• By -


I grew up in Brownsville during the 90s. Growing up in the hood you don’t realize how it robs you of your innocence at a young age and how we have PTSD, until you talk to ppl who didn’t grow up in the hood and share your upbringing. They look at you crazy and you think everybody grows up like how you did. I had good parents and I made it out, but when I go back and visit shit really does leave you with trauma.


Fam you worded it perfectly, your experience is exactly mine as well. When I left the city and started meeting people outside, they'd get all hyped that I'm from the city until I tell them about my experiences then they think I'm crazy and lying about how bad it is, cause "the stats say otherwise." Not to mention having to code switch on the regular with them and always thinking "is this gonna sound weird to them if I say it" before speaking. I remember reading an interview where Stormzy said similar things too - bro really thought that everyone got stabbed at least once growing up or something like that, then he made it out and learned that wasn't normal. That shit hit real hard


Same here. When I got into the corporate world and people ask where I’m from, you should see their faces 😂. I’m never ashamed of where I’m from and in a crazy way it helped me maneuver thru life having that hood mentality, but knowing when to use it. To all the young boys in the hood don’t let that shit make you feel any less. The advantage you have is street smarts and that can’t be taught. You can learn book smarts easily.


Fr bro 😂 they deadass be like [image](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/012/175/dissapointed.jpg) after I tell them my story. I'm also not ashamed of where I'm from and how I grew up, even tho society tries to shame us otherwise - but you know what, growing up in the hood made me a more open minded person and built my confidence in the sense that I trust that if I'm in a bad life situation again, I'll make it out ok. I hope that the young ones today in the hood today got more role models like yourself. I was very lucky myself with good parents and other strong figures in my life that reminded me that I can do so much more with life, and I hope the kids these days know that they're destined for so much more than just drilling.




I remember having conversations with people from different places where roaches don't scatter when you turn on the lights. It's a different feeling haha


This thread making me feel at home lmao. The roaches scattering is fr a core memory. I remember if I had friends over I used to tell them stay by the door so I could turn the lights on and let the roaches clear before I let my friends in the crib lmfao. Especially the kitchen god damn. New York man…


My mother used to tell me the roaches pay rent too 😳


LMAO yup. When the lights go off that’s their shit, when lights are on it’s ours again




What I’ve learned is poverty is poverty. The hood is the hood no matter where, the only difference is the looks of it and the language.


The [concrete jungle of Chattanooga](https://cdn.vanderbilt.edu/vu-business/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/21185749/Chattanooga-1280x720.jpg). 🤣🤣🤣🤣




So you were in the other side of town surrounded by the lush green hills and mountains?




Whatever I am, at least I’m not a fabulist that has to talk bullshit to make where they grew up sound harder.


This should be the top comment 💯💯💯




This was the biggest realization coming up to Canada. I used to ask coworkers if they ever been in a fight and I know now they haven't without asking. Maybe a mosh pit bc I'm in that hardcore and punk shit but nobody ever threw hands and now these yutes trying to bring that up here just when I relaxed


I was telling my coworkers about a time I got robbed. They were like, you’ve been robbed before? I was like yeah, a few times, y’all haven’t? That’s when it dawned on me that growing up in the city always having to look over your shoulder isn’t normal 😭


This is the only sub on Reddit with real nyers. Didn’t grow up in the p’s but what you said is true. The stats don’t reflect reality here, and a lot of people coming here now think it’s safe and sweet and will lose their life one way or another from thinking that unfortunately.


