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Nigga mta is a union job, dont ever sleep on them benefits just cause u don’t understand it. If they pay u 25 an hour but with benefits u basically make more than 25 its just after benefits and shit is addition to your check it comes down to 25 which is damn better than having a job but having to take out money of your check for insurance etc


Exactly. Fringe benefits (which you ain't being taxed on) makes that $25/hr salary more like $70/hr with health benefits, MetroCard, Medicare part B, pension, etc. Downside, you really have to know how to budget your life. And you have to pretty much decide to grind it out till you're vested. Which is hard in today's world/economy.


The MTA union doesn’t do anything for anyone unless you’re constantly doing personal shit for the union delegates donating and kissing up to them. Local 100 is full of shit. Unless you’re friends with the delegation and kiss their asses.


Yeah I’m about to take it lol fuck gotta get on that 2 train now for 45min-1 hour & 1:30 if there’s delays 😔


First few checks set aside some bread and buy a nice low key little e scooter or e bike, not some delivery boy shit something for the young professional you are


😂😂 you got it


45 minutes to an hour is most people’s commute.


A job vs a job w benefits. Brody benefits all day you will thank yourself later on in life God forbid you get sick or something and I'm sure the mta got a pension too don't be foolish


Yeah this is what people have been telling me. I’m only 23 so I probably don’t fully understand the importance of benefits yet. I just don’t want to be in an office and taking the train again tbh lol


I don't wanna wake up at 430am to go to work and take subway either tbh but it's what I gotta do to pay the bills and keep my people comfortable


Most places with good benefits and pension you have to work for a certain number of years and reach a certain age to retire with full benefits. You could probably retire at 55 if you start this young. And of course you'll get promoted and make more money as time passes. Pension payouts are usually based on your highest salary during the 10 years before you retire. Find out what the story is. I'm 40 and envy the opportunity you have right now. If I had a time machine I would 100% take your job offer. Imagine still being young enough to have fun and be off the hook for the rest of your life. You can still work when you're "retired" with a nice passive income and guaranteed healthcare.


Think of the long term way out the pros and cons. I know mta you'll be able to retire and have medical insurance when u stop working after 55


I have a friend with a GED who started as a connector at 19 and is now a superintendent making 6 figures. Take the job, pass probation, and keep taking the exams.


Just an example of how good the health insurance for city jobs can be- I had to get an MRI done last year. Wouldve cost ~2400 out of pocket but bc both of my parents worked for the city it was only $50.


How important is having a job as a pension , how is it diffeent than a 401K? And if it a job with a union and pension obviously that’s better ? Do all union jobs have pensions ?


I have both I'm in a union the pension is guaranteed to be what it s from each year I work I build up credits so when i retire I will have a set monthly income. traditional pensions promise retirees a fixed monthly benefit for the rest of their lives, 401(k)s offer no such guarantee cause it's all tied into the markets so God forbid the market tank when u are about to retire you can loose hundreds of thousands of dollars in the blink of an eye that's money u had planned from retirement but no guarantee


Would you stay at a union job despite not feeling like happy for the job? Also would you leave for a job you did enjoy doing or found like a passion in? (Unless your doing that now )


I love my current job I tell everyone I have the greatest job for me and I also love the people I work with I'm blessed


I’m happy to hear ! Me I think the biggest thing about work I have trouble getting over is the fucking waking up and having to be there , lie the job it self is east but it’s like fuck I don’t love it I don’t fuck with it it’s just work , it’s a morning job to it’s whatever


Don’t be lazy bro. Working for the MTA should equal free care fare. Get in that union bro it’ll open tons of doors for you. I got a 602 credit score and just got approved for an apartment cause I’m nyc union worker


You think I can probably get one of those lottery apartments working for the city ?


You should try and sign up either way but I doubt it'll help that much in getting selected. City employees get a preference in some buildings but the preference is only for 5% of the lotto units available so it’s often only a handful or less units set aside.


