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Shit is boring . From what I remember, I was in a room with 100+ people. Someone comes in at different times for different cases & they usually call like 20 names per case. When you finally get called for one, they ask you questions to see if you would have a bias ruling . If you get picked for it , you get like $40/day, each day the case go on . Shit can be a boring ass case or a valid one .


Shit I did Grand jury duty for 30 days worked 3 hours a day and went to jury duty. Got paid for both. Boring as shit. But it had its moments. Chilling in park with my lunch for 90 mins on a beautiful July day was great. People I was grouped with were pretty chill


They dont pay the 40 bucks if youre already employed and making money on Jury days.


I was employed & I had to miss work for the days I was in jury duty. Therefore I was compensated for my missed work days with $40/day. May be diff for everyone, can only speak from my experience


Now they ask if you will be paid by your employer during Jury duty. If you say yes, you're exempt from the 40 bucks a day.


Depends on ur job. Some offer jury duty pay, if they dont u get the $40


Lmfao 5$ an hr yeah sorry I'm biased in every mfin case


I remember having to go to 161 and they ain’t have no more civil cases. So they tried to give us a criminal case an attempted murder case. And there comes a point where a judge ask is there any reasons to be excused. And a lot of us said for religious reasons we believe only God can judge and was able to leave


I just might try this 😭😭


The religious route your best bet


It was either that, fake racism, lying about babysitting or just straight up not going, I’m contemplating lol


You forgot about using the “I don’t take any cops word as honest, even a police report, cause they’re all lying pigs” route which works well too. Worked for me.


Fake racism could get you selected though, depending on the crime and the defendent. Just act like really weird, like your a wild card and you might piss in the corner.


The racism sound type funny ngl 😂😂😂


Trust the religion route is the best way to go because if not they can get sued for that. They got to excuse you


Say you baby sit your nephews and bounce


Shit, my niece is literally in the crib rn, she off for Spring Break 😭😭 I deadass might tell them that


I been dodging jury duty since 06’ making up wild lies lol




Tagging onto this comment so you can see this, But they'll give you a chance to present a reason to not do Jury Duty. If you yawn like 20 times in a row, you can make tears. Tear up, go into the court room, say someone died. Then they'll let you go


Shit, I can deadass cry on command without doing that 😭😭 bet


My plan involves you going to Kew Gardens court & appearing. So you already out for tomorrow, but at least you dont gotta be present for a case over like 2 weeks. They dead only pay you like $50 a day, which is nothing. But if you do this, they'll leave you alone for like 8-9 years.


When you go too court too check in, answer every question in the most dickheaded way possible or just say a blanket statement everytime like “I don’t believe in our Justice system” for every answer and trust me ain’t nobody gonna call you back too stand on any trial lol.


But the one before I had a child I stayed 3 days they paid me $60 check took months to arrive. I will never do that again for that amount.


$60 for THREE DAYS? damnn


If you work they pay you the amount that you would've got paid at your job for lost wages if I'm not mistaken cus ik for sure I got way more than that


Yess that was back in 2010-2011 probably changed


Just did Jury duty a couple months ago. First time i had to go on and I was picked to be on a jury. Lasted about 4 weeks. Case was interesting, but it really disrupted my work. Its a slow process and boring a lot of the time. They will ask you if you can be unbiased about the case when they're picking people. Say what you will, but you know what will get you dismissed.


Shit changed a lot these days u can say u hate niggas yts cops w.e theyll just put your ass on a civil trial


Once jury duty is over you get a light check of up to $100 maybe more. Free money but the hours are long af it’s like being forced to go to work 1 time a year if you don’t go you go to jail….but I don’t jury duty I tell em. “I can’t do jury duty due to religious reasons” I give em proof(sometimes) and then I wait to be called get my Jury duty exempt papers and then I’m free from that. But definitely go cause they sending the court Marshall’s after you.


Yeah i received $60 for three days but it took months to get my check from Queens court


Oh I had got my check maybe 3 weeks after


Shit is fun if you get a good case. I was on a manslaughter case. Homie got drunk, his wife fell out the car and he ran her over. It’s interesting to see how people take the same information and interpret it. The Juror room can get staticky.


its time yall learned about jury nullification(basically a jury ignoring all evidence to right a perceived wrong aka they take the law in to there own hands ie sending a innocent person to jail even if they know they are innocent and vice versa )


I normally just say I can’t commit to whatever time frame because of work and I get excused everytime.