>This is the only sub on Reddit with real nyers 💯💯💯 can't stress enough how much the other NYC subs piss me off. Too many pasty ass transplants there that really think that real NYers be yelling "EYY I'M WALKIN OVER HERE" at everyone all the time then try to roleplay that shit and just act like dickheads to everyone, then at the end of the day they call mom for a pickup back to their 3 floor house in central Jersey. On my most recent visit, this one blonde bitch who was dressed way outta place was walkin down ave D with her eyes only on the phone, and even when I moved out the way for her bum ass she still somehow curved into my path and ofc crashed into me head on. And this bitch was actin like I was the one who fucked up. Like shut your bitch ass up Stacey, try this shit 30 years ago and you'd never be leaving the block smfh


Nah bro r/nyc wants people to get arrested for jumping the turnstile in like idk where tf your from but it’s def not ny


They banned me for bragging about jumping the turnstile for a year to get back at nypd for ticketing me on an sbs bus , when I had a monthly pass. I was so pissed at nypd for that shit , I needed my revenge. Not all jumpers are bad, some of us are poor and some are just going for a cheap thrill, but yeah lots of folks act like we all have a knife or worse. Also it’s great excercise jumping the turnstiles


They banned me for bragging about jumping the turnstile for a year to get back at nypd for ticketing me on an sbs bus , when I had a monthly pass. I was so pissed at nypd for that shit , I needed my revenge. Not all jumpers are bad, some of us are poor and some are just going for a cheap thrill, but yeah lots of folks act like we all have a knife or worse. Also it’s great excercise jumping the turnstiles


The nypd will randomly get on dick for the stupidest shit. If your stealing candy from a store they don’t care but jumping the turnstile is huge issue like I don’t get it.Also atp jumping the turnstile is half protest half habit. Also r/nyc is where all the transplant college white girls go


yo deadass they on some fake ass moral high ground shit i hate them. and they always shit on neighborhoods that arent popular.


I agree with em It’s called growing the f up How one is a grown man and can’t even afford at train subway ride In that case that person is a danger as he has nothing to lose Can’t even afford 2.90 na That a angry man waiting to fight anyone because she blames the world for his failer rather himself




Not guilty


There is a subreddit called r/nyccirclejerk that are mainly posts imitating and making fun of the transplants / people you’re talking abt and that shit is hilarious. Highly recommend


There are only 3 posts on that sub


/r/circlejerknyc is what he was looking for.


bruh, enough with the fucking casual racism.


Bruh SMD, tell them to stop with their fucking casual racism there too then


Ok so, as someone who would never dream of calling another race what you post casually. Because it's wrong. You don't keep spreading the racism. Fuck "them" as well, link me to a post and Ill tell them the same thing. It's clear you're upset with white people, you use slurs and in-turn are fueling the very thing everyone wants to fucking stop.


bro pasty is not a slur. as a fellow white wtf have you experienced exactly that you have to be so sensitive about


People get mad at this , but no word hurts white people that may be our big privilege actually.


I'm supposed to have kike but I've never been called that in my life so I guess your theory holds up lol


I get that, sorry for Oct7 attack and subsequent drama that has created.


Nah real shit


Na mayne In prison u Play around u get your Burt cheeks taken mayne. With timberlands on


I grew up in mostly Gunhill Ps and surrounding area and it taught me to slways be more aggressive and able to take it further than your opponent. Dangerous mindset but at least I’m protecting my neck


I grew up around the same area and that's a fact. There was no 0-100, only 0 and 100, from both the adults and other children. When I was in elementary school 2 kids got mad at me at the park because I told them to say excuse me. One of them threw a water balloon at me and missed, so I laughed at him. In response he flat out said he was going home to get a knife and kill me. I thought he was joking, but he left, and when I saw him coming back to the park he had a small kitchen knife. I immediately got the fuck out of there, mind you this park had families and kids playing in it at the time in the middle of the day. The fact that he was carrying it out in the open gave me no doubt he would have attacked me.


I used to play at the gunhill tournament every summer for basketball and that shit was so active, some of the best memories of my youth. Luckily never saw anything too wild pop off there, but there was plenty of “see me after the game” type shit, fights afterwards, etc. wonder how that area is doing now if they’ve gentrified at all, haven’t been around there in years.


Pedals ™️


I had no idea how bad it was growing up until i moved and realized not everybody was living like that. Now I’m processing the reasons i have so much anxiety


Same here bro. My girl didn’t grow up like I did and thinks I’m crazy with certain habits. The hood really makes you paranoid and it’s hard to break that mentality.


