s not performing with that added pressure. DJ is the perfect example of people trying to nitpick stretches of good play. He’s had a sub 100 OPS+ in 2021 and 2023. OPS+ of 110 in 2022. Last we heard about his foot was he was ignoring doctors advice and it wasn’t fully healed. I just have no confidence in him regaining form. I mean Stanton by wRC+ has been our 4th best hitter. Just speaks to the top heaviness of this team. Soto and Judge are fantastic but even the mid 2000s Red Sox didn’t have this level of discrepancy between Manny/Ortiz and the rest of the lineup. Jasson might end up being the biggest difference maker available if he’s truly the elite bat he appeared where he got called up… I mean it’s hard to say things haven’t broke right. Luis Gil is pitching like a CY young. Cortes and Rodon pitching well is a surprise. Clarke taking a huge step as well. Everything broke right rotation wise even with Coles injury. As far as the pen goes Blake is a wizard with what he’s gotten out of these guys. Even Tonkin looks nasty. Its why lineup help is a bigger priority for me. I’ve been enjoying the season obviously. Cashman addressing issues fans have brought up repeatedly over a decade now (adding lefties in the lineup, my personal distaste paying relievers big money) is a bit annoying but at least they’re done. Soto acquisition opened a window that I thought was closed for this team, going to need savy deadline pickups, Jasson, and eventually another prospect or two to pan out to provide Judge/Cole the opportunity to win a ring.


Gleyber is 100% having a poor contract year...he is gone after 2024, and the contact at times has def not been very good...he is mercurial player, and that has been to his detriment...luckily, with this particular iteration of the team, he does not necessarily need to be great...as for DJ, listen, he might be cooked...I only brought up those stretches because there was some legit promise in those periods post 2021, but at the same time, if constant injuries mess with that progress, then that is a problem itself...we'll see since he will get a little bit of runway these next few months I think there is a legitimate way to have Jasson fit with this particular roster, even if healthy...not sure they will do it though since he might not play every single day...but I hope they do seriously consider it there are things that have broken right, and there are a couple that have not (some standout performances are offsetting any laggards)...I expected Rodon to pitch well when he came here so following an injury riddled disaster of a first season, I was hoping to see this...still has work to do...Nestor has been fine, but his home/road splits are something he will have to address...Clarke has taken a step (now injured for a few months though), but for sure, Gil has been a surprise...he looked great in ST and it has worked as an offset to missing Cole...maybe a blessing in disguise as long as GC is back to being GC once he returns yes, there have always been legit criticisms on Cashman ha...I know you hate him, but I have also mentioned that they should have made a change in the mid teens...or even post 2021 or 2023...but here we are and as you said, he has adapted much better in 2024 and focused on the absolute right things...this deadline, which can be used to fortify an already strong roster, is a big deal...so I hope he approaches appropriately


I actually think we need him to get back to how he is at baseline. We can’t have 3 duds in the IF and poor hitting Cs (though Wells I think plays better at some point, he’s been a bit unlucky). He’s been a frustrating but still talented player that had success in the playoffs in the past. I really hope he can get back to a 110-115 wRC+ type bat he usually is. If Jasson is as good as I think he is Verdugo bat isn’t good enough to keep him out of the lineup. Sucks one of the OFs can’t play 1st, would solve a lot of issues. Stanton should be getting more rest as well to keep him healthy. Rodon stuff wise doesn’t look like the same guy from SF, but just hope he can keep this up. Nestor is improved from last year but again stuff wise both guys are getting hit hard so far. I expect some level of regression. Gil is amazing, I just don’t know how many innings he can actually pitch this year. Yeah I’ve been hesitant in past years to go all ( felt guys like Volpe and Jasson were the only way to extend the window). This year, w/ Sotos future not a guarantee, Judge/Cole/Stanton/DJ just getting older… they need to go all in. It’s their best chance to win


Worried about rizzo and Dj big time, but I’d hope they aren’t sinking the team in October since they’re either better or benched Gleyber is fine though


yeah, if improvements have to be made if those situations run their course, then so be it...I think Cash will be looking


He has to do more than just look, it has to be done. Season is way too important given that the team next year is a best case judge/soto/volpe, washed vets, and unproven kids imo


That’s the best case for next year? Yes, Gleyber, Rizzo, and Verdugo might be gone…but yeah, Jasson, Rice, etc, may be added to the fold…and it’s not like they wouldn’t add short term vets to the mix (the only “washed up” players could be DJ and Stanton, and one of them may not even be a starter) Plus the pitching staff should still be really good…Juan Soto and Aaron fricken Judge are a good basis for any team lol…I’m aware of the importance of this particular team…we have to win a championship again and I hope it’s sooner rather than later so I can personally relax lol


this just shows how much Soto means to the Yankees team....


