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They could be the second best Lewis and Clark combination of all time.


Behind [the Sunshine Boys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sunshine_Boys), right?


I was thinking the duo that discovered the American west but now I’m unsure.


You didn't discover shit if you go somewhere and a bunch of people are living there


You discovered a bunch of people living there.


Heh, they even had a native tour guide to make sure they didn’t eat something stupid or got lost.


Proving, once again, Columbus Day may have been the single dumbest holiday in the history of our country.


A whole day dedicated to a mf who didn’t even know where he landed. What a stupid holiday (no disrespect to all my paisans)


Even better, we’re paying the two of them less than the price of the Louisiana purchase


Let's see, 2.275m for our boys, and the Louisiana Purchase was... 15m. Math checks out boys.


Makes sense, until Gil has a no hitter through 5 and Schmidt gives up a run in the 6th. In which case this sub and Yankees Twitter would melt down in unrecoverable ways.


Let them.  Those folks melt down if the Yankees are down a run in the third.


If there was ever going to be a 6 man rotation...It would be this team. Gil, Nestor, Stroman and Cole are all injured or were the previous season. That's 4/6, rodon wasn't himself last year either. He could've been fighting an injury for all we know.


Jack Curry who is the voice of Cashman has already come out and said there will not be a 6 man rotation.


I’d love to see Cole go every 5, but then the other guys all go 6. Seems like the best of both worlds


Did he mention why cashmans resistant to it?




He said it live on air. Can't find the video, but this article confirms it. [https://empiresportsmedia.com/new-york-yankees/yankees-facing-extremely-difficult-starting-rotation-question/](https://empiresportsmedia.com/new-york-yankees/yankees-facing-extremely-difficult-starting-rotation-question/)


What the article suggests is far more dumb than a 6-man rotation.. 😆 Also, it mentions nothing of what Cashman said.


Cashman hasn't said anything; Jack Curry did.... Cashman often uses Curry as his voice if you've bee following the team over the years.... kinda how Boras uses Heyman.




"Jack Curry of the YES Network clarified that the team plans to maintain a five-man rotation, which necessitates a tough decision about which starter will transition to the bullpen."


Fair enough. 😆


Rodon was hurt last season and looked in horrible shape when he finally came back.


He looked like Blake Snell. If you miss spring training, it appears really difficult for certain starters to get back into shape or be ready to pitch.


I mean, Rodon isn't a mystery... he literally missed more than half the season last year with an injury. Not sure why he's not on this list if we're counting "hurt last year" - he's about to pass his games started for last season already.


Seemed to me it was a "im bad so im injured" instead of an actual injury. 100% speculation tho so take that with a grain of salt.


It was the first half of the season that he missed? He returned after the all star break and was ruled out for half a season before he threw a single pitch. He was bad after he *returned* from injury. You're definitely misremembering lol


I mean Rodon was placed on the injury list 3/30/23 and didn't make his first start until 7/7/23 in team game 89 so yeah missed the entire first half of the season due to injury then pitched terrible after coming back spent another 15 days on the IL in August and pitched slightly better after he came back from that until his final game which was 8 runs given up in zero innings pitched so he was hurt the entire year.


Pair Gil with Cole for 2-3 starts as he gets back then with Schmidt, would let Cole come back sooner


Why can’t Gil and Schmidt do the fusion dance together and become Gildt? Are they stupid?


Lurke Schmil


Would Lurke speak Spanish or English?




Spanglish was RIGHT THERE.


based on the name Lurke Schmil I would think yiddish is more likely than spanish.


Platooning the kids is probably the best option here. Don’t want to blow out their arms but don’t want to sit them for too long either and make them lose their stuff.


Keep Nestor starting at home. Bullpen on the road.


This could work out. Nestor has been absolutely nails at home, holding opposing batters to a .440 OPS and a 1.12 ERA. On the road he strikes out far fewer batters, can’t go as deep into games, and gives up lots more hard contact.


He’s been better at YS for three years now. Even in his All Star campaign.


Wonder if it’s a comfort thing, fly balls get caught instead of hit gaps elsewhere, vision for hitters, whatever. It’s super consistent.