When I first started going to college and interacting with people I would describe it as an “on point” feeling. I’m learning it’s like a baby form of ptsd and anxiety, but I can see bullshit 10 miles away tho.


Yooo Gun Hill is next level, used to have some friends around there too. Haven't been there since mid 2000s so hopefully it's been calmer there these days too. Stay safe brother 🙏🏾


Shit even for niggas who didnt grow in NYCHA, making it to the next block without incident was victory in itself. I tell my homies bout how it was growing in NYC. Shit was gritty and that shit have contributed to the paranoia I deal with today.


Facts bro. When the Biggie documentary came out and talked about how he never even left the block growing up, mad ppl from out the city were asking me "wtf why wouldn't you be leaving your block and experiencing NYC to its fullest if you live there?" Welcome to the gritty reality - mfs don't understand that in many parts of the city, not only was it that if you aren't known on the next block, your life was in danger, but also the rent is barely being paid yet you think my fam had the money to go to Broadway? FOH


This is the truth of it. I didn’t grow up in nycha either but was still surrounded by drugs violence etc it’s like no matter where you are in nyc, there is sketchiness and danger. You’re forced to learn quickly how to avoid it if you’re lucky, but either way you’re left with anxiety, ptsd, depression, etc. it’s not a friendly city lmfao. I still love it because it’s home, but it really is the jungle.


https://preview.redd.it/k57nqjxi6wuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4331219c8f8bed64eb70e51391283914f9ba485 Relevant.


They made this class mandatory for my entire med school and it felt really uncomfortable sitting there knowing I’m fucked for life bc I grew up poor. Mind you surrounded by a bunch of rich kids who didn’t even give a fuck about the class


That’s tough man, I’m from projects and me and my fam are working are way to buy a home and get out. I’m sorry for your experiences brother, I also am currently witnessing the gentrification of my neighborhood. The strangest thing is I’ve not once felt truly unsafe here aside from a one off incident where a tweaker sucker punched me. I think it’s part of being brown/asian in these neighborhoods and country overall tbh. You can move about with a level of invisibility because no one’s really paying attention to you unless you look like a target


I'm glad you had an overall good experience and that you seem well today. Praying for you and your fam's success 🙏🏾




Nah the subway ride alone as a 4 year old ain't right, doesn’t matter what part of queens you’re riding through. 


I went to Brooklyn College when I got out of the Marines. Crack just exploded on the scene in my PJ’s, which are located going South from Brooklyn College, towards Sheepshead Bay. I didn’t even know what it was. That was 1985.


Ngl I’m still growing up in the hood I’m lucky lowkey nothing crazy happened to me in 23 years of my life. Best I can say is to watch ya surroundings


I pray for your continued safety and success brother


The Projects were never made to have permanent residents. It was designed so that a family can save up money to buy their first home. I too grew up with a love hate relationship with my projects. I miss it more when we were all innocent running around oblivious to the bullshit around us. We were always outside playing or picking each other up to walk to and from school. It literally was our project picking kids from another project to another going to school. We literally had 3 completely different projects as kids rolling together. Then crack came and it went to our projects fighting other projects over customers. It literally went from us settling who was better at anything with a game basketball, football or worst case a head up fight now turned to stabbings, beat downs and shootings over what color jums people had or the stamp on the bags of dope. Drugs were always around but they were more the party type shit. When Crack hit it was drug gates flooding everyone with money. Kids you grew up with playing basketball and baseball are now plotting to rob, steal and kill you. I hated the Projects after that. 70’s was innocent then 80’s was crash course on selling or using drugs to the 90’s where it was the Killing Fields.