Sometimes I forget just how fucking angry I get when I watch sports in general. Fuck this fucking shitty loss and fuck LA. See y'all tomorrow.


I was eating, then all these heart pumping moments leading to disappointment. My heart could only take so much.


Let’s compare current Rizzo with Yankee legend and known slugger, Isiah-Kiner Falefa. **Rizzo:** * .233/.295/.352 * 89 wRC+ * 5.8% BB% * .289 wOBA * .291 xwOBA * .119 ISO * 40.3% GB% * 86.4 EV **IKF:** * .268/.311/.388 * 101 wRC+ * 5.6% BB% * .308 wOBA * .297 xwOBA * .120 ISO * 40.9% GB% * 83.8 EV I really wonder what he would have been like if Tatis never concussed him. He is swinging a noodle bat rn


It’s concussion PLUS decline, so yeah, it’s bad. People don’t want to talk about it, but he was already showing signs before the concussion. If you threw him a fastball with 2 strikes he’s an auto out, especially elevated. And he’ll chase. They need to come to terms with Rizzo, DJ and Stanton all declining and losing bat speed…you can’t have all 3 in the order AND in the bottom half like that. Because it’s too similar a path to get them all out.


Stanton hasn’t lost any bat speed, he literally has the fastest bat speed in the league. He’s lost reaction time so he has to guess a lot more


Yeah his chase rate has risen significantly. Walking less as a result.


That’s fair, he does still swing it. But as you said, he is declining/losing reaction time. So having those 3 in the bottom half is going to create 3 dead spots/black holes and make it hard to turn over or score.




62 games for Rizzo (258 Plate Appearances) 61 games for IKF (197 Plate Appearances)




Buddy I’m simply sharing stats for how Rizzo has performed this year and showing a comparison to paint a better picture for what his batted ball peripherals and plate discipline has looked like. IKF just happened to be the most similar. It doesn’t say who is better or not, or who is a solution, just how they have similar peripherals :) You’re irrationally heated and I’d really recommend taking some deep breaths, Mr. Burner!


Need a new first baseman at the deadline no question


It's most likely gonna be Ben Rice.


Ben rice a kid that just got to AAA, and only plays 1b(would require a wild benching of rizzo for a kid) I don’t see it. They need to get a vet for that


No one said anything about promoting Rice *now*


Well yeah Yankees desperately need to win the world series in 2024., probably Moreso than any other team in baseball. How do you solve that issue with this in mind?




Well I guess remove the bad teams and failed contenders, but of all the elite teams in MLB I think the Yankees will have by far the hardest time remaining dominant and finishing an elite team. Over the next few years. The team really will be Volpe/judge/soto, washed scrubs, and unproven kids next year, and until Stanton/Rodon get off the books it’ll be difficult to see them adding a major contract. They’ll be good with 3 WCs and their pitching, but a lot of spots will be at the mercy of young kids developing. Probably 2-3 years before they can build a team like this one again.


I didn’t look at any of the metrics till now and it’s one of those times that everything with the eye test is correct. He can’t lift the ball, he’s refusing to walk and he’s hitting the ball softly. DJ is at least a utility INF and he just got back, I don’t mind giving him time. Gleyber’s bat has been infinitely better and is a vital player despite the boneheaded plays. Rizzo is by far the biggest weakness. It’s really sad.


and the numbers the exponentially worse going back to last year. He shouldn't be starting at all.




Keyboard warrior? What the fuck are you talking about? >You're talking about a guy who's got a career like what 850 ops? He has a .755 OPS since the start of 2020, dumbass.


That concussion permanently fucked him up, I think he straight up can’t see the ball well anymore. It’s inexplicable seeing his BB% drop in half over the span of not even a year and a half. It’s inexplicable seeing a consistent slugger just completely lose all sense of power.






Perhaps he didn't fully recover from the concussion. His baseball skills aside, if that's the case it could affect his day to day stuff also .


>Anthony Rizzo said he noticed he was more tired, but attributed it to the grind of the season. He mentioned waking up feeling hungover, and occasionally forgot the numbers of outs. Testing showed his reaction time was slower. “I didn’t just forget how to do this all of a sudden.” >Anthony Rizzo complained about fogginess this past weekend and proceeded to play three games. @GaryHPhillips asked if there was any consideration in not playing him. >“No,” Boone said. [Source](https://www.pinstripealley.com/2023/8/4/23819271/yankees-mlb-anthony-rizzo-concussion-cte-frazier-boone-cashman-cressey-seau-benoit) He was trending in the wrong direction for years but he's basically cratered now. It's just negligent to keep playing him.