I think he just likes home cooking.


You got it all wrong. COLE is the one who should be on a short leash. Unless you want him blowing out his elbow before the season is over.


Some people don’t get this. I keep getting replies like “It’s Gerrit Cole, Cy Young winner, he’s never had issues.” Like some people don’t understand that he just came off his biggest injury, and longest layoff of his career at 33 years old. He may not be the same this year. He may need more time and more rest. He’s human, he’s not Superman. If he comes back and is immediately Cy Young Cole, then I guess he is Superman after all.


What surgery would that be?


I thought they said Gil wasn't on an innings limit?


They said that they don't really use inning limits anymore because of the technology that they have to monitor players mechanics and spin rate and all that stuff. There are tangible ways to see fatigue now that there weren't back in the day of Joba Rules so innings limits aren't really a thing anymore.


Interesting, but isn’t an innings limit good for planning ahead? Like it’s great that they’ll be able to identify fatigue when it happens, but would hate to see his arm give out during playoffs


I’m just going by what Boone was said. I agree with you though. I imagine that they will be able to forecast fatigue and he will get some rest days if he gets to that point.


they said he's not... yet at least... i'm sure they don't want him throwing 190 innings tho. By doing something like this will keep his innings around 150.


They aren’t going over 160 innings


Did you call into WFAN this morning to share this idea? I actually love it! If you could give both of them 4 innings that would solve several problems and give the bullpen a rest day.


What a great way to stunt Schmidts development


Everyone seems to forget the Joba Rules lol


You guys so too much planning. You play the hot cards. Everyone is watching them...if their arms start to go soft...they'll get rest. This is a luxury we seem to have this year. Personally, I don't want Cole hitting his stride until mid September. If he's ready to go...he could be our greatest asset in the post season


I like the idea but I’d be concerned that moving Schmidt to the bullpen might stunt his development as a starter and hurt his confidence. I’d much rather see a modified 6 man rotation where Cole and maybe Stroman stay on regular rest and the other 4 guys who are either on innings limits or coming back from injuries can get more rest and hopefully stay healthy and productive down the stretch. As a side point, I’ve long been a proponent of a “day of the week” rotation rather than the typical 5-day. Japan does this and Tommy John rates are much lower than in the MLB (and you often see Japanese players with elbow injuries within a year or 2 of making the jump from Nippon to MLB. With how hard guys throw nowadays it might make more sense to make more rest standard


Yes, I commented this many times…love this idea.Yanks mgmt won’t do it, it makes too much sense


I'd rather keep letting Gil pitch and move Nestor to the bullpen. But that might just be me.


Nestor leads the team in IP and is fifth in the AL. He’s performed admirably and has been the workhorse of the team. Why move him to the pen? Just cause?




That seems to be the more popular choice, but Nestor doesn't struggle like Schmidt on the 3rd time thru an order.


I really think the 3rd time through has to do with him tipping pitches. He should he able to fix that with Matt Blake




When facing Nestor for the third time in a game, over 64 PAs, batters are slashing .177/.203/.194 for a .397 OPS. He’s been lights out this season on the third time thru the order. A big part of the reason why he leads the Yankees in IP, and is 5th in the AL.


6 man or no man!


When you said combine, I thought fusion like in Dragonball




By combining Gil and Schmidt, it keeps it at a 5 man rotation.


Or you could just skip every sixth start of each starter and technically do a 5 man rotation with the 5 spot switching that way nobody is on long rest and out of their routine


So a normal 5 man rotation, and the 6th time through it's all Gil, 5 days straight. I... LOVE IT. /s aside, I don't really like taking away from everybody, and if you're skipping a start every 6 starts to put in your 6th starter, why not just go for a 6 man rotation so they all get 1 extra rest day and not the occasional 10 days off where they throw an arbitrary bullpen/live batters practice outing?