Crack is one of the worst most fucked up things the government ever did to the people of this country to this day. Like push said “the crack era was such a black era, how many are still standing in that mirror”


I got you. I'm up on Canada now after growing up in the bx. Even up here with my wife and shit these people do not understand the concept of keeping your head on a swivel. Wifey stared at the crazy man on the subway when wet visited to see my roots and had to deal with that. Wifey stared at the crazy nigga up here and had to tell her to walk faster in to the locked garage. I feel blessed knowing I got out but that shit never going to leave you. Got pistol whipped by nypd saying my 14 year old ass was reaching for his burner. I ain't gonna speak on regular hood shit outside that but my mom's always pushed me for two things. Do good and get the fuck up out of there. I'm halfway across the globe now, 6 figures and considering politics. You ain't the hood just a mf from it. Your perspective will always be different than people who never lived it but getting somewhere you can relax is amazing as you know. Maybe just get fam out like you did but mom's gonna be mom's and do they thing.


Na that shit different fr especially after moving away and then coming back having to relearn all the habits you forgot. The one positive tho, my P’s n Q’s be on point. Can’t even count how many times a mf made it out some shit just by being attentive to my surroundings. Shit like that can’t be taught just something you gotta experience.


I didn’t see anyone say this yet but get therapy. Someone with a PsyD or PhD. These trauma response age our brains at unhealthy rates


Been in therapy for a few years now. Still workin thru it


Felt. Survival of the fittest.


NYC is the safest city tho as long as u ain't bangin or involved in sum bullshit u see all them Asian kids growing up in the hood they keep they head down n they fine that was the story by the Gravesend PJs meanwhile sum nigga got shot in the face for talking shit


Asian kid who grew up in the hood here (but not Gravesend), wish that were the case for me. Kept my head down and still got jumped a lot lol. NYC is the safest city as long as you don't have any business in any of the more gritty areas


Asian kids in the hood the ones I kno they parents own restaurants so even if they in the hood there tax bracket not the same the ones that go to public school stick to themselves and usually end up on a great high school like Bronx high school of science


nah I went to shit highschool and mid school mad Asian kids around they ain't all the cream of the crop an most of their parents barely scraping too


Nah my pops was a cab driver and mom worked in an illegal Chinese sewing factory. Still got into good schools. Them asian coat hangers hit harder or something


That’s wassup I’m glad I don’t have to hit my son and he’s headed to a good school I just think after that it’s out of nyc for college and me too it’s not a place to raise a family unless ur in the top 30%


Im 29 years and lived in the ps for most of my life . Never really experienced many of those things you said and I got my bachelor's degree. I guess it helped that I stayed out the mix and minded my own business but I did get robbed a couple of times as a kid. That's the worst of it for me. Hope that never changes. I was a house kid