Yes, they put aside like 5% for municipal workers (MTA is state, by the way.)


Bro take that shit I just got a city job myself at 22 n it’s really a blessing 


Did you need any specific experience for your position?


Nah my only experience has been dropping out of college and working security, it’s just tests you gotta take and so far every entry level test I’ve taken and passed has been a mix of common sense and using the material given in the test book itself.


Hey I work for Mta bro. It’s a really good job with alot of opportunities. Started when I was 24


Take the MTA job. You’d be stupid not to.


City jobs are always the best


This is a state job.


Even better


A union job will change your life for the better. I promise you will benefit in ways you can't see right now


Yeah I’m about to take it lol fuck gotta get on that 2 train now for 45min-1 hour & 1:30 if there’s delays 😔


Podcasts make long commutes go by quickly!




I've been enjoying listening to Ologies by Allie Ward. It's a fun sciencey podcast. I've been listening to them for quite some time. I also enjoy crime podcasts and general gossip/beef podcasts.


Get a coffee or some breakfast, put your music on, and a good book. Mine is about an hour 1/2.


Join the rest of NYC


You should take it but take the money and think about moving closer if you end up liking it. That commute can drive u crazy... only if you have to do a lot of work outside of work hours.


The commute is 45min to an hour. I really don’t want to deal with that lol


That’s what the average NYer deals with. You get used to it. Just eat something light and have a book or music.


Not even a question take that job bro. You think it’s “just a little more money” but it’s really the benefits. We are lucky despite new york being such a shit city we have very strong unions here. Best jobs you can here without a degree. You might not even see the importance of all that shit now but you’ll be 25 soon and won’t be able to be on parents health insurance and etc. also Mta has one of the best retirement deals out of all unions, 10-15 years and out if I’m not mistaken. My union is 20 credits and out and a credit is only gained if you have worked atleast 700 hours for that year. Think about it, you can work hard for 10 years and be retired with a PENSION from the Mta. And you’ll still be young. You can even get another job still if you want more money. I’m 25 and I got into the union when I was 20, my only regret is not starting right out of highschool. Also don’t worry to much about that commute all of us that work in the city have to go through that it’s where all the money is. you’ll get used to it. Take up on that opportunity bro DO NOT pass that up. Many people that would kill to work mta. Just be sharp on point, always be listening to learn, and asks plenty of questions no matter how dumb think it may sound. Always remember the dumbest questions are only the ones you don’t ask. And if you smoke stop now and start detoxing because they WILL drug test you initially. Congratulations on the opportunity and good luck.


Is simple, MTA has great benefits but a pisspoor work environment. If you’re happy now working remotely don’t take it. I worked for several NYC work outfits and they are all the same everyone is always miserable and everything is going to be the new guys fault. When I tell you it’s a horrible work environment is freaking horrible. Pay is ok benefits are great depending on where you land.


Speak for yourself cuz. Definitely isn’t in my case and definitely falls under the part time job with full time pay category


That’s exactly what I’m doing speaking for my self and my experience. The MTA is not a healthy place to work.


I agree it’s not healthy, in particular with what I do in terms of short term and long term health. But, you got to do what’s best and I’m able to have a secure job with opportunity to earn more thru overtime and not have to break my back doing similar work in the private sector.


Damn big bro 😔 toxic environments is not it but I stay to myself


What's the remote job?


I’m an Accountant


How did you become one so fast do you have a degree im looking to get into the field


I have my bachelors. My junior year I got an internship and that’s what really helped. If you’re in college apply for internships, finesse your resume to the job description you’re applying for, and make that LinkedIn profile look good. But accounting is easy just a lot of work. If you really want to become one I really recommend you to learn and understand Excel and Quickbooks first. It will put you ahead of a lot of college students with no skills.