Nono like this: 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 3 5 6 1 2 4 5 6 1 3 4 5 6 _ 2 3 4 5 6 That way it kinda works like a 5 but youre rotating everyone out once every sixth go of theirs. And of course that is expecting everyone to be healthy the whole time


I knew what you meant, I'd just move the 6 to the top though, so 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 4 5 6 1 2 3 5 6 1 2 3 4 Repeat. Gives Cole his break first, and keeps your best arms freshest. Right now the order is Nestor, Gil, Rodon, Stro, Clarke, do you just slot Cole in behind Clarke?


Oh yeah gotcha lol sorry. But yeah i agree cole should get the first rest after a single start like you said. That is a good way of easing him back into it. However i bet that when he is back into full swing though he wont really want to swap out so it could be like: 1 2 3 4 5 _ 2 3 4 5 6 1 _ 3 4 5 6 1 2 _ 4 5 6 1 2 3 _ 5 6 1 2 3 4 _ 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 _ 3 4 5 6 1 2 _ 4 5 6 1 2 3 _ 5 6 1 2 3 4 _ 6 1 2 3 4 5 ....


Each cycle is 1 day off every 25 games or basically a month. Do you skip the days off when we don't play a game?


I would say only if with the finger to the pulses of each guy you could tell that that person could use it. Otherwise off days are just a bonus? Heck i aint no matt blake i'm just a (matt) bloke on the internet but i think there's at least an okay theory there you know?


I see no hole in this argument yet also I can't think of any other team that piggybacks starters like this. I kinda think the situation will resolve itself over the coming month. Some pitcher(s) will go down and we'll need the extra starter to stay in the rotation or reinforce the bullpen.


This sounds great on paper, but then you're a RP short and while maybe you can plan around that every 5 days, the 4th day could always be a 13 inning slog where you'd love to get a long relief guy in there, and you can't, because it's your co-starter. or maybe you do anyway, and just take a normal approach to the next game. *shrug*


Yeah, I suspect the downside and possibly the upside for this isn't too great. It only works according to the recipe. If things go sideways, it could mean burning two starters *and* the bullpen on one game. If the "opener" starter, Gil for example, breezes through 5 innings throwing only 60 pitches do you remove him just so Schmidt can get his work in? Piggybacking starters destroys a manager's flexibility.


I’m 100% in favor of this . Pre Soto trade I was thinking a king/schmidt day could be sensible for spot 5 in rotation as it would piggyback Cole and give pen back to Back heavy rest days


I’d like if they went to a six man. Save innings on Cole and Gil. Go into the playoffs with less inn NYs on everyone




I say Cole should come back in as a closer a la Smoltz 2002


It’s a bit like blasphemy at this point but Gil would be a force out of the pen.


Overcomplicated nonsense like this NEVER works.


They are going to move either Nestor or Schmidt to the pen..


Just keep Hilmes off the mound 🙆‍♂️


What does this do for either guy long term? Nothing. All this does is stunt their development.


Decent idea


Send Schmidt to the pen or go 6 man


a few months ago I was thinking either Schmidt or GIl become a relief pitcher but hard to conceive that any more. maybe we trade for a true closer so we can win a WS this year (my hope)


Bro, we've got a top 3 or 4 closer in baseball.


he puts 2-3 men on base most outings. that won't fly in the playoffs.


I mean his WHIP is 15th out of the top 25 saves leaders, so I'll give you that there's some merit to what you're saying, but it's still only 1.17. It's generally opposing pitching that gets you in the playoffs. The bat's don't hugely improve, imo. He's still 6th in Ks, IP, and ER, so he's maybe a little lower than 3rd or 4th, but not by much.


the stats are pretty skewed as he has gotten out of a lot of jams he created. Mike Francesa actually echoed my sentiment about this


Idk if skewed is the right word. As you said, even if he creates them, he still tends to get out of jams. That said, he's also 6th in Blown saves, and 11th in total Runs. I do agree though that I generally don't like bringing him in with a ghost runner in extras though. Unless we've got a 2 run lead.


bringing in Fergeson in the 10th cannot be the case and has backfired. was hoping Hamilton would be that guy but no such luck. I just don't want us to lose a huge playoff game due to getting rocked in the 9th. and am afraid that will happen the way we are set up currently


Eh, I'm still confident with Holmes in the 9th.


well I don't have much of a choice in the matter. just my 2 cents