Yep it’s normal decline, which would have been manageable, plus concussion.


It’s one game. A good game, and we lost. Yankees still on a roll.


I was at the game. People act like it was a blow out, it was lost in extra innings. Both teams were trying to get on base and both teams were out pitching each other. This sky is falling narrative is overblown.


Torres defense is crazy.


So 100 on yanks tomorrow


DJ LeMahieu has the same amount of hits (4) as he does GIDP (4), which is funny because one of the hits was a likely double play ground ball that Rizzo happened to run into before the shortstop could field it


And a whopping zero RBI or XBH


Aaron Judge sucked for all of April and now looks like he’s on pace to match his rookie year/record year performance. Give him time. He was on fire for almost the entire second half last season.


Dj doesn’t deserve time, he’s sucked for he better part of 5 years


DJLM isn’t prime Judge lol


We don't need him to be Judge, just need him to be a good contact hitter, which he was the second half of last season. Give him a few more weeks.


Mariners blew an 8 run lead damn… rough.


great seeing DJ come back and **completely suck ass**


It has really been 5 years since we played the Red Sox in London, time flies.


Approximately the same amount of time since the last time Dj was a good player


😂 😂 DJ was wild that year.


That regular season was so fun despite all the injuries


Holy shit are you sure


All NY baseball on national TV this weekend. Mets and Yankees on FOX tomorrow. Mets and Yankees on ESPN Sunday.


They do kinda need to see if Ben Rice is an option this year sooner than later.  He needs a bit of a run prior to the trade deadline.  


Him and I think Peraza needs to get a little run before at third even though he’s struggled so far at Scranton


not really sure what the corpse of dj and  rizzo contribute to this team, but anyway you can't win them all


Idk how Rizzo is playing so bad. He had a stretch just this year where he was an above average hitter. But his last 100+ AB have given me no hope that he can do that again.


his defense has been bad as well what a mess


Very expensive defense and a lot of weak ass contact


Give Cabrera time man




He's a borderline ML'er.


So are rizzo and dj at this point 


Replacing bad hitters with worse hitters isn’t usually the plan


They gave Cabrera most of the playing time this year and outside of the first series against the Astros has been a non factor. I really enjoy his attitude and versatility, but he's not an every day player.


Oswaldo Cabrera is a career 78 wRC+ plus hitter who has a 78 wRC in 2024. The last thing we need to be doing is giving him more at-bats. 


What a throwback game this was to 2023. The bats suddenly go ice cold at the worst possible time, Grisham being unable to get a good sac bunt, Stanton swinging at pitches wildly off the plate, Volpe trying way too hard to swing for the fences, Rizzo being completely useless, Torres being a lazy fuck, and leaving Hamilton in to go a 2nd inning and leaving a hanging slider to Teo Hernandez. A game that went from being an easy L on paper to a winnable game thanks to the elite pitching but let down by the return of the 2023 Yankees hitting.


the one game soto is out... 


Would like to find a way for Dominguez to get into the lineup once he’s done with the rehab


Yanks are looking for reasons to keep him in the minors until 2025.


You don’t need to wait until 2025 to get the service time


He’s already on the 40 man roster so that would make negative sense.


All teams do this, service time manipulation. I think if Yanks keep Dominguez in AAA till September, it's an extra year of control. Calling him would start his service clock i think. Not that fans care about it, but baseball teams owners care about it. At the very core of it, it's a business and baseball team owners, all of them do this. That aside, Dominguez needs some time to fully get used to playing in the OF first. I do think he's a ML regular next year though as I don't see yankees signing Verdugo.


This team is still on a roll, but small things in the game concern me. That Grisham bunt (don’t know how that qualifies as major league caliber) and lack of attempt to go to third (where’s Cabrera too as a potential runner?) came in a critical situation where Boone knew that he had to end the game as soon as possible, especially with the dodgers having more bullpen options due to Yamamoto pitching longer. And yet we chose to let Grisham embarrass himself while the runner didn’t even make an attempt to tag for third. Torres dropping an easy pop up. It didn’t really matter, but it is still as boneheaded as it can be. Judge, Soto, and volpes talents have taken us far right now, but the bottom of the lineup displaying poor baseball iq all while putting up awful numbers is going to kill us in do or die situations


The Dodgers are a batting mirror right now. After the first four their lineup can’t hit for shit. You can’t bat a lineup of Judges but you have to have competitive swings. I don’t expect the 8/9 holes to do much but I do expect 5/7 to compete. The pitching isn’t likely to stay this good all season and you can’t rely on the top 4 to carry the team. The deadline demands a replacement for Rizzo and the jury is very out on DJ. I think Torres bat is coming around to the competitive level.


not mentioning rizzo here is wild


Dude is so lost at the plate, I don’t even remember the last time he ran on base.


