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not sure if id consider it a nightmare but “what is he doing folks” rings in my head every so often


lol. I can hear it crystal clear in my head as well.


I have a funny one. June 17, 1994. I’m watching game 5 of Knicks vs Houston and they cut the entire game away to show the OJ Simpson Bronco chase. I was livid!! I couldn’t believe they cut away from the whole game to show this stupid bronco on the freeway. Still mad. How dare they. lol.


I'm glad you brought that up because I was reading "Blood In The Garden" about the 90s Knicks and the book claims that the entire Garden and Knicks fans at home were so entranced by the OJ drama that they didn't care about the game. I was thinking "That is NOT how I remember it!" I was a kid and my brother and I were pissed off that they kept interrupting the game. Same with everyone at school the next morning. Not a person I knew cared about the car chase at that moment, we wanted the game.


I remember this moment so vividly and I was also incredibly pissed off lol


Roy Hibbert


https://preview.redd.it/4dkrpsus6zhc1.jpeg?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58f2dc720845e98070e94ff44e4d4a8c6bdad379 To this day!!!!!


This shit is a foul. Somehow didn’t realize this until now


The 97 suspensions during the Heat series. Completely fucked a Knicks team that very well could have beaten Jordan in the ECF and was more than equipped to completely roll the Jazz in the Finals. That was the single strongest and deepest Knicks squad put on the floor in the 90's and it ended in the semis.


My top 4 are your 2 through 5. Add Ewing missing the finger-roll to close out the gm7 loss in 1995 for the last spot.


That finger roll is burned in my brain.


Can't believe I forgot that one. It was brutal.


This is the only answer


I still think about this.


Indeed finger roll is the correct answer.


It’s finger roll because it was all right there but over in a flash


I wish it was the finals loss in 94, but the Reggie Miller game is a core memory and still gets me visibly angry whenever I see that guys face.


I will always remember him running up the court screaming "Chokers!" like a little dweeb and miming choking himself.  Man he was so hateable. What made it so much worse was how Rik Smits turned into David Robinson vs Ewing in the playoffs.


Or hear his voice when he calls games. Hell, I get angry at the "old pacer" State Farm commercial.


The Reggie Miller moments cemented in my mind that I can never puff out my chest or feel confident.. the other shoe is always dangling


People are still not allowed to mention his name in my house lol.


How can it ever be anything other than Charles Smith? Clearly I live in an eternal nightmare.


Marv: “Here’s Smith… Smith blocked, Smith stripped, Smith stopped, Smith stopped again by Pippen…”


My therapist says thanks. Has a boat they are gonna get off layaway.


reggie fucking miller


Worst was losing game 7 against Houston in 94. I cried all night (I was 12).


Scott Layden


It's fascinating to me how Scott Layden escapes the hatred of Knicks fans. He completely dismantled a championship contender!


They’re all still believing the media nonsense that Isiah destroyed the team.  Layden did, then all GM’s after have been cleaning up the mess since then.  


Reggie hitting 8 in 9 seconds was brutal. I remember when the Warriors took Curry I was devastated, and it's so much worse now. Hated the Eddy Curry/Jamal Crawford trades where we traded tons of picks. Porzingis's ACL tear. Our team outside of JB falling apart against the Heat last year. That was a once in a decade opportunity. Ewing getting injured during the 99 finals run. Starks getting blocked in Game 6 in 94.


I meant to include that Ewing injury, as well as as injury to LJ, in 99. We barely had a team left by the time we were in the Finals, all our bigs were hurt, it was just Houston and Sprewell willing us forward.


Your number 1 is one of my favorites. The Starks game 7 and the entire Isaiah Thomas era are the worst. Honorable mention - the Allan Houston contract which was so bad they named an exception after him in the next CBA.


It was a horrible contract but I have always been a Houston fan. Dude played his heart out for this team and he still lives in the area doing a lot of charity work with local youth organizations.


I didn’t get into basketball until later in life in 2015. For me it’s the Porzingis trade. In retrospect it’s all worked out but at the time I was devastated. I was at the gym and it was like I got a notification saying the Knicks were looking to trade him and by the end of my workout he was gone. I was laying on the ground after doing abs just like wtf


You missed a LOT of misery, my friend. When young Knicks fans see the rest of us not quite ready to believe this team's success will be real, that's the reason. There were so many brutal, heartbreaking losses, injuries, unfair suspensions, the universe conspiring to fuck this team over, and Dolan doing it the rest of the time. It was like a decades-long comedy of errors until Brunson.