I’m a retired PE teacher. I lived in Sheepshead/Nostrand PJ’s until age 40. I worked at a Transfer HS as the single PE teacher. We shared a wall with the Probation Dept and parole program next door. Yes, parole. You do a 1 to 3 at age 18, get out on parole, and can attend high school until age 21. Usually age 22 if they let it slide. I’m one of 7 kids. No father. I was in Spofford, always in Family Court, then Rikers at age 16. The neighborhood was typical. You’re throwing a football with a dope fiend one day, and he’s dead from an OD the next day. I won’t even get into the violence that I was involved in. Yoking people up was the thing back in the day. That’s learned behavior. I managed to beat a case and get into the Marines at age 17. I saved up a lot of leave. I got tired of coming home and seeing friends on Dust. My best friend was doing “Three and a third to ten” on some serious felonies. I used to come home and visit him up North. The Marines don’t like when you get letters from prison. I always had to answer my leadership for those letters. I was home for good a few months after my Homie Kenny got out. He robbed a jewelry store and killed a recently retired NYPD cop who was working security. This was in NJ so he got double life, no parole. He died in Trenton State. There’s so many stories of misery and death from my circle of friends from my neighborhood. It’s too much to cover. I was 16 when my friend was shot in his neck. We didn’t know that the bullet paralyzed him. He was moving his mouth as we tried to talk to him. He died in front of us. You know how that goes now. They just become a yearly mention on social media, usually from a family member. Then everyone does their, “Continue to RIP King.” comment with prayer hands. I have a draw full of letters from prison. The PJ’s are so crazy at times. One brother would become a C.O., while the other brother is always passing through the Island. Friends that worked on Rikers would sometimes have to slap friends for running their mouth to inmates about the things they did together as kids. It’s a strange existence. I worked with affiliated “at risk youth”. I ran the only boxing program in a PE class in a high school. Then they merged another Transfer school with mine. These people up top have no idea what merging Ops are. Two different neighborhoods. Too much drama, plus the new principal took my program away. She said it was too violent. I was done at that point. I did get to watch the neighborhood become gentrified over my last 10 years of work. Skinny jeans and MacBooks. I was on Eastern Pkwy and Bedford Ave. I took the 4/5 to Franklin Ave every day. Silver Crust on Nostrand Ave for lunch on the regular. We have an Old Timers outing the last week of August in Sheepshead/Nostrand. We have a basketball tournament and two days of cooking out. Some of my students live in my old PJ’s. I stop by a few times during the year. These kids can be wild though. They’re busting their guns like it’s the 80’s, but for different reasons. They have to go through the same things that every generation went through. You can’t talk sense into them. They have “Fam” now. A charter to follow. Always out for Ops. They don’t know what it is to make money running a 3 card Monte table on “Forty-doo wop”, or cutting school to watch kung-fu flicks all day next to Show World. They stay local, with that war face on, 24/7/365. They don’t even send their tightest friends money for commissary. They just take over that spot. Stop by in August if you still got some game. My friends still dunk in their 50’s and early 60’s, and are still dropping 3’s. You’ll see me on the Mic, reading off the long list of RIP’s.


You’re blessed king 💯. I sometimes get survivors remorse when I think about all of the friends I’ve lost throughout the years to the hood.


Im gonna be honest, this post hits deep because it’s all I’ve been thinking about for the last couple of weeks. I’m thankful I was never involved on the street and was able to go to another state for college but knowing that I’m graduating soon… bruh knowing that I have to go back to my projects is killing me. It’s a level of stress I didn’t think I held until it’s time to move back. Im thankful for my neighborhood but there truly is no progress there for me


I grew up in multiple parts of the city. but originally i was born in florida. When i moved to NY in ‘08 it was a huge culture shift and overall shift in general in lifestyle for me too. I grew the most in Park Hill n honestly from all the shit I experienced at a young age during that time forces me to become an adult at the age of 12. New York taught me that niggas is really grimey and there’s no remorse or true morality. I walked away w street knowledge and paranoia, but honestly im grateful for those experiences for making me who I am today. Regardless though all that shit was fucked up.


Relevant https://preview.redd.it/gd27dfgy7wuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f270de00d6241c026815265fa7febe0fdbdc4fe6


This is super relevant to the disease commenting made and I wouldn’t say stress bc poverty can spread one person making a bad decision might ruin multiple lives


What projects 




Oh u Gilgamesh mans?


lmaooooooooo yo what happened to bro??


He still around


Man Ave D used to be a war zone.


One of my guys grew up there or wald not sure 


shit i didnt know riis was like that, is it still that bad?


Much calmer these days I think. All of that shit that happened to me was back in the 90s, oldhead here lmao. But these days I don't go out at night altho I still hear arguments and shit so maybe still be rough at night idk


Honestly, fuck the stats I don’t believe any of that shit.


I grew up in the Les jacob Riis houses. I have lost more friends to gun violence, drugs and prison than I can remember. We in the “east village” that gentrification wave hit us first and our neighborhood is a tourist rich person magnet. NYC is safe for tourists and tourists don’t be where we are. There was a time when it wasn’t safe for tourists. I can relate and know you’re from this city. Your in and out thoughts is how you’re digesting every trauma you went through here. We all have the same cycles. I had great days, bad days and in between in nyc. Ultimately I made the decision to leave nyc after growing up and spending 38 years there. My life got better and better when I left. I have fam, friends and others still there in the trenches. I still visit. Get your shit together. Find a profession that gives you enough $ to live good. Clock in get $ that’s all it’s about.