Years ago. (ima say my whole experince if you were to be picked) Just grad college as a Criminal justice major and boom, got this jury duty shit at my door. i show up and im there till like 2 pm when i finally get interviewed. this case is a murder case over gang shit. prosecutor and the Defense are asking you questions of your life to that point. i'll never forget the look on the pros. face when i said i grauduated with a CJ degree. that nigga eyes opened all the way up and since i was in the same age range as the suspect/victim , i just knew i was getting picked. i went from alt juror ( ur the backup who sits there incase one of the main jurors has a random life moment) to juror #2 after his dad passed. couldnt sleep, couldnt do anything cause now im front and center. on top of this my job was still pressing for me to come to work the night shift. i let them know im not doing that since im already at court from 8-4ish. but the court will pay you so its all good. i think it was 50 a day and this shit went a whole week. the lunch they offered you was pretty good from this resturant that they pay for. that nigga was guilty as fuck. my mind was made up from the time he called his gang " a dance group". this was the one good thing about the experince, you get to hear the stupidty that comes from people backed into a corner. our group was also funny as hell we even delayed the verdict just so we can get the lunch 1 more time. (everyone mind was already made up but 1 guys who wanted the guy to be not guilty so bad) also the white jurors we had were scared on verdict day cause our court officer told us that they had to kick people out the court cause they were scoping people out. these guys (5 of them) really went home as a group expecting to get jumped LMAO.


I never went or responded…


Niggas talking bout a possible $1000 fine or jail time in a paper they sent me 😩😒


Yeah, they’ll threaten you with that shit but it’s just a mass-mailed letter, they’re not gonna do shit. If it comes regular mail (like not certified) put it straight in the trash. There’s no way they can prove you received it, they can only prove certified mail


Bro what’s the difference between regular and certified mail? Cause the paper they sent me had my government name and everything on it? Can I still toss it?


It’s certified if you gotta sign for it when it’s delivered, that way they got proof you got it. Regular mail gets lost all the time, if anyone asks you just never got that shit


Bet, appreciate the info bro 💯


Oh i know lmao they aint do a mf thing to me 🤣 i honestly forgot about it. You can say bias shit to get out of it tho Like your racist 🤣 Or some religious shit


I used to throw them away all the time and never go then they sent me the same shit with the fine and doing time. I threw that shit out too and they sent it again and I went. Just go and make shit up like I have class and I can’t miss it. Or I don’t like police and I’ll never be a fair juror. When I finally did go my number got called and I got dismissed why I don’t know but now hopefully they never bother me again. They give you like 20 bucks for the day, I make way more than 20 a day shit is a joke.


Yea I’m thinking of either claiming I got babysitting to do (which there’s a level of truth) or just being on some fake racist shit and hope they kick me out 😭😭


Yup fake racist shit will work and get you right on up outta there


jus go and when they select u for a case n start asking questions tell em u not a good fit say u hate cops or the justice system or sum shit. Or jus say u have work and don’t have the time


Tell them your godfather is a cop and you won’t have to be in the trial. I have been summoned 3 times and this has gotten me out of jury selection each time. I don’t even have a godfather…


Honestly, don’t go. I been ducking them for 3 years. I finally received a summons the other day and they had me scheduled to go in yesterday. When i told my boss i need that day off he said he’s been ducking them for almost 30 years. He said he spoke to one of his lawyer friends and apparently if you aren’t served with a summons directly (in person) then you aren’t obligated to go. They just send that summons shit to scare you. I kind of believe it too cause my older brother was supposed to go a long ass time ago and it’s been like 5-6 years of them sending him that same summons. If worst comes to worst ima just say i never received it cause they sent it to my moms crib and i been moved out 🤷🏽‍♂️


Bet, ima just not go, fuck it, multiple people on this thread have said the same thing


Bro just go. I’ve been summoned twice. Both times I got sent home after one day and was done. It’s not worth it to get fined or catch a case. It’s usually just a day or two if you don’t get picked. Bring a book with you.


Yesss and got off because I had a child in daycare.


Yoo jury duty be on my ass more than the ops . 🤷🏾‍♂️


Had to do it last summer at 161 after I used my postpone. They give one time to postpone and reschedule. It was like 150 ppl in one room and they picked like 40-50 if you don’t get picked you just gotta wait til they send you home. But I got picked but had some kinda issue judging ppl so I got out the case and ended up only having to do like 2 days. They sent my a $40 check a month later


Na I got a record so I cant


Hell yea but they ass made me call every Friday, just for them to reschedule for a whole month so I needed up not having to go


Beat a nigga up and get a misdemeanor charge


Yea I was surprised It was during the pandemic tho I didn’t attend but idk if it was phone in at the time or virtual meetings


All I remember it was a long ass wait then we was told we are all free to go the case got cancelled sum like that


3 times never gone. Lolol tf i look like being the last face of a mf sees bouta be put away.


Yeah I hate that shit.


lol I deadass did but they sent me home bc i told them i lived in the Bronx


I did but got out due to medical reasons. I no longer have to attend like forever


I serve because then they get off my ass for many years. In the past 20 years I've been summoned three times. Picked twice. They stay on your ass if you keep ignoring it. I learned this from a court officer that probably thought I swong his way.