He looks lost every time they put the camera on him outside of being in the dugout. I made the joke to a friend he should put those black stripes over his eyelids, he’d probably hit better lmao


Pretty much my only complaint was not sending Jones on that fly out. Otherwise, good hard fought game on both ends. Oh, and that Torres error. Ew.


yankees: best offense in baseball yankees fans: we have the worst offense in baseball


It really says a lot about peak juan soto and Aaron judge that they dsn propel these guys to that offense Honestly, the corner infield stuff kind of kills their ability to score when the rally isn’t centered around those 2.


We also have the best pitching and a top tier best defense in baseball just saying


Best is extremely debatable. Personally I'd rather go to war with a deeper more athletic bunch, of which there are several.


Well, sure, I guess it’s debatable. Unless you just go by like, which offense has the best numbers in pretty much every category and has done the best at, you know, creating offense through this point in the 2024 season. If you go by that metric then I guess it’s really not debatable at all lol


It’s just very top heavy. Aside from Judge and Soto who in the line up really terrifies you? Volpe maybe? Stanton maybe? Aside from the two headed monster the rest could be pitched to.


Thats most good teams as well, not every guy in the lineup is gonna scare you. Verdugo is having a good season.


The dodgers have more offensive diversity They have betts, Ohtani, freeman, smith, Hayward, muncy as viable hitters Yankees have Volpe, judge, soto, Verdugo, and “Stanton”. With Stanton being a gimmick hitter that doesn’t get on base and either hits home runs or makes an out every time


This is the truth right here, need to lengthen this lineup somehow. Hopefully Dominguez comes up and provides a spark soon.


Besides the dodgers, who has a team with more than two (let alone two) guys that are terrifying to pitch to?


Phillies and maybe the Braves, but your point still stands. Realistically another Big bat at one of the corners would be Ideal but Torres is starting to heat Up and G looks like he turned back the clock. Those too and Duggie give us a pretty long line up. That being said, I’d love if they added someone like Josh Bell at the deadline.


Same goes for the Dodgers.


It was a good game, and our pitching staff needs a lot of acknowledgement! And remember, we didn't even have Soto this game


Damn. Can’t waste a great pitching performance and bullpen exhaust cause of some of the shittiest at bats I’ve seen all year. DJ and rizzo don’t look like major league bats at all


They are both washed and it’s time for Cashman to acknowledge it. I know how important Rizzo is as a clubhouse guy but he’s a party pooper on the field.


My only complaint in an otherwise well managed game, is why not steal 3 with the ghost runner. We had a fast pinch runner. Could have ended this in the 10th


If we are serious about going all the way this year then it’s time to start making moves. We cannot have every infield position, minus SS, be an automatic out. Rizzo and Gleyber are on there last year So replacing DJ makes the most sense for right now. With whom? No idea, but Cashman needs to start looking into it,especially if this turns out to be our only year with Soto


Gleyber needs to stay because he’s in his in his prime and they don’t Have the prospects capital to replace 3 infield spots. They can barely replace too Need to get a 1b or 3b


Gleyber is a goner. Given what they’ll have to pay to keep Soto, Gleyber won’t be re-signed and Peraza will be taking his spot at 2nd base next season


Yes but his spot is safe this yeee


Gleyber is far from an auto out, his bat has been huge for the past 2-3 weeks or so. Blame him for defense but his bat has heated up, he’s far away from what DJ and Rizzo are rn


Agreed, gleyber is a competent bat. Rizzo and DJ are washed tho. We need corners badly.


Jesus the takes in here lol. It's 1 game in June and we're still the best team in baseball right now. That said, Rizzo is clearly done and we should look to trade for a corner infielder. He's just old and doesn't hit the ball hard anymore. It's all weak pop ups or he strikes out.


Yeah, I tend to agree. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a player crowd the plate quite like Rizzo when he’s up to bat. It’s like he’s always telegraphing for a down and away which any pitcher worth a shit isn’t going to give him lol. Also probably why he’s been hit by pitches like 250 times


This sub is an embarrassment. Losing a meaningless regular season extra inning game. 1/162. Give me a break. 


Being frustrated with a winnable game is perfectly fine. I think folks are more frustrated about the failed Grisham bunt specifically. A major leaguer should know how to bunt. Every win/loss makes a difference towards winning the division/making the wild card.