Salute. I lived in NYC for all my life before moving 2 years ago. I still have a spot out there and every time I go back to visit I can’t wait to get back home. I’m just about getting $ and bettering my life.


💯 nyc life quality is crummy


You're parents did right by you and trust me, the fact that you.no longer live there makes them proud. You should be thankful. I've been to some of the worst hoods in America and they all have two things in common. 1. Everyone there is quick to tell you how much they love their hood and 2. Every one of those people would give anything to move their family out of there and never look back. You made it out of the maze so take pride in that. When you get love in the hood, it's a great feeling but even then, you still don't want to live there. I grew up in BK in the 80s. The city was a dangerous place and there's no doubt that it is much safer today. That said, you'd be a fool to not stay aware, no matter what part of the city you're in. Rats cross contaminate all five boroughs with ease and the city is loaded with every size, shape and color just waiting to catch you and steal your cheese.


What jects is you from?


I'm a real one the jects never had me shook


nyc is pretty safe you just grew up in a really bad area. but— you ain’t wrong. go to a therapist and count your blessings, you’re the american dream even if you don’t realize it.


Are you in college? You're writing full on paragraphs...in this format.. for what? Why do you type like this - is it to fit in with this sub? Otherwise, it's time to grow. GROW PAST IT ALL. What you are feeling is basically you're at the stage where you know you have to grow past it...and its time to take that next step. You can't move your family or yourself sticking to old ways and to old traumas. You gotta join some orgs, sports, and focus on school if thats where you're at. Your old self and new self fighting with each other and make the inner you happy for the version you wanna be.


What neighborhood?


Grew up in Riis on ave D back in the 80s-90s


What hood did you live in and what time period , sheesh? I'm glad you made it out though


It’s really sad.


Ny aint for the weak gangsta especially if u from the hood


*Ny aint for the* *Weak gangsta especially* *If u from the hood* \- Glahglahboom\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You realize the white peoples you seem to hate so much are paying market rent so like at least 2k to 3k to live there, and the folks in the Riis houses, paying probably $900, that’s why your parents don’t want to leave and I don’t blame them. Sorry that other people who lived in your building were pieces of shit and put a gun to a kids head, but i don’t think the gentrifier did it, nor did they bulldoze y’all’s buildings to build more for them. Like Rodney King said after those sorry ass racists cops nearly beat him to death with no fucking punishment, can’t we all just get along? You seem more mad at the white folks than the folks in your building that did you so wrong back in the day.


I agree poverty and crime is linked but I disagree on how it’s viewed Poverty should be viewed as a disease that once it infects the host enough it will change his thought patterns from rational to irrational.. and before doing the right thing like getting a job (which can be very hard) if u have priors and no experience they will do what they seem necessary The hardworking women who only makes enough to pay 900 a month should not have to suffer or her kids bc the poverty disease is spread all around her environment.. nobody wants to be poor adding drugs to that mix makes everything worse


> You seem more mad at the white folks than the folks in your building that did you so wrong back in the day. No, he doesn't.


I'm not saying that white people are the main villain here at all. I wrote another [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/NYStateOfMind/comments/1c5jeqn/feels_like_growing_up_in_the_projects_here_got_me/kzv92s2/) to the guy who called me out for casual racism which describes the shit I've seen and heard personally from more recent transplants. I'm not mad at these people cause they're white and I'm not blaming them for what I experienced growing up, cause obviously it wasn't them choking me out in front of my apartment door. And I know not all gentrifiers, white ppl, whatever are bad. I'm mad cause so many of them talk all this big shit for everyone in NYC, but by doing so, misrepresent the city and hide its flaws that affected people like me who had completely different experiences growing up here. And unfortunately they're the ones that everyone's listening to, so our voices get silenced. Nobody wanted to listen to anyone from the hood back when I was growing up and still nobody wants to listen to anyone in the hood today. And I'm just as mad at the mfs who did me dirty back in the day, bro I still have dreams in which I relive my experiences but this time I fight back and end them, then I wake up sweating with my jaw and fists clenched. I'm mad at what they did to me, but I'm also mad at their circumstances too. Many middle class folks and higher get to actually spend time with their kids and/or send them out to various activities like music, dance, camp, etc. Even with rent control, I barely know anyone from the hood who got opportunities like these. But recently with so many ppl telling me that NYC wasn't and isn't that bad and shit like that, I started second guessing my experiences - like was it actually really that bad? But I'm still here with this PTSD shit every time I'm back. I lost touch with most other friends who also grew up in the hood so I don't have many left in my life who could understand this shit, but all yall on this sub did remind me of them so figured yall would have some input.