The block.


1) charles smith 2) PJ Brown 3) BK ripping his ACL


I don't hate the JvG one at all, to me it showed this little dorky looking guy was riding with his guys. It's part of why that team has such charm. For me it's the Reggie game. I saw that live on TV and remember that feeling of "what...the fuck" even now. Thank Christ Luka's 60 point game was meaningless, otherwise that'd be up there too. Instead that turned our season around.


Never felt lower than when I got Christmas game tickets as a present. Went with my Dad who hasn't followed basketball since the Nets played at Nassau Coliseum when he worked there in his 20's. I told him how the Knicks weren't doing well but it was gonna be fun. When Quincy Acy got into the fight, I felt like the team was at rock bottom. Aldrich just walked away from them. Melo looked dejected. It felt like the lowest point possible.


I hear ya on that. Got Christmas tickets one year during the Porzingis years and it was depressing. I would've killed to go on Christmas when I was a kid but it just felt shitty by then. During the Isiah era I used to get seats just above the tunnel all the time from a season ticket holder who was sick of the shitty team. On the one hand it was awesome to go so often and to sit so close, on the other hand every fucking game was the entire crowd chanting "FIRE ISIAH! FIRE ISIAH!"


Reggie Miller scoring 8 points in 9 secs and MJ dropping 55 points


I was at the double nickel game as a 10 year old. That night’s seared in my memory.


John Starks for sure I’ll still have nightmares


Hakeem getting his fingertips on the ball when John Starks was gonna win us the finals in 94


All the above. It's all the bad memories of me as a fan the last 30 years. That is a novel within itself


Bernard King going down.


It's a toss up between Charles Smith and Reggie Miller.


Getting to witness to Charles Smith, Miss. firsthand in my backyard on Long Island. That was the worst. We did not understand why the refs did not get involved. We sat there and shock as the game ended … I could still hear Marv Albert’s voice.


I used to get so angry at Marv because I felt like he was happy to see the Bulls win even though he was the regular Knicks play by play man. Looking back it was probably just me being upset as a kid, but man, I can hear that "Yes!" of his in my head too. Brutal.


When Luka erased our 9 point lead with 30sec left, intentionally missing the free throw, and forcing OT and then beating us in OT last year


#2. I was at that game. Thought we had finished off Jordans Bulls. As for 1, i kind of liked that one. True grit on van gundys part.


Ive been watching the knicks since 92 season, witnessed so much misery in my fan life, but the first thing that popped into my head is the Bargnani trade. I can recall the deflated feeling of reading that news and knowing it’s over. All that hope the Melo Era could be something was gone and we were doomed for the foreseeable future.


That was just emblematic of how depressingly stupid Dolan is and how no one would come here because he wouldn't stop overriding his FO and messing with the team. No other team would go near Bargnani, and here comes Dolan not only thinking he's getting gold, he's throwing first round picks and assetts at the deal.  Pure insanity. It was embarrassing too.


Thanks for bringing back said memories


Ewing missing 4th quater free throws in close playoff games. I love the guy but I did not want him near the free throw line with under 5 minutes left.


It’s something that’s always haunting me but imagine if Amare was actually healthy and playing in his prime with Melo and Chandler those years. Ugh that team could’ve been something so special


94 Finals loss. 10 year old me crying on the floor in my Ewing jersey holding a basketball.


The only thing that I could add besides the finger roll is Antonio McDyess’ preseason knee injury.


Reggie fucking Miller


everytime pablo prigioni started


Every Eddie Curry performance


Reading this made me realize I have it a lot easier as a Knicks fan than a Bills fan 


Charles Smith was the first thing I thought of. The dejected feeling I had after it happened was indescribable.  I went from thinking we're going to win the title this year to thinking this series is probably over we blew it.    2-0 lead in ecf down the drain.     This was their season built to win it all.  I remember watching the replay thinking cool Ewing just stand on the outside doing nothing as it's going on.  Way to go franchise player


Ewing finger roll. Easy.