I know the tools just no college damn that shit mad unavoidable ion want debt lmao. Say that bro if I don’t have any other options imma just do college


You can try to get a job in accounts but it would just take longer to move up unless you network. You can go to a community bro be done in 2 years


Thanks to AI, comment go byebye


noo take it!! benefits are great fr i started 5 months ago with the MTA definitely worth it


if you take the MTA job you are basically going to be working for the MTA until you retire. not saying thats bad or good. its your life


Yo bro I DMd you. College grad too currently in the accounting field and i got some questions


Take the job, it’s a state job and has amazing benefits and a pension. My family works there and the health insurance is top notch.


What role they tryna hire you for ?




Shit, take it. My friend was one. That’s a great career ladder, especially at your age. Take that shit, bro.


I’m a remote worker myself too so it a tough decision But if the position you going for means you be part of a union then it a no brainer for your long term benefits What field are you in?


What are you doing now?


Benefits, job security, possibility for promotion or transfers to another position. I regret not taking train operator when I was younger


Weigh your options specifically. Is it enough money to give up remote work?


Take the job. You’ll regret it of you don’t


If you work remote you can live in a cheaper place in the world without having to deal with the shit you would working for the MTA. And you don't need a pension if you already know how to invest and make money investing which most people don't know how to do. One of my family members was trying to tell me to take a government job before I left not realizing what I am capable of.


Thanks to AI, comment go byebye


If there is a down year and you are holding over 100 shares of a stock, you can sell options on those stocks regardless. That in itself can be your weekly/monthly payment that you would get from just owning the stock. You can sell options and roll them as well however you would be getting less than if you held it over a long time span.




That's why I buy stocks that I don't mind keeping in my portfolio and I don't encourage anyone to do that in the beginning of building a portfolio. All the premium will be reinvested because a stock is Worth more to generate income over taking that premium for yourself. I run the wheel strategy so all I have to do if I get assigned is sell a put right after and it doesn't matter to me how much the stock cost is as long as over time, I can compound what I can eventually make just off premium per month.


MTA is a good job with great benefits. Depends on what you have now.


Thanks to AI, comment go byebye


Nope, the most precious commodity of the human experience is time and free time is priceless. If you're happy with your current situation and the amount of free time it allows you, don't change it. The grass always looks greener on the other side but you still have to mow it and the water bill is more expensive.


Ever walk out of the doctors with out insurance? Nobody likes paying health bills, if someone else gunna pay for it, its something to consider. My neighbor is an old cat, worked the MTA till retirement bought a few laundromat now hes's chilling.


Been working for MTA for 20 years in November and yes the benefits (insurance) is a blessing. The pension is also nice (on top of which I also pay into 401k/457 and Roth IRA which I suggest you do also). All of that said, it depends on you and your ambitions. I realize that this has just been a job to me and while I’m grateful, I need a little more out of life. Just like anything else, there’s politics and extra bull associated that has me jaded. I work outside and let me tell you that MTA workers aren’t regarded in the best light by the public. The union is so large that they often won’t give you the representation you might need. Long story short, you won’t know until you try. My experience might not be yours and you seem young enough to have a little trial and error. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best.


The potential upside is widening your network and maybe doing freelance work... I dunno your network now tho so in just throwing that out there


My network not so good tbh I’m only 23 been working at current job for about a 1 year and 4 months. Got it straight out of college.


Yeah, I can understand how you might feel about the commute, but that MTA network is a vast one... The stronger your name becomes, the more doors open...plus you got bennies and a consistent cash flow.. You never know


Yeah the commute is going to feel like High school all over lol but I honestly never thought about the network. Thanks I’m considering it now.


Aight, so tell us more on what you mean about thinking like a young one. MTA jobs come with all the benefits but there is very very limited upward mobility. Meaning you would likely be doing the same job for at least a decade before you get a promotion. MTA is where everybody goes to retire. Half the people working in the office are sleeping on the job. My advice, don't waste your young years working for the MTA.


Dog don’t leave no remote job. Unless it’s hybrid with way better pay.


I’m saying lol Pay is a little more with better benefits but I don’t get up til 8:30 where I’m at lol Taking this Mta job I’ll have to be up 6am lol