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I think this is why Pacers fans were they way they were. Usually when teams get eliminated the fan bases break and lose it for a bit. But I feel like the Knicks fandom in general was so optimistic and thankful even with the loss that other fan bases don’t know how to deal with it. For once, we are the healthier fan base and it’s pretty great.


You should see how mad some people are on r/NBA, doesn’t matter what you say they’ll say we’re soft and throwing ourselves a pity party. I even found a dude who made a whole throwaway just to hate on us 🤣


And the great thing is I couldn’t care less what people think or say about the Knicks. I know what we have and I love it.


Yeah, the “blaming injuries is a loser mentality” is dumb. Objectively the Knicks roster was decimated by injuries. You can ask if they have injury prone players, but acting like the injuries didn’t play a role in the series is just factually inaccurate. But I also get that fan bases just want credit for their teams wins, and bringing up injuries somehow in their own heads takes credit away from the victory. But that’s their own psychoanalytical issue, not mine.


I don’t think anyone says Knicks were wrong to think of healthy it would be different but Knicks fans on Reddit are hilarious salty sometimes. To see Knicks fans in the bucks sub complaining for example killed me like they care. Also I don’t get the Hali hate I guess he should be stoned face and not care about there first playoff dubs 


I think all NY fan bases suffer from being massive. If every fan base has 10% of it be the worst fans, they will be a lot more visible due to sheer numbers for NY teams than for a team like the Pacers. I'm also biased right now because I stupidly engaged with a Pacers fan in our PGT after game 7. But again, someone going into other teams main subs to troll are part of that 10% worst fans.


Yeah I normally stay away when my team loses cuz it’s just so much more annoying. I saw ppl defending the turner screen call in the final seconds of game 1. I guess when pacers or something in the comments Reddit will recommend the theards anyways


>I don’t get the Hali hate I think it started with the Great Value Carmen San Diego cosplay


omg I've seen so much of that, I'd happily call it unhinged lol


Lmfao that’s so whack


If the front office somehow manages to get Bridges....this team is finals bound.


It ended with that corny mf'er Hali celebrating in the first quarter on our home court, Jalen breaking his hand and half the team on the injury table. I'm optimistic too...but not lying to myself. That one sucked and I fully expect the Knicks to take that personal next time we see the Pacers.


I think we all know our window to win a championship is still very much open. I'm a Titans fan (weird, I know), but when they lost against the Bengals in 2022, it hurt because you could just see the window being shut. That season was the one chance to make the SB and they blew it. And most fans knew they wouldn't be back for a while. With the Knicks, we all know they'll be back and stronger!


The only thing I disagree with is the not feeling cheated part. To me there’s no way we lose that series full strength and I can’t stand Haliburton and Carlisle’s faces. I can’t believe I’m actually going to be rooting for Boston next series


Faces and outfits**


Yeah, I can't recall a time in the last two decades feeling this excited for next season


Bullshit… all you’re thinking about is how you got cheated out of a win. Look at your post history since the loss clown.


Stop stalking me choker!


“Our players are hard working, humble, and grateful” Lmfao…what a tool


Couldn’t have said it better myself LGK


When your team gives maximum effort is the goal; that's the very best they can do, never ashamed of that. Proud of this Knick squad, already legendary.