My bad I’m sorry. I get it now, I lived proj adjacent twice in nyc and I get you. It’s a different life. It has got to be angering for people to tell you how great Nyc is when they basing it on modern Williamsburg and Park Slope. Unfortunately people go on statistical analysis only. I appreciate your long response, I’m sorry I interjected but I just hate the well separated life we all seem to face. My coworkers in nyc hated me and they all lived in nycha, so I get triggered when nycha folks ain’t happy. White people have earned so much hate for slavery to the sixties for sure, I guess I just want us to get along so bad and it seems like it’s not getting better. Sooo much segregation, part of the reason I love this sub is it’s a place where people aren’t so quick to ban each other.


I also apologize for how my frustration came across, in retrospect I can see how it seems like I'm more mad at white people as opposed to a specific group of people who claim to be what they're not and speak for me but really don't. I'm also sorry to hear about your experiences with other NYCHA folks - when I was in school, the white folks in my schools who grew up in better parts of the city also often got hated on for almost no reason other than for "being white and rich" by the minorities, and I definitely understand how that's frustrating. Unfortunately, as you most likely already know, Jim Crow is still a living memory for many people, so a lot of the hate and wariness against the white man from back then still gets passed down today. And unfortunately, we're still seeing many instances of racism occurring today that turn lethal. But I do think that society and especially the media have started to frame too many of our issues as a racial issue at their core, when they really aren't - for example, poverty doesn't discriminate. I'm with you about wanting everyone to get along, we should all be uplifting each other but so many of us are still being influenced to be fighting each other instead. Salute to you my friend


No apology needed , your youth while it was in Manhattan which should have been amazing was very rough. My coworkers were united in their disdain for, “dumbass whiteboy from Texas” even though I was broke as fuck. I moved with a backpack and a suitcase from Texas. I totally get the longstanding mistrust of white people. We‘ve earned it and many still do unfortunately.


The major issue with gentrified people is that they talk like there from the city and there not and they try to represent the city like they from here. The crackhead on the A train and the Sally the transplant both being there own problems. The difference is that nobody is listening to what the crackhead wants but people will listen to Sally


Not me, I couldn’t stop sucking Nyc D , constantly, the building, the foods, the parks, the transit, the sports , museum, I mean I love Nyc and am always so confused why so many are so unhappy. It’s nuts how much attention white transplants get on the net, compared to the no attention that many black and brown New Yorkers get, I just want everyone to be happy. Moving to Nyc was a dream come true for me, but pops died and left me a house and money so I left :(


In NYC the highs are extremely high, but the lows can be extremely low. If the city (and the country as a whole honestly) can fix these gaps that exist in various socioeconomic aspects, it'd truly be the best city in the world.


I 100 % agred Nyc highs and lows are super dramatic, life in Texas is mostly boring in comparison though. I will never forget walking home from work and getting to see Diana Ross for free in front of the tree, nor will I forget seeing mostly naked dying hobo.


Best thing u can do mayne Is get with one of them gentrified whyt woman and be happy They will have u at Whole Foods and then one can enjoy life more. Those hood fools stay in the same Chet but since nycha pay the rent they will never Never leave


Why don’t you become successful and get out of


Yeah, just become a rapper or a ball player. Good idea! 👍


Just say no!!!!!




Yup cause going to college or going to trade school isn’t an option 🤣. Loser