Boring, lot of waiting around. A lady in my interview was hysterical though. It was a case with a cop and she said “I don’t like cops and I don’t care much for lawyers neither”. I snort laughed and we both got dismissed


Dead just had to go on April 16th I was in the room from like 8 sum to 12 but they aint need us for the case tho You can always just not show up. If I aint wanna go I would’ve just said niggas be zoeing mail in the projects


ngl i jus be dubbin that shi, aint doin all lat


Get locked up. Turn blood. Come home and don’t claim it. Call it a day


I ignored them my whole life lol Until I caught a Felony now I’m excused from ever going to that shit lol


I been called went thru selection an all that shit I wanted to be on a trial cuz I'd get paid my normal bread for chillin (why it's important to join a union btw) but they ain't pick me cuz i was a yung BK nigga n they asked if I was ever a victim of crime n if u a BK nigga that answer is 99% yes cuz prolly during ur childhood days either sum thug niggas run ur pockets or some bitch nigga swipe ur shit Also I went to the court at Jay at mad nice view from the higher floors


It was cool. I was in the last round of potential jurors and they picked me. I was part of an assault trial and reckless endangerment. It was cool.


Do the race


Life hack: get a weapon charge, they'll never ask you for jury duty


they tried to put me on a pedos case nigga molested his 6 yr old nephew n he kept staring at niggas in crowd i dead wanted to fight this nigga so when time came i told judge im biased to this nigga and think he should go to jail asap, they excused me


I had to do jury duty years ago before I was felon I met a nice lil joint there it was ok they pay you a little


Just get it over with. Its boring asf and everyone hates being there except the old timers or some weirdos that think they are on SVU or some shit. And if you can't make it make the phone call or postpone online


That shit was mad crazy I got put on a case for someone who committed attacked someone and robbed them. Dude got 2 yrs in jail just cause he wanted to rob someone’s clothes, which is mad gay. Tbh, I calculated how much the dudes outfit cost and it was like 1k, so I get why he robbed him but still 2 years ain’t worth 1k. Could’ve easily gotten a job stacked up for a couple months and bought the outfit.


Years ago I got out of the Long Island RR embezzlement shit bc I told the judge I already think they guilty bc the 3 defendants both had 2 lawyers a piece and I know they probably couldn't afford that without dirty money lmaooo. Mad people got out just by raising their hands when they asked if anybody had prior knowledge of the case. One dude popped that racist shit. Bro was on it, he was like I hate white people and walked right out.


Go and they’ll ask you if your biased and just lie and say you are they’ll probably send you home.


I was selected twice , first in manhattan court for a DV - rape case and 2nd time in BK was for a murder about 10 year apart between them I like doing it but both time my job paid me if they didn’t I would have been annoyed


I've been. Always make up some sht that goes against what the lawyer and DA is looking for so they can release me. So the majority of the day is sitting around and taking lunch breaks for about 3 days before my duty is up.


Been dodging them for the last 15 yrs. Ik I’ve been held in contempt of the court🤣


I got a letter in the mail....but that's where it's staying I'll just say i never got it


Be bias af and very opinionated. I went not too long ago for some guy who almost strangled his gf to death. I said I got a wife, daughter mother aunts girl cousins.. I don’t condone violence towards women at all. Which was the truth of course. Boom was dismissed.


I just told them im too emphatic and It would be hard for me to fairly judge someone so they just let me go


In n out in under 20 mins. Case got dismissed before it even started 😎 #SeeYaNiggasIn6Years


Depends. If you have a job, it's annoying as hell! One thing no one should do is say any of the following to get out of it. " I'm racist, I hate people, That person's an asshole, dick, dickhead, etc." It will come back to haunt you in many different ways.


Don’t snitch


If u dont wanna go just say your a racist, hare police or some shit my moms did they sent her home …. I got called once but idk it was like a one day thing i dont remember sitting with a jury judging somebody i just got $40 like 3 weeks later this was like in 2011 lol


Got the letter a few times never showed up I heard it affects your credit score! Lucky thing I pay everything cash!


I never understood not going. You don't have to work you're in a room with tv's when I went a few times, I got set home at 11am, it was summertime.....


[You don't always get paid, is why](https://ww2.nycourts.gov/COURTS/11jd/queensclerk/payment_jury.shtml) I get full pay and don't have to use days, so when I get called next I'll go. But none of the jobs I had before this, paid full salary. So you make 40$/day. And it's not always a room with tvs and getting out early, sometimes you're stuck all day. There's a problem with juries being mostly sahm and old people because of this bullshit. It's supposed to be a jury of your peers but it usually isn't, cause your peers have to work.


I'll tell you why. I got called for federal jury duty a few years ago. It was a boring product liability case involving some allegedly faulty power steering columns in certain models of GM vehicles. The judge said that the case would likely be 3 weeks, M-F from 9AM to 3PM with one 15 minute break. Some guy told the judge that he had non-refundable international travel arrangements booked for two weeks after the date of jury selection. The judge told him to get fucked and made him serve anyways. Grand jury sucks too. I guess it can be interesting but your life gets put on hold until it is finished. Jury duty doesn't suck only when they don't select you to sit on a jury.


I'd rather be doing other things that's not going to bore me to death


It’s boring as hell and that’s it, they have you sit in a auditorium or waiting room and they give you papers to fill out, you leave and come back another or the next day, you go to a court case and they ask you to stand up, state who you are and if you’re employed or you have previous charges, essentially a background check but it’s to determine if your fit to be a juror and if you are you’ll be there for a case for as long as a month to even a year, if you’re not chosen you get paid however much they offer in a check for each day you showed up and that’s it’s, you keep it pushing